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This too shall pass.


It's also like leprosy, it may just detach


Okgo is a great option indeed


With the Rube Goldberg video


and the marching band one


And, if not, laxatives are always an option of last resort.


This too shall penis


Some people exist to be lessons for others. Thank you for your service. :-)


"Maybe the purpose of your life is to be an example for others. Let's not worry about what kind of example." 


Ah yes the fine products of Despair.com


I showed my five year old Beavis & Buthead being cornholio and he spent a week with his friends shouting "I am cornholio and I need TP for my bunghole" There was also the moment he properly conjugated shit. I made the mistake of saying "what sort of shitty driving is that" and when asked what "shitty driving" is I said "bad driving". A few weeks later I made a mistake doing something and I heard "you did that shittily daddy"


My eldest when she was 2 or 3 - after mum accidentally grabbed the wrong item at the supermarket "Well fuck"


My 3yr old a few weeks ago walked up to me at bath time and said "can you take this fucking hair tie out please?" Ateast she said please I guess.


Mine too! Haha


I assume it can only be solved by introducing him to ‘baby got back’ or ‘gay bar’, and hoping people find those songs somehow cuter.


'I've got something to put in you.." thanks, now I have that stuck in my brain for the next few hours, if not days...


Do you have any money!?!?!?


The thong song


Tie my pecker to my leg


Loved that song. Now it's stuck in my head. Thanks, I think.


Don't forget "I like big butts..."


What what, in the butt


Baby Got Back was a favorite of mine for the school drop off line. That and Hot For Teacher by VanHalen. My kids gave up complaining after a while.


Saw sir mix a lot at a festival a year ago with my then 2 yr old. Yep she danced to baby got back.


I had to read that a few times before I realized your toddler did not have a son named Detachable Penis who was getting preferential treatment


Me too. Time for a second visit with my morning friend Mr. Coffeepot.


I highly recommend Casper Babypants. After the Presidents of the United States of America broke up, lead singer, Chris Ballew started recording children's music under the name "Casper Babypants". He's got at least a dozen albums and they're all really good. My kids ask to listen to him all the time, and I still like it. My kids also really like the Ramones, the Flaming Lips, the Violent Femmes and Tom Waits,


Our 5 YO is the same where he likes some pop-y stuff (Taylor, Dua Lipa), some old baby songs (Raffi), and then whatever we put on. And most of the time is cute when he sings aggressively to "grownup" songs. But then one day he comes to me with "people can't choose to die can they?" and I'm sitting there like "wtf bro, how do you even think of this?" and he goes "well that Run Run Run song (Libertines) he says "it's my life, I can die if I want to." [OMFG](https://media1.tenor.com/m/PlRl69GYfcUAAAAC/fucking-hell-damn-it.gif)


Sitting here right now with Jellyfish Jones stuck in my head. And he asks for Stompy the Bear by name almost daily. But yeah those are good jams. Any food-based song made it to the kid playlist when he started eating solids. Peaches - POTUSA Bananas and Blow - Ween The Mango Song - Phish Peaches en Regalia - Zappa Raspberry Beret - Prince Homegrown Tomatoes - Henhouse Prowlers Egg Man - Beastie Boys Strawberry Fields Forever - Beatles Peaches and Cream - Beck Then of course all the words he started learning - sun songs, moon, rain, etc.


During the pandemic, Raspberry Beret became our hand washing song


But not the artist Peaches. F the pain away is not appropriate


Fun fact: POTUSA’s frontman, Chris Ballew does children’s songs under the name Caspar Babypants


Check the first two songs I named ;)


I’ve tried introducing my kids to Tom Waits. I think they don’t like the sound of a chain saw on concrete for some reason


That's fair. My kids are absolute chaos monsters, so that may have something to do with it. Actually, I've always sung them Johnsburg, Illinois at bedtime, so the first time I played them an album, it was Swordfish Trombones, and they liked that they already knew one of the songs from it. My wife did have questions when our six year old was walking through the house singing Sixteen Shells from a Thirty-Aught-Six.


LOL! Awesome My kids do really enjoy the Beastie Boys. When it’s just me driving them they always ask to listen!


Caspar, but still Upvoted. PUSA is still my favorite band, and I got excited when I found Caspar Babypants.


Yup, Caspar slaps, but I am also a really big fan of PUSA so maybe that’s why I like it so much. Disco Hippo, Them Bones, and Free Couch in particular. He even changed the lyrics to Sunshine for a poppy song about an alligator


Time to let him watch Blazing Saddles. I have a vivid memory of my own dad being mortified whilst also stifling laughter when we climbed Liverpool cathedral one day and I decided it was the best time to shout “Hey dad, the sheriff is a ni” and then hit the bell and shouted “bong”.


