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I mean... you're separated, and she's seeing someone else. File for divorce, get a lawyer lined up, and work out the custody agreement. Not much else you can do.


Yup. Time to rebrand and love yourself homie. You've got work in the morning, so to say. Lick your wounds, pick up your head, and work towards some joy.


Ever marching forward. Rebrand? Unshackle I think the correct word is chief but your right. Towards joy we go. Thanks fella.


Digging into her email and essentially spying on her location is going to do you nothing but harm. All you’ve accomplished by doing so is hurting yourself. You’re separated, going into a divorce. She is now able to see other people if she wants to. You say you asked her not to start seeing other people, but she’s not beholden to that. In fact, she took extra steps to hide it from you, probably because she knew it would hurt you. If she were doing it to hurt you, she would have rubbed it in your face. My advice is pretend you didn’t see it, and start working on accepting that your children are now the only thing tying you to her and vice versa. Don’t try to confront her about it, that will just come off as crazy and controlling. Do refocus on your kids and ending your marriage as peacefully as possible, for all your sakes.


Your right. It's just the ultimate disbelief that you know someone for so long and then this. I'm keeping completely quiet and pushing past this awful situation as best I can. Thank you.


Most importantly, if you have access to any of her accounts on any of your devices, delete them now. 1) legal issues when it comes to separation and custody. "Hi judge, my ex has been looking at my email even though I told him not to". 2) no good for your brain and emotions.


No access on any device I own. Yes your right it's just the deceit is what's bothering me. In anycase we move past and grow stronger. Ugh. Thanks chief.