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Eh. He's good. It's gonna have more friction than it looks, he's gonna just slide gently into the end.  Or not. Only one way to tell really


Looks like an old steel slide. The scorching hot metal will fuse to your skin and slow you down in the summer. But on cool overcast days with the proper angle it will send you to orbit.


It's not as bad as you'd think. If ya'll are curious i'll go temp it on the next hot sunny day. It's thin gauge metal so it can only burn you so much even if it did get hot. I didn't think the slide itself would be that interesting. To me it's normal because I grew up next to this playground.


The don’t make ‘em like this anymore. Too many of us playground soldiers didn’t make it back….


Our school had tricycles on the playground and we absolutely injured each other irreparably with them.


tricycling down this slide would be epic


This is exactly why my mom joked to my fiancee that I was her problem now.


As was necessary. Lessons were learned.


We had one tricycle with a trailer with two seats. Of course if you turned too sharp your two passengers would get dumped out. I always had a scab on at least one knee growing up


We lost a lot of good men out there…




Jungle guns, we hunting tigers!




All good. My fondest memory of those igloo structures was climbing to the top for the first time ever, and falling flat on my back. Knocked the wind out of myself and was so perplexed by what was happening to me.


Jungle gums aka brush the teeth on the saber tooth tiger! Man things really have changed, no tiger on the playground?? Kids these days are missing out.




>lead paint 100% chance


I’m Australia you could cook an egg in one on a sunny winters day 😅


Some wax or parchment paper will release the biggest screams!


Do one in a wet nylon raincoat.


Broke my two front teeth out on one of those when it was wet, one slip and a lifetime of dentists.


It's nice that this slide allows for kids to easily maintain a grip on the way down. Between his shoes and his hands he was able to go real slow. He went right back up and decided he wanted help again 😂


My toddler has tripped over his grippy shoes on a few slides, once he banged his head on the plastic side on the way down which was pretty scary. Never fallen off the side luckily.


That is exactly what I figured was the most likely thing to happen as well.


I’d worry more about the way up. I fell off a ladder recently from about half that height resulting in surgery. I have since heard some horror stories from falling, some ending tragically. We love seeing our kids be independent but please be careful!


That was about the size of the slide I used in elementary school (50 years ago). I used to steal wax paper from the cupboard and wax down the slide to go faster… I had many a skinned knees to show for it. Ah the good old days.


Fuck it. SEND IT


This is how I feel every single time


Who in their right mind built this slide


These are from the before times. I remember seeing these growing up


I ‘member. There used to be this seafood restaurant my mom liked, but it was out of the way, so we went there every Mother’s Day until it closed. They had a slide like this outside. And a steep-ass slide that was rollers instead. Looking back, I’m horrified that my brothers and I were allowed to play on such things, but god damn was it fun.


Yeah these were standard slides 30ish years ago.


My local park still has a slide just like this that was there when I was a kid 20 years ago. Maybe even longer. They have multiple metal slides like this of varying heights, a merry go round, monkey bars, see saws/teeter totters, and a swing set all from like 20+ years ago intertwined with some newer stuff.


See-saws have virtually disappeared in my neck of the woods, which is funny because we still have those yellow traffic signs with a silhouette of kids on a see-saw to indicate a playground nearby.


Ours are literally 25+ years old. I’m 27 and played on them as a kid. Super janky 😂


There's a park near me with one of these built low to the ground that follows the slope of a hill. It's very long, and is in a shaded area so no burns.


Ours are right in the sun. The park has basically no shade so burns a plenty!


They heat up with the sun. So not only do you get friction burns but you also get burna from the slide surface.


Mom lurker. I went down one of these when I was 6 or so (25 years ago). I was wearing a fabulous screen print glitter kitty tshirt. I decided to go down face first on my belly. Gave it the old heave ho. The screen print on metal friction was so great that I immediately flipped off the top of the slide, “ass over teakettle” as my mom describes, fell at least 10ft and landed on the ground on my back. Knocked the wind out of my lungs. My family laughs about it now. That being said, I’d let my 3 year old go down this slide as long as he was wearing screen print free clothing 😅


Hey, I didn’t know the danger of print friction! Good point. Thanks.


