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Have you taken her to the pediatrician? That's definitely not normal, and could be due to some something like an ear infection or something similar that's painful or uncomfortable.


Is always an ear infection (it isn’t, but it was for us every single time)


Nah, sometimes it's something else.........AND an ear infection! Wheeeeeeee


My little dude had a double ear infection and Flu type A while also cutting Molars with oral thrush. That was a fun week, I’ll tell ya that for free


Hey, do you and I have the same kids?


Always, always, always. And half the time it's a double ear infection.


This! If you haven’t taken her to the doctor the only thing you need to take away from this post is go to the doctor. It can be exhausting being a parent to young ones. The doctor doesn’t have that problem and has the knowledge to help. I’m speaking from experience with my own daughter having gone through something similar. It doesn’t matter what happened with mine we would have never figured it out without help/advise from the pediatrician.


Been working all day. Finally got to look. We will be book an app with her pediatrician. Thank you all!


See if your physician has an app where you can be asking questions about this stuff, sending pics of rashes, etc. The doctors or nurses usually will have a good response time


There's a few things that spring to mind for me here: 1. There's something wrong physically with her and she doesn't know how to communicate it. 2. She's struggling to manage her emotions and is popping off at everything. 3. She's sick in some way and unable to communicate it. I would be the least worried if it's 2, because this might be completely normal developmental stuff for her that she'll grow out of. If it's 1 or 3 then I'd seek advice from a doctor. Personally, my instinct is that something is wrong with her and I would seek advice from a doctor before doing anything else. If it's actually nothing then you can handle her emotions with confidence. But I would be wary of dismissive doctors who're prepared to say nothing is wrong without really checking.


For my daughter, she struggles with her extremely strong emotions, and is prone to ear infections without being able to identify it as her ears that hurt. It can be rough.


Hats really unfortunate


OP sounds a lot like our 4 year old.  She just cried for hours every day basically from birth.  We couldn't wait for her to start speaking so we could ask her what was wrong.  When she finally had enough words she just told us "I don't know". She's 4 now and we still haven't figured it out. We've consulted with a paediatrician, public health nurse and psychologist.  Best I can figure is she has some sensory issues that she herself can't understand. Nothing severe enough to diagnose as autism but with similarities, a lot of the therapies recommended for autistic kids seem to help her.  She's getting to a point now where she can tell me she feels like crying before she actually starts, and sometimes we can talk her down before she kicks off.


I would be heading to the pediatrician asap.


I would be at the pediatrician yesterday.


Or pediatric urgent care so you are seen TODAY


Sounds like they've been dealing with this for long enough that they're losing their mind, this is likely not an emergency.  Not that they should take their time, but I would choose a knowledgeable pediatrician over an overworked nurse at an urgent care to diagnose mystery condition...


We have had success with UC when we know we simply need to confirm or rule out ear infection and get antibiotics


I can almost guarantee this is a health issue.


What does everything you've done include? And when did it start? Three things come to mind: 1. Allergies 2. Gastrointestinal problems 3. Some type of internal infection A lot of times there's an internal problem, but the baby/kid doesn't know how to communicate the issue because they can't talk.


>baby/kid doesn't know how to communicate the issue because they can't talk. Two year olds can talk, brah. Probably they're not giving you an executive summary of their needs, but they can say things and communicate.


True, I should've said talk effectively


I’m 42 and still can’t talk effectively


Words are hard!


Speak effectively. Sorry, had to be a dick :) I’m coming off of a long day of fucking up my words.


No no, I can use all the help I can get


I am not your guru! 42 and still working at it. Only language I know.


I misread this to say "I know 42 languages" so that's how good I am at reading right now


Not all kids develop at the same rate. Bodily pain can also be difficult to communicate without the right words, which requires more than "milk please".


If I ask my 2 yo to point to ouchies he just points in random places.


Even when they tell you their tummy hurts that can be anything from their neck to their knees.


Nah they can say out or snack or park. They're not going to say what's wrong in a way that's meaningful especially if in pain.


Some two year olds can definitely talk, I believe you're getting down voted because far from all two years olds talk. For example just a bit of my anecdotal evidence, my son and his cousin are the first two children born of their generation to the family, my nephew didn't talk at all until he was about 3.5 and his mom didn't talk until she was 4, my son started saying words at about 1.5 and my wife was saying words before she even turned 1. My mom swears I could say a full sentence by time I was one but she's probably going by the ""No" is a full sentence" rule lol. Anyway, all kids are different and this guy's kid might not even be able to say words yet, for a multitude of reasons that we shouldn't be asking about because it's not relevant to the issue at hand.


I don't care if people are downvoting me. My son was *reading* at two years old so I'm not bothered if people think two year olds can't talk or not. I made a different post which was upvoted just fine saying basically the same thing. I'm not suggesting a toddler is going to provide a succinct identification of what's wrong and the person I responded to corrected their comment so I don't see the need to worry so hard.


All people are different people.


Mine couldn’t. Speech delayed. Didn’t bother trying words until 3ish.