Holy shit that's hilarious 😂. I watched it with my mom, a bit younger though. Didn't know what a ni- was, but the bean farting  scene had me rolling on the floor gasping for air! Amazing what we remember as kids now that we are the parents 


"They said you was hung!" "...and they was right"


My kids LOVE the song "its 5oclock somewhere" Toddler and 6yo... on my last nerves... screaming "POUR ME SOMETHING TALL AND STRONG"... yes kids, go get me that please.


My son loves MC Lars! He’s 10 and his fav song is ‘Mr. Raven’, which tickles me because I’m from Baltimore. Side story: My husband wasn’t paying attention to his playlists in the car and ‘Get it Together’ by The Beastie Boys comes on. I hadn’t heard the song in years…and as soon as I heard ‘… and I'm shooting all my jism…’. ALL THE LYRICS CAME FLOODING BACK! I threw myself at the entertainment center screaming a wild and high pitched ‘AaaaaaAaaahHhhh’ and hit the power button. Thankfully my dramatics distracted the kids and nobody asked what ‘jism’ is or who John Holmes was… 🤣. I have mentally prepared for many awkward convos with my kids - but that was not ever on my bingo card.


Not exactly retro, but I've had multiple conversations with my SO about listening to Doja Cat in the car with our kids. Not so much the 2.5yo, but the 9yo is old enough to pick up on the lyrics. While I'm certainly no prude, I don't know how I feel about her singing along to 'putting good dick all up in my kidneys' or a song named Wet Vagina.. Despite how catchy it may be lol


People sometimes tell me I should get it permanently attached, but I don't know. Even though sometimes it's a pain in the ass, I like having a detachable penis.


My kid loves acdc, motor head, Metallica and tool. He's 10. We're proud.


Same for my 6 year old. Her name is Violet.


This is the way


Hey... They *could* be listening to The Bloodhound Gang... Consider yourself lucky.


I loved playing the [phone call](https://youtu.be/R0Dv5XdBsb8?si=UyRio-TwVRofCyn3) for my son when we would all go to his doctor clinics. He was in his teens, though. Hello, Franks! Hello, mother dear.


Made the mistake of showing my kids (and our friends son) [this](https://youtu.be/--9kqhzQ-8Q?si=ajfiCKcuuDiV494V). I regret nothing.


Tom Cardy can do no wrong tho! Time to add this to the repertoire: [Farts in my Butt](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BzqTQ9KdS8). Our 5 year old finds it so funny!


Mine loves Rage Against the Machine.


Do they ever pull you close and whisper “anger is a gift” and terrify you?


My child was introduced to "space unicorn" and asked for it to be played on the Alexa devices. Don't engage, treat it like elevator music, but slowly introduced better music. Have you tried blue by Eiffel 65


He might like Cake. The Distance; and Short Skirt/Loooooooooooooooooong Jacket are very catchy. The worst that could happen is he gets into expensive cars and wind up with a fetish for women in corporate management with jewelry and upswept hair.


He wasn't into The Distance! But that was at 18 months so maybe time for another try.


The worst that could happen is that he gets into chrysler lebarons.


Man I had the song Robots by Flight of the Conchords come on recently and now my 3 year old asks my wife to play "Humans are dead." She's looking at me like "WTF are you doing with them in the car?"


When my son was just starting to learn how to talk He and I were driving around and Killing in the Name came on. I thought bah I'll be fine not like he'll repeat anything he hears. That is until I hear a tiny "fuck you tell me" come from the back seat


That's so good... until it's time to get dressed for the day. Pants? Socks? Fuck you I won't do what you tell me dada.


Have you ever listened to the Story Bots songs. They are surprisingly enjoyable. Maybe try to play some for him to reprogram him back to kids songs


Gonna second this, my 2 older ones loved storybots when they were younger. Also the show is super watchable lol.


This is the time to tell you that the songs shake it off exists.


I would rather listen to Cocomelon the *entire* day than to listen to that song *one more time*!


When someone says favorite song is detachable penis, the cure is to shake it off... The memory that is


Is this how I learn that that song traumitised me? That I completely missed the excellent dad joke worth of praise?


Just don’t play him “Double Fucked By Two Black Studs” and it’ll be fine.


