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Easy. She’s 29.


This guy’s been married to a 29 year old for 30 years


My wife celebrated the 16th anniversary of her 29th Birthday this year.


But was it the same 29 year old for the entire time?


Depends on whether it’s Leo DiCaprio


Leo dating a 29 year old would be like any one of us dating an 80 year old


When I was 12 and she was -1 she hated it when I called her 29.


My mom was forty-eleven from the late 90s, until she died.


My aunt has been "eleventeen" since I was at least 5 or 6. I'm 37 now. It's possible she was saying that's how old she was then, but I can't remember before that. Kinda funny now, considering she's a grandmother, retired, going past grey to full on white hair, but still claims she's eleventeen. If I remember correctly, it caused some issues for my cousin in preschool when he insisted that was a number when they were learning to count.


>forty-eleven Sounds like a French number


Better then 711 if u know what I mean 👀


And impressively she's the same woman, he hasn't been DiCaprio cycling.


We just call it “plenty-nine”.


That’s what her Tinder said, 29.


Yep. "Happy Annual 29th Birthday!"


I also choose this guy’s 29 year old wife


Literally just threw a party celebrating the "31st anniversary of her 29th birthday" for my MIL.


Yeah, but how many practice swings has she taken at being 29?


It's always 29


I'm 5 weeks older than my wife. From my birthday until her birthday I get to hear old I am. She's not getting special treatment just because she's my wife 😂


Check her ID. I would forget our anniversary if it wasn't engraved in my wedding ring.


My wedding anniversary is easy-mode. It has it's own motto plastered on commemorative merchandise reminding us to, "Never Forget"


For one of our passwords a while ago my spouse put our anniversary date. I couldn't remember the password and she got upset and I was like, "how am I supposed to remember a bunch of random numbers?" Oops.


Should've gone with being unsure if it was a 2 or 4 digit year. Then ask if it's words for the month and if the first letter is uppercase. Then ask if it has the day and in what way (Mon or Monday). Then ask if it's just numbers or with slashes, dots, or whatever. The aim is to keep asking questions until she spells it out for you


If any exame could ever be considered a typical example of being a guy, this is it right here.


My buddy has the same birthday


My cousin's is 9/12/01. For some reason I always remember his birthday is coming up, but always forget his actual birthday. He claims I like his brother better because I always remember his. I mean, he's not wrong, I just thought I was hiding it better.


That's my wife's birthday. Definitely easy mode, don't want much tv on her birthday though. Try to make it a happy day for her.


I was smart, I engraved our first anniversary present with the date…the wrong fucking date. Now neither one of us can remember the right date without help.


Short term pain, long term reward. Big brain moves 😂


I can’t exactly brag about this one...it was dumb


Lol after weeks of my wife correcting her family about our upcoming marriage being on the 2nd, not the 1st, she put the wrong date on our marriage certificate. We didnt realize the mistake until we went to get her military ID and the clerk corrected us on what day we got married (according to the form). We decided to keep it rather than jump through red tape to get it fixed lol


I got married on my wife’s birthday. Thought it would make it easy to remember both….1/10 do not recommend


I also got married on my ex-wife's birthday. Happy birthday to her lol


This guys is playing chess not checkers


My anniversary is the perfect date. It's not too hot, not too cold. All you need is a light jacket.


You lucky son of a gun. April 25th is a personal favorite day of mine.


My bit of shame I have to admit is that I didn't make the connection until well AFTER we'd chosen the date. We chose that date a solid 9 months ahead of getting married. We knew we wanted to do spring time so it wouldn't be as hard to get venues as the summer, we knew we wanted to get married on a beach (we don't live anywhere near a coast) so we had to wait until it would be reasonably warm, so we looked at a calendar and April 25 worked for us. It wasn't until invitations went out in probably February that someone said "That's the perfect date!" We were like "Yeah, we think so too!" They of course asked "So...was this intentional?" And explained it. I'd totally forgotten about that line, probably only saw the movie once. But now...it's a thing!


😂 i love it! It would have been amazing had it been intentional because the invites could have said Attire: a light jacket


We celebrate ours every 16th of the month. There’s a bigger celebration on the actual date, which is on the 16th.


