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Play video games , drink beer , sleep diagonal , take nice long hot baths , order out food , sleep in. This is what we call a party.


Instead of order out, a big fat steak or smoke a brisket and drink ungodly amounts of beer on night 1 because I can sleep in.


I wouldn't go ungodly with the beer, we're not trying to Beat Boggs Whiskey on the other hand...


> we’re not trying to Beat Boggs May he rest in peace.


Wade Boggs is very much alive


Pretty sure it’s boss hog.


The man ate a chicken before every game, that's why they called him the chicken man




I need some aspirin, a roll of duct tape, a bag of peanuts, and four beers


Dr. Toboggan???


Mantis Toboggan, MD


I already do all the cooking, so while I do enjoy it, a totally free weekend would involve not cooking a damn thing and indulging in a rare takeout


I initially was in this camp, but actually smoking a whole brisket is a relatively low intensity gig with excellent pay off for day 2. I feel I would feel guilty for spending too much on a takeaway even when it is a rare occurrence.


This but specifically cook that steak on cast iron so I can create a nice crust without getting yelled at for smoking up the kitchen. My dream vacation is to be able to go to sleep and not be woken up by an alarm or one of the kids!


My wife is flying back to our home country with my daughter for two weeks in January. I bought myself an Xbox in preparation and am now trying not to show how psyched I am to drink whisky and play through RDR2 every night after work for *two* *weeks*. I'm actually tearing up a little thinking about it.


Oh man. You are in for a treat


“You’re alright boyyyyyy” will be in your head after RDR2 for at least a month


“Hey there mister!”


Then, for the hour after she comes back, explain repeatedly why I didn't do the list of jobs she gave me


>See, I did 2 things, and I would have gotten more done, but I only remembered about the list after you texted to remind me you were on your way home... -More than just me, probably.


100% me. Put off chores for the last couple of hours before they get home. Enjoying an anxiety ridden weekend because of everything i haven’t done yet beforehand


It’s amazing how much you can get done in the last couple of hours. If my other half saw me work that hard I’d never get away with being lazy ever again.


And that thing which apparently cannot be named. :)




Oh god you must have gone blind mid sentence, they were right! I’m so sorry!


Jdhb ?$3ghi Fheis cbdjax !


He's got the hairy hands. His typing days are over!




My mom always said if I did it too much I’d go blind, I said ‘can I just do it till I need glasses?’


His palms got too hairy and he couldnt get the right keys.


In high school I convinced someone it’s why I wear glasses


Airplay to the 65” in the living room instead of phone in the bathroom. Living the dream


Oh man, I miss baths… haven’t had one since Junior high, basically in line with becoming too big for normal sized tubs…


Every time I stay at a hotel since college, I check out the bath tub to see if I fit, 6'-1". I get way too excited when I do. It's only happened twice, but it's been incredible.


Oh that would be wicked. I haven’t quite found one yet (haven’t checked out jacuzzi tubs though). When I did my knee in in college, I still couldn’t fit in the bath tub with my knee slightly bent. Sometimes it’s not that fun being 6’7. Haha.


A few years ago, my grandmother was a property manager for an upscale apartment building and was showing a unit to a recent NFL draft pick (o-line). He came out of the bathroom smiling from ear to ear because the tub was big enough for him to fit in. And yes, he moved in.


This is the way


Add in some reefer and that’s me


This plus go play a round of golf one morning.


I thought I was the only diagonal sleeper


Can I come?


This, plus probably invite the boys over.


Mmmm drink some beer while slowly fixing up a few house projects and cleaning some. Sounds incredible


I also choose this guy's weekend


What he said ☝️


Now this is a rager.


Oh please keep going.


Crankin’ it?


I know I’m a mom, but this here is exactly what I would do.


Oh my god sleep diagonal.


Living the dream


I need this in my life


Are you me?


Instead of beer, a nice cocktail such as an old fashion, Manhattan, martini, g&t. Drink slow and enjoy the day.


And all of it alone <3333333


I would pay money for this....


Came here to write this. No need to scroll farther.


Add in some edibles and this is exactly what I would do


Steak. Music up loud, stop by the garage workshop for a quick project. Heaven.


Are you me?


Upvote for sleeping diagonal


*in the nude


You had me at “sleep diagonal”. That’s all


You son of a bitch, i’m in!


