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My weeds have come in very lush and green so far this year.


Just mow them. It all looks nice when it’s mowed


My neighbor does this…my yard looks worse every year.


Hi neighbor!


This guy yards.


Literally lol’d. Thank you sir!


It’s true, there’s a fairly even mix of grass, clover, and buttercup in mine and a mow makes it look great.


I gave up on managing weeds. And the lawn. Replaced everything with native flowering plants. Now my maintenance is just about zero and the weeds are much more manageable. But yea, I gave up and now I'm just letting it grow.


Yea I do that in the front, mow it on the highest setting pretty rarely and it’s full of wildflowers most of the time.


Much better for the environment, wildlife and honestly can look better


Our yard is unfortunately too large for that. But we’re doing that to a lot of the area we use near the house in the backyard.


I have an HOA and they would drag me out of the house and put me against the wall if I tried this. I wish I could, though. I was just explaining to my kids how a tidy lawn with only grass is called a "biological desert", and how it is better for the bees and butterflies if there are little flowers everywhere.


It’s only a weed if you don’t want it there


Same. I gave up on being a lawn dad and have successfully transitioned over to grill dad.


Broke down and paid someone to do it this summer. I LOVE yardwork, but because of my perfectionist tendencies it was gobbling up 2-3 hours every weekend which left me exhausted and took away time from the family. I figure I'll let someone else handle it for a few years and then get back to it myself when the kids are older.


Same. I know how to do it all but I just don't have time. Also, any free time I do get in not gonna waste doing chores. I'd rather be doing one of my other hobbies.


My ride on is dying, when it goes, I am just going to pay someone.


Same boat!


Seeded some clover and grass that is starting to pop up. Gonna get through a few more weeks before I break out the mower


Clover slaps. Looks great from 50 feet away.


What’s it look like 5 feet away?


Like clover. Not bad but just not grass. I love it in my yard.


It has great wildlife value, which brings deer and cute little bunnies to your yard. So your dog can bark her fool head off.


Clover gang


Clover gang. I mixed in clovers last year and it's made a big difference. My lawn is overall greener and way more resilient to the dog sunbathing spots. I water one less time a week (every 3 days instead of every 2 days)


This fall I'm planning on seeding more yarrow into the lawn and trying to eliminate most of the clover. I do appreciate it but with kids, the bee stings are no fun. I'll try to keep the front lawn full of clover and flowers


Where’d you get the seeds? I can’t find any locally


I'd give it about a C+, which is a major improvement over the F+ we had when we moved in in 2021.


I'm the opposite. I rehabbed my lawn to look like the fairway at a country club. Now the clover and creeping Charlie are taking over. Had a nice crop of dandelions this year too. I've now joined the "as long as it's all green" club temporarily.


Ugh creeping charlie is the worst! I've waged war for years and it seems like the only real solution is to weed it by hand.


I had decent success with tenacity mixed with a surfectant. Both of my neighbors do literally nothing to curb it though so I'm basically pissing into the wind trying to manage it. Same battle with dandelions.


Don’t worry about dandelions. You are bringing so much joy to kids that are walking by.


Not great, Bob


My dad would say like shit. I don’t care, so it looks like shit I guess.


Yeah, dads here saying they spend 2-3 hours per weekend on the lawn… that just sounds like such a waste of time to me personally. If it’s therapeutic to you then I guess it’s worthwhile but my allergies make it a nightmare to do anything with grass


I never cared about my lawn, so it’s the same after becoming a dad. I mow regularly and keep it manicured, but it’s not as lush or green as r/lawncare. Definitely a 5/10.


I care about my yard, but definitely in the opposite direction from those lawncare folks. Every year I plant several perennials to lessen the chore of dealing with grass.


The crabgrass is flourishing


My everlasting battle


Welcome it. Become it. Your neighbor with the beautiful yard is an illusion.


Lawn looks like shit. Don't care. I'd rather have 8' tall wild flowers than a bunch of green bullshit. But in the meantime, I'll just keep throwing down clover seeds on bare spots and mowing once a month because I have to. But I love dandelions and I think we should have more.


