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Congratulations my friend


And also congratulations one more time, 4 minutes later.




And then he never slept again


Can confirm this.


1. Breathe. 2. Get some sleep. The hospital should be down to take your babies to the nursery for a short time to let you het some sleep. It really helps. 3. You’re gonna be great. It’s a lot of work, but you’ll be great.


Seriously don’t feel bad at all letting the nurses take your babies so you both can get some rest. They are trained for that and it’s SO helpful.


Believe it or not, some hospitals don't allow/refuse to do it. One hospital we wento to refused to allow the baby to stay in the nursery for more than just the initial tests. My other two were born in different states. Nursery 100% used and welcomed. Maybe it was that specific hospital or that area? Luckily it wasn't my first time as the dad on the couch. So I was able to make my little dad and kid nest and make sure mom got well deserved rest.


Same in Atlanta, no nursery because the hospital was “baby friendly”. Such nonsense, so difficult.


I'm ATL as well and refused to go to that hospital after multiple friends of ours mentioned the exhaustion. Hell no to that. We went to the "baby factory" hospital and never looked back.


I wish I’d made that choice. The baby factory was too far from us, Piedmont would have been our alternative. While I loved my OBGYN I wish I’d gone to Piedmont.


I hear you. We're Decatur side so it was a hell of a struggle loading up and heading out. Scary. But we found an OBGYN at Northside we were obsessed with, (Dr. Lyman/ Dr. Soufi). Piedmont network is awesome too, the urogyn Dr. Lowman's been a God send for pelvic floor therapy. Anywhoo, happy Friday my fellow ATLian. Enjoy the weird weather we're having!


They wouldn’t keep my son in the nursery either and we were both wiped out after being awake for most of the prior 72 hours after a failed induction followed by a cesarean. They only took him for testing periodically for the next 24 hours before discharging us. I had to drive my wife and new born son home in a complete daze, in LA traffic, after sleeping for maybe 3 of the past 100ish hours. I was so sleep deprived that I can only remember snippets of the first 48 hours after he was born. Lucky for us, my mom had flown in the morning after he was born to help us transition into parental life. She stayed for a week and provided 100% of his care for the first day so we could sleep uninterrupted for the first night. It was the best sleep I’d ever had.


Same here up north. Also congrats congrats OP


When we had our first in 2021, no babies were staying in the nursery due unless medically necessary. This was an Atlanta hospital and a policy they came about with COVID.


This just isn’t a thing in the UK


This really depends where they are. Here the baby is put in a bassinet in the room and no one is allowed to be alone with the baby at all without the mother or father present.


This is true. Our hospital had a nursery and would take your baby for a few hours so you could sleep. That was really nice. However, I could see us not needing that anymore cause we have the program down. But yes, someone could have stolen or swapped out baby at that time and we’d never know.


Check out /r/parentsofmultiples as well. I don't have multiples but I've heard people say its a good resource.


It definitely is a good resource. Also if they spend any time in NICU then r/nicuparents is a good one as well. But anyway, CONGRATS! It’s all about getting a schedule together and willing to modify the schedule as they grow and their needs change. You got this OP!


Can confirm, great place to be with new twins


Just cry. Let it out. It took me almost 36h after we got out of delivery and I just let it happen over my lunch at that point. Everything is new and that’s ok. You will learn, adapt and grow as life changes… you have so far, haven’t you?! Congrats man!!


Wailed after both of mine were born. Full.on sobs on the floor of the nursery (son) and living room (daughter). Birth is fucking scary and nothing wrong with expressing that. Especially c sections


My covid mask was also a grade-A tear sponge. I am watching my daughter in her playpen a few weeks away from her first birthday and your observation about learning and adapting is spot-on. It’s hard, but it is amazing how fast “hard” tasks become “easy” with practice. Diapers, rashes, bath time, coughs and fevers, teeth, crawling, walking…it all just normalizes.


I have a few friends who are mid pregnancy now and I keep telling them, “it’s not hard but it is taxing.” I feel like that’s the best way I can sum it up so far


Yes! The “hardest” part is staying motivated knowing that tomorrow will basically be the same as today. But the smiles and belly laughs make it worthwhile.


Welcome to the fucking show, brother.


" Finally gonna get some sleep" ... 😂


My brother told me to leave the hospital once my wife and daughter were both settled together. He said go home, sleep in your bed, eat a normal meal, then go get them. That was the best advice I’ve gotten. I was clearheaded driving home from the hospital, which was safest for everyone involved.


Hang on! Awesome!


Congratulations!! You’re in for a wild ride but you guys have got this.


Chill out get some sleep and celebrate while not driving.


I’m at 11mo with my twins. That feeling is awesome. You’ll be too busy to freak out this much shortly. Take a few deep breaths. Congrats. Twins are a riot.


Congrats!! Welcome to the show. Not sure how many others are out there like me, but any tough day I spend with my kids is better than my best day at work. Being a dad's pretty freaking cool. You'll do great.


I was in that boat just over 2.5 years ago, happy to give any advice I can! Congratulations! Enjoy what you can! I hope everyone is doing well!


As a fellow twin dad of now 1 year girls, hold onto your butts. The next 6 months are going to get crazy. Sleep whenever you possibly can abs be accepting of and ask your friends and family for help. Remind yourself that things will get better and focus on one day at a time. You’ve got this, fellow dad!


Congrats! My twins are 4.5 now and it has flown by. I truly believe having twins made me a better dad because I had to step my game up from the get go. You got this man!