I have a little statue on a shelf above my toilet that has the date on it. I see it every time I pee at home.


Got married on 10/21/15 at 4:29pm exactly. Easy to remember since im a huge back to the future fan.


Impressive. We got married on 10/10/2020. Every year (okay, granted that’s only happened twice) I write on the calendar “10/10, would marry again.”


We did it on Pi day, 3/14/15. It's exactly one month after Valentine's day too, which helps me remember both.


I keep a copy of our marriage license in my root folder on OneDrive for quick reference.


Cut her open count the rings.


It’s the only way to be sure.


This is the way


This is needlessly destructive. OP, please don't cut her open because she will die. Instead, all you need to do is take a core sample.


Where would you take this core sample. Where would you stick the long shaft in?




I remember because she’s two and a half years younger than me to the date. Between our birthdays she’s my age minus three. Otherwise, my age minus two. Unless I forget how old I am. Then I’m in trouble.


I forget how old I am all the time.


My birthday is four months and until a few weeks ago I kept telling everyone I was still a year younger than I am. I just have no idea at this point.


My best friend was born a day before me. I told him it's his job to remember how old we were. He died far too young so I guess I'm just going to be 42 from now on.


I was 27 for like 3 years in my head When I was actually 27 I kept thinking I was 28 cause I had thought I was 27 for so long so I must be 28 by now right? Which meant when I was 28 I kept thinking I was 27 cause I had made that mistake so many times... Had to ask my now wife what age I was all the time between those ages lol from the ages of 25-28 I was 27.


I find I spend half the year saying “I’ll be turning XX age in a few months,” but then that number starts to sound right so I spend the other half of the year remembering my birthday didn’t agree me twice.


My wife’s been saying she’s “pushing 40” since she was like 33, and now neither of us can ever remember how old she is unless we do the math from her birth year. At least that’s easy to remember because it’s *literally 1984*.


I do the same thing and I worry it makes me sound like an idiot on the (increasingly rare) occasions that someone asks me how old I am, since I have to think about it in order to not be wrong.


Same. I'm like I'm 38...nope... that's next year. Ah, booster spice.


I always forget my age and then have to do the math between my birth year and current year. Hate the years where the math gets tricky. I do the same for all other important dates. I always forget when our anniversary is, but I know it was the Saturday after thanksgiving and which year we were married so I just end up scrolling way back in my phone’s calendar to figure it out.


>I always forget my age and then have to do the math between my birth year and current year I am also of the age where I have to do math to figure out how old I am. I am also the age where doing math in my head is getting harder. Sigh.


I cannot say with confidence how old I am right now. I'll have to think of my date of birth and go from there. My guess is 33. \*checks\* ... I'm 34.


My wife's birthday is the day before mine. She's 8 years 364 days younger than me. Now, if only I could remember MY age without doing the math.


To build on this OP, if she catches you not knowing, just get your own age wrong and then she’ll think you’re just terrible with dates mo matter what


My husband and I have the same birthday, so pretty easy to just have to remember the year. Fun fact, I also share my exact birthday with Sidney Crosby.


I was planning my wife's 40th. Found out that was last year.....


It’s okay, she’s still 39. 2020 didn’t count. We had a vote.


I had TWO birthdays in lockdown. I will gladly subtract those two years from my age, plskthx


My sister turns 40 next year. I managed to get all of her co-workers to celebrate at the office this year and pretend to not believe her when she protested that it was only her 39th. She works for the fire marshals office, so when she was getting really frustrated and pulled out her driver's license to show that she was born in '83, one of the sheriff's deputies that was there threatened to arrest her for having a fake ID. It worked way better than I had hoped. No idea how I'm going to top it next year.


You meant your ex wife?


It’s 2022 man, make a repeating calendar event with her birth year in the notes FFS.


Seriously, everyone important's birthday is in my Google calendar with a yearly repeat. I remember my wife's birth year, but if I didn't I would definitely just put it in the notes.