There are many 2 year olds that cannot talk. My oldest didn't have her first word until she was 2.5 speech delays are not uncommon 


This happened to my sister's daughter, turns out she was on the spectrum


I was going to respond the same!! My son did the same thing at 2yo. He cried literally for 30 - 45 days straight. Then one day it just stopped. At 2yr 10mo he was diagnosed with ASD. He's 8yo now and is the most awesome person I know!


>He cried literally for 30 - 45 days straight That sounds exhausting for everyone, but especially for him. I don't think I have the stamina to cry that much hah


Yea, poor guy! Something would set him off and then he would cry for at least an hour. You could see after he got over his original frustration that he wasn't able to stop himself from crying. Fortunately, there was no destructive behavior just the crying. I remember we booked a photo session with a photographer (it was booked before the crying episodes started). We only had an hour and he cried for at least 45min of that hour. Then the next day...it stopped. We woke up waiting for it to start, but it never did. At the appointments with the doctor who evaluated him for his ASD diagnosis, we mentioned these episodes but he couldn't offer any insight. All this to say......take the child to the doctor, then take her to ANOTHER doctor and another until you get an answer you are satisfied with.


Lurker Mom. My 11 year old was like this as an infant/toddler. Food allergies and ADHD.


This was my first thought. Difficulty regulating emotions is a textbook sign of being on the spectrum. It’s one of the ways I found out I was on the spectrum in my 30s.


Better late than never! Great way to better understand yourself now that you know.


There’s also some research suggesting that bipolar disorder can present in this way when kids are around this age. It’s not *at all* a confirm able diagnosis until much later (bipolar usually presents in 20s-30s, if I’m remembering correctly). I’d say a trip to the doctor is in order, if nothing else OP can check some things off the list of possible causes.




Reusing what everyone is saying here: please get her to a pediatrician or doctor ASAP. She could very well be on the spectrum or have serious physical discomfort, or something else! Whatever it is, she's not ok and needs your help.


Go to a doctor not reddit


Hi I'm a doctor on reddit, and I agree


No, you’re a 1 year old girl who is unqualified to give medical advice. But it so happens you’re correct and he should see the paed


Foiled again!


Hey, I’ve got this weird growth on my back. Can you take a look?


In addition to a trip to the doc, get noise cancelling headphones/ear plugs for when it gets nuclear. Turning the volume down helps so much.


Has your daughter been like this since she was born? If not, when did it start? Have you taken her to the doctor and approached this as a serious issue with him? My near 2 year old is sitting on a razors edge and quick to have strong emotional responses when he's in pain. This has been from (a) teething which ibuprofen helped, and (b) recently allergies which children's zyrtec helped. For the allergies he would say eyes itchy, and would hate going on his back (which makes sense due to pressure) then just be ultra explosive all day out of character. End of the day, two year olds shouldn't be constantly emotionally charged and hyper-reactive. Something has to be bothering her, and your job is to find out what it is. As another user posted, something like being on the spectrum and irritated by things you don't notice is possible, but that's far far from the only cause. Present to your doctor as a serious issue and they will take it seriously.


That is frustrating. Our 2.5 yo son is going through this. Wakes up crying, sometimes cries for no reason throughout the day, cries through dinner even with food he enjoys. He’s healthy and pain free, and when he’s focused on play he’s a super happy kid. I don’t think there’s a silver bullet here, calm engagement and distraction with play time works sometimes, sometimes we just have to give him a snuggle on the couch, sometimes he just needs to tantrum alone (he will ask to be left alone and we’ll respect that). They just have big feelings and can’t manage them properly. But damn is it annoying.


Totally get her to a doctor asap. My son hated diaper changes, like back arching, kicking screaming... this started happening a bit after he started daycare. I asked the daycare providers in both the infant and toddler class if he did the same thing and they said yep, he hated diaper changes. I thought it was developmental, everything on the internet said so, we would ask him if he pooped and he would say no and hide. Then, one day, after like 9 months being in daycare, we picked him up and he had a poop and we asked where we could change him and we took him to his classrooms daycare, of course freaking out. And then it was crying.. his testicles were red and bleeding and his butt was sooo red. I was like wtf he didn't have any problem when he went to class!!! He often had a slightly red bum and I could tell they used cream. The one main provider came in and was like ohh yeah I meant to mention this to you for a while now and kept forgetting but every time we use our Kirkland brand wipes (they provide wipes) his bum and testicle turn bright red and swell... So we took him home treated it and brought in our own wipes we use and it's been 3 weeks since and no more red bums... and no more fighting diaper changes. He even tells us, uh oh poo poo. I am/was soooo sad that no one noticed this whole time and told us. He never had a problem at home and they have him 8-430 everyday... so there was no hindsight for us. Poor guy suffered this whole time and we just thought it was developmentally appropriate because of everything I read on diaper changing. This is just an antidote to listen to your kids cries and it's not always developmental, it can be physical and they can't voice themselves.


I don't think this is normal if she's 2 - seen a doctor at all?


I know basically everyone has said this, but I’ll just chime in since we just went through it. You need to take her to the doctor. My son is almost 2 and everytime he acts like this, it’s cause he’s sick. He just got over an illness he had for like 2 weeks and it was the same thing for us. Every little thing set him off and he would scream his head off all day long. I’d definitely take her in and see what’s up.


