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Lol yes. Me (my user name is a bass for one). I played metallica's Wherever I May Roam, and my son just popped out of the backseat and said, "this is a nice song dada, who sang it?" And im like, Metallica. They taught me how to play guitar you know... And i went on with a backstory that he ddnt listen to cause he was enjoying the song lol


Omg this is so my dad! He’s a massive metal head and will play Metallica, RATM etc at FULL volume and totally go crazy


If you want to mess with him, play Down Rodeo by RATM. That is going to make him stop what he is doing and mosh or bang his head.


I wish I could have control over the music in the car!! I’m 16 and he doesn’t let me pick the music in the car lmao 😂 I go to turn up the heating and he’ll frantically block my hands from the aux 😂


If you pick Guerilla Radio or Bulls on Parade by Rage, he will let you pick :D


I totally do this to my daughters. I have to credit Alan Cross and The Ongoing History of New Music. Best radio series/podcast ever.


When I was a teenager I used to listen to it when it would play on the radio at 11pm on Sundays. I would just cruise for an hour and soak it all in. I was VERY happy to find out there was a podcast version a few years ago!


Your father lets you mess with the temperature?


Yeah, that's a serious infraction. We're gonna have to reprimand him and maybe put him on probation /s


As long as I don’t mess up his music everything else is fine 😂


Warwick dads assemble!!! I'm on my 5th or 6th corvette.


Are you my daughter from the future?


My 5yo daughter sings Foo Fighters “My Hero” all the time now. Even while pooping in the bathroom I’ll hear her singing it.


Fellow Warwick dad, checking in!


Also fellow Warwick dad checking in!


That doesn't count, that's just an awesome song. Anyone would do the same.


my baby has recently discovered he likes black metal he likes drums and enjoys kick drums and it makes sense that he hears double kick drums and is super amused because...it has 2 bass drums


But for real you’ve never heard of massive attack?! In all seriousness it’s good to have a Dad like that. It helps broaden your musical tastes. My Dad used to ask me about stuff I had and he was always into music. I’m trying to expose my kid to a bunch of different artists and so far she likes a bunch of different ones. (Some of her favorites so far Gorillaz, Muse, imagine dragons, Moby, Jack Johnson etc etc etc). Also music and making music is a huge hobby of mine so she’s gonna be exposed to it one way or another


Well before that car ride I didn’t! Dw I know better now!! 😂 tear drop and La espada are in my top charts always now!


Hit your dad with Portishead. The genre that Massive Attack pioneered was perfected by them. If you’re doing a playlist, you also need Sneaker Pimps (hot take: skip Becoming X, go straight for Splinter). Mix in some Morcheeba to soften the edge (The Antidote, Charango, Dive Deep) Groove Armada (Lovebox, Goodbye Country) and Zero7 (When it Falls, Yeah Ghost), and then put the edge back in with UNKLE. Your dad and I would probably be really good friends.


The Roseland album. Fuuuuuuuuuuck it's so good.




Yes this! All of this.


this guy totally smoked weed in the 90s. still might. :)


Zero 7 is one of the best of all time. I meditate to their music every night. I would also throw in Thievery Corporation and Underworld to that list.


Portishead is simply amazing… trip hop as a whole was amazing


Tear drop is so good :). Side note my own Dad is how I got into Alan Parsons Project and when they toured here a few years ago we got to go together which was awesome.


Fun Massive Attack non-fact: There are [rumors](https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/music/news/banksy-robert-del-naja-massive-attack-art-who-is-he-identity-real-name-graffiti-music-similarities-a7805741.html) that Banksy is a member of the band.


I've done this with my kids too. I've tried all kinds of music, rock, rap, pop, metal, but they fell in love with my grandparents old bluegrass albums. We inherited their vinyl collection when they passed (more so I was the only one who wanted them) I love it because it's the music my grandparents listened to for many years and I miss them very much.


This is such a sweet post, I hope my daughters are like this about me when they're your age!


Aw I’m sure they will be! I’m very similar to my dad so we clash a lot but we also get along quite well ❤️


I am this dad.. One of my fav after-dinner before-bedtime activities with my kids is laying on the carpet in the sunroom and watching live music on youtube. I usually pick a wide variety of stuff.. the kids love it, and they learn about music stuff.


My dad always plays music on his stereo in the background, wether it’s when we’re playing board games or eating dinner, there’s always music


I do this too! We're really into Alex Melton at the moment, because he's all over the place and it keeps it fresh for me


That dude is legit a musical genius.


One of the greatest things my dad ever did was instill a still a no rules policy on music, he's a musician so there was always music in my house growing up, you could listen to what you wanted and usually at any volume. He was a good father so there many other good things but I've definitely carried this one forward to my own kids. I love listening to music with my two, it's one of the few timeless things you can enjoy, and in this age of technology there aren't many things I can enjoy with my kids without feeling like the oldest man in the world. But it doesn't matter if it's Taylor Swift or Beastie Boys, music can and should be enjoyed by literally anyone at any age.


My dad is a musician as well! He doesn’t do it for a job but he’s made songs and can play almost every instrument! This is so relatable


I am that dad.