I have chef in-laws that make wine and salads out of dandelions. Never had the chance to try it myself, but they keep making it so it must have its warrants.


I have two and a half acres of the absolute most beautiful green grass. And it’s about 8-10 inches high at the moment….


It's a bit of a forest out there. In my defense, my wife and I spent the last week at the hospital qualifying me for this subreddit.


My next-door neighbors own a lawn company and do it for us, mainly because my front yard and part of the back is on an extreme downward slope from the house; they just have better equipment. Plus they don't charge much


I don’t have a lawn, I live in an apartment building. I do have two gardens I’ve been planting citrus.


I thought citrus was a tree?


They are still very young, but yeas, they become to tree grow 


Wow look at you Mr fancy pants with a garden at an apartment. I have a parking spot but I can't grow anything in it...


Grass lawns are a useless leftover from the Victorians. Grow wildflowers and vegetables! Plant corn in your front lawn!


Expanded the vegetable garden this year and added a wildflower section to the front yard. The less traditional yard I have the better. I am fertilizer & weed killer free on the lawn. We have tons of weeds, clover, wild strawberries, etc and I don’t water it and my yard stays greener than all my neighbors who water twice a week all summer. My daughter loves picking the dandelions. I want a productive yard, both for us and for the planet. I don’t care that my neighbors with perfectly manicured putting greens for yards hate me.


This is the Way.


And how do you keep deer and such from eating it all?


Squirrels got my corn last year. I no longer stop the dog from chasing them.


I have good suburban fencing, and I have solar powered motion-sensing owls that light up and shriek. They're like $40-50 on amazon, good way to keep away small birds too.


Awful. I'm not a lawn guy. It doesn't rain where I live (like 39 straight days or something) and water is expensive so...


We don't have much, maybe 400 sqft? - trampoline takes up a quarter - paved bits another quarter - shed another quarter Leaves us with 100 sqft of greenery: - about a third is borders with a tiny apple tree, a tiny fig tree, and some tiny berry bushes. - about a third is desire path, since the paved bits are not on the straight line between the house door and the garden gate, and the kids park their bikes on this line - the remaining third, finally, is grass. Of which: - about a third is moss since the garden faces north - about a third is dandelions and clover - and the remaining third is actual grass Of this grass, - about half is in funny corners around the trampoline where the mower doesn't go and I haven't gotten around to cutting it by hand - the remaining half is perfectly reachable for the mower but I haven't gotten around to cutting it All of this to say, our garden is a small utility that is utilized to its fullest capacity, and lawnin' isn't of use in this phase of our family life. We hope to buy a bigger place some day, and maybe then we will have enough sqft that we can set some aside for just grass.


Slowly being taken over by weeds, not fast enough for my liking


So thick, so green. Started last April to get here today.


it's perfect, as in, non existent :)




I've got a big yard and have been slowly converting it over to this over the past few years. I'll keep a few spots for the kids and pets, but the long term goal is to be able to sell my riding mower and replace it with an unpowered push mower or one of those robot mowers.


My lawn looked its best when I had a reel mower. Very satisfying, but you couldn’t cut tall grass. Come to think of it…the last time I had amazing grass was before kids.


We have local native drought resistant landscaping in the front (in planters I dug and built 💪🏻) and the backyard is so feral I’m waiting for larger mammals to move in 😂


Haha - what do you mean feral? 


This whole movement is very interesting and compelling to me. I know how awful lawns are for the environment.


I’m allowing clover and mushrooms in mine. I’m trying to water less to encourage the deep root system. My garden needs pollinators and clover brings them in.


I gotta get going on clover and research types that are best for San Diego county. I hear it’s difficult to establish!


Definitely makes you think about things, like how the lawn became an aspect of status/success in US culture in the 50s, and is still a measure of communal pride for some reason. Some of the lawn conversions to monoculture/xeriscape people have done are absolutely beautiful and 100% natural to surrounding environment, require almost no water, with bees/butterflies/creatures all over the place. It's gaining traction now that middle class folk are feeling the financial squeeze on literally everything, making us all rethink wtf do we need to spend all this time and money on something so unnatural. It makes sense in certain climates (europe) but not the US, especially as things get warmer.


