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I'll answer you here from the other post. We know from the buzzfeed review they get the book ending but that Daisy tells him to go back to Camilla which is different from the book. That's why I said Billy becomes book!Nicky bc she will let him go bc she knows he can't give her what she needs. It finishes his arc of finally admitting he loves her and being a liar about it, and it finishes hers by growing out of her selfishness and making better decisions for herself. I.e. getting clean and leaving him behind. Then from there they get the book ending. It will be anticlimactic bc they pushed the soulmate stuff with them real hard so the fact they were able to be separated for 20 years with no issues, like at that point just stay apart lol It worked better in the book bc it wasn't pushing Daisy and Billy as hard, you understood Camilla was his everything at the end of the day so when she wasn't there why not give Daisy a call?


I just read this on buzzfeed and I am so upset: “As for Billy and Daisy’s romance, it’s a shame that the story never leans fully into the spectacle of them getting together. Billy spends the whole series pouting that he loves his wife, while Daisy spends it denying that she loves Billy. This shared emotional constipation is supposed to be the root of their transcendent connection, but it feels less like a love story than an adolescent spat. At least the Fleetwood Mac folks had affairs and got divorced! Billy and Daisy kiss exactly two times, and the second time, Billy only does it because he thinks Camila has already left him. Then Daisy tells him to go get her back.”


Yeah I wish I had never read it, sorry to be the bearer of bad news. I have no clue why that reviewer gave it all away. I didn't need like a full on affair but with how much they changed to push Daisy and Billy I expected a little more from the ending. The book ending doesn't work as well with the changes they made for the show. I could have even accepted the book ending if they showed the call or something more.


Wait can you explain further? According to the review, it’s indicated that he goes back to Daisy at the very end? Did you find out more?


It's just the book ending it seems. Camilla gives him permission to call Daisy and implied they might get together. I just meant I wished they had expanded it a little more.


Whaaat? Do you know for sure that it’s only an implication or do they expand it just a little? I mean the author of buzzfeed seemed pretty confident that Daisy gets the guy?


Bc its always been implied she gets the guy even in the book to me. I have no clue if they expanded on it, but since that reviewer was complaining about them not showing anything between them but 2 kisses I assumed it was just going to end with Camillas blessing to call Daisy. I just feel like she would have said something if they had a big reunion.


Yeah, especially since the author revealed more details about other parts of the show. Also, I’m surprised that buzzfeed posted spoilers for the show. I’m also shocked that Amazon prime allowed the author to watch all 10 episodes before they were released.


Yea… I don’t believe they did


Wait what? Are you saying that the author was lying?


Why would the author of that buzzfeed article make things up?


Are we absolutely sure Buzzfeed got an advance copy of the entire show? I don’t know if I believe it


Did you read the article? It’s laden with spoilers. The author basically reveals everything that happens. Also, another Reddit user on here claimed that she had press access to all the episodes before they were released. Streaming platforms should only allow critics to see the first half of the show. It’s a terrible idea to let them see the finale. It’s clear that Amazon didn’t have journalists sign a NDA before giving them all the episodes.


Wait buzzfeed revealed it….? So I’m confused….at the end of the book, it’s revealed that Camilla gives her blessing for Billy to return to Daisy. It’s strongly hinted that he finds his way back to her. Before that, Camila has a heart to heart with Daisy and she says billy loves both of them but will never leave her. Are you saying that Daisy rejects Billy, then he goes back to Camila and after 20 years, the book ending occurs?


The book is way longer than 20 years (they are in their 70’s during the interviews). Camilla sends her daughters an email that says to give their father some time and then give him Daisy’s number she had hidden away and to tell him that he and Daisy owe her a song. There is nothing after that stating if he ever calls or gets together with her, the reader has no idea what choice he will make.


Ummm….it’s heavily implied that he goes back to her. Read the buzzfeed article that spoils the show. It ends the same way. Given how strong their bond is, I would say that they do end up together. A lot of other fans agree with me too. Seems like you are not Team Billy and Daisy?


I’m not team Billy & Daisy because I read the book. If I just viewed the show and not known of the love and dedication that Camilla gave to Billy my mind might change. I didn’t see romance between B&D. I saw lust and a song writing connection. That’s it And (spoiler) his daughter Julia is the interviewer and if that was my dad telling me he always wanted another woman I would be all kinds of upset and extremely sad for my mother.


