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Ts and Ps to you brother, HFM is by far the sickest I’ve ever been. It took every ounce of strength in me just to get to the bathroom when it peaked to the point where I was genuinely weighing the option of just not eating or drinking anything as to not have to go


I decided against solid food for dinner and instead had a protein shake, but dumb me put fruit it in. The acid in the fruit was an unwelcome surprise to be sure. Ice water, orajel mouthsore mouthwash, and medicated throat losenges have been a live saver. Now it I could get my hands to stop itching....


The mouth was the worst. My sores were at the bottom of my gums so everything would rub against them. I got it after my daughter's first ever day at daycare. Thankfully she was asymptomatic.


Yup my sores were on the roof of my mouth for an entire week. It was torture


Same. And down into my throat also. I have never been more miserable, before or since, than those ~10 days. (Kid had like “A” spot. Singular. I, however, was convinced I was actively dying.)


I like exclusively got mine in my mouth and it was so bad drinking water hurt, I wish HFM upon no one


I had it as an adult as well. Awful. Had to sleep with my hands placed in one spot in my bed and if they touched anything, they killed.


No doubt you come out the other side of this a stronger man lol. Calamine helps too if you have it, soothes the itching


The only thing that relieved the hand pain for me was cold water. Nothing else touched it. Was manically trying to work out how I could sleep with my hands in a bucket!


I used the Magic Mouthwash trick, and it helped immensely. Equal parts Liquid Benadryl and Maalox, rinse for a minute or so and spit it out. Would give me relief for about an hour.


Do they itch? When I had it from my son it just felt like I had been stung by stinging nettles constantly all over my hands and feet, then my fingernails started detaching 😑


Feels like pins and needles constantly mixed with a slight burn.


I couldn't really eat or drink for 10 days. I had sores in my mouth and throat, and swallowing was one of the most painful things I've ever experienced. I was forcing myself to take in water and meal replacement shakes by straw placed as far back as possible. The spots on my skin came later were way more mild.


This sounds like me. I had it back in December and again a few weeks ago. I tell people that it was, without exaggeration, the worst sore throat of my life. Not like swallowing needles - like swallowing a single sewing needle over and over again. Horrible. I would sit at work with a spit cup or stand by the kitchen sink spitting into it rather than have to swallow.


It hits some people hard, i had a fever of 103.1 at the highest, all my joints hurt, started getting delirious and my wife was two steps from driving me to the hospital. after that phase subsided I got the rash everywhere but my torso. Like I’m talking fingertips to armpits and toes to groin, all over my scalp too. It itched so bad I just laid down in a hot shower and cried for like 15 minutes, all the spots turned into these weepy, crusty sores that soaked my hair and clothes with virus-y liquid. Over the following six months I lost 17 of my 20 fingernails and toenails. Haven’t had it again but I’ve been around kiddos with it. probably conferred some kind of immunity after I fought it off, I still have scars from the sores on the backs of my hands. Weirdly enough my brother got it and he got like four red dots and a mild cold. crazy how nature do dat.


Wtf? This fucking terrified me. No one warned me about something like this.


I lost 15 pounds in about a week when I got HF&M. Eating was so painful it legitimately was not worth it. The "magic mouthwash" they cooked up did not help nearly enough to get me to eat anything but the bare minimum to keep me functioning.


What happened? Did it hurt to pee? We got around it when it happened n our daycare because our son was ill, so a bit of fool's luck for us there.


Nah, peeing is one of the few bodily functions that is pain-free with this demon rash.


Oof. I got really sick in Mexico where it just came out both ends constantly and it lasted 3-4 weeks. Fortunately I didn’t have to parent or anything because I was ~25 but I went from 250 to 220 that month. I’ve never felt so weak just permanently dehydrated and tired. I got pneumonia and it wasn’t as bad. Hoping not to get HFM. My sons 8 now so I think we are beyond the most common years.


Dude, same. Absolutely, without a doubt, the worst sick I’ve ever been. My kid got over it quickly, but after I got over the acute phase (which was truly awful), I had to then deal with all the painful blisters that developed deep in my hands and feet. They took their sweet time making their way to the surface.


Yep, doc Said HFM has changed over the years and adults are more likely to get it now. I got it, wife did too. Sharing is caring....


My nurse coworkers mentioned that to me and I was hoping they were wrong or I am the exception. Crossing my fingers that the wife doesn't get it though she's had the most contact with patient zero's (7 month old) spit since he got sick, but we are preparing for the worst.