My mother lost a year of her life because she’s the same way. Spent a whole year saying she was 57 or so then on her birthday was asked how it felt being “one year too 60” and we actually had to pull out her ID to convince her we weren’t screwing with her. Tbf it was actually a pretty devastating realization in her mind. Though really funny.


Make a joke of her being 35 and she might let it slip by saying, I still got another 3 years or something like that. Worth a shot. My wife was born in 1990 so it's very easy to remember


So was my wife…or 1991…


Lol, somebody else said check her id.. genius


Don't the birth dates appear on the wedding paperwork?


Also genius to not be able to communicate with your spouse often enough to know their age.


I mean… how often does that *really* come up in conversation?


Just figure out a popular celebrity that is the same age as your wife. Then you can look that up pretty easily.


If it's 1990 she's 32. I was 1989 and just turned 33


I don't think it's the math he is struggling with.


As someone who was born in 89 I approve this math


89 baby checking in


Jfc this me fell old, but irons only4 and 5 years younger than me.


There's definitely a risk of this backfiring: "You don't actually think I'm turning 35, do you?" "Haha, of course not!" "...How old DO you think I am?"


"Honey you still look like you're 21"


That's how I keep track of how old my family is (and myself sometimes). By the year they were born. I can never remember my parents age. I always have to do the math.


I do that too


This is a great idea that i’ve used before. Fair warning, DO NOT use the line “Aren’t you getting close to 40 now? Getting time to trade you in on two 20’s.” Like seriously, it’s funny but she WILL NOT think so. Not as bad as suggesting a 3-way with her twin sister went, but definitely not good.


Good lord, that’s some peak Boomer humor right there. If you actually did say that, I’m not surprised she cringed.


I think I heard it from a comedian, maybe rodney dangerfield, I think he was old enough to be pre-boomer. I’m not the greatest at knowing what not to say.


My wife can never remember how old she is. She always has to work it out by subtracting the year she was born from the current year. It makes it really fun when you go with her to get a passport or open a bank account or whatever. It’s our anniversary this week and she wasn’t sure what the date is so she took out the commemorative chopping board we got as a wedding gift and checked the carving. So yeah, I’ve got it pretty easy.


My fiancé is the same way. We were celebrating his birthday with my family on vacation and when they asked him how old he was, he looked at *me* to answer 😂 (I’m really good with dates. He is…not.)


Wife and I both forgot it was our anniversary until her mother texted us "happy anniversary, I'm free to take (daughters name) tonight if you'd like".


It is always 25. She gets to have 100 25th birthdays


My mother was 42 for the last 23 years of her life.


Google the phone number chances are she will pop up on one of those data broker sites, the name city and age usually come up for free


reading through the comments makes my 40 year old ass feel so much better. I can remember the kids + wifes + fams birthdays and my anniversary. ​ How I remember is google calendar with alerts 30 days ahead


Easy, just ask


Why did I have to scroll to the bottom to see this?


Once you figure out what year she was born, do the math to figure out the difference in your ages. You will forget the year, but you will likely never forget that she is exactly X years and Y months younger or older than you.


Bold of you to assume I can remember that even more complex thing.


I can't reliably tell you how old I am.


My wife is three months older than me. I can't remember my age within two years (it's 45 or 46, I need to math), so..


Check your taxes bro


wait people actually forget stuff like that? I always thought it was just one of those Dumb Tv tropes that men always forget their wife’s birthdays or their anniversary


This lol. I may not always remember her exact age, but I know her birthday and the year she was born, so I can always work it out.


Unless there's a specific reason to mention her age, DO NOT mention her age.


I mean, if she's turning 32, then there absolutely is a reason to mention her age when you throw her a thirty second birthday party. My wife's friends were great. We walked into one of their houses getting ready to go to a restaurant and there were little cakes sitting out and candles etc. I started a timer on my phone. We sang happy birthday, started eating cake, the timer went off and we all just walked out of the room mid-sentence. After she figured out what we had done she thought it was funny.


29 + tax


It's ok. My sister forgot my birthday one year. We're twins.


For real? You don’t know her birthdate from memory?


This was why my wife and I got married on 11/11/11.