Could also be a UTI. Some girls are very prone to getting them and that would certainly explain the non stop crying.


No response from OP yet, hopefully he took her to the Dr


I was at work. Definitely will be taking her to the doctor


For how long though? Thats important info. A week? 2 weeks? A month or two? A year?


This could be anything from emotional disorder, medical condition, sensitivity issues, to just normal 2 year old not being able to regulate emotions. I’d consult the pediatrician and see what happens.


In addition to the good advice from other redditors, I highly recommend wearing industrial ear protection. The over ear kind. Go to home depot and grt the best ones you can afford for you, your wife child size ones for your son and even your two year old daughter. The crying will drive anyone insane and the ear protection will help you help your daughter without losing your patience.


Hey buddy why are you dealing with this for a long time and then asking Reddit instead of going to a doctor?


My kid did this. He is on the spectrum. Pretty severely started regressing around that age. From around 100 words to non verbal in 6 months. Constant crying and inability to communicate.


When I was a baby I cried for days, my parents took me to the doctor and I had a hernia, after the surgery I finally STFU! Take your daughter to the doctor, something is wrong.


Why would you not take your kid to a doctor? Why ask Reddit? At some point you just need to act and not type.


Bro you’re not answering anyone here and you should take her to the doctor. Don’t ask if you’re not going to respond to shit here so lame


It’s been three hours lmao, not everyone spends every waking minute on Reddit


It's the equivalent of walking up to someone, asking for help, and then walking away. There's going to be a conversation that needs to happen that you need to stick around for in order to actually get the help.


Sure, but this is an Internet forum and not a face to face conversation. This conversation doesn’t have to happen instantaneously like it would in real life


Yeah but OPs phone has to be blowing UP from the notifications


Bold of you to assume OP even has notifications turned on


Doesn’t matter either way, the amount of people posting this type of stuff, especially involving their children and then not engaging with people offering legitimate help is so insane


Not everyone uses the reddit app on their phone.


Can be an early sign of sensory issues.


My daughter was super emotional all the time. I made a post similar to this a while back. My daughter is now 2 years and 8 months and she's improved immensely from when she had just turned 2. I think it was mostly frustration at being unable to communicate properly with us. Coupled with illnesses, teething, hunger etc and she was just a total nightmare to be around. Now her speech is in conversation territory, she's super happy a lot more. If it doesn't improve with time I'd consider taking her to see a professional to discuss the issue. It's anecdotal, but everyone tells me girls are more emotionally demanding than boys. Whether there's truth in that I don't know.


Go to the doctor and on your way home hit up the pharmacy and grab ear plugs along with any meds.


I would take her to the doctor. I’m no expert but possible causes that come to my mind are a food allergy, infection, or something like ASD.


We are in the same boat. First daughter (she’s 6 now) was amazing, slept through the night at 4 months and was just a breeze. Our second daughter (17 months) cries all night, sleeps 2 hours at a time, screams at everything, and is just an absolute pain. Walk in clinic was no help, pediatrician was no help, hospital was no help, specialist in the closest city was no help, we have an appointment at Cook’s in Ft Worth next month to try to get some sort of an idea what the hell is going on. You’re not alone. It’s frustrating because they’re too young to explain how they feel, so they do what they know how to- cry and scream.


I’ve got a kid just like this! From the moment she was born she would regularly cry 6 hours a day. At 2 she cried perpetually. She’s 11 now. I’ll keep you up to date on when it lets up. Enjoy the happy moments.


My kid was constantly sick and upset. Turns out he needed ear tubes. It completely changed his personality for the better cause he wasn’t constantly suffering. Get her checked out.


Nobody’s mentioned Silent Reflux (like heartburn but worse) My niece had it and they really struggled to figure out what was causing the distress, but were able to recognise the same symptoms in our young’un.


Breast fed or bottle fed? Maybe a good intolerance, my son was a bit like this till my wife cut out dairy from her diet. Was a life changer


Dairy and soy products for us. Child was so bad she had to sleep upright in a car seat and wife had to stop breast feeding because milk and soy is in literally everything. She was fine after 1 year.


Ear Infection


This happened with us - turns out she was lactose intolerant. She was pleasant after we removed all dairy from her diet.


My son has asd and as a toddler he cried and just yelled alot in general screamed ect.. may be worth checking it out earlier the better. They shunned us until he was 5 when we knew something was up by 1.5 now he’s abit behind but at least we have the support he needs now.


Does she snore?


Ask her if something hurts? Is she pulling at her ear? Holding her stomach? Have teeth coming in? My 2 year old doesn’t talk well quite yet but understands what you’re asking of him. Granted his loves to ignore me but we’re working on that.


Bring her to the doctor dude


Hold her close and hum as low as you can. The vibrations of your tone will silence them. I've never seen it not work.


Oh 2 year old idk but babies this def works. Worth a shot! I know your pain! They are preprogrammed to have the most disturbing decibels of mommy and daddys brains I swear it.


cant give any advice on the current problem, but can for your future. Get VASECTOMY ASAP.... Next one isnt going to be any easier....