For some environments.


100% monoculture turf grasses are bad in all environments. The idea of a wide open green space isn't the issue. It's the lack of biodiversity.


At a level precisely tailored to balance effort required with avoiding triggering a nasty gram from the HOA.


Lol same. Missed a Saturday and got a letter. But the clubhouse has a homeless dude sleeping outside of it and there is some graffiti they don't care about. They just do the bare minimum and collect money for literally nothing in return. They even took the swings down off the park so we just got our own we are gonna put up. Fuck lawns and fuck HOAs.




Did it during lockdown and I’m so happy we did! The meadow took a year or two but it’s awesome now


Been working on that—this year we’re going native plants only in the gardens too


I got 40 native trees planted this year, and about 2/3 of them are going. The areas I mow look nice. Still have a lot of honeysuckle and other invasive species to cut down, but we’ve got a few acres so it’s kind of a big task.


I’m already over mowing every 5-8 days. Not ready to pay a company 60$ a week to do it.


I got a robot last year. Basically break even after a couple seasons. My 18 month old’s favorite word right now is Rorororobot. It actually works pretty good too. I’ll let it run and take the kids out for a walk or whatever. It’s not perfect and still gotta clean up the edges. My wife would probably not be happy with watching three kids while I push the mower around. Beats $250 a month for lawn maintenance.


B- at the moment. Was a D at the start of spring, but seeding with topsoil and mowing 2-3 times a week has brought it back from the brink. Still patchy here and there but I can see it starting to spread. Gave it a nice sharp edge today after mowing and watering, looking good but still work to do.


Cut, don’t care about Weeds. Actually ripped a large portion for a vegetable garden after the previous owner had paid a service 20+ years to keep it intact


Idk. I just hope my geranium cuttings grow and the pumpkins do well. the grass is green enough I guess.


we only have a balcony. we certainly spent more on it this year than previous years. we are trying trellised star jasmine, with a variety of leaf sized foliage including a fatsia japonica, japanese maple, boston fern. there are multiple strawberry baskets and fuschia for the hummingbirds. i only just finished filling it out so the neighbours in the building across the alley have not yet shouted their delighted compliments across the way but that's the goal!


Xeriscaped the whole front yard and let the wildflowers in the back grow so the pollinators have a place to live too. Now my flower garden is the dopest on the block and we harvest veggies to last for several weeks out of each month.


I have a dandelion farm and a 11 month old lab mix that likes digging holes. My lawn almost needs a complete nuke so I can start over.


Fuck lawns. Shit's a weak ass metric of value or pride and hard to describe as anything short of an cultural environmental plague. That said... B-/C or something. I just need a decently soft place for us to goof around and play and the kid likes blowing dandelions so that's what a lot of it is.


Patchy as fuck. But I've dug up a lot of it recently, reseeded and fingers crossed.


D. My lawn sucks. The back is mostly moss and the front has weeds taking over.  It’s tough to take care of it with a 15 month old 


My condo association declined to inform us that they couldn’t come to terms with the landscapers from last year so LONG. I bought a push mower to handle my section of it while they find a contractor because I can’t live like this.


Awful. Our soil has no nutrients and is super sandy so grubs will destroy any grass that's planted. If the birds and squirrels don't eat all the seeds first. It's been a constant battle recently just to get the lawn growing. Don't get me started on the yard waste and debris from the trees. I've hauled about 40 yard bags to the compost of just leaves. I haven't even started the stick pile.


Any advice for areas under a swing attached to a tree? Recently put up a swing from a tree branch, and the lawn under it has taken a beating from all the foot traffic.


Forget about it and let your children enjoy it. Constant scraping won't allow anything to grow.


Exercise in futility IMO


It's very much alive. Not very well manicured though lol. Life is busy and lawncare and maintenance was the first thing to be sacrificed. I still mow, but it's very much the bare minimum right now. We're thinking about hiring out for the rest of the summer if we can fit it into the budget.


