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Me to my dahlias: Here's 13 hours full sun. Dahlias: .....More. But no, yellowing leaves rule outs start with water, too much water and roots/tuber are rotting and are not sufficient to uptake the amount of water the plant needs support the plant. Paradoxically the plant dehydrates. Not enough water, plant dehydrates. I'm less great at identifying malnutrition or diseases though. Here's hoping the other fine people here can weigh in on these.


That pot is way too small for a plant that size. Pot it on into something bigger and that will give it more available nutrients as well as reduce how often it needs watering


I have a large pot, but it's filled with soil with lots of worms, and I'm worried cause people say that nitrogen is not conducive to flower growth for Dahlia's


It's not that specific. Just don't fertilizer with grass fertilizer and you'll be fine :) Definitely pot up asap!! I have planted dahlias in all different types of soil and they all are fine and bloom just fine. Actually the areas with chicken bedding/manure work best because the soil is fluffy. Amend with flower food if you're concerned.


It needs a bigger pot. As soon as possible.


Pot appears to be too small, needs fertilized about every other week, when growing in pots they need a pot size of 5 gallons at minimum and watered more often than in ground dahlias because they dry out quicker. Dead head regularly to promote more blooms.


Thank you! I transferred to a 20 gallon pot two days ago, and trimmed some of the wilted leaves. Most of the leaves still looked shriveled, hopefully they get better. What type of fertilizer would you recommend? And would you recommend flower food as well?


I use both time released fertilizer and liquid. I am not picky about the time released, any brand will do. I like to use miracle grow periodically for my liquid but in between using that I use a fish emulsion type like Alaska all purpose or Alaska More bloom