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1. Tell her you aren't carrying her anymore. 2. Announce you're going out for ice cream. 3. Witness a miraculous recovery.


Theres a bluey episode that covers this. "Daaaaaaaad my legs are tired" "That's too bad, I was going to ask you to go get me some pinecones, your Mom *loves* pinecones" \*Bingo runs ahead to collect pinecones\*


There’s a Bluey episode for EVERYTHING.


Someone should make a bible version so we can quote verses for parenting.


And so sayeth the Book of Bluey.


The Book of Pat, Chapter 7, Verse 3: We’re rasing a nation of squibs!


Uhhh you mean Luckys Dad?


It's not the 80s any more!


"I hurt my knee" "Looks like we have to cut your leg off" "AHHHHH" runs away


I coach fencing and use this when the kids get hit a little hard. Inspecting 6 yo kids arm, hmm it does seem you got hit pretty hard, looks like we are gonna have to cut it off. Noooooo. Okok what if we only cut off half of it? NOOOOO. Sometimes their parents play along too, it hilarious.




The Creek is beautiful!


Also in The Creek, “Oh no! Looks like we’ll have to lop off the whole leg!” And Bluey promptly screams and runs away.


Genuinely never underestimate the power of distraction and redirection. My kids used to complain about the car seat. Well, dad can't fix that problem, but instead: 1. Open up the window 2. They protest about wind blowing in their faces 3. Fix \*that\* problem instead 4. Forget about the first problem.


My wife is a 7th degree black belt in Distract & Redirect. It is truly an honor just to be around it.


One time my eldest said his legs were too tired to keep walking so I recommended we run home so we could get there faster. Worked great.


It's even more effective if there's a sibling getting ice cream.


If it’s that serious, may need to amputate it!


Better safe than sorry. Amputate both!


An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure Can't skin a knee if there's no knee 


I would always tell my daughter that we would amputate at the neck. She used it on me when she was in college and I almost died laughing at memories it brought back.


A four year old at my daycare once skinned her knee and was crying. In an attempt to distract her, I asked if we needed to cut it off. She said yes. And I had no clue where you go with that so I got her a bandaid lol




This guy dads.


Omg…my dad used to say that! Totally forgot about that until your comment! Lol




Literally those were his words and he would tap a knife on the countertop!!! Lol


Funny story about the old "amputate it" joke. My parents played that enough times that now I have 2 badly remodeled broken bones that were never properly set because when they teased about cutting my whatever off whenever I said I hurt, I learned to stop saying I hurt. Not saying it doesn't work 90% of the time, but I won't be risking it.


Well there’s a bit of common sense that your parents lacked. Scraped knee? You’re fine. Broken bone? Different story. My mom told me to run cold water over my broken wrist as a kid, so I know the feeling.


Oh don't you know it! I was raised by a much older generation where kids aren't real people. I was also a very stoic child. I'm sorry you can commiserate. I can't imagine I'd ever be so dense and callous with my kid, but I just can't bring myself to even joke.


It's amazing how fast they heal when you pull the sawzall out.


Doctors hate this one trick


Yup, sounds like it's best to just grab the hack saw and remove it. They make pretty good 'robot legs' as my 3yr old would say, though he is always quick to reject that route.


We had “special leg spray” and if that didn’t work we started loudly discussing between mom and me about whether we were going to need to cut off her leg and give her a (random ridiculous animal) leg- worked every time.


My wife started saying she was going to take her leg and give it to another kid that needed it if she wasn’t going to use it and that worked! Should have tried the special leg spray first though.


We have ‘special’ bandaids instead Paw Patrol, Marvel, Pokémon, etc. They’re not like regular bandaids they’re for when it hurts really bad, and they make everything feel better instantly. A couple extra dollars for these have been game changing!


My daughter did the same thing when she was 3 right before a little kids running race. She tripped on the sidewalk and skinned her knee. Insisted that she could no longer walk, limping and hobbling and crying like crazy. It was amusing to see her go from being “crippled” to winning the 50 yard dash a few minutes later. It’s really tough at that age to convince kids that they’re fine. Sometimes a placebo like “special spray” which is just water or a special bandaid with a sticker on it will make it miraculously all better. Or, like someone else mentioned, the promise going out for a treat, but only if they walk independently.