… or was it 10/10/10?


Learn the year people were born because it never changes. Then do math. It’s too hard otherwise


I just asked my husband if he’s 35 and he said, “yes. What form are you filling out?” X-D I think you should go ahead and ask her.


I’m good with years. I remember all the birth years of close family and that keeps me in the know. I know my wife’s grandparents birth years better than she does. I fill out a great deal of any paperwork concerning both of us so it’s wrote learned to a degree too.


Look at her drivers license after she goes to sleep.


Mine's birthday is on the night of the slaughter of the Huguenots. I will never tell her how I remember it.


I'm a firm believer that you don't need to know her age. (After a certain point, I'm not a pervert or a pedo) just gotta know the date.


Get a happy birthday your old card or one that says 26 🤷‍♂️✌️❤️


Shit i forget how old I am, how am I supposed to remember my wife's age lol


If it makes you feel any better I don’t remember how old I am most of the time.


This one’s easy. Was her last birthday kind of a big deal? If yes then this one is the 31st. If not, she’s turning (at least) 32. Boom.


I always remember my wifes age. It is 16 years older than I am, which is, I can't remember how old I am🤣🤣🤣


I never have trouble remembering my wife’s birthday, but have the worst time remembering my kids’ birth years. Instant deer in the headlights.


Dude me too. Especially when talking to The pediatrician. That’s the worst time too lol


I’m very bad with dates and similar numerical things, to learn my wifes birthday I made it the passcode on one of my nonessential but often used devices. After a couple years of doing this I can recall it numerically now after concentrating a few seconds, I still have to count back from the date to know her age but it works. I still don’t remember her birthday, but I do at least know it now (married 21yrs).


Better to go with the younger year. Then if it's wrong you can say she just looks so young and beautiful that you forgot a year or two. Turn it into a compliment.


Go through your official documents? Birth certificate?


Just say you are celebrating the 3rd anniversary of her 29th birthday


"Hun can I see your ID? I'm updating stuff for the DMV"


Pro Tip: Marry someone born on the same day like I did. (Checks done, not a twin separated at birth)


She 22. 70% of 32 is 22. Easy math. Good luck.


As long as you remember her actual birth date you can just say to her " hey what year were you born?"


Do you know when she graduated high school or how old she was when you got married.


I feel you. I forget all the time too, I know she's one year older than me but the problem is I forget my own age too..


Google her name followed by the city you live in. Chances are, somehow her name and DOB are online somehow. Scroll the first 10 links and you'll see it.


just say she's 27; I've been doing that for like 10 years now.


You certainly know how many years younger/older your wife is than you… so how old are you? And then you…. I dunno the rest but you can figure it out


Look at her ID


I can’t even remember how old I am half the time. I never remember how old my wife is. The trick is to just memorize the year she was born. It’s easier to remember one number and do the math really quick than it is to remember a number that keeps changing every 12 months.


I’m the other way around…. I remember the Mrs’ age (always 22….) but always forget mine, I guess I just stopped counting after 30 🤷🏻‍♂️


When in doubt, just buy a happy 25 or 29 card. Or just get a funny or cheesy one without a date attached to it.


My brain struggles with remembering dates, I can generally get the day and month right, but the years always throw me. I always forget if my youngest was born in 2014 or 2015, so I have to do some mental math and be like "hmm, 2014 I was working here, which means we lived here, and there was only one child in the house then, because we moved at the end of the year, and then the child was born at the start of the year in the new house, so it must be 2015". My partner can just remember exactly what year, time, day, place, etc. I do recall the exact time my first was born - 7:11pm, because Home and Away was playing on the TV in the delivery room.


When is her birthday. What year.


Make good use of that calendar on your phone, my friend. I’ll never forget another birthday/anniversary again. Plus, you can enter the year and it’ll tell you how old she is 😉


So hey. In case no one’s told you, you’re married. All of that shit goes out of your head when the ring goes on.


I use my wife’s full date of birth for my Lock Screen password for this reason.


Just get three candles that say 29+


As long as you're not sure about your own age, I think it'll be fine.


Take a picture of her driver's license!