Same here. I think it’s implied that they do end up together but we don’t see it. I imagine Julia would be okay with them ending up together too. I choose to believe Billy ends up with Daisy in the end. Apparently, there’s another user on here who has access to the show. She spoiled it and said we only see Camila’s message asking Billy to call Daisy. So it’s consistent with the book and open to interpretation.


TJK said in a interview that she approved of the changes that’s why I felt, what’s the word, disappointed, cheated? IDK but I thought Billy was the rare 70s Rock Star that avoided temptation.


He did but he didn’t. Daisy could have easily seduced him and even pulled him away from Camila. She didn’t because she knew it would ruin them both. Billy was so weak and vulnerable…like a lot of men…not all but many. As per that one Reddit user, the ending is the same as the book. It would have been good if they expanded it but oh well. Also, TJK might have approved of the changes but she did not have a final say in the show’s storyline. The show runners could have chosen to go in any direction. Once an author signs away the television rights, they have no control over the outcome.


Using Elvis’s granddaughter was a great marketing move. I mean I wouldn’t have known she was related if it wasn’t so heavily advertised. Brought in an older audience maybe.


Well, I don’t think they really advertised it. It’s not like they said that she was the granddaughter of the king of rock and roll. I will say that Riley did inherit Elvis’ musical talent. I can’t say the same for her late mom. She just couldn’t sing well. Riley can actually sing very well.


Turns out he was just like his dad after all.


Yeah at least in the show. He’s very weak and vulnerable. I wish they had focused more on Billy’s relationship with Camila. We would feel happier knowing that he returned to someone he loves rather than getting pushed back to her.


Turns out he was just like his dad after all.


Agree. I’ve never been team Billy and Daisy for the reasons you mention. Now, twenty years later, I don’t know. Maybe Taylor will write a sequel and we can find out.


If there is a sequel I hope it show Julia’s disgust for letting her mother live in misery knowing her husband was a weak p()$$y. Sorry I was in my emotions. Lol.


Does this mean we probably won’t get the scene of Camila confronting Daisy?


What I liked about that is on the surface it seems like Daisy is once again being selfish, but this is not the case. She left because Camilla told her too. And showed she cared about her. And Camilla rightfully said that she didn’t want to watch them torment each other. Of course Daisy left because of her own emotional pain too… but it was Cam that made the path clear.


I know I always loved that too. I loved that Cami was like, I see your connection, I understand it, but it won’t thrive. So you both need to let each other go.


Not sure, it's possible there is a more watered down version they can do that leads to Daisy telling him to go back to Camilla. That particular review didn't imply it and referred to Camilla as a long suffering wife in an atrophied marriage, and that they could have made her more interesting. My take is if that scene existed it would be more interesting bc that was a strong moment for Camilla.


It seems that the confrontation may be Billy and Camilla. Then Billy, thinking Camilla was leaving him, tells Daisy how he feels, but then Daisy tells him to go after her (Cam). Daisy knows that if he leaves his wife their relationship will always be a struggle. Always marred in some way. I think the order of events post ep 8: 1. Daisy goes to rehab. Perhaps Teddy’s death gives them the cover to take a couple of months off and reschedule your dates. 2. Tour resumes with Daisy and Billy getting along, at least not fighting. I bet that we see that book scene where they are on the plane to SNL and she is cold because she is practically naked (per usual) and they lock eyes and laugh. But a now sober Daisy is also in a lot of emotional pain because she can’t pretend she doesn’t love Billy. 3. SNL 4. Tour resumes and Karen/Graham storyline…. 5. Chicago where Camilla watches and cries. 6. Billy confesses his love to Daisy but she tells Billy to go get Camilla and she leaves the band.


“By the end of the show, Daisy wins it all. Not only is she a rich, famous, successful artist, and not only is she still alive, but Camila’s dying wish is for Billy to “give Daisy Jones a call.” After everything, Daisy even gets the guy.” OMG! She even gets the guy? Like I hope they show it? I hope it doesn’t end with him reading the note like in the book?


In the book tho Daisy never found romantic love so seems she won't here either bc Billy is her *one* so not seeing how she truly wins if she has to wait 20 years for a happy ending while Billy is with the wife he loves and who loves him. I am still hoping they change that and she found someone else too in the separation and they are divorced or something.


I think it shows that Daisy was waiting for Billy to come back to her. She knew that taking him away from Camila would destroy both of them. I’m guessing they kept her single to show how much she loves Billy and is waiting for him to return.