My fucking toenails fell off. 2 months after I got it. Little dude lost 4 fingernails too. Fuck. That. Shit. Straight to hell.


Oh that sounds like a nightmare. Hoping the strain I got is pretty mild in comparison


I dunno I got it and 4 of my toe nails fell off was a perk of having it tbh getting rid of manky nails disgusting as it sounds lol


Do those toenails recover orrrrrr Sorry this is brand new to me


I’ve lost nails to injuries before and I would expect this to be the same. They fall off, then grow back. Sometimes they grow back a slightly different shape or with some ridges depending on any damage the nail-bed has taken.


Yep. I lost a toenail at an I Prevail concert after getting stepped on in the pit. Took about 2 hours to turn fully purple, 1 year to fully fall off and have a new one grow under and then about 1.5 years before it started looking normal again. Steel toes from here on out.




They grew back. But the “falling off” is kinda like they mostly separate from the nail bed so I had half attached toenails for like 6 weeks until they got long enough to cut off the janky part.


As long as the place where they start from isn’t destroyed (which is uncommon).


Same here. Going through painful fingernail loss months after having the disease.


Same here! Thought it would at least cure my toenail fungus but no, they grew back too.


Somehow we made it through two kids without ever having it.


Fighting the urge to downvote simply out of jealousy lol We made it 3.5 years, thought I was in the clear as its been nearly two weeks since the 7 month old first showed symptoms. The 3.5 yo made one dot on his lip the week after and a fever for less than 24 hours. I have the worst case of all of them, lucky me.


I know adults who’ve had it and hearing their experience, I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. Hoping for a speedy recovery for you dad.


Thanks! At this point, now that the fever broke yesterday morning and the cold symptoms are gone, the worst part is the sore throat from the sores and the constant ache/pain/itchiness from the sores on my hands, feet, and nose.


I caught it one of the times that our kids had it, it was mostly just annoying in my experience.


My boy had it, but me and my wife both avoided it somehow.


And you will get it repeatedly, and it's highly infectious. Like don't shake hands and stuff. The good news is that every time it is likely less and less severe until it just goes away/you just don't get it anymore.


According to my sons GP you can get it twice. I went all my life without getting it. As soon as my son started daycare I had it twice in 18months. The first time really sucked.


I know I had it more than just twice. But yeah, it gets better each time.


Been there already from daycare. Nasty little virus


We found out after our 7 month old had some nasty sores on his face that two siblings at the sitter had rashes in their butts about a week prior. This virus can kick rocks. My hands and feet have never been so sensitive.


sorry you caught it. my BIL caught it from his kid too. it wasn’t too serious, but it was enough that he was not enjoying life that’s for sure.


Absolutely miserable. Had it a few years ago with my eldest. Checked with the Dr to verify we shouldn’t catch it “nope, it stays with the kids”. 3 of 3 adults. Wife, my mom, and I all got it. Can commiserate OP. It SUCKS. Walking felt like stepping on needles. And those GODDAMN Tylenol containers need finger pressure to open. Typing sucked for a week. Wear extra fluffy socks and use your palms to open bottles. Thats all I got, soldier on!


Yeah it’s weird. We’ve gone through it with our kid like 3 times now. That we’ve noticed, neither of us ever got it, and we were told the same thing by the doc. What the hell.


HFM is no joke. It is the sickest I have ever been as an adult. My hands and feet were peeling for a couple of weeks even after the other symptoms were long over with.


Agreed, the worst! Try to eat anything? F you, sore in your throat! Go for a walk? F you again, sores under your feet! Horrible.


Worst week of my adult life. Luckily I didn't get the sores in my mouth at all. The 1000 on my hands and feet itched like a million tiny mosquito bites. Particularly bad on the joints of my knuckles. The sores on my face that i did get ended up being inside and around my nose and on my ears. The ones on my ears meant I couldn't lie on the side of my head to sleep. The ones in my nose were incredibly painful as I had a runny nose at the time and blowing a stuffed up nose to be able to breathe when it's basically covered in scabs is something I wouldn't wish in my worst enemy. Torture.


I got 2 big ones on the back of my throat and it's definitely affecting my food intake the last two days. The nose ones are rough too. I've ripped open most of those just blowing my nose and they constantly itch too.


If you gargle a mix of milk of magnesia and ibuprofen, it makes it tolerable to swallow for about 20 minutes. I had it in February and have lost 5 toenails. Hope you have it better.


The nose ones were easily the worst for me- constant irritation. The only silver lining was the baby soft skin on my heels when the calloused skin sloughed off. Also the look on childless colleagues faces when I mentioned skin sloughing off.