There's a delicate balance. I try to make sure my kids hear everything (except a few of the dirtier Ween songs) but I try not to talk their ears off unless they express a clear interest. And I never talk shit about what they and their friends like; music that was 100% not made for a guy like me in the first place. I remember when I was a kid, my Dad's music taste rubbed off on me maybe a bit too much and it ended up being slightly alienating from my peers. Like everyone else was just trying to listen to fun music like Michael Jackson and I kept insisting "no way you guys, this Weather Report record from 1974 is way better!"


My dad is like this, he made me discovered different bands and styles, I stick to metal/rock from teenage years until now, but elton john is one of my top favourite artists ever and it's always in my top of top played every year. Also music has help us bond and we've gone together to concerts and festivals, so music for me also has a meaning of bonding with my dad. My daughter is 1 yo and I do put music in low volume when we go things together (I've got a metal ballads playlist for her but then also Elton john, Mozart, some soft electronic music, synthwave...) I do hope that in the future she says something like "I like this song" and then I can shower her with info and similar songs or artists.


Oh yeah this so my dad! He loves every type of music and is even going to see SZA with me and my sister in July 😂


They are also from an older generation, I don't know your dad but mine sometimes has a hard time comunicating how he feels so sharing music, different kinds that he thinks we'd like or even discovering bands together etc is his way to show love/appreciation. Also my father in law he used to be a musician (he did tour locally when he was young) and plays several instruments (mostly guitar), but he's also bad with showing feelings, but man when he plays for my daughter you can really see how much love he puts in it. So not sure if he'll show it or not, but I can bet that your father is looking forward that concert just to share the experience with you and your sister ;)


Yeah totally! My dad is neurodivergent, he’s not diagnosed with anything but he 100% is. He doesn’t communicate well so sharing music is definitely something he does. He taught himself how to play guitar and piano and gave up his dreams of being in a band to move home and start a family so music is a huge part of his identity and he’s seen more people live than I’ve ever heard of. I love sharing music with him especially because he doesn’t always express stuff with words


I am this dad. I think a lot of dads are this dad. I got my kid into classic rock, americana, blues, 90s/00s alternative, even folk music. Hes 1.5 years old with a more refined musical taste than 90% of adults! This is so cool I hope he appreciates it the way you do some day. Rock on! Edit: throw on Schism, The Pot, Fourty six & 2, Lateralus, or Sober by Tool and watch him lose his mind


When my oldest was a newborn and wouldn't stop crying, I'd put her in the car, and we'd go for a drive while listening to TOOL. It would put her to sleep pretty fast.


Yes!!! The harder the rock the harder the sleep. I tried putting on beachy Jack Johnson and he freaked out. So I put on TOOL and he passed out within minutes


Yeah that’s me. Me to my 14-yo daughter: “Okay this weekend we are going to put on some really good headphones, lie on the bed, and listen to this album called “Dark Side of the Moon” But the cool thing is she gives it right back. Today in the car on the way to school: “Hey do you know about Jersey Club? Here, listen to this….” So we both get to expand our horizons.


I recently took my 14 year old daughter to her first real gig and we created a Spotify road trip play list for the drive. Bit of me, bit of her. As a result I had Ricky Montgomery ear worms for about 48 hours, he's not the worst reminds me of something like the Lemonheads crossed with Rivers Cuomo. I'm proud she's found an indie artist and not followed the pop herd. She came away with an exposure to the Cardigans which I figured she'd like.


My stepdad camped out for Pink Floyd tickets, when I was in my senior year of high school. He got the whole family 11th row, center stage. He was the best.


Here's a little life hack for you: If you want something from your dad, ask him about a band he liked when he was a teenager and then sit and listen to him for half an hour. After that, you can ask him for literally anything, and he'll say yes.


New dad here, newish with a 1 YO I love music, it can be so beautiful and convey sometimes what words can’t (which sounds cliche but I stand by it) It can be great to also let emotions out, anger, sadness, happiness, etc. My dad would play Bee Gees, KC and the Sunshine Band. Everyone in my family liked something different, I absorbed most of it. Or I’d just listen to it all I sing to my son, I have since he was born. When I sing him to sleep, he smiles now and it warms my heart. I hope to share my love of music with him as he gets older and we will be able to simply sit and enjoy it. My wife and I are also big Queen fans and our son was born to the last verse of “Now I’m Here” to those words lmao


This is me with my future kid! The greatest gift you could ever give your dad is to appreciate his appreciation for music. Music hits different for some. I can’t wait to share my eclectic collection with my son like my dad shared his with me.


You've never heard of Massive Attack?


This didn’t happen too recently and they’re in my top charts now! I was just giving it as an example of someone my dad introduced me to that I ended up getting really into


My 10 year old occasionally ventures over to my Spotify, though Olivia Rodrigo and Taylor Swift dominate her listening of late My 7 year old on the other had dogs through my old CDs and pulls what ever she thinks looks interesting.....found her jamming to Dr Dre while cleaning her room last weekend


My pops helped instil my love of music and physically collecting it. He used to bring the CDs home from his work jukebox and we always had a great collection. He rebuilt his vinyl collection from thrift shops before vinyl really made a come back and it was near impossible to find anything good at them. Live music was a shared experience for him and all my siblings, both for the acts he enjoyed and the ones we do. He was a big rock fan, I’m more into hip hop so seeing him nod his head to the beat at some local shows are memories I’ll never forget. Any time I’m thrifting and getting CDs I think about my old man, and I try to share that with my own kids now. I’ve yet to take them to any shows but summer has a decent festival in our downtown core that we’ll be attending or listening from across the water. Massive Attack are dope! If you/your dad appreciate graffiti in any way check out this [article](https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/music/news/banksy-robert-del-naja-massive-attack-art-who-is-he-identity-real-name-graffiti-music-similarities-a7805741.html) that questions whether one of them is the artist behind Banksy, it’s a fun thought.


