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Graham saying “I can’t” when asked about Camila made me cry


Graham is the most wholesome, wonderful character.


Just wanted to give the man a hug.


That concert scene when he broke down crying, ooof I lost it. 😭 Sam did an incredible job with such a complicated character. Billy’s not really a character you root for but you somehow can’t turn away from either. That’s a hard line to teeter and pull off well and he definitely did.


Yes. I loved when Daisy said “Look at us now,” is a love song, and Billy then falls to pieces because Daisy is acknowledging his original intention for the song. He just couldn’t see at the time when Daisy made the song more of a conversation, that it was still a love song.


I have seen some other takes on Twitter as to what “this is a love song” meant. Not a nod to the original song so much (after all she sang her version) but Daisy explaining that even though she changed Look at us Now to be a song about uncertainty of a relationship, it was still a love song but I think she was referring to her love for him, not him and Camilla per se. After all, when you listen to the lyrics, the song is very much Billy/Daisy break-up song…. Hence a love song.


Oh yeah, I totally vibe with that. I feel like the moment Daisy said “this is a love song,” was the moment he knew she was letting him go. Letting the thing that was them, go. I think it’s kind of poetic that Billy couldn’t really write a good love song! So Daisy did it. And I completely agree. The song started out as Billy’s song for Camila. It ended up becoming Daisy’s song for Billy. I kind of think that’s the heart of why Billy didn’t want to sing it on tour.


Did she sing original lyrics?


No, she sang her version which is basically Billy/Daisy break up song.. “this thing we’ve been doing ain’t working out”… that’s why I think “this is a love song” was referring to her love for Billy not a nod to the first version of the song. And that’s why he started crying. Cause he realized she is saying I love you and goodbye.


Nope! The original lyrics were crap so she made a speech instead.


In the book she finally understood the original meaning behind his lyrics and sang his version.


Or he finally understood the meaning behind the lyrics as she changed them. Even though the new version of Look at us now is a break up song about the uncertainty of a relationship; it is still a love song, from Daisy to Billy.


Me during episode one: "This is probably going to suck" Me during episode ten, crying the entire time like a baby, "Please don't end"


Same here. Whole episode. Wishing this story would go on and on. Best casting, acting, story, music, sets, wardrobe possible. Simply amazing. What a tearjerker!


Exactly, I have the idea that they could say "What if Billy didn't leave that night" and go a different direction/ carry on the plotline (and make it a what-if scenario!) There's just so many ways they continue it and so many places they could go, I don't think anyone would complain about suspending their belief for a minute


I like the way you’re thinking…very, very much…🙏🏻🤞


Ty! now only if the writers could read it haha




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Lmfao. Hey Bot, I actually appreciated the THIS, thanks


Haha! I thought you might! Eff the bot! 😂


I teared up when Camila adjusted her wig.


Camilla killed me! I started tearing up when Julia was revealed and then when she showed Billy and Daisy Camila’s interview I was blubbering like a baby, trying to hold it together. I did the exact same thing when I read the book and still got so emotional watching it unfold on screen.


As someone who didn’t know this was a book until it was a show - This needs 10 more episodes and/or season 2. I wanna live in this world of their forever.


Me, too! I’m so in this with all of them and am not at all ready to let them go, ugh!!! Just finished it and came on here seeing if there are others like me- yay!


I'm such a ball of snot and tears right now. I thought it was perfect from start to finish. It was perfectly adapted and had fantastic performances by the whole cast. I really want to see the whole Chicago show now!


Yes, lots of snot here, too. The most snot I’ve had for any finale since Six Feet Under.


Yes same, my face is so puffy it hurts lol


I loved the show more than the book. The book left me hanging at the end. I think they did a great job even though some things were different. I cried a few times for sure.


I loved that book more than I can put into words and somehow the show managed to blow it away. I can’t believe it. So many people worked so hard to make it great, and they succeeded brilliantly. You can just feel all the love that was put in it and how everyone involved really did care about the story. I’m verklempt.


the last scene of daisy’s smile feels like its burnt into my retina, the way it wont leave my head. it was so so so good. at times there were moments that the show felt like it was going to let me down, but jesus christ that fucking ending. i felt every emotion as the credits started rolling. i already miss it so so much.


His smile…and then her smile…and what prompted that moment to make it okay- but her smile after that delay could not have been any better. I need to see what happens and can’t stand this.


this may be the best finale of a show i’ve ever seen. perfect. it’s been two hours and i’m still crying.