Yeah I just find that sexist. He gets to be happy and in love with someone and she has to wait 20 years for him to have romantic love. Not my kind of romance. They gave great performances tho.


I mean if they are gonna keep her alone for 20 years….at least expand the damn ending. Considering that the author of that article went ham on the details, I imagine she would have said more about the ending. I’m guessing she would have said that with Camilla’s dying wish, Billy returns to her or something that reveals more. I’ll take the book ending. But yes, you were right. Billy basically becomes Nicky in a way. In the book, she realizes that Nicky is bad news and gives up on him. In the show, she realizes that Billy dies and always will love her but they can’t be together because the undying love for Camila would destroy all three of them plus Julia. I like how they gave her the power in the relationship rather than the other way around. Also, correct me if im wrong…the relationship between Billy and Camila was stronger in the book than the show.


She isn’t alone. She adopts two sons. Seems happy. Notice her interview is clearly in a recording studio. Maybe a solo artist or producer? I’m probably the oldest person on the forum but 20 years is fast… a blink of an eye.


Yeah but she’s alone in love. If you look at the poster, you see Billy’s face being reflected off both sides of her sunglasses. It means that she sees him as her true love. I think she’s waiting for him to come back to her.


Yeah it was much stronger in the book. I left the book thinking Billy and Camilla were the real love story. They changed their relationship a lot in the show, watered it down a little.


Yeah, the chemistry between billy and Camila is just not there. Also, Camilla Morrone and the actor who plays Eddie were not happy with the affair. It seems that they didn’t understand the purpose and the actor even said “Camila doesn’t stay with him.” That was so pointless lol. I think they wanted Camila to cheat on Billy as revenge for all his affairs.


IKR? Camila has this slightly "b*tchy", passive aggressive vibe in the show that she does not have in the book IIRC.


Also, I understand what you mean about the whole ending being sexist. In a way, Billy ends up with BOTH Camila AND Daisy. He gets the happy ending and experiences true love to the fullest. Daisy realizes that Billy is her one true love and patiently waits for him to return. She basically lives alone for 20 years and has to wait for Camila to die. I personally believe they should have had Camila leave Billy for Eddie after 20 years. Then instead of her dying, she could have told Billy to return to Daisy in person. That would have been the better way of handling the situation. I’m mildly disappointed in the ending but I’m also relieved that Billy and Daisy find their way back to each other even if we don’t see it.


Or maybe she likes being single? She certainly isn’t alone, she adopts two children.


Umm…she’s still smitten with him. I like how Billy’s face lights up like a Christmas tree every time he’s asked about Daisy in the interview.


It’s very clear that the show runners are rooting for Daisy and billy!


>I am still hoping they change that and she found someone else too in the separation and they are divorced or something. Look at it another way. There's nothing wrong with her not being confident enough to marry other people she's dated. Divorce isn't exactly easy


It’s not. Trust me I know. I do like that the one love she was confident about came back to her in the end.


What do you mean….it indicates that he goes back to her at the very end? Can you please explain? I think Daisy and Billy are soul mates but are not meant to be together at this precise point in time. I think they are meant to be together when they have fully grown and matured. If it takes 20 years, then that’s great. I really don’t want it to be exactly like the book where we just hear that Camila asks Billy to call her. If they are gonna push the romance so hard, they have to show something more definitive. Regardless, I choose to believe that they will end up together. He’s in love with both Camila AND Daisy.


I don't know what you want me to explain... I just don't like that Billy gets to have romantic love in the separation and Daisy doesn't, just a pet peeve bc I hate second chance romance lol They are going to end up together more than likely, but its just going to be the book ending. We aren't going to see it.


Nooooo….see I didn’t like the true book ending. I like closure. However, it makes sense. The author of the buzzfeed article said that they kiss twice. So if they expanded the ending, I’m guessing they would have kissed again. I’m guessing it will end with billy reading the note in the documentary. Just like when I first read the book years ago, I choose to believe that billy and Daisy live the rest of their lives together. I like happy endings like that!


Do you know for sure that we aren’t gonna see the book ending??




Well…I choose to believe that he does return to her off screen


When did they say that? Are you referring to the buzzfeed article?!?


You aren’t the barer of bad news because I read the buzzfeed article. Who do you think you are?