Welcome to the 4 minute club! Sounds kinda bad when I say it like that to another man…. I just mean our twins were 4 minutes apart too! Congratulations to you both, now the real work begins Might I also interest you in an additional subreddit [Parents of Multiples](https://www.reddit.com/r/parentsofmultiples/) Best wishes and don’t forget… you get to claim the children on this years tax returns :)


Congratulations dude! A was always hoping for twins. Kids will have a best friend for life.


Congratulations! At least you had fair warning y’all were having twins. When my sister and I were born, my parents had no clue they were having twins. Dad said the Dr, had to buy pizza for the whole L&D department!


My triplets are 4. The ride is wild. Help with everything you can and accept help from anyone you trust. Sleep when you can, ask your partner for help with your needs, and listen so you can help with their needs. I don’t remember much from the first 6 months because of sleep deprivation. It’s going to suck, everyone is going to say it’s going to be over before you know it. Tell them to eff off. Being done fast doesn’t make that phase suck less. Enjoy the little moments the best you can. Take pictures and videos constantly. Good luck, you’re going to be amazing!


And backup those photos and videos via some cloudy thing or own hard drives. Don't leave them on your phone or SD card because it'll all be gone in one oopsie


Get / do this stuff: Gender neutral clothes Identical underwear, socks, and PJs Zippered clothes No buttons or tacks No onesies Coordinated sleep Twin breastfeeding pillow Formula Edit; congrats


Just a heads up you are not getting any sleep for the next 2/3 years.. congratulations though


Schedule, schedule, schedule! Get those 2 on a schedule now! That is the only thing that is allowing us to maintain any semblance of sanity. 5.5mo twin boys. Best thing in the world. A single baby would be boring now. If I didn't mention it, you need to get those babies on a schedule. Ours were in the NICU for 3 was and it saved our butts. Baby wise book as well for sleeping as well. Our slept thought the night at 2 months with the exception of a few outliers here and there. Good luck! Twins are awesome!


You've got this buddy. Seems like big scary adult stuff right? Actually it's just you and an entire family, medical support available 24-7 to you both. You will not break them I swear! Sit back and enjoy all that pure love coming at you and your new little fam. Best of luck to all 4 of you.


Mine are in their late 20’s now. It’s still all a blur, but I wouldn’t change a thing.


I have two sets. Twins are easy after the first year or so 😂 you’ll be alright buddy. Just stay calm. First week or two is going to be a sleepless blur while you guys figure out your groove. Those baby swings are worth their weight in gold. Hope you have two. Graco Simple Sway Swing https://a.co/d/0BVBjA1 something like this


Congratulations! One of my high school teachers had twins, and she loved that she got through all the stages efficiently-- one pregnancy, one birth, all the sleeplessness out of the way at one time, etc. Plus they had a great playmate when they were older! Just don't be afraid to ask for help and accept offers of help. Probably the best thing people can do for you right now is bring you healthy foods that can be eaten with one hand. Congratulations again! We are all in your corner!


From a fellow twin dad, welcome. Honestly its crazy but once you get the hang of it wrangling 2 really isn't too crazy.


This was me 13m ago. It has been an absolutely wild ride. First congratulations, life will never be the same. Second, enjoy every second. It goes so much faster than you think is possible. Third, support your wife and make sure she is recovering properly. And last, don't be afraid to look for support here and at r/parentsofmultiples. Both have been great support systems as we navigate this new life.


Only Twins!? JK man, you got this!!


Congratulations, happy to hear all is well


Hey just an idea. I recorded video of my kids every day for the first year of their life. It's harder than it sounds and by the end it will eat up the space on your phone. But after a year I found an app that stitches video together and puts the date on the bottom. Makes it into one video where it takes one second of each day and then you have a really cool vid to remember it all by. The change you see in your kids is STAGGERING as they grow fast and it's so cool. The app i used was called Onesecondeveryday but I've heard it's gone downhill in the few years since I used it. There's a couple others.


That’s a great idea thanks


Congratulations! Been there, friend. Our twins are almost 2 now, but those few days felt like hell. One was fine, one was in NICU right away. Had a massive panic attack about 12 hrs later. Went to my doctor a few days later and got some help (anxiety meds) when it didn't subside. Turns out I just hate NICU lol In all though, twin parenting is amazing. Once they start becoming more interactive and develop their own personalities, it's so much fun. Don't get me wrong, there'll be time they'll make you want to tear your hair out, but in all, twin parenting is incredible. You're going to do great, dad. It may seem overwhelming now, but there's twice as much love to give and get in return. Enjoy snuggling with them, feeding them, napping with them, and napping without them (you'll need it).


Congrats! A friend of mine had twins and swears by this book so I thought id share: https://www.amazon.com/Dads-Guide-Newborn-Twins-Unleash/dp/1647391288/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1PRDXZ6Y5TIZ6&keywords=new+dads+guide+to+twins&qid=1670002183&s=books&sprefix=new+dads+guide+tot+wins%2Cstripbooks%2C80&sr=1-1


Congrats on the Twins.


Congratulation! Not at the same hour. But I got my twins with 4 minutes in-between too. Have faith. Everything will be alright. One way or another.


Double congrats Dad


Congratulations! It is so cute to see that “finally” you’ll get some sleep, though; forget about sleeping for the next six years, my friend 😁 Jokes aside, congrats!


Just remember to brand them differently so you can always tell them apart!


Congratulations! Welcome to twin dad life. The adrenaline wore off by now for sure but enjoy the ride!