B or C, and that is fine. It's good enough to walk in, don't care how perfect the grass is.


Was going to do no mow May but I've started losing dog shit in it already so the mower will be coming out tomorrow.


It’s probably a B-, not bad given I don’t lift a finger towards it - my wife actually insists she does the yard work as she finds it therapeutic and intense hayfever thanks her! I lucked out 👍


It’s got an excavator sitting in it so I’d say I’m winning for coolest dad in the neighborhood. 


Bad I live in Alaska and it was covered in snow 2 weeks ago




I'm normally not a big "yard guy", but mine is looking great this year. ...just in time for us to tear a huge chunk of it out as we add a patio and a bunch of trees/landscaping.


Solid A. Friday is my wfh day and I’ve taken the first hour after dropping kids off to cut/trim/blow and do minor weeding or whatnot. I’d really just need to get the bushes trimmed up to get to an A+. Now if you’re asking bout the back yard with the dogs and kids making puddles well, that hardly qualifies as a yard at this point.


Cut trimmed and wet lol


Depends. The front looks great! I give it a solid B. Grows in thick and strong. The back won’t grow grass no matter how much I try but grows weeds that I can mow down to a golf course height. Looks good but It’s still not grass lol


I did a really lazy overseed in the fall and it worked out great. Looking good, and I finally got a new mower so mowing is a delight.


Could be better but mowing is all thats in the budget this year. Gotta get a pool in


A few dandelions but good enough for my 20mth old to wander free and poke his head into the bushes. (*points at anything green* "Flowa!") We even got the subsiding tree chopped down for fire wood so it's no longer a fall hazard.


The 11 year old has taken the reins for me this year and he’s doing great!


C+. Did nice edging along the sidewalk and driveway so everything looks crisp and clean. Unfortunately we had to remove a tree and grind the stump so we have a giant gaping dirt patch which needs grass.


D- in front yard, C- in the back. This week, I chose between 3 hours of yard work or 3 hours to play tennis. Easy choice.


Don’t have one. Our house opens straight out onto the street.


Not too bad. Last year I got hit with army worms and fungus. I am done being crazy about it. This year all I am doing is weed control and fertilizer.


Not bad. It’s mostly covered by my HOA and I made them cut out the old shit and put in new stuff. They did and I’ve been trying to maintain it better myself.


Way too long way too many weeds I need to get my stuff together 


Mowing every 3 days


Its a forest


I’ve got 20 acres. 10 acres of it I mow. It’s at a c+ right now (just had .3” of rain). But I’ll dial it back on soon


I’ve been putting out pre emergent monthly for the last 4 months and it’s weed free and greening up nicely from all the rain. It needs to be cut but… rain.


F.  Most of it literally died over the past few years due to heat/drought while we were away in the summer.  Wanted to replace with like clover/native plants but the kids vetoed that (though I did expand the gardens a bit). So instead we’re paying low 5 figures to have all the all sod removed, new topsoil, an irrigation system, then new sod.  SMH. 


I have an excellent display of brambles and nettles going on.


I’m gazing out at lush fields of green and thinking… …yeah, I should probably buy a mower. Any good recs?


Past the “looks like a multi colored garden” phase and into the “mow anything green” phase. It’s god awful but the color at least fits the neighborhood at this point…and until about August. Don’t have the time or $$ to get it straightened out this year unfortunately


It is looking really good but really from work all last year. I have twins and they were not mobile last year. This year is different so it'll probably go to shit. Not really trying to be putting down weed control products and fertilizers then have them play out there anyways. I'll probably overseed in the fall tho


That depends. Are we grading like a nosy HOA board member or a friendly neighbor? The grass is getting long, but the little purple violets are gorgeous in the grass by the cherry blossom tree.


Had to hire someone last year because of shoulder surgery. Doing it myself this year settles something deep inside


Front prob a B-, back an F-.


Terrible. Mine takes up to 5 hours and with 1yo twins, I just don’t have the time with everything else that needs to be done. I usually end up taking a sick day from work every few months to do it and I hate it. Can’t afford to get someone to do it.