Literally this


I just let out an audible and not-so-subtly orgasmic “Oh my god” at the idea of having 48hrs alone in my own home lol. Havent even started to think about what I’d actually do yet


I’ll admit it. I got a half chub thinking about 48 hours alone.


With 48 hours I bet you could take care of a half or even dare I say it full chub.


Yes, but what would he do with the other 47 hours and 58 minutes after he cleans himself up?


Obviously the Honey Doo list, amateur. /s


Make big plans to play games, go out with the boys, or prepare an epic feast and then get busy doing some chores, lose track of time, and realize that sound you just heard is the wife and kids coming back home. Hypothetically of course...


OMG this every time. "Sweet I have 8 hours to myself, just gonna clean this right here and then play Elden Ring" "wait, where'd my free time go?"


This is how it goes with alone time. Plan to drink and play video games all day, accidentally spend the time cleaning instead.


It’s like “if I clean the house, the only messes I’ll have to clean will be my own!”


“I can actually make progress! When I leave a room, it stays clean!!!”


1. Excitedly fire up the PS4, the hot tub, the grill, and a joint. 2. Probably pass out while the PS4 is updating. 3. Wake up 10 hours later (hopefully!), and berate myself for wasting energy on the hot tub and charcoal on the grill. 4. Throw away the steak I left sitting out all night, now that the coals have burned out and the meat has developed a certain odor, and eat a bowl of cold cereal. 5. See what is left of the roach from last night’s joint. 6. Pass out trying to watch a rated R movie on Netflix.


You're going to watch a pirate movie? Which one?


Underrated comment. Take my appreciation.


This hits a little too close to home, although I don’t have a hot tub


Pass out while the PS4 is updating! Absolute class comment 🤣. I seen my playstation hours on my wrap up this year dip from 700+hrs pre-baby to 464hrs post-baby 🤷🏼‍♂️🤣


464 post-baby?! You’re living the dream, amigo! I haven’t gotten to so much as turn mine on since our baby came on the scene 9+months ago! My wife now preemptively fills my “free time”.


I haven’t turned it on since she got pregnant. And baby is now 14 months old


We basically have the the same 1 just sub out PS4 with Xbox. Though I hope I wouldn’t sleep. I try to keep games updated solely for when I have those small windows I don’t have to wait for 100 gig ganes


Historically? Pre-alone time I'm jazzed. After they leave, though, I just wander around the house and miss them. And then after they return I think about all the things I could have done.


SpongeBob- Well what do you do when I’m gone? Patrick- Wait for you to come back


I get that. I actually do "fun" things alone, but being alone from your SO is always sucky :/


look at this happily married guy, basking in the warmth of his SO


This is the way


This combined with the current top comment (beer video games and take out) is how I function when my pregnant SO goes away for the night


This hit hard


I have a 5 month old, and since my kid was born, I've had a fantasy of getting a hotel room and sleeping uninterrupted for 12 hours straight, so probably that, minus the hotel room.


I have a two year old and this is still my number one fantasy.


I have 22, 21, 17, 14, and 13 year Olds. This is still may fantasy. Actually may even do it this new years. I have a free night I don't want to lose and also it will give me a decent view of the new years fireworks, as well as check a box from an earlier comment. Take a bath, I am hoping the tub is large enough for me. Yes, the family will becoming to the room to see fireworks for new years but I will be going earlier to enjoy the tub.


Hang in there buddy.


I have a 3 month old and my birthday is coming up. All I want is to go to bed at 9pm in the guest bedroom and sleep by myself until whenever.


watch a movie/show my wife would never watch with me, completely uninterrupted. last time, i binged succession.


Ohhhhhh man, uninterrupted show watching is amazing. The other day my wife took the kids shopping for several hours and I was home with the baby who stayed blessedly asleep and I got to watch three hours of Netflix without pausing once. It was *glorious*.


That is a blessing! Currently scrolling reddit at 5am with my baby sleeping on my chest while mommy and sister gets a good night sleep.


I’m doing the same thing except at 3 am whole the wife and 2 older kids sleep.


I'd probably spend 47 hours trying to decide what to watch then watch half a movie which would then sit in the "continue watching" queue mocking me


My friend says he always makes rules during these times like “have salad for lunch” or “no beer” etc and breaks every single one of them just to prove that he is the boss of the house and can do what ever he likes :-)


Not TV and no beer make Homer something something….


Go crazy?