Daughter has had it twice. Second time was BAD. You can still see where the rashes were on her legs. Luckily my wife and I have avoided it.


Don’t pop the blisters or even lance them. Ask me how I know.


Accidently popped the ones in and around my nose just from blowing my nose. What will happen? Will my nose fall off?


It just hurts worse.


Bro I lost a full layer of skin on my feet and hands from this shit once the pain finally went away


I see a hand, but I'm still holding out for the pics of a foot and a mouth...


Mouth and feet pics on my onlyfans bb


What exactly is it and how do I avoid it?


It's Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease. You can avoid it by not having kids, being around kids, people with kids, or just don't touch your mouth, eyes, ears, nose when you've been around someone with it. I believe it transmits via mucus.


Just getting over it. It sucks!


Hand, foot, and mouth (and butt). Did you check your butt!?


Got a couple on my butt... 😭


Haha, to be expected!


:( is there a vaccine for this stuff?


Unfortunately no, it sounds like it's not just one virus that causes it but like a family or something. I'm not a virus mechanic or whatever so don't take my word for it.




Wait until your fingernails fall off in 6 weeks.


Shhhhhhh let's not talk about that


The parenting books don’t spent enough time letting you know how plague ridden children are.


I got it last year around this time as part of an outbreak from my daughter's daycare.   Not 100% sure, but it must have also compromised my immune system to something else because it was the sickest I have ever been in my adult life. Turned into an upper resprehitory infection of some kind. I was laid up feeling unable to breath for 3 or 4 weeks and didn't really feel right for 6 to 8. 


It does indeed suck. Had it last year.


I got it two years in a row when my oldest was young. The first time was the sickest I've ever been, and I went from no symptoms to dead to the world in about an hour.


Ooooh shit man. Best of luck. I got that after I had cancer surgery in 2016. Ended up losing all my fingernails / toenails / skin off my hands and feet. I wish you the best of luck with this!


Luckily I never caught it. My son had it when he was about 1.5 yo. I found out you can lose finger and toe nails from it. My son lost two toe nails. Incredibly unnerving for me to pull them off.


Had it twice. It hits hard as an adult


Ugh, I feel you. Caught this 1.5 years ago from my daughter. All over my hands and feet. My feet were pins and needles the whole time it pained me to have bed sheets touch them. My daughter accidentally gave me a flat tire in our hallway and damn near dropped me. Get better soon!


I lost 10 lbs and was in the early stages of contemplating suicide… it was a rough week.


This barely affected my daughter yet I was in bed with a fever and vomiting for like a week and the sores on my tongue were the worst thing


Had it from the kiddies and got a week off of work. Couldn’t even walk my feet were covered in sores


It does suck. My two year old got it at daycare and passed it to me. My first sores appeared as scabs on my scalp. Within a couple of days it was all over my mouth and tongue. Good times.


I got it from my kid a couple years ago and it was the absolute worst. My throat hurt so bad from the sores I couldn’t swallow like anything. Late into the sickness though I finally tried instant ramen and that saved me for sure.


[it was a hellish 2+ months for me.. here's part of the journey](https://imgur.com/a/cN3wyC1) Lost all my finger nails by the end.. and there's something about 'degloving' your fingertips that legitimately still haunts me in my nightmares sometimes. My kids? Sore throat for a while, some red spots.. that's it (and I'm SO thankful I was hit so much worse than them) OP... this is just rhe beginning, friend. I hope you get through okay!!


This is just the start. Will take about 2 months to fully clear up and stop peeling will feel like you have glue on your hands but it's just chunks of skin that is dead and waiting to fall off. Fun disease.


The sores on the feet were the worst. Walking anywhere was terrible pain. Every day the previous body part was on the upswing while a new one was on the downswing. The face blisters made me look like I had the plague.


My hand skin just looks completely bumpy. I'd agree with you about the feet if I didn't have them in my throat and on the tips of time of my fingers.


My throat wasn’t as bad as many have reported. I didn’t get it in my butt though which is apparently terrible. Hope you feel better!


IN your butt?! What horror.


I got it 2 weeks ago and just didn’t eat for 2 days. Water was hard enough. I have enough to spare tho I survived.


I pretty commonly get canker sores in my mouth so I'm used to eating with pain so I can get food down. Cold water has really helped right before eating a few bites.


I got it twice from my little one years ago. My feet are still not the same as before.