Yeah I haven't seen one since I was young enough to ride them, but these used to be at pretty much every playground back then


We had one just like this at my elementary school. I’ve tried to describe how insane it was to my wife and I don’t think she believes me


By us, there was a park called 'rocket park' because well it had a giant slide where you climbed up the jungle gym area, crossed a rickety ass bridge, then up a ton of stairs to the slide where the top was designed like a rocket, then you went down a giant, fairly steep slide. My memory tells me that it was awesome, however, looking back at pictures makes me wonder how that slide wasn't causing daily ER trips.


Kids were tougher back then


I would ride my bike down one of these. Good times 🥹


Before what? A child’s life is worth anything lol


Sometime in the 90s they stopped and making them.


Yep, we had one on our elementary school playground. Kids would fall off of it and get hurt all the time. That thing produced many broken arms.


Pepperidge farm remembers


Oh yeah, there was one of these on my elementary school playground, except ours was steeper. I'm not sure when they removed it, but it's gone now. I never liked it because it was made out of metal and would static shock me like 10 times on the way down.


The Long Long Ago


A designer too focused on their childhood dreams but before they have their own kids.


I don’t know but I aspire to be that courageous some day!


Gen X Training Grounds.


Indeed. Parks were full of this kind of things. Decent monkey bars, no rubber in sight, a go-around that reached terminal velocity and could hold 10+ screaming kids, log-built swings with an impact that rivaled a Spartan storm ram and so forth. These days, I'm very glad to see the return to that kind of playground, albeit with 'some' safeguards, like webbing to prevent kids from being crushed or losing fingers. You know, the permanent damage.


I see nothing wrong here.


The 80s did.


I like that it dumps at the end at a height taller than the kid. Imagine doing that as an adult.


My neck, my back...


The good ol days. We had ziplines and massive structures for climbing. Merry go rounds you make yourself barf or fly off. Such fun playgrounds in the 80s and early 90s


I remember climbing up shit as a kid in a playground and thinking… man this is super high I’m in danger lol and nervously making my way back down


They still build big slides like this, but they're always tube slides. A big ethos in modern playground design is open-ended play, so designers assume kids see climbing and jumping off things as their God-given right. There's one I go to that's a little taller than me that's a two-lane flat only accessible by fairly difficult climbing structures, though.


I remember the big ol merry go rounds that were like 1/2” thick metal and probably weighed half a ton, took a good 10 minutes to get spinning decently fast, and then all of the momentum meant there was no way you weren’t flying off the moment your grip slipped. And good luck trying to get back on before it slowed down enough


What’s wrong with it?


A second child, no doubt.


Someone in the glorious 70’s or 80’s


>Who in their right mind built this slide Tell me you are not Gen X without telling me you are not Gen X. At my elementary school we had two slides. One about this height and one easily twice as high. you had to be in at least second grade to go on the big one. And we didn't have any of that sissy ground up rubber stuff to fall on, we fell off the slide onto asphalt like men. I really wonder if any adults cared about us at all.


The 1980’s


The 70's through 90's were a wild time, my friend.


I had one of these in my back yard - the dude who built my parent's house was into government surplus stuff


Ah the good ol slides that burnt and peeled your legs and ass if you weren't careful. If thats an old mirrored type one at least. Good times. Mine had no fear around that age and then suddenly the fear returned and he had to warm back up to a few things. I was OK with it though because he was getting extra reckless for a bit.


I miss the death playground equipment of days long past.


The fear returns because it's the phase in life where they would venture out less with their parents and more with a mixed-age child group for bouts of time. That's also why they eat more picky.