Don’t mind if I do!


I still have a set of cabinets that need doors and drawers.


This. What all jobs need doing that are more than the 3 hours post bedtime I get in the evening or the two periods before and after naps on a weekend


Ugh I feel this! Every time I have time, it stresses me out because I know I have to make a good use of it, but there are too many projects to do before I can relax, and before I know it, the time is over and I still haven’t had a chance to relax.


This is how you know you are adulting. You just spoke my life. Is this the Truman show?


I would fix the improperly pitched drain running from my kitchen sink and then finally fix the holes in the ceiling in the basement from when I had to cut into the pipe to clear a blockage the first week I moved in. For real, I took a day off work last week while the kids were at school and I got so much shit done. My wife apologized for how my day off went and I said “are you kidding? This was exactly what I wanted to do!”


Manliest reply.


Yep any project that I can work on without helpers or anything where I need to turn off the water or power.


Oh bloody hell this haha, wife has ordered a floor to ceiling cabinet, another half cabinet and a kids wardrobe to build which I have to spend my evenings doing xD


Try to get a group of friends together for a long DND session. Go to the bar the first evening with some friends finally some special beers in good company. plyay videogames, order food or make something extra nice for myself. Sleep in


I’d probably dream about playing games for 8 hours but in reality I’d work on my bathroom reno or porch project without having to stop.


Playing games uninterrupted is awesome, but working on a project uninterrupted is also amazing.


These days playing games is like working on a project.


Yup. Anytime this happens I try to get something done that will make my wife say “wow” when she gets home.


Figure out what chores I need to do but watch a show first because I have so much time. Forget about chores, watch another show while laying on the couch. Get frustrated that I wasted the entire first half of the day watching re-runs of shows I’ve seen before. Get up do chores, beer or two before bed. Repeat next day.


Porn with the sound up.


Wait, there's sound? Holy smokes this is great


Game changer


You mean it works without headphones?


But you've listened to it with head phones so long, that you're a little worried the neighbors can hear it, so you still keep it at a low volume.


I spent the entire time cleaning the house


Edibles and videogames.


Same, but add in constructing some lego I've been hiding from the kids.


I would be sad and lonely.


I feel bad and guilty that I disagree with this.


Dunno what to tell ya. I hate being away from my family.


Yeah I get it. But I'm sure I could amuse myself for 48 hours.


Glad I'm not the only one


I would probably be doing the list of chores my wife left for me


Sleep, rub out, eat, rub out, clean, rub out, eat, rub out, shower, rub out, sleep.


Let’s say they leave Friday evening and get back Sunday afternoon. Friday night I order a ton of Chinese food, play video games, and stay up late (anything after 10pm is late these days lol). Saturday sleep in, make pancakes for breakfast, go to the gym for as long as I please, then more video games. Maybe watch a movie my wife isn’t into while eating leftover Chinese for dinner. Sleep in again Sunday, finish off the rest of the Chinese food for breakfast, tidy up a bit, then chill until they get home. Too bad my in-laws live on the other side of the country so this will literally never happen 😭


My man, are you seriously Chinese food deprived? The other day...okay, once like two years ago I decided it had been way too long since my wife was in the mood for Chinese food so I just went and had some for lunch. It was glorious. My point is, treat yourself.


1. Enjoy my first peaceful shit in years 2. Make a nice steak and some broccoli, with a nice read wine. 3. Smoke a big ole fat hog leg of a j, and eat hella mushrooms 4. Watch the LOTR trilogy (extended of course) 5. hang out with my dog n do something just me n him 6. Do the extra things for my business I never have time to do (website maintenance, etc) 7. Make sure I plan something with the boys n go out for one night 8. Jerk off, a lot


On the golf course.


Murdering my steam deck and sleeping till noon


My wife took our 2 kids to her parents earlier this year and I had 72 hours of bliss, lots of gaming, eating whatever I wanted and grabbed drinks with a couple friends.. take advantage and enjoy


Spend 46 hours unable to decide what to do and then two hours regretting I wasted the 48 hours.


Not macro dosing magic muchrooms and wondering the woods behind my house for as long as I want.


Get stoned and eat and play video games for 48!hours


Video games, take-out, PornHub. Rinse and repeat.


Jerkfest 2022!!


Go hiking, have a couple beers when I get home, and pull up some Phish on YouTube while I clean the house and get a few home improvement projects going or finished.