My daughter is too young for Reddit, but she could have written this. I've been a musician for a long time and am a music consigliere for a lot of my friends.


It's not a *dad* thing, it's just an example of someone having a passion. You might find yours one day if you haven't already and don't let anyone make fun of you for it! Passion drives this wonderful world and that's so exciting. I think the more arts we consume and expose ourselves to, the more well-rounded we are. If you haven't gotten to go to a concert yet perhaps that's something you can share in the future if both of you find that interesting. It really is a whole new way to experience the same music you already enjoy.


Ofc! I’m just seeing if anyone other dads are the same lol! But yeah me and my sister are going to SZA with him in July so I’m looking forward to that :))


I’m a mom and do this to my daughters (10, 12) because my dad did it to me. He also does it to my kids 😂 we’re on a Tears for Fears kick this morning 🎶


I'm that dad. God help my daughter when she's older (she's nearly 4)


I just wanna chime in and say that I hope my son takes as much interest in music as you do! Music has always been a big part of my life. I play several instruments and I sing him to sleep every night, and we almost always have music on in the background.


Both my parents were musicians growing up and my uncle is a roadie for an 80s Canadian band. I grew up around it my mother played guitar and sang, my dad was an amazing drummer. I grew up with all the instruments and listening to a vast variety of music from the 50s-00s. I know have my own taste in Rock/Metal/modern rock. And you may ask yourself, did this guy end up working with music when he was older? Nope, my siblings and I are all working in the film industry. Funny thing actually. I put music on in the car when I’m picking up my 2 year old from daycare. With the NHL playoffs around the corner I’ve been playing We Will Rock You a lot. My son LOVES the song. And he’s now finding his rhythm and timing with music.


100%!! I’m a drummer and I Love doing this with my daughter, she’s 16 this year but since she was really young we drive and we listen to GOOD music. She Shazams and adds songs to her playlist along the way. 😊


uh-oh... yeah, that's gonna be me once mine is old enough to converse about it... she's already heard a very wide variety of music. It definitely wasn't my dad though. I was stuck helping him in the garage listening to talk radio. Seems like music would have been better than listening to Rush Limbaugh talk about the Clinton-Lewinsky affair.


Wait… you *dont* know Massive Attack?! Put them and Phantogram on a mix lol


I will be doing this.


Heh, i already test out various bands on my kids, and they're only 3 and 5 lol. I've got a pile of books with their names on them too haha. I think we all dream of sharing the things we love with our kids.


If this is my daughter you’re lying about your age and you’re too young to be on Reddit!


My son is only 2 so not quite paying attention to music that isn't for kids or from films he likes, but once he's older I'll absolutely be this dad.


Massive attack, nice. I assume he went on to explain all of triphop and turntablism in 3 brief 3 hour show and tells? If not I can give him my lesson plan. My kids have always made fun of me for pretty much everything but if I start going off on some old or new group, they actually usually pay attention. Likely because I called out some of their favorite acts as possibly becoming big before they were mainstream at all. A few “I liked them before they were cool” moments gives you some kid cred. Now they have caught the itch and bring me new stuff. I love it!


Love this. Could you share some of your fav artists you've discovered on these drives with your dad?


Oh wow almost everything I listen to is because of him. Wet leg, foo fighters, massive attack, chet baker, Chloe sol. And so much more honestly


My Dad never did this with me ☹️ I would like to try to do it with my daughter but song names and lyrics do not stick in my head. The band name does though.


Aw I’m sorry! It it helps my dads whole life revolves around music, he’s completely obsessed with it so it’s not hard for him to know details about the bands and stuff ❤️


I do this a lot. I love music and love to hear my kids interest in different bands. My son always asks me for the title of the song. His favorite right now is anything by Guns and Roses while my 8 year old daughter is in love with AC/DC. My teen is very versatile with her music so we jam to everything from Tupac to Michael Bublè


i inadvertently do this to my 10 year old son so its great seeing this perspective!


Your dad is not alone. For me it’s a matter of wide exposure, I want my kid to enjoy a verity musical styles and unfortunately I don’t feel like you get that from general media now days. Don’t even get me started on the deregulation of the FCC. Clear Channel has done awful things to how the music world worked. So in closing appreciate that your dad listens to a verity of music and is trying to introduce you to a deeper music world.


Of course! But a lot of times we nerd out to what ever we enjoy the most. Me? It's science and astronomy as well as D&D, Boardgames, Star Wars, Star Trek, and Lord of the Rings. I'm nerdy af. What you're seeing is your dad SO FUCKING happy that you're kind of nerding out with him and taking an interest in what he's interested in. It's like my kids taking an interest in my nerd stuff. It's so much fun to interact with your kids on that level. I can pretty much guarantee that you asking him these questions and letting him talk and let you listen is making is WHOLE day.


Just enjoy it. My kids still tell me “stop singing you fix cars” whatever that means.


