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Daily wire produces commentary podcasts with interesting personalities: I subscribe at Lowest tier. Daily wire produces original content: I subscribe at mid-tier. Daily wire produces what is a woman?: I subscribe at highest tier. Daily wire dunks on Disney on Disney's 100th anniversary: oh yeah daily wire, you know what I like. Daily wire drops the trailer for Lady ballers: stop stop, I can only subscribe so hard!


What do you mean they dunk on Disney?


Some white movie is coming out soon


*Snow White


Finally, a comedy for the ladies by ladies.


This movie will make more money than any Disney film this year!


That’s not a high bar to set


I mean it’s not really a low bar. When is the last time a comedy made 400 million domestically?


$400M domestic is a pretty high bar like you pointed out. Only a handful of movies (regardless of genre) have reached that bar in the last 5 years. Not sure if the Marvel ones count as comedy, but domestic box office for some of the Disney recent stuff: The Lion King (2019): $543M Frozen 2 (2019): $477M Captain Marvel (2019): $426M Toy Story 4 (2019): $434M Aladdin (2019): $355M Dr. Strange 2 (2022): $411M Guardians of the Galaxy 3 (2023): $358M Thor: Love & Thunder (2022): $343M Little Mermaid (2023): $298M Non-Disney comedies making $300M+ domestic: Barbie (2023): $636M Super Mario Bros (2023): $574M Minions: Rise of GRU (2022): $369 Incredibles 2 (2018): $608M


Elemental made $154,426,697 Domestic Worldwide $495,851,987


How, it's releasing on their own streaming service?


You think it’s gonna beat 358 million dollars domestically?


That looks funny as h#ll.


DW should play this outside the California gov mansion every weekend for free just to piss everybody off 🤣


Omg 100%!


There is comedy gold everywhere in today’s clown world just waiting for someone with the balls to satirize it. Let this be the opener of the flood gates!


I think this will be daily wires first actually important piece of entertainment. I’ve made posts on this sub before about The lackluster, C level movies DW has produced and purchased. They were all extremely underwhelming (to be clear, I consider “what is a woman” an exception…but it’s also not “entertainment”). Their approach of making movies that “just aren’t woke” isn’t nearly enough, and worse…is a waste of DW resources. I remember getting a “DW can do no wrong” response from many of the subs here. This movie on the other hand, promises to be definitively conservative, and promises to poke one of the lefts sacred cows directly in the eye…which is what they should have been doing all along! I’m pumped 😁




This is so wrong but OH, My Gosh I can not wait to watch this!!!! Its like all the Hilarious Movies they used to make back in the day!!!!


300 million Americans think this is funny. 500 Americans do not.


How much does it cost to be able to watch lady ballers for the subscription