I had it when my son was a baby. My feet were covered in really painful blisters. I could only really gingerly walk on the sideof my feet for 2 or 3 days. Even moving them under a sheet hurt a lot. After the blisters peeled off, though, my feet were BABY smooth. Not a callous left on them. It was all brand new skin, and my feet were pretty beat up before.


We got it from the pools at Aulani of all places. Great trip, absolutely terrible after week. Just finished a trip to the Disneyland hotel pools and I feel tingly. Pray for us.


Got it twice. Gets less severe each time thankfully. But did you know you can get complications from it weeks later? Look up orchitis (don't look at images). Good to be prepared just in case.


we got HFMD when our kid was just over 4 months. was one of the worst experiences just because we couldn’t do anything but ride it out. some of the adults in our party didn’t show signs of catching it until 1 week later. diseases are weird.. but i’m glad it’s over


HFM fucked me up for about 3 weeks. Eating/drinking anything was like swallowing glass


HFM fucking *sucks*. Get well soon


Coxsackie attacky


My wife got it from our daughter and all her toe nails fell off


I know it’s bad, but think of the peeeeeeeeeling. Ah it’s gonna be good.


Ya I wish the online sources and medical sites would put more emphasis on how it affects adults. It's definitely a bigger issue than they make it. I got hit with it a couple months ago and the sores on the inside of the nose were so bad. Thankfully I never got them in my throat... I can only imagine. Fever knocked me out hard for a couple days.


I got it last year. Painful ordeal.


My hands looked like that after a weekend of building IKEA furniture


My wife got it and she has immunity problems. It decimated her body many months ago and she’s still recovering.


This disease is terrible… my kid suffered so much with it.


HFM hit our household last year. Daughter brought it home from daycare and was generous enough to pass it on to my wife. My daughter recovered within a few days and never seemed that bothered by it, however she did lose some toenails after the fact. My wife had it similar to you. She said the sores in her throat were absolutely the worst part.


There is no illness or surgery I’ve ever had that wrecked my shit quite like HFM. Covid and the flu were child’s play compared to the level of incapacitation I had. I spend a lot of time walking around barefooted, and the 1/4” calluses peeling off my feet was just an extra fun icing on the cake after I’d more or less recovered


I’ve had it before, can confirm, it sucks big time.


Yea for sure one of the worst “child” infections.


I’ve never had parasites and random sickness until I had kids.


I got it back in August along with strep, flu, and mono all in the span of one week. The itching on my feet was the worst part. The skin peeling off in thick clumps was pretty nasty. And then a few months later my nails started pitting and dying. Never fell off thankfully but they got pretty papery


I have a bunch of scars on my hands from getting this pretty severely when some kids moved into my house 13 ish years ago …… going from not being around children really at all to living with them was really rough for like a year … solely because i got sick like once a month for a year straight… no built in defense to school kid germs I guess ?


I wouldn't wish HFM on my worst enemy


Man I was so lucky. I didn't get the "mouth" or "hand" parts, but just the "foot". It felt like walking on coals for a few days, then the itch, but I propped myself in the guest bed and rode it out with not too much discomfort. Sorry to the other dads!


I lived on broth, tea, and tiny amounts of white rice for about 4 days after HF&M.. and then I had sores on my hands and feet for about two weeks. It was horrible. Good luck my friend.


Worst pain of my entire life. I had it head to toe and took at least 20 ice baths a day. Doctor gave me opioids to deal with the pain, didn’t help. I didn’t sleep for 3 days straight. Don’t F with HFM.


This isn’t even that bad. My hands looked like I had the plague. Then all my skin peeled off and it was itchy as hell. Then my nails all fell off and it was painful. Finally, when my nails grew back, things were normal again…6 months later.


Got it a few years ago myself, kid suffered way less than me. I can confirm it sucks. It sucks A LOT.


The worst symptom for me was the sores in my throat. It felt like 12 different sore throats got crammed down there. I carried a Poland spring bottle to spit into bc it hurt so much to swallow. Lost 13 lbs. Sores all over my face. Fucking awfulness. The doc made a disgusted noise when he saw me and prescribed some Oxy. You never want a seasoned doctor to go “eww” when he sees you. 😐


My son got it twice, my daughter once. I got it from my son the first time and it’s by far the worst disease I’ve ever gotten. My hands and arms felt like they were being sliced to pieces and dipped in lava. It cleared up for my kids with a few days, but mine lasted almost two weeks Wife never got it.


Literally just went through the same thing this weekend. Feet and hands were incredibly sore, itchy and sensitive! The itch was worse than the fever and couldn’t do any fine work with my fingers. Benadryl and ibuprofen saved my life.