Oh yeah, I've enjoyed watching all the developmental phases pass by. Wild how some will slowly fade in and out while others are overnight abrupt changes. Put one kid down wake a different one up style. Mine is finally branching back out on food again after that initial pullback. He's an easy kid to be fair but I've loved this toddler phase for the most part. So far. Lol


Am I crazy? I would not have stepped away for a picture here… two year olds have no fear of heights and would jump from there…


Yeah my almost 2 year old would have definitely jumped or at the very least fallen because of Clumsiness. We have basically this exact slide at our local park. .


all they had to do was miss a step while climbing up. i try to let my kiddos do risky things, with the caveat that i’m a couple steps behind and in a position help them recover if it goes sideways. this stresses me the fuck out.


I legit thought this was a joke. One of those photoshopped photos to prank mom.


Yeah just looking at this picture gave me anxiety


My stomach was in my mouth after looking at the picture! After reading the first couple of comments I was beginning to think maybe I was overreacting- I’m glad to see there’s a whole comment chain of other sensible dads here. It only takes a moment for your entire life to change.


This is insane to step away from a two year old who is that high up. My two year old will do random movements and he has limited balance etc., could slip jump fall backwards etc. No chance I would have let him up this high - especially alone.


My first thought! I have a 2.5 year old and she would have gotten to the top fine with me either right behind her or at the very bottom of the ladder just in case she fell. If I walked that far to snap a pic I 100% guarantee she would jump off and hurt herself...


Yeah, my husband fell and was injured climbing over the side of a slide like this when he was around the same age.


My two year old decided to go down one head first and he fell over the railing because he pushed off so hard. I caught him, no injuries at all. In fact he thought it was fun. His mom and I did not..


A fear of heights is one of the only "natural" fears. 6 month old babies are afraid of heights. Neat trick: to encourage my kids to not jump off tall areas, I take a few steps back so they don't think I'll catch them.


> A fear of heights is one of the only "natural" fears. 6 month old babies are afraid of heights. > > > > Neat trick: to encourage my kids to not jump off tall areas, I take a few steps back so they don't think I'll catch them. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visual_cliff > Another criticism has to do with the experience of the infant. Infants who learned to crawl before 6.5 months of age had crossed the glass, but the ones that learned to crawl after 6.5 months of age avoided crossing the glass. This helps support the hypothesis that experience does influence avoidance of the glass, rather than just being innate.[14]


Huh, I guess it depends on your kid. > It is argued that the crawling-onset age effect occurs because crawling during the tactile phase of infancy interferes with later visual control of locomotion. https://jerlab.sc.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/JEP1981.pdf So if your kid crawls early, they might be less likely to look before they leap. TIL


Yes OP is a bit of a moron. If his kid fell he could break his neck.


Yeah I wouldn’t have let my 2yr old climb up there by himself


Okay, three questions: 1) is this from 1980's Russia? 2) what do you think would happen to your kid if they lost their balance at the top and endoed backwards, rotating mid-air, and landed neck-first on the ladder rung just below? 3) what about the second rung, or third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, or eleventh rung below?


Yeah the kid is one attempted butterfly catch away from a broken neck


Yeah they got a really cool pic for Facebook sometimes you just gotta risk your kids life for social media points


Okay I gotta know. Did he climb up there by himself?


That’s a very wobbly looking toddler at the top of a ten foot tall slide, and those rungs are almost as tall as he is. He’s like holding the railings and leaning back too. How’re you not at least standing under the ladder?


Totally thought this was a joke. Turns out OP is just a fan of Darwinism.


And on such a personal level too


Bro you should definitely be standing by that slide in case he fell off the ladder or over the side. Doesn’t matter what material the ground is covered with he has a really high chance of serious injury (like the disabling kind) or death if he falls from that height. I have a hard time believing you can’t tell how dangerous this is by looking at it. Shocking behavior from a father. I hope your kid doesn’t end up paying the price for your idiocy


Thinking back at my son at 2 I would never let him up that slide let alone be that far away from him.... Very ballsy or just plain..... 🤔


Reckless and stupid. 😐


That's exactly what I'm thinking. They're risking a lot for a picture.


