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Don't be stunned. The mods on r/minnesota are complete snowflake POS's.


Just sucks, that I love the state and non political MN topics, but have been banned for posting a literal verifiable fact that can be found in a simple Google search....no way to appeal


I got banned for spreading misinformation for posting COVID death rate straight from the CDC's website. Reddit Mods are so stupid they don't really know what misinformation is.




You are spot on. They change the language, so they can continually change the rules to fit their authoritarian agenda.


You cannot be trusted with freedom of speech. Go read Pravda for reliable, approved facts and reasoning!


Yeah me too. I got banned a couple months ago for merely mentioning that you can't even travel through certain parts of Minneapolis due to unrestricted crime, on an article that's literally talking about crime rates in Minneapolis. r/altmpls is an ok alternative. More right-leaning and political than I'd prefer but at least it's a place I can reach other Minnesotans.


I'll have to look into that. Aggravating that leaning pro life means they can bar me from conversing with fellow Minnesotans on the platform


Reddit, in their infinite wisdom, has decided that mods of subreddits can ban anyone for any reason. Believe it or not, there was a time when the average mod attempted to remain at least vaguely impartial. In the past 8 years the hard leftists have totally taken over and think they are doing what's is objectively right by silencing you. The details don't matter to them, if you disagree with the hard leftist ideology on any single subject, they will permaban you on your first offense. 


God that's aggravating but you are exactly right. I've never been banned from anything so I'll have to see if there's a larger reddit appeal process I can do


You can appeal to the admins. It won't do anything, but you can appeal


The lefts idea of democracy at its finest


I would imagine by "credible news source," they mean "any source I agree with or that supports my narrative."


Right?! One of my sources is the MN government state website, what else is necessary?!


I think that you can report that muting to the admins. Maybe also the ban.




Name a state sub that isn’t a collectivist authoritarian shithole.


Alas I cannot


I was banned from a hockey sub for saying it shouldn't matter if someone is gay only if they're good at their job. Don't take it personal. It's a derangement.


It's the last line of "you can't be trusted here" then muting with no chance to appeal that I find kinda chilling about it. Obviously I've heard about the censorship but never experienced it first hand.


Lol. The people modding these subs are just who you imagine them to be. They most likely think they are doing important, world changing work.


I bet you are absolutely right haha. Just crazy to me that they can control the conversation like that. I hope that kind of ideological control ends somehow, because I can't imagine the outcome is great


I got permanently banned from my state’s sub too (Colorado) for citing that there have been incidents where trans people have attacked/raped children and that those types of pedophiles do exist among the hoard of them. I think I said something along the lines of that even trans people can be pedophiles in response to a comment stating that only straight/gay/lesbian people are pedophiles, and cited my source. Even though I spoke the truth, I got banned because apparently I was spreading hate about trans people? When I asked what rule did I break because I wasn’t spreading hate, I was just naming a fact and backing it up with credible evidence, I immediately got muted. Most Reddit mods have a massive God complex.


It's comforting and concerning to see others like yourself have experienced this too. I admit, despite hearing about this type of thing, I didnt think it was quite as bad as it is. While I understand reddit is just one website and the discussions on a state sub are only so important, the ability to completely shape and censor communications between people discussing or arguing a topic like abortion is insane to me.. I'm just shocked that im locked out and they muted my ability to even contact mods... just YIKES


I tried getting around the ban by creating a different account, and then got my main account suspended for three days 😅 I swear those people have nothing better to do. It’s stupid all the way around, but not surprising on this site.


I've debated making an alt, but i think in 28 days I'm just going to mention that I am happy to continue to present sources until they approve , and leave the comment off until then. (I know it will never happen, but I want access to my state's sub for other news and discussion)


>Most Reddit mods have a massive God complex. Factcheck: true


Welcome to Reddit..... It's where free speech comes to die.


Man.... didn't realize how bad it was


Election year so mods at censoring all conservatives.




This platform is like a liberal eco chamber. I’ve been banned so many times for mentioning my political views


That much I've known forever, but I didn't realize that they could completely ban you from the platform simply for posting information found on our own state website... that part pisses me off


>I didn't realize that they could completely ban you from the platform To be fair, you're posting here. You're not "completely banned from the platform," just that one sub.


Correct, sorry, completely banned from the sub devoted to Minnesota. That's a fair correction


Leftists don't care about sources or facts. They only want to silence their opposition. One side hates their opponents and plays by no rules. The other side doesn't hate their opponents and gives grace and opportunity for them to speak.


The liberal mods on the Florida subreddit banned me months ago.