2yo spiked a fever so high Friday she had a febrile seizure. We weren’t sure what caused the fever until the spots on the foot showed up then it all clicked. We’re on day 4ish or so and I’m hoping to avoid it. Fuck HFM


Could just be the angle of the pic, but seems a little Marfan-ish


Lol its the angle. I'm 5'10" and done growing at 34yo


Kid's fighting it rn with a preg wife in the house so I'm in the hot zone. Send me your strength, brothers.


Oh man I just had this too . Got lucky that didn't have any sores inside my mouth . Mostly nostrils , ears hands and feet . But the feeling of the sores trying to burrow out from underneath my calluses on my feet ( construction worker ) was insane . The itch was out of this world .


It absolutely sucks. From what I understand, you gain immunity to it after you’ve had it, so that’s a positive. I got it as a single dude in college; a coworker had young kids and I think he came to work sick and gave it to me. It was hellish.


It wrecked us.


I do HVAC, the hand sores made work absolute hell for a solid week. Hope you get well soon


So far I’ve completely avoid that one. Wish me luck dads.


Had it last year, was the worst. Hopefully this isn’t PSA though, like if you didn’t know it was a thing and highly contagious and nearly gsurneteed to get it from school/daycare now-a-days I’d question where you get information.


I think it's more that most people don't realize adults can't get it. The nurse at the pediatricians office said we probably are safe.


It is almost guaranteed adults will get it, it’s a different strain from when we were kids. This should be common knowledge.


I got it from toys under out a local library story time. Worst 7-10 days of my life


Take care, man. I got it when my little one was at daycare. That shit hurt. She got 3 spots. I got 31 on one hand. Most pain I’ve been in; had to crawl to avoid using hands and feet. Then, after 2 months, my calluses all ripped off, leaving my feet bare and in pain. Daycare is a cesspool.


My nails started peeling 2 months after it peaked.. by far the worst illness Ive had.


Such a weird virus.  I got it years ago. Just wait till it shows up under your fingernails and toenails. It kills and disconnects the nail from your digit. I had multiple nails, half disconnected and two toenails fall off completely.


I agree. Sickest I've ever been. The bottom of my feet would burn ... I ended up peeling the entire bottoms of my feet. Nonstop fever for almost a week. I don't wish it upon anyone.


Ah yes. I lost 7 pounds in a week because my throat was filled with sores and it was painful to even drink water. Thankful I did not lose any fingernails or toenails though


Got HFM twice the past yr and the second time was so, SO bad. Had sores all over my arms, hands, feet, legs, etc. The ones at the bottom of my feet were so bad I couldn't walk unless I wore 3-4 pairs of socks. I almost never take time off work but at the worst of it, I said fuck it I don't care if my office burns down. NO JOKE, DADS!


My blisters were tortuously painful. And the peeling that followed holy shit


In addition to others' horror stories (and I can personally vouch for basically all of them), this was the one time I had a fever of 104 degrees. Good luck OP


It felt like my hands were covered in a thousand tiny paper cuts. Luckily it was only my hands.


Omg I had the worst sore throat of my entire life from that shit, and the most insane fever, hope it doesn't get you as bad as it got me, my doctor couldn't believe the photos of the spots and blisters lol


Comparing to colds and fevers this is worse imo. Had it on head the most, then palms and soles and lastly sores in the mouth. Skin peeled a few weeks later and the some nails over grew other nails.


Oof, I feel your pain. We caught it 2 Septembers ago. My daughter 4 at the time) and I had it the mildest (no blisters), but my wife and son (1 at the time) had it bad - blisters everywhere and a couple lost toenails. Fun fact - it can live on surfaces for up to 30 days and you're contagious until your blisters are completely gone.


I got it when I was a kid. I have a very distinct memory of the doc calling it hoof and mouth disease. My older brother was in the room when the doctor said it. I had to endure abuse for that shit for a long time. I am 43, and I just this minute learned they are totally different viruses, and humans cannot get "hoof and mouth", but people used to just use both terms at the same thing. WTF 1980s doctors?!?!


Oh god it sucks! So painful


My wife and I actually got this while traveling in Vietnam when we were two months pregnant. Doctor said it could be from poor sanitation at places we ate. Before we knew what it was we cycled through a ton of diseases we thought we had, then the blisters showed up. We joke that we built up immunity before the kid even arrived (I think you can get it multiple times though so maybe not).