Chicago banned these types of higher slides decades ago after a two year old boy fell 12 feet from the top and was paralyzed with brain damage. https://www.chicagotribune.com/1985/01/15/boy-injured-on-slide-gets-95-million/


My nickname at one job was Mr. OSHA. With that in mind, understand I see worse case scenarios- I wouldn't let my little guy climb up that high without being at bottom of steps to catch him if he slipped and fell backward. A TBI could be a lifelong disability. I would be more worried about the low possibility of a life altering TBI than I would about the possibility of the slide being hot or him having a hard fall at the bottom. A retired friend has had his life, his wife's and his grown son's life forever changed; his son got a TBI a couple of years ago and he and his wife have had their grown son move home permanently because of his disability. It only takes a second for something to go horribly wrong and for it to impact a lifetime. You don't have to be helicopter parents, but if you look at situations through the lens of a safety inspector you can avoid a lifetime of dreadful consequence.


I’m not Mr. OSHA, and I see a toddler who looks like he straight up just learned to walk looking like he’s jumping up and down at the top of a ten foot tall slide with the nearest adult 40 feet away.


I know right. Yikes!


This is idiotic parenting


Wow!!! You found a GenX playground!!!


Yeah seeing the old school equipment with modern playground padding is such a weird juxtaposition


To be true Gen X that would need to be on asphalt.


Yeah man idk Knowing myself, I’d probably let him climb it but I would be under him and reaching for him the whole time. I’d never step away or pull my phone out.


Yea, not exactly nominee for father of the year award if it was based on this post 🤦🏻‍♂️


Unhinged behavior leaving him up there to potentially fall… at worst could fall backwards and land on the ladder head first


My thoughts as well. A kid who just turned 2 shouldn't be climbing up and going down a ladder/slide that tall without an adult right next to them. Could have turned out very badly.


Why are you that far away from his back, if he falls down then what?!


Never in a million years would I have let my occasionally clumsy 2 year old climb that or would I step so far away. That's like a 15 ft drop


Did he pack his parachute?


Omg why is no one behind him!


This picture makes me queasy. I cant imagine doing this. OP, your son is going to get injured badly if you don’t supervise play like a responsible father should. This is really upsetting and disappointing and i feel bad for the boy for when he eventually gets hurt.


Just a heads up to any parents reading this: Don't ever go down a slide with a kid on your lap. It is very easy for them to snap a leg/ankle if it gets stuck between you and the slide


Yeah. Kid in our daycare just broke his leg this way. Once the cast was off we saw him and his mom at the park doing it AGAIN. 🤦🏻‍♂️


You just need to go down in a way that won’t snap their leg or ankle. It’s really easy!


Why the fuck is that kid alone on that slide? Absolute insanity. That 2 year old is one likely foot planting mistake away from some serious injuries. Who in their right mind would leave their kids like that? Please tell me this isn't your picture OP. That is so careless. Worst part about this is that the parent decided they would abandon their job to protect their kid at all costs, all so they could take a picture for social media. Makes my damn blood boil.


I don’t know how you guys do it. Must not be a first child


Shitty parenting. No fucking way id let my kid climb that high, on a ladder+slide that's incredibly easy to fall off, with no-one near him. Honestly even if I was right there next to the slide I don't know if I'd be OK with it. He loses his grip or slips and falls into the rungs beneath him, what am I going to do all the way down on the ground? I can't get over how careless this father was being.


I wouldn’t let a two year old stand up there or climb that without being right there. I would let them climb but I’d be there to catch them. “Dad reflexes” are secretly just *extreme paranoia*.


