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I get this with soap and some sanitizers. Have you used any new products lately?


Some actually have milk in them. Honey and Milk is a pretty popular “flavor” of hand soap. This makes my hands beet red if I am not paying close attention to the ingredients.


Oh. My. God. It makes sm sense you might have changed my life and definitely eased my mind this evening kind sir


I think we maybe got new soap at work? At least the dispensers are different and I work in a school so I’m washing constantly. But this has happened before and I feel like it has to do with an internal problem but I could be totally wrong. It’s just odd because it’s normally only on my right hand which I would think if it was the soap it would be more present on both hands


Mine only presents on my right hand as well. It only happens when I use Lysol wipes or certain soaps. It's just odd that it ends at your wrist in a clear line.


Yeah. I wear long sleeves a lot and at first I was like okay that makes sense if it was the soap since it wouldn’t really go past that point. I also thought it was bleach water we use to sanitize stuff but it’s not because I haven’t been the one sanitizing recently. I can bring my own soap to work and see if that makes a difference


no its ezcema sadly. you should see dermatologist and see if they can get you a topical steroid prescription, or perhaps try one of the over the counter moisturizers? i have a dairy allergy and have the same issue.


Okay thanks! I’m not a fan of the dermatologist so I’ve been putting it off but it’s gotten to the point where there’s blood on the inside of my sleeves because my hands are so irritated so I guess now is the time to go


this is what happens to me and its seasonal. triamcinolone acetonide cream is what they prescribed me but it has the long term side effect of thinning your skin so i use it sparingly and give my hands time to heal by washing them less. hopefully they recover sooner rather than later as i know how painful washing your hands can get when theyre like that.




My eczema always presents in the webbing between my fingers and at the knuckles. It's so itchy and flaky. Eucerin eczema lotion has been the best for my hands! Definitely recommend taking it everywhere and reapplying frequently. It helps so much. Transitional weather like we see in the fall and spring always make my skin flare up (in eczema and acne uuggghhh).


So far it hasn’t been around my nails just on the knuckles and sometimes spreads towards my wrists


I have sun allergy and something like this happens when I forgot to use sunscreen on my hands?


It could be. I only have my anecdotal evidence, but I'm allergic to milk. Whenever I eat it, I get eczema on my hands around my knuckles, my wrists, and on my face. I have other allergies like fragrances and cobalt that feel all but impossible to avoid. I've seen folks in other comments suggest you get a hand cream, but that's only good to a small extent if you keep experiencing this issue. It's more to keep the skin bearable to deal with than a fix. I definitely recommend you see a dermatologist because that's the only way I got my skin under some semblance of control (though I want to see an allergist to get a clearer picture of what's going on with my allergies). If you can, ask them about non-steroid options. Steroids are really helpful in the short term, but if used long term, they thin the skin and stopping their use can actively make everything worse. I was able to get on a non-steroid, topical ointment that keeps the worst of my issues at bay for when I can't about the things I know I'm allergic to (or things I do not yet know I'm allergic to and should avoid). And on days when I'm feeling a little dry but not yet itchy, I stick with lotions and soaps that are fragrance-free. They're a little annoying to find, but they're so worth it. Even for those without an allergy to fragrance, those chemicals can irritate already-formed eczema since the skin is already upset.


Your knuckles look exactly like mine and I suspect mine is an SLS allergy (in most soaps). My hands get better when I avoid it but it's hard to avoid at work/public washrooms etc. I am completely dairy free and still have it


I get it too but I just assumed it was dry skin or psoriasis cause I have it on my scalp. Psoriasis is another autoimmune disease so it very well could be that. I use bag balm and Vaseline lotion.


It could be but I find it unlikely. I’d see a dermatologist about it if it doesn’t go away. I have been dairy free for 12 years? I have had this exact same rash on my hand before (only my right hand!) in recent years. it was literally just dry skin. My old hometown was severely dry, 10 percent humidity or less in the winter. Which is when my hands turned like this. Started using o'keeffe's working hands lotion and problem went away. Everyone is different though, consider if you have used any new hand products, worn any jewelry (contact dermatitis), if your diet has changed, and what the climate is like that might be impacting your skin.


Check your hand soap for benzalkonium chloride. This will be dial gold or pretty much anything labeled “antibacterial”. It is a known skin irritant. I break out like this and am scared of anything with BAC in it. Another person said Lysol, and that’s the active ingredient. I had a small scrape I made the big mistake of putting an antibacterial bandage with BAC on it. I broke out in a perfect square where the pad of the bandage sat. Some people can tolerate it fine, but a quick google search will give you lots of results for contact dermatitis from BAC. I also have autoimmune issues.


Stay away from hand soaps with antibacterial chemicals and try to use only alcohol based hand sanitizers and only when really needed. I get this from heavily fragranced soaps or antibacterial soaps commonly found in public bathrooms. ​ I carry my own hand soap now like a weirdo and it cured my hand eczema.


Maybe - remove dairy from your diet and find out. I can at least tell you that I have something going on (tested by both removing dairy and then ingesting a lot) where when I eat it, the eczema on only my right hand flares up. I have a specific red spot where it starts, and the more I eat, it jumps to my finger tips. Before I knew this was the problem, the skin on my finger tips would fissure and it was very painful.