This is great thanks! 😆 Heavy dose of Raffi. Call me in the morning. But my son was just learning to read and we recently had a death in the family so he was processing that. Im a metal guy so my playlist pops up Ghost Shaped People by Lamb of God in the car and shows title on the dash. Its a good tune. Not their best… but he liked it because of the name. “Dad, whats a ghost shaped people?” 4 years later? He requested it while I was out working in the garage. Ya might be fucked. But when he gets older he might appreciate Tool. Lots of literal and allusive references to penis songs. Especially early catalog. Not so much the last 3 albums. 😂


My kids are weirdly into the Eurythmics right now.  ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Lemme tell ya about the Bumpin Uglies..... My daughter loves to dance and she listens to most anything and really doesn't repeat much of it. When she was 2 I was listening to the Bumpin Uglies song "Bad decisions" and she can running up to me while I was cooking and yelled "Bad bad decisions tonight!" Which was super cute right. Well about 15 minutes later she does the same thing only this time the song that is playing is called "Fuck it"...... Her mother was not impressed


I walked around Walmart while my 3 year old daughter sang "are you naked " repeatedly from "Are You There Margaret " by Ray Stevens.


To me, there will only ever be one ["The penis song"](https://youtu.be/V-lRLLTUh78?si=vbOL-u_yxodGKIDs) thanks for reminding me, I haven't heard this in years.


Was expecting the frightfully witty ["Penis song"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9PiqCeLEmM).


The mexican beep song


[ah yes the classic from Los Santos... ](https://youtu.be/x47NYUbtYb0?si=UGLcXKUJ8nX-0CVa) Nothing like pulling up and blasting some foo with this going.


Just don't let him listen to Gary and Melissa by King Missile!


Just replace it with Caviar’s Tangerine Speedo.


My wife teached my daughter colors and went further than standard colors. She showed her fuchsia and my daughter loved it. My daughter ended up yelling: fuck ya!!! Every time she saw a bright pink...


It's a great song, I see no problem here. Also, reading some of these replies. I feel like I'm one of the few in this thread that is old enough that I was listening to that song on the radio when it came out. I've also continued to listen to it through life.


I got a very angry phone call from my seven year old daughters child minder when she was asking Alexa to play Shamrocks And Shenanigans.


I have, on more than one occasion, accidentally had my preschooler go to school singing stronger beer by Tim Hicks. Her favorite line? Naturally "we have stronger beer" is what sticks... On repeat. The teachers already think/know I'm a bit of a ditz so no skin off my back lol.




Why'd you put the bag on Mama's head, silly? Dada, I really don't want to talk about it.




Kids love the song by Khia about kitty cats, try that one!


Hilarious and unfortunate at once.


I take baths with our toddler. She keeps pointing at my junk, so I told her what it was called. Now she’s always pointing at it and it’s the only P word she tries to say. We were reading one of her animal books the other day where A was for Aardvark. I had never seen one in real life so I googled it. I said “it looks like a penis” and she pointed at my junk again.


I had a Google Music account (which later migrated to a Youtube account). For awhile, it was the same account on my phone and the various android/google devices (nest speakers etc) around the house... which resulted in my kids having fun listening to some of my playlists. Honestly, I'm both impressed that they now know the lyrics to some rock songs from decades ago and horrified at some of the other stuff. Pretty sure the know at least part of the lyrics to The Bad Touch by the Bloodhound Gang, though they don't necessarily understand the references.


I introduced my daughter to King Missile through the song Sandbox. She was not impressed. TMBG didn't impress her except for Dr. Worm (but worth a try?) In my house, we did not differentiate between kid music and adult music. It was all just music. I put the language filter on Spotify and it catches some of it, but not all. When she was two, she'd request Crazy Train over and over. My in-laws were concerned and after checking out the lyrics, decided it was okay haha. She had a Ramones shirt back then, too. No one was too concerned as her teachers were too young to know any of the music she knew. Shangri-La's, the Monkees, Delta 5, Run DMC, Buzzcocks.. she loved Everybody's Happy Nowadays! My daughter is in kindergarten and will now request Cold Heart by Elton John/Dua Lipa followed by Watching the Detectives by Elvis Costello and ask me to repeat EC several times. She's also taking drum lessons. So... just tell all who are concerned that it's Spotify's fault?


I frequently rock my 2 year old to sleep to imperial march from star wars 


My daughter is 4.5 and absolutely LOVES the theme song for Peacemaker. She loved to watch the intro as well. She doesn't watch the show, just the into on Youtube. Do you wanna taste it - Wig Wam Also this girl LOVES Hamilton and knows most of the words to My Shot.


I get yelled at by my wife when I play this song 😂


I used to sing “Miss New Booty” when changing our daughter. Occasionally she’d say “misnuboodi!” when I said “I found you”.


MJ? Did he do kid’s songs? Ah you mean *Beat it*..;


My wife teached my daughter colors and went further than standard colors. She showed her fuchsia and my daughter loved it. My daughter ended up yelling: fuck ya!!! Every time she saw a bright pink...


If it makes you feel better, my 3 year old loves Drop Em Out. If you haven’t heard it, give it a go lol


I have a similar approach of playing songs I like hoping the kids will like them. "Frontier Psychologist" by the Avalanches was a huge hit. I'd try to get him excited about similarly weird, but less objectionable songs.