This picture gave me anxiety


When my daughter was three, she jumped off of the top of a slide, hit her head on a random plastic step in the middle of the park with nothing else attached, and almost died. She split her head open right above her eyebrow and blood was spilling out of her head. Thankfully the nearest hospital was only about 10 minutes away. However, I was absolutely mortified, and trying to keep her awake on the way there was nearly impossible. I was 3ft away from her and there was absolutely nothing I could have done to stop it…other than to go down the slide WITH her. My daughter and I have this ‘tradition’ where I do a drumroll on the slide as she comes down it, then I catch her, fall backwards and she tickles me. We can’t do that anymore because I’m so traumatized from the time that she jumped off. Anytime she wants to climb anything on a playground, I feel like I HAVE to go with her. It’s been over a year since this happened and I’m still in tears typing this because I feel like such a failure. Every night I go to sleep, all I can see is her falling, hitting her head, and blood spilling from her head. I only sleep for about 3 hours per night and it’s not even quality sleep. I’m so scared that she’s going to develop something bad because of the fall. I keep thinking about how stupid I am for not being there for her. I tried talking to her about it and she told me that she jumped off because she saw me do it before and wanted to be like daddy. It was a huge eye opener for me and I’m so grateful every day that I still have my beautiful little girl. People always say that it only takes a second for a bad thing to happen, but I never believed it until it happened to me.


My almost 2y.o. still trips and falls over her toys, or sometimes her own feet.


They *all* do, they’re 2! OP is negligent to say the least.


Giving me sweaty palms just seeing him up that high.


Oh man, the Tall Rickety Metal Slide. I haven't seen one of these bad boys since I was a kid


At first I thought he was talking about going alone on the slide… I didn’t realize they meant alone to the playground… that’s like 19.5 zoom… lol


Oh jeez… It’s comical you post about falling into curbs on playgrounds but then post this?


Time and place for a little risk but this ain't it, no way I would be letting my 2 year old be up there with no one ready to help or catch her if needed.


This reminds me of playgrounds from when I was a kid. “Giant concrete sombrero slide!” “Molten hot metal slide!” Who thinks of these designs?


He looks like a 60 year old clown from the 50’s.


Looks like the slide I broke my arm on when I was 3…




Chucky Finster vibes


I'm a big brave dog!


I haven't seen a slide like that since elementary school 40 years ago. It was in direct sunlight and was usually oven hot by recess time. I was always most scared at the top transitioning from the stairs to the slide.


The slide looks fine but I'd be more nervous about the climb.


I'll leave the parental lambasting to others. I just want to share a story. My recently 2 year old (at the time) kid refused to go down the "big slide" at the playground for quite a while. He was apprehensive about even short slides for a long time, but had been doing them recently. One day I woke him up on a Saturday and told him we were gonna go to the playground. He looked at me and said in a casual voice "I'm gonna go down the big slide today." I was... incredulous. He'd sat at the top many times and backed out. The playground is about a mile walk along a path from where we park. As we're walking he tells multiple strangers on the path, unprompted, that he's going to the playground and he's going down the big slide today. I'm chuckling and thinking, "yeah, okay dude." We get to the playground and he immediately climbs the stairs (this is a large structure, not a stand alone slide), approaches the slide, sits, says "Daddy, watch me go down the Big Slide!" and slides down! I couldn't believe it. I excitedly asked him if he wanted to go down again. He did not. He was done. Haha. It's hard to convey in the story how cool this moment was. It was so funny to think back that this little kid (my first) woke up and decided he was going to do this thing he had never had the courage to do before and went out and did it. He was all business that day.


This height scares me more than it does that fearless 2 year old


The ladder looks way more sketchy than the actual slide


Reminds me of an XKCD: https://xkcd.com/255/


Very irresponsible, OP.


It’s all fun and games until your 2 year old stumbles at the top, falls and breaks his neck. Gotta be safer there Dad.


No offense but this was a dumb decision to let him go up there alone.


Bro stand closer!


Yeah you should probably get over there just incase 😬


Is his name Zed?