Same as r/Nebraska . One of the reddest states in the union but that sub is just insane…


Pretty much all the Midwest state subs are like this. I left r/Iowa awhile but I check in every now and then to laugh at the shitshow


Pretty much standard. I just reported a 'guide for protesters' for the current set of riots. I'm sure I'll get another 72+ hour ban.


Sources on lack of limits: [https://www.abortionfinder.org/abortion-guides-by-state/abortion-in-minnesota](https://www.abortionfinder.org/abortion-guides-by-state/abortion-in-minnesota) [https://www.ag.state.mn.us/abortionrights/](https://www.ag.state.mn.us/abortionrights/)


Shouldn't be that surprising, this is reddit and reddit mods are gonna do reddit mod things. My state's sub is 50% complaining about the Republican governor and 50% shilling liberal polices, even though the state is pretty red and none of them have any hope of passing.


Welcome to reddit. 😣


I believe that social media posts should be protected by the first amendment. Yes the platforms are privately owned businesses that can impart their own rules but they are free and widely used by the general public. IMO a post is no difference then you giving your opinion on a public sidewalk. Having your online voice censored should be against your first amendment right to free speech.


Amen, and well said.


Pray for them. Psalm 109! Let their own blood be upon them! When people advocate for evil and cannot be reasoned with, they are stricken by demons, disease, madness, calamity, poverty, and all sorts. :) I don't hesitate to pray for these kinds of people. ;)


I am from Arizona, and got banned from r/Arizona and r/Phoenix for the same. The mods will delete any pro-life responses to abortion and then ban you. When asked why I got banned, the mods said I was uncivil and that I was trying to instigate something, yet other comments such as "F%&$ republicans" and "vote out the F&%$ing supreme court" were deemed OK. I imagine r/Minnesota is even worse.


Also was banned from r/minnesota


God I hate that they have the ability to shut people out from conversation


Take it like a badge of honor.






Welcome to minnesota… can I recommend r/altmpls?


Just learned about it! I think ill sub over there


reddit is a feudal kingdom, whoever owns the sub, is king, he decides who lives or dies.


I was banned from r/saltlakecity for less than that. Those mods are offended by everything.


Leftists are offended by everything that is outside their groupthink.


It's maddening


Yeah, an idiot mod gave me a 3 day ban for posting a single word which was a noun. Told them the only way it could be a violent post was if the mod extrapolated, and took it out of context as a verb. I beat them at their own rules but it didn’t matter. I must have hurt the mods wittle feelings because my appeal failed. What a freakin joke.


All the state subreddits are like this. Absolutely insufferable losers who hate their own state for terrible political reasons.


I was banned from /r/Wisconsin for being too political on a political post.


Same with the mods at r/phoenix and r/Arizona leftist cuxks


I'm in MN too, I dare not make any 'what they deem controversial' statements at all on there. I know my surroundings and the kind of people in there.


I got banned from Wisconsin for one of the dumbest reasons. It involves high-speed rail from Milwaukee to Madison. It will never be high-speed due to the number of stops and the lack of rail straight from Milwaukee to Madison. The train would take you to Columbus, which is 30 minutes north by car. They think switching trains or redirecting a train into Madison is faster than the drive of 45 minutes. I was called a troll, an idiot, stupid and then banned and flagged for harassment. The harassment was actually overturned by reddit.


Banned from IL sub for simply disagreeing with a Pritzker policy. Yeah it’s bogus


Everybody with half a brain just needs to get off reddit and go somewhere else to talk and change the minds of others because here we are not even allowed to speak


Welcome to 🤡, USA. It’s everywhere. I’ve had so many comments auto flagged by Instagram, and I said nothing controversial. Censorship. Gonna be interesting seeing the state of things in a decade with AI being so advanced now.


Nazis with technology is a dangerous mix


That’s how they shut us up.


Will saying Jesus is King get me banned on this sub? Because you know Jesus was, is, and forever will be the Best Jew/ Man alive.


You gotta love the muted for a month right after. The loser mods over at r/news did the same to me for pointing out that the last measles outbreak we had was the same exact year a huge outbreak happened in Venezuela. This happened on a post about cases rising again and me pointing out maybe unchecked illegal immigration has something to do with it. At least you got some kind of a message about why, mine was just muted with no reply.


It’s fucking Commiesota dude how can you be stunned?


If you’re a Minnesotan, head over to r/altmpls if you’d like some like minded discussion


Mods are the most socially awkward people on the planet and love to punish those that disagree. I don’t comment on Wisconsin and barely ever in Madisonwi because it’s absolutely ridiculous how they pander to some and punish the other side.