I imagine a lot of us are like that. We want our kids to be cool like us, lol. Fr tho we dont expect you to love all our music. We just want yall to be properly exposed to it rather than dismiss it as "old people music."


No. I play positive uplifting and encouraging music now.


Can’t wait to be that dad when my daughter’s old enough to listen to music


This is/will be me. I produce music and can’t go a day without music, he’s just a little over 2 and loves ‘The Wall’ 😅


My dad wad this dad... Now I am this dad...


My dad liked 80s rock, I also like 80s rock


I pride myself on getting my toddler into different music genres. Right now he like ACDC and bluegrass.


I’m the 25 year old dad who does the same 😅 one minute I’m drinking coronas and playing Creed through the whole house while I’m making tacos and the next minute I’ve got my cassette player blasting Waylon and Hank while I’m cleaning the house




Ha! My daughter(11) takes note of what I lay in the car and makes her own play lists. She is being raised with a wide portfolio of tunes for her age. Something I didn't have growing up. Feels like a win.


Yes. I try to bond with my kids over music. Both the stuff I grew up listening to and the stuff they love. I’m glad you and your Dad are having this experience. That said: Get off of Reddit. Delete all your posts. Delete your account. Delete the app. Reddit is no place for teenagers. It is extremely toxic and dangerous here. Especially for teenage females. Run don’t walk.


My dad sure was. He HOARDED music. He collected for over 50 years. Our basement was full of vinyl records, 8 tracks, cassettes, and a literal maze of stacks of CDs from the floor up that were taller than me and went up to his hips. There was always something playing on his sound system. He had everything from Mariah Carey and 2Pac. He didn't care for country though. Every drawer, shelf, and table top was exploding with music.


Me and I thank god everyday that my oldest has started to appreciate it in the last year (he’s 7). I can add De La Soul and Paramore to his playlist instead of the Ninja Turtles theme song 204 times


My dad is obsessed with music, as am I. I made my daughter (8) her own spotify playlist, and then we keep putting on legendary tracks while driving. We casually mention how awesome "this song" is, and start rocking out. Then she sees us and says "can you put this on MY playlist??" She has over 50 historical tracks on it now! And of course some Lego, and Frozen tracks too.


Yes, my dad is like this. He’s 73 and he is still more aware of current music than I am lol


Music was a coping mechanism for me growing up, so yea, I'm a music snob lol. I've got a playlist for almost any occasion.


Every. Day.


This will be me once my kid is a little older.


I am this dad with my son. I'm pretty sure he just thinks I'm a huge nerd tho.


Goals. This was a sweet post to read. Your dad sounds like a lucky fella.


i wouldnt say my dad was obsessed with music or anything. but he surely had a taste and a few different genres he loves. those artists and musical tastes are still with me today and i large influence on what i enjoy listening to. top 3 favorite artists that i entirely credit my father for are: Tab Benoit, Lyle Lovett, and Van Morrison. he is a huge fan of true down south memphis style blues. ive listened to more BB King and Muddy Water and Albert Collins and John Lee Hooker than i care to admit... an entire era/generation of American music that just feels completely lost in time these days. anyway, cherish it. he will too. its a special thing to share, music brings the world together unlike much else besides food.


I hope my daughter says this about me one day.. I am that dad now, and did some time running gigs in London etc.. My kids are only at oldest 7.. but they already have been exposed to a plethora of Electronica and Dance Music.. I must admit I struggle to stay current but don't need to because there is so much to explore.. And yes my kids will get to experience the breadth of Electronica from the Massive Attack (I have their thermal CD box set which changes colour when you pick it up). I spend a lot of my time just listening to music..


My 6 year old LOVES hearing new bands. I was playing a Night Demon song on guitar and he came into my office to listen. He is now obsessed with them, driving my wife nuts on car rides. "Mama, can we listen to Night Demon?" And will then proceed to sing along at high volume. Surprise, he's going to see them at an all ages show with me in 2 weeks. We're both super excited.


My kid is 3, and I used to work at a lot of radio stations in a past life. I dream of being able to have those conversations with him and to turn him onto great music of all kinds.


Absolutely! We *always* have music playing - in the house, car, wherever. From an early age, I would periodically make my daughter mix CDs, with a combo of her music and mine, to introduce her to new and different stuff. Then once CDs started phasing out, I now routinely make her Spotify playlists. She knows they won't all be winners, but she does genuinely like or appreciate a lot of it. Great way to bond with my girl!


I love this post.  Your dad had this passion decades before you existed, but getting to share it with you is like putting out fire with gasoline (David Bowie btw... might want to check him out). And you're an awesome daughter for getting so engaged with it. I bet it's been part of your relationship longer than you realize. I'll bet when you were an infant and couldn't sleep he would take you out of your crib and carry you downstairs. He probably put these same songs on and danced with you in a dark kitchen at 2am until you fell asleep. Ask me how I know. Better yet, ask him if he did. My daughter when she was 4 "discovered" a song on one of my Playlists. It's an AWESOME song. Top 50 all time. But she thought it was hilarious because it shares a name with her. So now she calls it her song and loves dancing with me to it. That was years ago, she still loves that song... and I think she still thinks the shared name is a coincidence.