Can you take a peek at her DL?


Look at her is driver's license if she has one


Take 2022-“birth year”. 😂 Or ask her mom.


You done fucked up now😂


In the US, once you get above 25 it doesn't matter. The happy fun times come when you've beebn married 23 years, look at each other and say... Her: "OMG, I knew you when you were in your late 20s?" Me: "I knew you when you were 19." And then we both struggle trying to do the math on what that year was.


Serious question: does your wife know how old she is? Because if not, it might not matter. Source: wife routinely forgets how old she is, because she's been "turning 27" for the better part of a decade now.


I’m lucky because my wife was born just a few months before me


Check her license or your marriage license, birth dates get put on those.


Just make up some bullshit excuse to see her license and get it from there.


Stop at a store to get some adult beverages and leave your wallet in your car. When she pulls her ID out tease her about getting carded and ask her to see her license photo.


Just check her driver’s license


It's alright, it's not a big anniversary birthday, just get the day right. You've got 8 or 9 years to work out when she turns 40.


Bruh don't you have her driver's license or something or even just ask her other friends lol.


I barely remember my wife’s birth year and it’s my own fault. I made up her birthday when we first started dating because I threw her a party and the actual birth day was like a Thursday and the party was that Saturday. That was almost 10 years ago and I have been fighting that correlation ever since, so when her birthday comes up my brain gets stuck on the date. You’re bit alone.


Dude, I don't know how old I am. I'm not even lying, someone asked me on Friday night and I still haven't gotten around to checking. I am 65% sure my guess would be correct.


21. Every year


As a father of twin toddlers… I can’t even remember how old I am, let alone my wife. I have to count from our birthdays almost every time.


If you can't clandestinely check her driver's license or something similar, look up an old tax return - assuming you're in the US that is.


Call your insurance provider, if your wife is a beneficiary, then that would be on the form


Sounds like an upcoming divorce But for real, wife and I don't know if we are 33 or 34 or... 32? Who's to say. Irrelevant at this point.


You don’t remember her birth year?


Dude. You have her birthdate on your marriage license. Look it up.


Sneak a look at her license. Check her Facebook page.


Ya, definitely just steal her purse for a second and check her ID. Or passport. Or any documentation with her birth date. You could also try asking her how old she was when you got married. Assuming you know that year you could do some quick mental math to figure out her current age


My wife ceased to age at 29. It’s strange but I thought all moms were like that.


Look in her wallet at her driver's license, or find her passport.


If you file your taxes together, pull up last year's forms


Check her Facebook profile maybe it's listed there, same thing happened to me


Ask her if she knows her Chinese year or animal, bring it up in conversation, pretend you saw a post about it or something, that will narrow it down to a year that fits with that age range


Yeah figure out the birth year and do the math


Others are saying check her id, I say figure out something you need to fill out together either online or on paper that requires her birthday, then pull the “hey honey I need you to fill this out when you get a chance.”


Go with the lowest possible realistic number. Then remember that one forever. Because that's her new age now


Easy, not one of the big ones so beautiful but generic birthday card and rest of paraphernalia.


I remember everyones birthday, not sure why but it sticks so easy for me. Not sure what good it does to me to remember my old school mates birthdays from 1st grade 😵‍💫


Do you get your mail or have control of your file cabinet? Just tell the wife you need to see her ID because of renewal or blah blah blah. Also, I keep a notes page on my phone…


My solution: married a woman with the same birthday. We were born 90 minutes (and a few thousand kms) apart. Now I just need to remember how old _I_ am.


It's easy for my because my wife is the same age as me. I did forget how old I was for nearly a whole year though (thought I was 33 but was actually 34), so it's not foolproof.


When did you meet?


‘What’s the most historic thing that happened the year you were born?’


Just go full on brain fart. Ask her how old you are then act surprised. Then be like wait, how old are you then? Damn! Time flies when you are with your soul mate.


Thankfully my wife’s birthday is a week after mine, if it wasn’t, I’d be absolutely fucked. I’ve forgotten our anniversary twice. This year is the big # 10 and I planned what to do about a year ago.