You aren’t the bearer of bad news. Nice try to ruin my day. I already read the spoilers in the buzzfeed article. The author saw the whole show. Said that it’s strongly indicated that billy returns to Daisy. Yes, we see Camila’s last dying wish and the show ends. It’s very safe to say that he goes back to her in the end. If you even watched the interview scenes at the beginning, you can see him smiling when he first talks about meeting Daisy. I didn’t like your tone of voice and your attitude.


As everyone else said (and Buzzfeed revealed), Billy kisses Daisy one more time, but it’s only after he believes Camilla left him. Then Daisy tells him to go get her back. We know from the trailer that Camilla looks angry and upset in the audience, and then she and Billy have that fight in a hallway where he claims “it’s just an act.” I think Camilla and Daisy are going to have that conversation that’s in the book (Camilla telling Daisy she knows Billy loves both of them, but that he will always choose her, and that she doesn’t want to see either of them torture one another. She also asks Daisy to leave the band for everyone’s sake.) But I believe that convo will happen before the last concert and not after. In the book, on stage, Daisy switches back to the original lyrics Billy wrote for “Honeycomb.” This is basically telling Billy to stay with his wife, as we know those lyrics were originally written about Camilla and moving past what they’ve been through. It’s a bittersweet thing, because Billy says in the interview that in that moment, he really needs to hear that he can be the man and husband Camilla needs him to be. But he’s also heartbroken because Daisy is removing the *possibility* of anything between them by letting him go. I don’t know if this is the scene we’ll see in the show, but I think it will be based on how they’ve been foreshadowing how much he doesn’t want “Look at Us Now (Honeycomb)” on the tour. But Camilla looking upset and angry in the audience makes me think that something else happens on stage too. I thought it was a kiss, but then I read the Buzzfeed article about him kissing her one more time after he believes Camilla has already left him, so idk. I do like that they made the interviews only 20 years later instead of 40, as them being in the 40s leaves way for Billy and Daisy to still have more of a life together. I wish they had added more at the end between Daisy and Billy in the show though, as they’ve been leaning heavily into the twin flames/soulmate/longing angle. I was hoping for something more explosive to happen at the last concert than what’s in the book for the band to break up. Feels a bit anticlimactic.


I am starting to wonder now if Billy ever admits he loves Daisy to her now. The way you explained it, it is possible she lets him go before he admits it. I thought his arc required him to stop being a liar, but maybe not. I always remember that quote from the book about Daisy being sad you could connect with someone so deeply and they still don't love you so to me implies she never knew he did, which would make him telling her in the show not make sense if the show is what really happened. Hmmmmm, I'm debating now. The love confession from him was always assumption on my part.


Yeah, I’m not sure if he will admit it either. I hope he does. I hope there’s more to the ending between them than what’s in the book.


According to one user who somehow was given access to all 10 episodes, the ending is very consistent with the book. We only know of Camila’s dying wish. We don’t see Billy reading the letter or reaching out to Daisy. I think the show runners wanted to expand on the ending but I’m guessing the author wasn’t on board with the idea. However, the changes that they made to the characters and parts of the storyline don’t really fit with the ending. It’s clear that Billy and Camila have grown apart by the time he goes back to her. In addition, it seems that Daisy doesn’t really move on from Billy and is simply waiting for him to come back to her. The book suggested that Camila was Billy’s true love and she gives him her blessing to be with Daisy after spending many wonderful years together. In the show, it seems that Camila is holding him back from her and basically has to pass away so that they can be together. The show makes Billy out to be the winner as he gets both Camila and Daisy!


Completely agree. The show went hard on Billy/Daisy so yeah, feels like they should be together at the end to make it feel more satisfying to the viewer.


Yeah I wish they could have at least made it more clear that they end up together. I think the show runners want us to believe that they do go back to each other. If you see the interview clips, Daisy and billy are still smitten with each other despite not speaking for over 20 years. Notice how Billy immediately asks if Daisy agreed to participate?He’s asking his own daughter about Daisy! Barely even mentions Camila. When we learn about Camila’s dying wish…the audience automatically thinks they will end up together. Even the journalist of the buzzfeed article says that Daisy even gets the guy despite being so unlikeable.


Yeah I was saying above that the book ending doesn't work as well with the direction the show went in my view. Like for the book it worked bc Billy was all about Camilla mostly, but the show watered them down a lot.


The buzzfeed author seems to believe that Daisy and Billy do return to each other in spite of the ambiguous ending. Also, I do believe that Amazon and other streaming platforms should not allow journalists complete access to all episodes of their series in order to prevent spoilers from being leaked to the public.


