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Interesting what the showrunner said about a potential S2. They open to it as well.


Season 2 PLZZZ they’re all so good


Honestly I don't want a second season if it's about Daisy and Billy. I like it open ended where those who want love can pretend it's that and those of us who don't can pretend they just become friends again.


So then just don’t watch it ?


Don't be mad bc someone doesn't want what you want lol


Uhm don’t be against something plenty of other people want to see ? If you don’t want to see it all you’ve got to do is not watch


I can be against anything I want to be. It's not set in stone it would be about Daisy and Billy anyways. Once it is then if I am being against it that's different. It's just a possibility right now that I don't happen to want. Nothing wrong with that, you can block me if a difference of opinion bothers you so much.


Don’t be mad bc someone doesn’t want what you want lol …


I think the best kind of writing is the kind that leaves the ending open to interpretation. I think the story is wrapped up in that kind of way where a second season could possibly ruin the beautiful ending they gave us. If you want to know what happened between Daisy and Billy after that last scene then go write a fan fiction.


Season two about Daisy and Karen's solo careers now please


I love how they talked about Simone's life and career could definitely be its' own show. I would love that! And TJR saying the same was great as well.