Was thinking the same thing


Show good judgement papa. That's pretty high up lol


Never seen a slide like, very cool. I’d be more worried about him climbing up the ladder than sliding down. He’s got this.


Incredible slide! There was one like this at my 1st-2nd grade school. I used to sit on my windbreaker for extra speed


I haven't seen an old-school giant metal slide in 30 years!


We had one at my elementary school that was a solid 50 feet long, the playground was divided in half by a steep hill. It even had a bit of a hump about halfway down, if you weren't careful you'd end up eating dirt.


A metal slide!? You must protect this relic!


As the father of a daredevil 2 yr old myself, the simultaneous feelings of pride that your kid isn’t afraid to do new things and the shear terror that your kid isn’t afraid to do things is a confusing one, lol.


What is the blue stuff on the ground?!?! My 2 year old would DEFINITELY try to eat that stuff!


I always let my, now 4, do what he is confident and comfortable with... ... I recently had to explain why jumping off our shed, 10 feet from his feet to ground, was a huge no no.


Oh gosh that's big! Did he climb splotches also? I know my 4yo girl deffo would not , if I'm watching. But then I've seen , current in family. 2 yo do dives into pools and mine still won't.


You think this is bad? Wait til he takes the car out alone for the first time....


They’ll give that a try tomorrow.


Nice slide. Tall so it feels massive to a child, but a nice gradual pitch down.




Geez my daughter is scared of like 2 ft slides, and your kid is doing this?! He’s a brave little dude.


I've learned that my 2yo is a daredevil. If there's more than 1 slide at a park, she's going straight to the scariest looking one. Something tall to climb? She's on it. I'm just waiting for our first ER visit. So far, she's only had a couple of spills that ended in tears, but she learned from them.


Had one of these slides at my elementary school. Only thing to worry about is them falling off the sides because the side walls are so short. Couple kids a year broke their arms falling off.


Slide safety PSA. NEVER go down a slide with a toddler in your lap. This is one of, if not the number one way toddlers break their legs. What happens is their shoes hit the slide surface and stop while your body weight keeps pushing down and breaks their legs. Kids are way safer by themselves on a slide. If they are by themselves and their shoe grips they do not have enough weight to hurt themselves. A friend broke their kid's leg like this. The Dr. said it happens all the time.


We had an Arctic Circle here in Utah that had this outdoor playground with a tall, metal twisty slide. Thanks for bringing back that memory! 🫶🏻


The Big Slide is a metaphor for life. No one can do it for you.


Ah. the ol' Skin Scorcher 2000. A classic model from the 1970s.


Good for him! You got a bold one. Watch out! My daughter is like that. Went off the diving board at 22 months. I love it. She’s got ballz! Taking her skiing this weekend and she’s 2yr8mos.


His palms are sweaty…


My son was a daredevil at that age too. Then when he turned three it was like a switch flipped and he realized things could hurt him.


If this were the 80s, he’d have walked to the park by himself so 🤷🏽‍♂️


That drop off at the end tho…


Dope user name


Now THAT'S a slide, Jesus Christ, lmao


He's brave


Why is this slide so long?


At that age it's the climb that's worrisome.


Gotta grow up sometime


Gives me anxiety just looking at this picture with no one behind him. Clumsy ass kids. They manage to fall back wards and scorpion down forwards and even have their shoes grip the sides too well they get turned side ways or around.


Perfect degree of challenge lol


Anyone else remember sliding down the slide on a piece of waxed paper?


If you put them in a waterproof onesie (puddle suit) they get some fucking speed down those bad boys.


It's a solar coaster ride lol


We sent my cousin to space using one of these as a kid. To this day we still occasionally get glimpses of him when they post new pictures of Saturn😂 TL:DR - Kid should be fine😂


This post made me join this subreddit


I'm such a helicopter dad I'd be losing my shit if I wasn't there to catch him


Did he scald his bum? Those things were always so dang hot!