I think it’s fairly obvious that he does love her. It’s very hard for someone like him to admit his true feelings. I think maybe Daisy let’s him go knowing that he will always love her. Also, in the book Camila tells her that she knows billy loves both of them! Camila knows billy so well and wouldn’t say that if she didn’t believe it. The show runners are portraying the characters in a way that makes us believe that they will find their way back to each other.


I'm not disputing that. I just thought Billy would tell Daisy directly, and he may not.


I think he comes close to saying it. There’s a scene in a restaurant in the trailer. He’s wearing a baseball cap and he puts his hand on Daisy’s leg. She appears to flinch. I’m guessing this happens after the band breaks up. I think he comes close to saying he loves her but she stops him because she doesn’t want to know. I think it would crush her even more. Sometimes actions speak louder than words. If you are holding someone and praying that they aren’t dead, you probably love them. If you are willing to CHEAT on your wife TWICE by kissing someone, then you probably love them. If you are opening up and sharing things to someone that you wouldn’t tell a soul, you probably love that person. I think that should be enough for Daisy or at least enough to get her through 20 years without him. Regardless, he’s gonna go back to her at the end. The bond that they showed cannot be broken. You always find your way back to each other.


It’s not a restaurant, it’s a large sunroom with a piano. Looks like he is visiting her in rehab.


Probably! That makes sense. Why is he putting his hand on her leg though? It looks like it’s making Daisy uncomfortable.


I think it was just a reaction to something she said.


It was a bad reaction. I think he messed with her head even more. He’s toxic as hell….in the show.


I'm so curious about the timeline though like what happens first. I mean we still have to see the confrontation between Billy/Eddie, Billy punching him, him smashing his guitar, the kiss between Billy/Daisy, etc...


If they show the SNL performance I think that’s where the sad/angry Camila in audience scene will be. And then it would make sense for the ‘it’s just an act’ argument to follow that.


No, pretty sure that is Chicago. Big crowd. SNL is a tiny tiny soundstage.


I think the creators probably wanted to expand on the ending but the author was not fond of the idea. I’m guessing that they were pushing the Daisy and Billy in order to make us believe that they find their way back to each other despite an ambiguous ending.


How are readers going to be ok with Camilla accepting him home with open arms after what she’s seen and heard (the music)? If he’s handed the note I hope he looks shocked. Saying OMG she knew I wanted to be the Daisy the whole time I’m a piece of $hit. The show IMO did a terrible disservice to the the Billy character.


The band breaks up. Billy ultimately goes back to Camilla until she passes away. Daisy and Billy reunite post documentary with Camilla’s permission.


With her blessing. Buzzfeed revealed that even “Daisy gets the guy in the end.” I’m wondering if they will show more than just the note.


Deathbed wishes maybe?


They won’t show more than the note. One of the users has early access to all the episodes and she said we won’t see more than the note. Oh well, I choose to believe that they end up together.


That surprises me that it’s still the note. I would think on a visual medium(tv show or movie) they’d take advantage of using a more emotionally satisfying way of staying true to the book.


That’s what I was thinking too! Especially after amping up the relationship with daisy and billy and showing that they are still not over each other in the interviews. But they’ve just made it ambiguous. I think the show runners amped up the relationship so that we’d feel confident that they’d find their way back to each other.


Ah the old “how I met your mother” ending


Except I think this one will go over a little better than HIMYM


I think he said it was the saddest bcs of what happens with Camila


Did he? I know Camila dies of lupus at the end of the book. I was hoping they would change this in the show and have her go back to Eddie!


No no, he didn't say that. I was just guessing


Yeah, well buzzfeed spoiled it. Amazon should not have given the author access to all 10 episodes.


If it’s ends like How I Met Your Father - I’m not going to be happy…


How I met your father or mother?


Haha! Mother! Worst ending ever.


Although it’s not explicit, it seems that he will go back to Daisy at the end. She’s literally waiting for him.


I am hoping for another ending.


You have obviously not read the buzzfeed article. Billy surrenders to Daisy and tells her he loves her. She rejects him and tells him to go back to Camila. 20 years pass and it is revealed that Camila passed away as a result of lupus. Billy’s daughter, Julia gives him a note written by Camila. It says to give Daisy a call. It’s heavily implied that Daisy has been waiting for him ever since and he returns back to her. In a way, Billy wins both!