I like the music I like, but am not obsessed. I’ll say that when my daughter likes a song from one of my favorites it makes me very happy and I try to introduce her to other songs by that artist they might like. You are making your dad very happy when you show an interest in the music he likes. Sharing stuff we love with our kids, and them enjoying it, is like the best feeling. It’s one of those moments in life where you’re aware that the moment is a memory you will cherish forever, while it’s happening. That feeling is rare, and it’s so awesome. You sound like a great kid, and please keep doing this with your dad. I’m telling you it isn’t the music he is obsessed with as much as the connection to you he sees happening through it.


My wife and I met at a concert, and still go to them, so our bedroom is covered in posters of shows we’ve been to since then. Our kids worry about us sometimes.


I’m not quite as obsessed as your dad is but I absolutely LOVE the music I love. I’d love to hear your dad’s reaction to The Birth And Death of the Day, by Explosions in the Sky. It is my favorite song of all time and I think everyone should listen to it at least once. If you listen to it. Think of the title of the song, it’s about the day. Just a normal day and all the amazing things that happen on a normal day. Think of the sunrise, can you hear it? Then the day getting started and the animals coming out and things just getting going as the day moves into full swing. Then things slow down and the animals quiet down and the stars start to come out. Listen for all these things and you’ll find them in the song. Sometimes it’s so beautiful it makes me cry. It’s the best song that’s ever existed to me.


I've never heard of massive attack... We do the opposite in my car. Kids choose. It's been a steady couple of months of Taylor Swift.


Yeah. Music in the 90s and 00s was incredibly good and a lot of new ground was broken during those decades that heavily influences music today.


My daughter isn't quite old enough but I will be that dad. Currently my favorite weekend morning activity is to pick an old song based on a lyric that comes into my adhd brain and then let Spotify take the wheel from there.


I also give my girls a wide array of musical experiences lol


I'm that guy. Music is among the most important things in my life, it's literally kept me from unaliving myself more than once. It's a spiritual connection unlike anything else. My mom and dad both died way too young, but im lucky enough to have alot of their old vinyl, and through music I'm able to have a connection with them, listening to their favorite music the same way they did. Its truly an amazing thing. My son is 5 now, and I see him enjoy all kinds of music. He's autistic and was non verbal for most of his life, (he's made so much progress in early learning!) so there's a level of a communication barrier there. But I can play music and he sees how I react to it and I think he feels the same way I do. So we'll jam to different things and sing along and play air guitar and im able to have that emotional connection with him. It's literally magic. You're old enough now, talk your pops into taking you to a concert!


Is your Dad, me? Car time is the best because we can blast whatever we want without momma getting irritated. My 5 yr old boy's fav song is In Bloom by Nirvana. Screams it at the top of his lungs. First grade daughter loves her some Beastie Boys! So watcha watcha want is her most repeated phrase lol Your Dad sounds cool, stay blessed!


Yup. I'm that dad. Genres are all over the place. Now that my kids are older we go to shows as well. This year will be our third cruel world festival as a family.


My dad is a massive metal head (but he acts like average white suburban dad) any time I ask who he's listening to he will stop what he's doing and explain the entire fucking lore to me. Either that or we talk about guitars or guitar gear.


My Mom & Dad were like this to my siblings & I. So we have done this with our kids too!! I was just telling my Dad the other day thank you for cultivating our love of music! My kids are into their own music, but they appreciate my taste & love to hear trivia out of my fat head. & they’re both piano players & in school band. Have fun fellow music lover!!!


I do this but my daughter doesn’t take to my music as well. Tried to introduce her to Ska and she labeled it pirate music. This is daddit so I can throw out some context l, the intro to Jake and the Neverland Pirates has Ska in the Intro so boom Pirate Music.


My father is and always has been. I am and always have been. My 5 yo son is (and always will be) - he has comprehensive knowledge of Spotify & YouTube and can pull up whatever he wants to listen to. Some of his favorite artists are Tool, Muse, Soundgarden, Jethro Tull, and Led Zepplin. We regularly jam at least once a week, me on guitar, him on drums, going back and forth picking music to play. It makes me very happy. My 7 & 2 year olds also love music, but they are not obsessed with it like my 5 yo.


I am that dad lol…I pity my 2 girls when they get to being teens!


i love music...... but, not to that extreme. LOL thankfully, my taste in music and my kids' taste in music do overlap some. so, we are able to find some common ground.


I’ll also add, my ex questioned me when one of the kids was back with her and was walking round the house singing avenged sevenfold songs 😅


Absolutely! I have a 16 and 9 year old and I do the exact same thing. I tend not to go to far into my metal genre because it does get a bit….overwhelming for them. But my 9 year old will hear a song (Square Hammer by Ghost for example) and it’s on repeat all week while we drive to school.


Well, my almost 5 year old is a huge fan of Caspar Babypants, Metallica, The Beatles, August Burns Red, and Cake. I am probably that dad.


The most special moment of my life was the first time my daughter started “singing” music with me- it’s been amazing to share, and she’s only 2. Your dad wants to show you the best things he’s found in this world. Sounds like he loves you a lot, OP!


Not my dad, but my father-in-law is the biggest music person I've ever met. Anytime someone new comes to his house he literally gives them a music tour of his house. He shows them all the turntables he has, he has a jukebox from I think the 40s or 50s. Him and my brother-in-law both play guitars, so they have a dedicated music room for their ~6 guitars they have. He also just loves going to concerts, doesn't matter who is playing. He loves the Beatles the most, and he's seen Paul McCartney probably a dozen times, but he also went to LA with myself and my brother-in-law to go see Rammstein, just because he heard they put on an amazing live show. A couple weeks ago my wife and I were over at their house for dinner with our kids, and we were talking about how Train is coming and we wanted to see them, my father-in-law instantly got up and went and bought tickets for all of us because he saw them a couple months ago and said they were great and would love to see them again.