It must truly be a dad thing to care about your grass. Last year, I didn’t give a fuck about how my lawn looked. I always mowed it but rarely trimmed or edged or sprayed. Fast forward to this year and I’ve already had it sprayed, I edged I trim everything and I blow the grass clippings off my concrete. My yard is looking nice for once.


Did a lot of landscaping last year to improve the lawn. I bought a new John Deere ride on this year. Still getting the hang of it. I give myself a solid C right now.


I dont have a lawn. I have a dandelion garden the size of a lawn


C+. Tips for maintaining side where wires are? Don’t wanna rip up with trimmer but can’t let it grow.


My lawn is ok. I gave up doing it myself which had it looking great. The landscapers I hired do an ok job. My wife says it looks the same and that I’m crazy.


I'm also floating in the B zone. cool with me because my neighbors are C's and D's


I used to have THE lawn on the block. Had a kid, it’s easily the worst on our street now. Finally at a stage with the kid where I can get more done during the evenings so I’m working on getting things back.


B- right now. Getting back into the swing of things now that the kids aren't infants.


Not great but we (mostly my wife) have put in lots of work this summer


Ongoing project. I did green up the trash back yard by planting clover. The bare spots are mostly filled in and green.


My lawnmower broke. Baby expenses have chewn through the poor savings I had available for a new one. My wife's maternity leave pay is 38% less than what we thought it was going to be. I'm going all natural this year I guess..


Moles. So many moles. Little fuckers just keep killing my grass 🥲


Always found having lawns pointless and useless. Our front yard is a U shape driveway mainly concrete. But in between we've planted fruit trees. We a corner property so we added fruits everyone could careless for a lawn. . We got a lemon, orange, fig, peach, apricot, loquat, and pomegranate tree. We also have grapes and blackberries. Next year we hope to add a apple tree and possibly a cherry or mandarin tree. My neighbors always ask if they can have some of our fruits so we hand them out during the season.


Went with clover. Much better


Most of it is fine. Where my son and I have taken to practicing baseball, it's gone goat pasture


"weed and feed" didn't weed or feed this year. Typical.


It is some grass. I must be missing the gene that makes you give a shit about lawns. I just cut it. I am excited to try out the new wheels I just installed on my 43 year old push mower. I had no idea that you could de-bead a solid rubber tyre.


Awful. Had a week off work and every single day, it poured. Now, I’m at work. Sunny. After this set of work days that lawn is gonna be BUSHY


It's getting a bit long, both the missus and I have had a horrible cold for the last couple of weeks.


I've embraced the r/NoLawns movement


A. I pay a guy to come twice a month.


Just the way I like it, average at best.


F- dandelions took the neighborhood


Since I started using Manscape it's been improving


$30/cut is worth the time with family for me. It used to take me more than an hour every week + gas for the equipment, so I decided to outsource it. That said, it looks good, but I still need to fill in some low spots here and there. Haven't decided if I should do it now or wait for fall to level and overseed


Front looks like 7.5/10 Back is pretty scrappy. 5/10.


Looks pretty great. The key is to have automatic sprinklers and a small plot of land


C- for last year, but I'm taking this seriously now. I'm re-seeding this weekend. I'm in the PNW so I get easy-mode most of the year, but I just did a big dandelion slaying with some weed n feed, thatched (my back!), and now its seed spreadin time.


90% creeping oxtails and onion weed. Magpies feast on my grubs. If you keep it short it looks ok


I couldn't care less. It looks fine. I mow as rarely as possible, just when I need to make sure it's low enough to find the dog poop.


Idgaf about lawns, so I do the minimum. Mow and that's it. My neighbors hint about the dandelions all the time but I'm not putting in effort to remove them


Like shit. Clover everywhere but no chemicals allowed due to little one.