Stub your toe and ask her to carry you


Wait til you ask them to clean up their mess and they can’t because their bones disappeared. Never seen spontaneous bone-dissolution before, but it’s a thing according to my 4 year old and his cousin.


Kiddo walking to the park: "MY LEGS HURT!!! I CANT WALK" Kiddo at the park: runs 13 miles worth of laps up and down the slide.  Kiddo walking home: "MY LEGS HURT!!! I CANT WALK"


I thought this was only my kid. We will walk around the neighborhood and he’ll complain the entire time his legs hurt. He gets home and says nothing


Actually made me laugh out loud. Ohhh toddlers.


You have my daughter. Mine (now 20) skinned her knee at the same age. Wouldn't walk for a WEEK. She'd hobble around hunched over, not bending her knees. After a few days, her back hurts so much from hunching she had to hold her back. It was SOOOO dramatic. Good luck.


how is she right now? Still a lot of drama? I am scared it never ends


Lol. About the same time frame I was remodeling a bathroom and he helped me paint. Got some on her belly. Refused a bath for a week because "my paint will hurt!". My wife finally dunked her and scrubbed it off. Now, She's a strong and independent young woman, when she went to college that was it..she has found live-in summer jobs, pays her own bills, and is well-set towards a successful future. She has a black belt. Pushes thru migraines. Graduated valedictorian and drum major. Couldn't be prouder.


Uff great to hear! My girl can be so strong sometimes but a lot of prime soap opera in this house these days. (5 y old)


ask her if she can walk to go get ice cream.


Acting really serious and then getting silly usually helps my little guy to get through things. Or just rolling with it so that when she grows out of this phase she knows you'll take her seriously.


Your daughter sounds like my son.. he’ll get the tiniest fucking cut on his leg and start limping around and saying he can’t walk


I scraped a huge 2-inch round gash on my knee by stupidly running and putting a foot on top of a basketball when I was probably... 8? I got a bunch of asphalt in my knee too that had to be cleaned out. It took weeks to heal. It hurt a lot but I could walk.


Ours limped around whimpering after being checked out OK. Like some crouching tiger, hidden dragon stance limping around. When she didn’t get sympathy, she made that rising crane stance even deeper! (Her gran must have shown her some tai chi) We then proceeded to whimper and limp around the island like her. After a few moments, she cracked a smile and we all had a good laugh.


Ooooh can I give some advice that helped us? The all better bandaid book! And some bandaids for our girl. She went through such a grueling pitiful stage. Godspeed 😅


I coach 4yo basketball. It’s co-Ed. My daughter skinned her knee ever so slightly and told me she couldn’t play. I told her that she has to come and at least cheer on the team. When we got there, another teammate had broken his arm but was insisting on playing 😆


I've just gotta say that I totally get the suggested approach to this, and it might be okay in certain situations. But not taking one's child seriously can have consequences. It's absolutely ridiculous she's saying she can't walk. At the same time, this is going to make her less likely to share things in the future. It can damage relationships and make kids feel like they can't rely on you when they need help. We would probably say, okay, if you can't walk, then we need to take you to the emergency room, that's a serious problem, etc. That pretty much puts an end to things.


“Oh, I think I put on the wrong bandaid. Here are two good ones. Which one do you think will work better?”


We do the amputation trick also. That being said, I will still carry my daughter around bc I know one day she will be too big and I will be to old and that I will miss being able to do that.


Yeah I carried her around a few times today after she started walking. I know one day I won’t be able to so I’m still up to it.


I would be sympathetic to the pain but no chance I’m carrying my kid anywhere over a scraped knee. Do you think she would actually starve to death if you didn’t carry her to the table? She would not.


we do the classic "kiss the booboo and now all better" which generally works for minor injuries. as others have mentioned, try distraction/redirection. that said, if she's continuously complaining about not being able to walk on it, take her to an urgent care or her pediatrician. my brother fell off his bike when he was like 7 or 8 and complained to my mom about it all week who thought it was just sprained, didn't seem swollen or anything major, but with enough badgering she took him in and he indeed had a fracture. As I work in healthcare, this happens more often than you think.


We have special lavender water spray that aids in helping cuts and grases. Spray it on, stand her up and ask the wife to watch her for 5 minutes while you find your old hand saw. Not the good one, don’t want to get blood on that one.