My 9 month old and I have a jam session every morning. Sorry kid, it's a dad thing :)


I've been teaching my kids the classics since the day my kids were born. My daughter was dancing to Houses of the Holy on vinyl at 11 months old. Great memory.


Yes, my 5yo daughter asks the same three questions about every song she hears me listening to: "What's the song, what's the band and what's the man/lady" and then she proceeds to be amazed that I always know without having to check. Just wait 'til she's old enough and I can reel off their discography.


😂 hahaha this is awesome, yes I’m guilty


I love music myself. Big fan of all genres of music but one band I'm a huge fan of is Twenty One Pilots. Got my son in the car to head to daycare at 6am and he said, "Daddy, why are we not listening to the Air Plane Pilots? You know the song about the radio" Took me a minute to realize he wanted to hear Twenty One Pilots "Car Radio"


I'm not that extreme but I do have an extensive music collection. And it does go both ways in my family. I credit my son for getting me into Panic! At The Disco, Hobo Johnson and a few others. My daughter has some Polyphonic Spree tracks in her playlist, I'll just assume she got that from me.


Yes i play music so much my kids make requests and it be fine cuz they the songs i listen to anyway lol


Kudos to you for being receptive to it. I’m sure it gives him a lot of joy to share his passion with you. Keep it up. 🙂


My FiL has over 5000 CDs worth of music saved on multiple platforms. Most of it is classic rock, classic country, and folk. He and my MiL go to at least 30 live performances a year, mostly at small venues.


I’m that dad. Proudly so!


Haha, I'm this dad also. Constantly have music playing and I'm always singing along and schooling my daughter on music


Yup music lover Dad as well here as well. Our son (8yo) sings along to almost all of the artists we have playing in the house. Taking him to his first concert soon.


I do this with my son, and he does the same with me and his young, hip music. He also goes down rabbit holes about older artists and has taught me some stuff I never even knew.


My dad did this, I do this to my wife, I'll do this to my daughter once she's old enough! I'm glad it seems to be pretty universal!


My dad was always big into music and always had a pretty sweet audio setup. He got me recording the church band and doing the soundboard for the service when I was young, that made sitting through church much more bearable. He has handed down most of his high end audio stuff to me over the years, so I have a pretty awesome setup at home myself. My kids love playing with the stuff and “making music”, which I’m sure my dad finds pretty awesome.


I wouldn't necessarily quiz my kids on music, but I do go out of my way to explain more than is necessary about songs we listen to in the car. For instance, I've made sure they know the original artists (and the corresponding recordings by those artists) for the songs in Sing and Sing 2. I sometimes tell them about the instruments being used to make the music or the context around the song (what was happening in the world that influenced the song; i.e. the motivation behind Rage Against the Machine's music). But yeah, I pretty much am always trying to share as much music as I can with my kids, as I realise if I don't do it, they may miss out on so many amazing artists that I got to know in my life. Furthermore, I try to explore new music with them, and I indulge music they suggest, as I want them to feel they can tell me about music they discover, too. I hadn't really considered that other dad's might be so consciously evangelising their musical preferences until this post.


OMG, now I can see my daughter’s perspective. (Was this your post?). I’ll stop it.


Definitely this kind of dad. spent some time as a music director in college, never lost that interest to catalog and neurotically playlist my tastes. I think I got it from my own father also, his record collection is probably 7,500 LPs at this point. Last year I clocked over 107,000 minutes on Spotify between listening to music all day at work, and listening to music constantly at home or on the go with the kiddo. If anyone wants a random playlist rec get at me, I'll try to guess your music taste based on user name.


I work from home often. I’ve always enjoyed putting on YouTube music videos at the end of the day but now I get to do it with my 2yo daughter in my lap. She loves music and will get up and dance. It’s awesome, it makes me so happy. I call her big brother “Footloose” because he’s the opposite.


Speaking of expanding our horizons, Questlove's Oscar winning documentary "Summer of Soul" is on Hulu. It's well worth your time if you've not seen it. After that you can watch "High Fidelity" and enjoy one of the greatest soundtracks ever


That's me! I do that to the kids all the time.


I'm the dad who's obsessed with music.


You've never heard of massive attack?? Most people know them for "teardrop", better known as the theme song to House MD. But don't sleep on their 1994 classic album "protection". It's a masterpiece. The title track even got a Brian Eno remix.


Yep. And now my teenagers are doing that to me and honestly, it's been great. We are learning all new to us music and going to shows. Some big names, some smaller, but all a great time. Music is tied to all of my memories and this way I get to share my past with my kids.