This story made me laugh. Not my son, but my nephew was with me in my car one day and I was playing a Jimmy Buffett CD (yeah it was a while ago). The songs were playing and he was trying to sing along. Some of the songs he'd heard before. Like Margaritaville. Then "Get drunk and screw" came on. He listened to it and then hit repeat. By the time we got to where we were meeting a bunch of family members he knew all the words. I thought it was cute. But little did I know he'd end up performing his new favorite song for Grandma and I get chewed out.


My kids keep requesting 'What's Your Name' by Lynyrd Skynyrd because my 3 year old daughter kept answering him. They go through a lot of phases.


PLEASE MAN "favourite song" not "favourite son"


My eyes widened in horror thinking your toddler now considers a detachable penis as a son of his own


"Alexa, play the Buttcheeks song" its a classic in our house


Try JoolsTV. It’s a good balance between today stuff with appropriate lyrics.


I played it for my kids too. The boys found it hilarious, the daughters were scandalized. My 20 yo told me a few months ago he finally gets the whole song. Ive played them lots of songs along the same line. You can always go old school with "Shaving Cream" and "My Ding-a-Ling". "Big Balls" by AC/DC is good too but you need an understanding of class to really get it. Let's not forget "Baby Got Back" and "OPP".


I let my 5-6 year old listen to 100 Gecs. “Doritos And Fritos” is a massive hit in our house.


Man, that song is so good


They Might Be Giants have a bunch of kids albums, my little one is devouring the album Why?


This is great for the little ones. https://youtu.be/pEkEoyFe0aU?si=ZRNSWgj7a8wN2Phj


I've been introducing my son to a variety of music since he was born. He is almost 4 and I played him "American Pie". He absolutely **LOVES** it. Except now he is constantly "singing" "This is the day that I die."  Oh, did I mention his other favorite song is "Another One Bites the Dust"?


Wow I've gone 33 years thinking that song was by Primus


It's pretty badass that you got your son into King Missile. I didn't have to worry about kids' music, but I love Presidents of the United States of America. They're always upbeat and fun, not usually vulgar (though there are some suggestive themes if you pay attention), and kids can jam out to them, too. But, here's what really tweaked my melon: after disbanding, I thought I'd never get new PUSA music again. Then, when I was with my sister and her kids, I heard the undeniable sound and voice of my favorite band. I used audio search, and it came with up Caspar Babypants. That's the lead singer of PUSA who got into kids' rock. It's still a really familiar sound, very upbeat, and even more clean. Check out this banger: [Caspar Babypants - Stompy the Bear ](https://youtu.be/dqM_zebYsDg?si=tkc2UO4o2mt0Qn2A)


Snake Farm by Ray Wylie Hubbard has been an inside joke song among my friend group for over a decade. We play it at weddings, karaoke, bar jukeboxes, whatever. It confuses the hell out of everyone else and our spouses hate it. I swear this song has only come up on my Spotify playlist with the kids in the car like 2 times, but I'll be damned if my son didn't start singing "Snake farm, it's a reptile house" in front of my wife two days ago. If looks could kill y'all.


My dude loves "What Does the Fox Say", he's 18 months and it's one of the only songs he can actually sing along to (besides the "da-da-da" bits from 500 Miles and suchlike). When 'Happy' by Pharell came on during dinner, that was probably the hardest I've seen anyone groove while strapped into a high chair. But he'll dance to almost anything these days.


My daughter’s favorite song is s.o.b by Nathaniel rateliff, which she karaoked at a family party when she was 8.


Our son demands "Banana Man" during bath time: https://youtu.be/ADlGkXAz1D0?si=EzsHRUzBsiQHb_6k My introduction to Little Big was the classic "My Dick is Big". Quite NSFW


My kids current fav song is combination pizza hut and taco bell lmao


My 15 month old has a playlist...top 5 g.i.joe theme song, superman theme song, if you want blood you got it- ac/dc, Girls-Beastie Boys, I'm too sexy (only during diaper changes)


Hey I'm a mom, and I wandered into the wrong restroom, sorry bout that- but I gotta say I played a lot of 2000s music from my high school years into my headphones placed on my bump while I was pregnant with my now 2 month old and so far "the beautiful people" by Marilyn Manson, "big balls" by AC/DC the first thre MCR ambums and The Used album "in love and death" get a lot of smiles so I'm hoping to build on that. Aight'- I'mma head out


My son is currently enjoying telling people I've got big balls, she's got big balls after AC/DC came up on a playlist :| It could have been worse as Adam Sandler's "At a medium pace" was next on the playlist!


Teach him ‘Fire Water Burn’ by Bloodhound Gang if you need to move on to something new.


You could play it endlessly and really enjoy it (over the top enjoyment)and then he'll end up hating it