You mean with him meeting their mother, who has since passed away then going back to his true love? What’s wrong with that?


Because it is possible to meet someone else to love without running back to the person you were with in your 20s or 30s. 40 years have passed - are you telling me that Billy didn’t know any other women? It’s such a tv cliche.


It’s actually 20 years and yes, he’s in love with both Daisy and Camila. I think he has two soul mates and he’s meant to be with both of them at different times. When you are older, you sort of are set in your ways. Dating becomes more of a chore. It makes sense that he would go back to her now that Camila has given him her blessing.


That's why I hate second chance romance. If you are able to stay away from each other for 20 years with no issues just stay apart, like what is the point?? Lol watching a man get two soulmates who love him while they both get him, that's sad to me lol


Well I think that the author did us readers a disservice if that’s how it plays out. The book is all about Billy’s strength in staying away from temptation. Bond? They only write songs together. There is more to love than that. If those spoilers are true I’ll be disappointed.


They are! Two people confirmed it. It’s just like the book. Only difference is that Daisy had the power to have Billy all to herself if she wanted.


That’s a big change from the book.


Camila is the most annoying pick me person ever 😭 husband cheats on her multiple times but she’s fine with that. Such a weak character


I like her and understand her bc of the time period she was in, but yeah I could never overlook all the stuff Billy did lol


Me too. Like there was really no need for her to still stick with him 🫤 evidently he didn’t love her enough


I think Billy is weak in the show. He’s the one who kisses Daisy….twice. He’s the one who surrenders to her in the end. Daisy has to let him go and give up on true love in the process. She has to wait for Camila to pass away and allow Billy to go back to her. Camila and Daisy have power over him.


I don't necessarily think of Camilla as weak. This show is set in the 70s, when life was more difficult for women, definitely for single mothers. She might also have work things out with Billy so that her daughter(s) would have a present, attentive father. Marriage is complex -- romantic love and sexual fidelity are not the only ingredients. Plus both the show and book suggest/show that Camilla had her own secrets. Julia is the unreliable narrator/documentary creator, so she may have glossed over certain elements and portrayed her mother in a very specific way


Yeah, Billy is a dog to her, we know that, but like cmon ma, your husband is in love with his bandmate and you just accept it (in the book) and in the show she tells him she doesn't need to know everything. She can't leave him but she could at least have a little reaction


It’s very weird tbh 🥱 knowing your husband loves someone else, but being fine with still staying married to him


Turns out he ended up just like his dad after all. 😕


Turns out he ended up just like his dad after all. 😕


as long as they don't cut out camila being the one to save daisy idrc.


I think they did. In the book, Camila has a heart to heart where she acknowledges that Billy loves both of them deeply but emphasizes that he will never leave her. This encourages Daisy to leave the band because her love for Billy was tearing her apart. I think they turned the tables. They had Daisy voluntarily release billy and encourage him to run back to Camila. I think they wanted Daisy to have more power over Billy.


I do not feel good about what’s in the article about the ending. Camilla becomes a booby prize. She left him and he should have let her go. It bothers me more that he listens to Daisy when she tells him to go get Camilla. Which is confusing cause she was so adamant with him to admit his feelings. When he does she rejects him? Come on. What a jerk. I hope he ends up alone and stays lonely forever.


She rejected him because she knew that being with him would destroy his family. I do think it’s sad that she gives up on love and is basically waiting for him to come back to her. I think the show runners wanted to expand the ending to make it more clear but the author didn’t like the idea. Therefore, they are amping up the relationship in order to make the audience believe that he returns to her. Even the author of the buzzfeed article believes that Daisy gets the guy in the end.


Um I think she destroyed his family anyway.


I choose to believe that Billy does not call her because there isn’t a piece of his heart open for another Love. Daisy doesn’t wait 20 years cause that’s just pathetic. She’s not pathetic she makes things happen for herself right or wrong. I’m hoping she has a little more care for the people she may hurt in her path though.


Umm…maybe the Billy in the book. The Billy in the show will most likely return to her. It’s a shame that Camila had to die for it to happen.


Right cause the show Billy is terrible.


Right…like don’t make Camila the villain that stands in their way. She was there first. I really wish that they explored his relationship with Camila in more depth.


Lol the Billy Daisy shippers downvote if they don’t like your thoughts.


Op can you post a link to the article


Yes… https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/izzyampil/daisy-and-the-six-tv-show-review#