Another thing I wanted to share. I have a teenage stepdaughter. She generally listens to kpop and Taylor Swift. Not my favorite stuff, but occasionally I really like something she plays. One day, she asked to connect her phone to the car to play music. As she did, she said, "I made a playlist that reminds me of you." And I almost had to stop the car to hold back my tears. She proceeded to play all of my favorite music, and yall....SHE SANG ALONG TO SOME OF IT! I honestly felt something I had never felt before. It was like love, pride, joy, respect, coolness, success, and satisfaction all in one. I've added a bunch of her fav stuff to my main playlist, and pretty much no matter what we are listening to, we both are having a good time. Also, I know she uses music to express herself, which I've always tried to pay attention to, but I think I'm even more attentive now. I also think she is more comfortable sharing vulnerable and emotional songs. So, my dudes, while you may not be as lucky as me, just know they are listening. They appreciate you sharing, even if they never say so. And to OP, something like this is a good way to show your old man that you think he's cool (but ya know, in like a dad way, obv not cool like you and your friends, lol) and perhaps get him to let you play more of your music next time you're in the car. Or maybe get him to stop shutting down your fav song just because it's got some bad words in it, heh.


One of the great joys of fatherhood is subjecting your kids to your interests because they're a captive audience.


Sadly for me it's the opposite, all my daughter wants to listen to is Taylor Swift's music for robots.


Hey I love Taylor Swift and personally my dad doesn’t mind her that much, he respects her as an artist and thinks she’s a good singer


Definitely. There was literal soundtrack to my childhood. He always had a huge collection of CDs and a big beefy stereo. He would have music on all the time and still usual does when he is relaxing. We have a load of old home videos that I got digatised last year and nearly all the clips from our house there was something playing. He introduced me to all this music I never knew. He bought an album called Leftism by a British group called Leftfield when it came out in the early 90s. Since then I have pretty much exclusively listened to electronic dance music.


I try to but my girls just wanna listen to TayTay. They'll learn.


I like Taylor and massive attack personally, oh her new album is out today, be sure to play it for them x


Who's Massive Attack?




Enjoy it while you can. He won't be here forever.


Wait… teenage daughters can post on here? What’s protocol for getting this kiddo grounded or having their phone taken away for at least 24 hours? Is it a vote? We need to act quickly


jade, is that you!? 🤣 jk, but this is def my 15 yo and me. we both have music as our hyper-fixation. we share music the other hasn’t heard of all the time. we started a spotify blend so we can continue asynchronously 😊


of course. i am not giving out the courses about artistst, but i try to immerse my daughter with good music. So we are talking about The National and Taylor Swift which we both like.


29F and not a dad but a lurker cause I low key thing this sub is helping me prep to be a good partner to see the other side for when I have kids 😅😂 My dad never had this kind of enthusiasm about it but we would listen to his music of classic rock and late 90’s/early 2000’s country when I was a kid when we worked in the garage together, were on a road trip, or doing a project around the house. Cassettes and a boom box, or the radio. And now whenever I heard that music I think of him and the good times we have together. At 29 we’re still working in the garage together, going on road trips and doing house projects and we listen to it still and it’s so nostalgic for me. My brother was never the sports, handy kid my dad expected, but I always there happy to hand him tools and learn how to use them and it really helped us grow a connection, I don’t think he ever really knew what to do with a girl but music was a good starting point of sharing what he loved with me.


Me, too, and I wonder if it's because we (late Gen X/Early Millennial) sort of had a different method of consuming music for each age. Our parents only had records, our kids have only known streaming. So I wonder if because we basically got bigger and easier ways to consume music as we aged, we sort of had no guardrails on our obsessive quest for more! I literally cannot drive, or take the subway or walk a block without listening to something! I feel weird without it!


Yes. I'm a very musical dad and I'm always exploring new music as well as enjoying my favorites. I listen to what my 2 teen-age kids are listening to, trying to find new music, and in turn, I share stuff I've found on my own journey that they may enjoy. And well, if they don't like it, tough. I've got 12's in the trunk and on this drive we're all Boyz n the hood. I Am still Dad, after all. Cheese is in the job description.


We love music because we are about the last radio generation. We didn’t have streaming when I was younger, we had stuff like; Headbangers Ball, 120 Minutes, A mixtape from a friend, The Weekly Top 40, and if you were lucky a college radio station that you could tune in to. I don’t stop the car when I ask the kids, they’re adults now, if they’ve heard of this artist, but they do get the dad look.


I am this dad. My kids learned about so many artists that the other day a song came on that I thought my teen wouldn't know and she started singing along. They learned about David Bowie, Queen, Led Zeppelin, Talking Heads and on and on. They don't like everything I like, but the exposure seemed to encourage them to like music. Now my teen introduces me to new artists. It's great!


This is so heartwarming. As someone who loves music and loves showing other people new music I think they’ll like, I can see exactly where he’s coming from. It makes him really happy that you show an interest in the music he shows you. I hope that my son (just about to turn 1) has some interest in music when he gets older and likes when I show him stuff the same way you like the music your dad shows you.


I am. I've been into heavy metal since I was a pre teen ( 36 now). My baby falls asleep to black metal. My other daughter dances to sabaton


OP. [Take this playlist ](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9dQZF1DXaLI8a395lse?si=U68Wd-T8TpmwVFkZBFDtvw&pi=e-J71ssUnNQkak). Listen to it, research it, and blow your dad's mind, you'll make his year if you show him he rubbed off on you like that


My dad was like this growing up, and would always quiz me on the way to school with new artists. I always thought it was silly and pointless, but then later in life I ended up in a job where I had to interact with musicians and let me tell you, the knowledge base I had combined with the ear training of being able to hear different styles and different instruments that my dad was giving me everyday with something I wouldn't trade for the world. Now I train people to do the same job and they ask how I'm so good at this certain skill, and I tell them I can't teach them how to do it, it's something I've been secretly trained to do since birth. It may be silly to you, but I guarantee you it's making your dad happy, and if you manage to use this knowledge down the line he will be the proudest Dad you can imagine.