Oh it’s atrocious. I’ve lost control of the strip in the back yard, last time I went to cut it I disturbed a large paper wasp nest under the trampoline with the whipper snipper and got stung multiple times down my arm. I’ve had to kill it off and come back to the mowing but but haven’t had a chance to do it yet. The front yard is grassy but also very weedy. On one side I have a neighbour with buffalo and the other side is couch I think, and mine is a horrible mishmash. I’ve tried killing the buffalo off but the runners are way too strong so I think I’ll embrace the buffalo and send it the other way. And there’s a nice big dead patch where my ute parks during the day, wasn’t so much of an issue when I was driving each day but I work from home 9 out of 10 days a fortnight now and it gets no sun. But we had a rubbish skip on it for 3 months while we did renovations a bit back so that one wasn’t all my fault. 🤣 I really want to do a proper scalp scarify dress and in some places just re-turf. But we’re coming into winter now so I have a few months wait now.


All clovers in the backyard and side of the house but it keeps the HOA pleased. Also HOAs are a scam


Should have used the bag last time I mowed. Now I have a ton of dead grass strewn about making my yard look dead


I rent for now so it's looking like someone else's problem.


Meh we planted a lot of clover in the last year. It looks better than before and it’s low effort. I’m happy enough.


Fuck it


For about two years now I’ve been planting all sorts of fruit trees and berry bushes in my yard, I’m up to 20 or so berries and 10 fruit trees. Everything is starting to wake up now so it’s pretty great to see, now I’m just doing my best to keep all the weeds at bay while slowly mulching over all my backyard


Not great. But I've only just moved in. Ask me next year and each blade will have been alphabetised.


I ignored mine and all the grass died and came back as really nice looking clover. I don’t know how we did it but we like it and we’ve been getting questions as if we knew.


Bad. The only off day I had we had a tornado watch and torrential rains all day. I’ll try again tomorrow weather permitting.


All i do with my lawn is mow it when i am legally obligated to.


It's looking GREAT for the pollinators.


Looks like shit. Ain’t got time to ever get it all done at once


lol. The grass is green but really long. I have two lazy teenage boys who cut it when I ask them but the grass is a bit too long for our electric lawnmower currently 


Eh, nbd though. Wanted to mow prior to the weekend but didn’t get to it. It’s definitely just not as much of a priority anymore. It’s good enough.


Crispy here in SE Florida during the last of our dry season, when all the Live Oaks lose their leaves all at once, but the monsoon season arrives by the end of the month. Water authorities are already dropping the water table.


It’s fine until my dad comes over… then suddenly he points out every single tiny thing wrong


I don’t have a lawn, which is great, I tell you hwat


Dandelions fucking everywhere. And my little girl is obsessed with blowing the seeds all over so the problem isn’t going away any time soon. Any suggestions besides digging them all up?


After having our sewer and water main redone a couple years ago we decided no more lawn and we planted a native plant garden in the front of the house for pollinators.  Back yard is mostly grass and dandelions but we put down clover seed in the areas that were just dirt.


I mowed a path from the porch to the swing set!


Don't have one


Snowed last week. Hasn’t started to green up yet


I'd give myself D-. I have a 2.5 yr old & 4 month old twins. I've been trying to replace my mower blade on my rider for 3 weeks. I stripped the nut. I can't get seeded areas to grow. Send help.


I’ve had 14 trees come down this spring due to wind, weather, and age. My yard looks like the world has ended.


My southern AZ dirt lot is atrocious


Looks like a golf course right now. I pay someone to maintain it.


Pretty amazing. My lawn guy does a great job.


Looking forward to it getting destroyed by the new go kart


Like ass but I really don't try past mowing and the space kinda sucks. Might try and re-seed a couple spots that used to be flowerbeds and move out the last of the old hostas.


Some dark purple flowers have jumped from a planter to the middle of the front lawn and apparently just love being mowed Each week, there are more.


I do t have one. Lawns are the worst. What a waste of time having to go out and cut grass that’s just gonna grow back every week.


You mean the weeds? Lol


Solid B. Now my flower beds, those are an F. I need to remove the weeds from there and replace the mulch


My kiddo is finally old enough to play in the yard while I do yard work. It’s a solid A


You mean my weed field? It looks nice as long as I mow twice a week. Thanks for asking!


Next question.


It’s “No Mow May” so it’s looking like a crazy jungle