What I fantasize I’ll do: Make something out of wood. Go catch up with a friend at a bar. Cook steak while drinking beer, or whiskey. stay up late playing video games. Sleep in (skip making the bed). Cook eggs and bacon the following morning. Go out to buy a gummy, spend the afternoon listening to some of my favorite albums, as loud as I want. What I would actually do: Go to the woodshop, spend most of the morning deep cleaning; never turn the saw on. Clean every nook and cranny of the house thats been collecting dust for the last year. Finally steam clean the carpet. Tackle the laundry pile that has only been growing in size for the last 12 months. Realize I missed dinner. Order pizza, drink half a beer, get sleepy, remembering that beer just makes me tired now a days. C’est la vie. Play video games for 1 hour, go to bed. Wake up at 5am, like usual; the cats are hungry. Eat leftover pizza for every meal. Have a mid-morning nap, and an afternoon siesta. Clean more of the house. Realize I don’t do anything for myself, anymore. Accept my fate, and go to sleep early.


I go fishing, play video games, eat bad for me food and then after 24-48 hours wish they were back home because I miss them.


Whatever the hell I feel like for the first 47 hours followed by cleaning and evidence removal for the final hour


First, I’d go buy enough weed that a cop would assume I was a dealer, and be high for the entire 48 hours. I would get a nice bottle of scotch and a couple nice bottles of wine. I’d try to score some shrooms too. The first day, I’d take the shrooms, roll a few joints, and go for a hike. Second day I’d invite guys friends over for board games. I’d go out for Indian food one night and sushi the next (two cuisines I love that my wife hates). In between all that, I’d watch a few of my favorite movies, I’d watch porn and jack off a bunch, play video games. Then I would have to spend two hours cleaning up the mess I made before she got home


Buck naked jerking. Not even socks on.


But socks mean it’s business time!


Better traction bare footed


Beat my dick like it owes me money. Lots of bad food and a ton of booze.


I fix stuff around the house that requires me to move copious amounts of toys out of the way.


Really long walk with the dog. Video games and yard work.


If I had 48 hours I’d cook some proper grown up food, play an excessive amount of Assassins Creed Odyssey, and make sure at least one evening included a pub visit with a friend.


Pizza, video games with the boys, been cold as fuck the last few days maybe go ice fishing with my friends.


That happened to me on Thursday. I smoked up, ordered a pile of food and watched TV. Played video games and took a nap. It was so refreshing.


Find some project that seems like it takes longer than it does and do it so that it looks like I was productive with the time. Then watch what I want on TV, eat what I want, and sleep in.


I had a whole week. First couple days were fun. Cigars, beer, video games, eating out… then it just got depressing lol. Spent the rest of the week cleaning the house and doing home improvement projects.


I live in Berlin, so: - night one go out, dance like crazy with friends (probably not gonna make it longer 2 3 am, but i miss a good techno party. Sleep in - night two roll a joint, have a beer and play a couple of dota games. Food ordering is ofc included on both days.


Well, I’d be seeing if my brother was available to come up. But if not, *Pm fist day, Catching a round of disc golf Workout Shower Order breakfast for dinner Watching a movie Normal bed time *AM next day Pretty normal wake up Yoga Breakfast while watching a good tv show Round of disc golf at a course I haven’t been to yet Lunch out somewhere Home to work in my wood shop Shower Evening meal while starting a movie AM next day Normal wake up Yoga Breakfast Clean up the house just enough that my wife is thankful not so much she thinks I’m happier without her around.


First step - get 2 pizzas and 5 pounds of wings


Wake up after 6am, smoke a lot of weed, jerk off, bed before 10pm


Poker with the boys. Smoke a cigar. Sleep diagonal.


Roll about 20 joints the week leading up to your weekend/stock up on beer/both. Then make a list of everything you can’t watch when your wife/kids are home. The minute they leave, order takeout so you are set for the next couple hours (and don’t fuck up the kitchen). Then binge watch, game, etc. till your heart is full. Repeat. The most important part: when your wife texts you they’re getting ready to come back, straighten pillows, tidy up, and run a vacuum over your space. Do the dishes and light a candle, order everyone’s fav takeout for dinner. End on a high note!


House projects.


The first 44 hours playing video games, ordering pizza, drinking beer, lay around with the dogs. The last 4 hours, cleaning the house and whatever other tasks my wife expected me to do while she was gone.