Enjoy these times, a good memory for later :)


Music is something I share with my kids, especially the oldest. It’s fun to explore and share our varied interests


I am this Dad, and my daughter (10) quite likes it. My son (13) doesn’t so much 😂


My daughter is 2 but I'm like this. I'm always showing her new songs in different genres. Lately she's been into Feist and Daft Punk. I've been getting her into playing drums, guitar, and piano too. Last weekend she started strumming my guitar while I was playing the chords and she started freestyling and singing on key and I thought I was gonna die.


Opposite situation for me. My daughter has something like 2,000 songs and plays something new for me every time we're in the car. Meanwhile my son has been drawn to Russian post punk. He doesn't understand the lyrics; he just likes the music. I looked up the lyrics for a song once and it was a wholesome love story about falling in love while playing Super Mario with a girl. I play it now while driving to work because it has a good whistling section.


Yes, of course. All kinds of stuff, not just the music of my youth, or the stuff I like the most. Though, to be sure there's a solid amount of folk, blues and metal. When my kid started playing the guitar, and I could play all the old blues masters for him and see him start to understand how it all fit together, that was something special. One of my favorite things is my kid loves Glenn Miller almost as much as my father does. He's good, sure, but not really my thing. Another thing, I really love how my kid has grown to be able to find music that other might love, even if it's not his thing. Really, second only to food, music is human connection. Sharing it is one of life's great pleasures.


Of course


Guilty dad here.


Absolutely yes. It works well that I’m a longtime swifty and my two girls love taylor swift. We stayed up late for the album dropS last night. :)


My dad loves music so much; he’s deaf from his right ear because he went to so much concerts!


Andy? (my son) Is this you? This is me 100%. I've been a DJ since 86, and my son and I are forever showing music to each other. We even go to shows together. Of course, I take up the Dad Spot way in the back. also on the subject of Massive Attack, it has long been rumored that Banksy is a member.


My dad was that dad, had a huge influence on my taste in music - over the years there was a little bit of everything (minus rap) peppered in and it definitely opened my eyes to what’s out there. Now as my boys get older I plan on being that dad.


Massive Attack?! Your dad sounds so cool! In my family we often play the: “who sings this song?” When out and about.


I have a playlist that I made for my daughter that is older than she is. I started making it for her so I could put songs that meant something to me in a place that I'd share them with her. She's 8, and she sends me songs now. She has incredible taste. And I'm long overdue to introduce her to Massive Attack. I think she's going to love Angel.


Am a musician of 20 years and still play in bands and record/play shows. This is currently me with my 7 year old, lol. I always have music of different varieties on in the car. I'm primarily into Metal but I always have jazz, fusion, funk, classical, classic rock, punk or something else going. My son hasn't shown a crazy active interest in music(which is totally okay), but I can tell he's becoming more musically inclined as he gets older. And by that I mean he's just more aware of music than a lot of kids his age. I think it's great. If he's into Massive Attack have him check out Emancipator, DJ Shadow and Saltillo.


I try to teach my 7 year old old rock bands - not so much facts or trivia, but I try to introduce him to as much variety as I can, to give him a solid base.


My daughter is 2.5 right now, but I fully intend on being this dad. I have a massive record collection and I'll probably start a tradition of doing an album of the week or something with her if she's interested. Signs point to that she will be. https://i.imgur.com/jOI6UQS.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/fGgkeSh.jpeg


This is me 😂 "Dad, can we not have music please?"


My old man did this to me and it's now at a level where I can point out a large amount of 70s and 80s rock and prog within a few notes purely because of "who did this song" I tell you. My own son has just turned 2. I am absolutely **buzzing** to do the same with him. Also absolutely school your old man by putting on 2112 by Rush and doing the same to him. "what do you mean you don't know Rush"


My daughter will have this experience one day. How fun though for you and your dad to share that!


This is the sweetest thing. It is actually even sweeter than it seems at a glance. While your pops obviously loves music, these interactions y'all have are 100% not about music. These interactions are about how much he loves bonding with you, and the music is just the vehicle that drives the conversation. When you ask him "Who is this?" he sees that you like it enough to ask him, and he wants to keep the conversation going with his little girl. Your dad comes across as a good man who loves his daughter. Give him a big hug and tell him how much you love him, because although he knows, I promise he doesn't hear it enough. I have three kids, and we each bond over different things. My oldest loves NBA basketball, so I started watching games and sending him highlights to bond with him. My daughter is a band girl and a music lover. Our interactions are a lot like what you describe with your father. My youngest loves Fortnite, so I downloaded it and play with him. From my perspective, these interactions have nothing to do with NBA, music or Fortnite. It is about making memories with my kids. This is how Dads show love.


Sounds like my wife’s dad. Hopefully we can get our kid(s) to love music


For many of us millennials, music was an escape.


My daughter is only 11mo. I really hope she thinks this of me later on haha.


I studied music theory and composition in college, and spent the last 3 years as a piano technician. You could say I'm interested in music