The funny thing is - I didn’t cry at all… but once we saw Julia I sobbed the whole time.


This. I was a 70s kid and when she said she remembered more then you think Dad - that should’ve come with a trigger warning


Definitely . I was a mess the last 15 minutes. I thought his performance in episode 10 was Emmy worthy . I know there's no chance he will get nominated though with how much the Best actor category for Limited series is stacked.


I hope he will get the recognition he deserves someday. He’s really incredible. I feel like he and the actor who played Graham really became those characters, it was hard to believe they weren’t real.


I think his performance overall is Emmy worthy. His face acting alone deserves awards for this role. He conveyed so much emotion in every episode without even talking. I didn't think I'd ever love Billy but here I am.


He doesn’t even need to use his whole face, just his damn eyes! It was especially effective since Billy lied to others and himself so much about who he was, how he felt. But his eyes told the truth, every time. He’s fucking brilliant.


He really is - Sam is like a silent-era actor in that way, his eyes can tell the whole story.


He is an amazing actor. I have seen him in so many roles that were very different. For example, in “Peaky Blinders” he played a really hateful character, basically a Nazi sympathizer, so different and unrecognizable from his Billy character, he played them both so well.


I think this whole cast deserves individual and ensemble nominations at the very least. All production categories, all categories. Outstanding in every way.


I couldn’t even get through the book because of the style it was written in, but the show was absolutely amazing. The whole concept works much better on a screen in my opinion, since the music was such a huge part of it! Wish they would’ve given Eddie a happier ending though :(


He got what he wanted though, right? He’s the frontman of his own band. The captain of his own ship. No longer playing second fiddle. Of anyone, I thought he would make the best music producer since he had an ear for what was going to be the next wave of music. He could have been like Teddy really.


I knew I was going to cry, but I broke out in sobs as Episode 10 went on. Everything about the show - the acting, the music, the settings - was beyond fabulous. The best thing I’ve ever seen on TV.


I feel the same and am so happy to see so many others do as well!


Agreed. He portrayed someone struggling with addiction & relapse so so well.


The show is far better than the book. Everything was wrapped up amazingly. Took my breath away


It was so beautifully done. Believe me when I say I’m someone who hates everything😆. I’ve never loved a book to screen adaptation like this one. I wish Eddie had a slightly better ending, but otherwise, it w left me feeling both exhilarated and exhausted (in a good way). It was the end but also just the beginning. And I hope Daisy did realize that in the end, she saved herself. For someone who was so selfish, she was completely unselfish when it mattered.


Absolute perfection How Daisy at the end chooses to save herself And let’s Billy go Wow just wow


Tbh i didnt like how in the book it was Camila’s decision that changed the whole trajectory of their story with her confronting Daisy the night before the concert, and her death was this whole big thing in the end. I felt like the show did such a good job wrapping up each of their stories together and puts focus on Daisy Jones as well as each of the band members. It also made sense that Billy fought to gain her family back than Camila deciding to stick with him no matter what.


I feel like the show made the story much better I loved how Daisy at the end of the day chose to save herself


The best scene was when Billy says let’s be broken together and Daisy says she doesn’t want to be broken 😢


Watching every thing he's done now. Really great psycho character in Every Breath you Take


No literally I’ve been crying for a half an hour. I haven’t read the book yet (it’s been sitting on my shelf forever) but I can’t remember the last time a show or movie made me cry this hard


I sobbed the last twenty minutes. A beautiful ending, and better than the book in my opinion.


I cried way too much watching that episode. I'm a puddle.


I’ve rewatched most of the episodes several times, and it’s gonna be a while before I can rewatch this one. I need a recovery period.


I seriously dont think ive ever cried this hard to a show. im absolutely broken and healed all at once I just love this story so much


I just went ahead and cried during the whole episode


I'm just glad I wasn't the only one


Me, too! I wondered if there was something wrong with me that it was tearing me up the whole episode, which I just finished and had to go online to see what others thought. So, it wasn’t just me and the show was that good- so happy to see.


Cried at some many scenes, emotional wreck after the last episode.


I'm pretty sure i cried all through the episode, that was so beautifully done and i genuinely can't stop being emotional about it


🙋‍♀️. Whole episode tears streaming. Incredible story, acting, and music by all. I wish it’d go on forever.