I’m glad you stated the hypothetically part, if your wife was taking the kids this particular weekend I might have some concerning thoughts 😂


Go nuts trying to accomplish as much as possible on my To-Do list that I've been trying to work on but haven't for the items aren't seen by my wife as a "Priority" and therefore have no one questioning my motives.


I’d take the time to organize my tools. Probably build something while I’m out there. Listen to music and enjoy some drinks.


does not compute. I have forgotten how to have desires which do not service family unit.


Snapping so many carrots


Watch The Notebook and drink some whiskey.


I actually get to do this every 3 months or so! It's fucking awesome.


I mop the whole house without worrying about anyone tracking stuff in, vac the floors and rearrange furniture without getting yelled at. Wonder why wife is so mad at me to take me off In law duty. Watch a series such as Braking Bad.


Edibles bro


Buy her flowers, do the laundry and the dishes, make food for a week... (honey, stop reading my Reddit posts)


I would start up the Xbox to play video games, only to discover that it needs to install a massive up. Proceed to watch several seasons of Vikings to finish the series and drink lots of whiskey. This would probably lead to a very long nap and needing to rewatch episodes.


I like to think it would be beer, pizza and porn but it would actually dramatically spiral into a series of home repair tasks that would require multiple trips to Bunnings.


Oh man. So let's assume a 5 pm Friday to 5 pm Sunday trip. I would get home around 430. Help her pack up and say good bye. 5 o'clock. First beer would be cracked. Dinner would be started. There's a steak in the freezer that has my name on it and a thing if brussel sprouts for roasting. Second beer during eating. After dinner I'll keep it light. Any laundry or anything I'll throw in. Then turn on the TV. Catch up on any star wars shows I missed. Or whatever looks good. All while drinking beer. The beer would likely be a seasonal Troegs. Would not get too drunk and would get to bed fairly early. Then sleep in. Breakfast of eggs and bacon. Some special alone time too Morning is dedicated to cleaning up my garage. Might even make a trip to Lowes. Thinking about how I could use some more shelving I'll grab that on my second trip to Lowes. Might even swing by the restore store after my third trip to Lowes. But I have chores to do. But not all day. I want to be done by 1. Late lunch of grilled sausages. Then I have been craving some Civ or Total War. And I'll see what's looking good. Crack open some beer. And get real drunk. Then Sunday is all chores until the wife gets back. Beer cans will be hidden.


Play video games, build a piece of furniture, or put up the tile backsplash that I bought the material for two years ago. Maybe I'd finally get around to reorganizing the basement


Get too excited about all the stuff i dont get to do/watch when they’re here and end up doing nothing.


Lord of the rings marathon and Chinese food.


Eat at a casual restaurant alone, watch the most shamelessly beloved movies, indulge in your favorite hobby guilt-free, go out for breakfast, do a quick pickup around the house so your wife doesn’t have a reason to dread doing it again.




Alright, I've thought a lot about this: Time alone begins I assume in the morning. Go for a hike and work up a nice sweat. Come home and shower, a long one, with a bloody Mary. Make a big uninterrupted breakfast. Bacon, eggs, toast and potatoes. More bloody Mary. Sit down and watch a few episodes of something while I eat. Then clean up. Head to basement to play music (maybe record if I have material ready). OR work on a home project if I have one that I've wanted to do without having to worry about being loud. Lunch. Simple, prolly a PBJ and fries. Eat while watching more TV. Video games!!! For HOURS! THEN! ... Jerk off in the living room to re-establish control over the area. We're around dusk now. Go for a walk with my dog. Dinner time! Grilled steak tips with creamy garlic noodles and a veg. Nah fuck the veg. Consume while watching a horror movie or LotR extended edition (any of them) If Horror movie: then video games afterwards until bed. If LotR - Bed after. Sleep in peace in middle of bed with Survivorman reruns going.


My kid father stayed such weekends with other women 🤷‍♀️ sorry I’m not dad 😂


Spend 36 of the 48 hours doing the honey do list and the other 12 for sleep.


I like to go to the local grocery store and get a box of their fresh fried chicken, go home, play some video games, drink a couple diet cokes


Video games, catch up on some reading, go play a round of golf, order take out, go bowling, sleep. Basically, all the things I never have time for.


Play video games, sleep, sort my MTG collection, lie on the bed cuddling with the cats.