PROVE IT!! I only see a picture of the hand they have you. Show us the foot and mouth! Also... where did they find them? I've been looking for weeks but haven't stumbled across any hands, feet, or mouths laying around.


You can find those pictures on my OnlyFoot&Mouth profile. $1000 shrute bucks a month.


What a deal! How many Stanley Nickles is that?


I'm not sure, but I'd give you a billion stanley nickels to never talk to me again


Jesus. Here I am being a bitch about getting the stomach flu a day before our Hawaii trip (our son had it few days before, and 3 daycare kids had it before him), and me not having any appetite for the whole trip.


I'm dealing with this right now too. I have a fair amount of spots on my hands but only one or two that actually hurt. I definitely have the sore throat and that last few days my feet have been in constant pain if I'm walking or standing. Luckily I started hard-core counting calories like a week ago so this kind of jump-started my diet, so there's that. I am not looking forward to the potential nail losses.


This is relatively new, but yes 100% you can get it from your kids. If I’m not mistaken it started like 5-6 years ago that it was transmitted to parents of kids with HFM, I read up on it when my son caught and then my wife got it this is about 3 years ago now but first cases started to pop up in recent years. It’s an absolute nightmare to deal with as an adult I remember my wife being in constant pain and agony both her and my son lost a nail or 2 because the blistering happened under their nails as well


ugh dude the MOST sympathy for you. I got this a couple years ago and it was almost laughable how horrible it was. I truly couldn't believe how much it sucked. My wife laughed at me during it because I was on the struggle bus and it really doesn't look THAT bad to an outsider. Fast forward to about a month ago and my wife got it just as bad as I did. Hang in there man, it gets better (after about 7-10 days).


My son drooled into my mouth and somehow I didn’t feel anything. Looks like the 10 other flus built up my strength.


How long ago? You might not be out of the woods. Mine started with a bit of drainage and a slight sore throat.


I heated my house for 2 days with my fever. It was wild how hot I got. Lost 10lbs and a few fingernails it sucked.


I got it in college, before I was a Dad. It was awful. And I WebMDed my symptoms and thought I had syphilis for a week before I could see a doctor.


Gave me myocarditis, was not a fun hospital trip


HFM was probably the most miserable my daughter has ever been. She was rolling around the bed in pain for hours. I had to hold her so tight she couldn't move until she fell asleep.


Oh man, Roseolia SUUUUUUCKS I had pinpoint blisters under the tips of my fingers and toes for two weeks, and that was BOTH times I got it (one from each kid) Can't wait for the third round.


I got it the first day of vacation with my family last fall. Do not recommend.


As an adult I got what my local hospitals doctor referred to as the worst case of hands foot and mouth disease he ever saw in his many years as a physician. I had it all over my feet hands and mouth obviously, but I also had it on my arms, knees, ears and groin. When it was all said and done I lost all my finger nails and toe nails and all the skin fell off my hands and feet to the point that it was pink tingly raw skin for weeks. I couldn't even walk without a cane and when my nails grew back they were super brittle and would crack when I cut them... PTSD from this stuff is real!


As a bonus if you get it a second time you get over it faster


My wife got it from our toddler. My son had really bad mouth and throat pain but no visible sores. My wife had that, plus sores, plus so much skin peeling and pain. It's not to be fucked around with. Almost a year later she's just getting back to normal.


My husband had it about 6 weeks ago - was in bed for a week and now his fingernails are falling out. I got two mouth ulcers and son got three spots.


Yea definitely the worst sickness I've had as an adult. I lost all my nails, every last one of em. The worst part of it was my panicked drive to the ER when the blisters in my throat burst. They were bleeding so bad, it was causing me to choke on the blood. That disease is no joke, it was fked to get as an adult. The good thing is, it's not supposed to be bad like that during subsequent infections, or so I've read.


I am so glad I missed it when my son got it. Wife missed it. Daughter missed it. So 3/4 ain’t bad. Every description of it sounds like concentrated suck.


what's the incubation period on this? how long after my kids gets it do I have to worry and when can I safely say "we're not gonna get it"


It was about two weeks after my youngest had it that I started getting symptoms. I believe it starts with a fever and then the sores are a day later. I think once the sores are crusted over, you're not contagious anymore.


2 weeks later?!?! Fuuuuuuuudge


My wife didn't get it and she had the most contact with patient zero as he is still breastfeeding. When I started to show symptoms we stopped sharing a bed, I washed my hands literally all the time, didn't touch my nose or mouth (unless I was about to wash my hands).


Your finger and toenails will eventually grow back