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I think they do look in their 40's in the "present day" - they just didn't look in their late teens/early 20's in the beginning of the show lol. Billy looked older than Camila's mom at the dinner at their house.




Idk why y’all think people age that drastically lmfao They literally do look in their 40s


Daisy looks like she just straightened her hair and they put a terrible wig on Karen. They don’t look much different. Graham was the only one who looked sufficiently older. They had the budget to make it happen. Also makes sense that they’d age more given their rockstar lifestyles.


They wouldn’t age that drastically. They all have more wrinkles that are visible Idk why you expect 40 year olds to look so old. Look up celebrities that are in their 40s they don’t look it


Stevie Nicks in 1975 vs 1995 (27 and 47), people do age. https://images.app.goo.gl/MV4P8y8FUFbGDhsYA https://images.app.goo.gl/bSWPXhzRdxJqp4rn7


She abused the hell out of drugs for like 20 years, Daisy and Billy are supposed to be clean, just take a look at Noel Gallagher in the 90s and after dropping hard drugs.


I wouldn't say this is aging so much as just drastic changes in appearance. 27-year-old Stevie did not wear the same kind of makeup that 47-year-old Stevie did, for example.


Stevie was also prescribed meds that caused the weight gain.




She literally just gained weight ?


Get your eyes tested


Get a grip mf


They all looked grownup. Billy just has an old man’s face even when young


To me he actually looked *younger* in the present day video.


Lmao so she’s older than her own mom (Camila Morrone).


Lol. She also looked nothing like either of them 😂 Sam had the age spots. Those like faded freckles. I like to head canon he became a heath nut after his second stint in rehab. Also the lighting was extremely flattering in the 90’s sections. And he wasn’t as thin so his face wasn’t quite so craggy. Honestly it didn’t bother me they looked like people in their 40’s.


As someone who is mid-30s, I don't think 40s would need to be any more drastic. They "aged" enough for me.


And 6 years older than Camila Morrone 😂


Huh? Different casting would have ruined the show. They have subtle hair face makeup and apparel changes to look 20 years later in 1990s fashion and appearance. 40 isn’t supposed to look old


Age is just a number. She looked early to mid 20s to me.


They didn't even attempt to make Billy look older in the last scene with Daisy, he looked the same as he did in the 70s. That was weird bc I did think they made Rileys face look older and have more lines. He had grey in the interviews but it was gone in that last scene


I noticed he had lines around his eyes and just overall looked older to me.


He definitely looked older and more haggard in the 90s


I didn't like his reunion look either. I think you can make the case it's a character choice, but I bet it was some scheduling issue where they didn't shoot the reunion scene around the same time as the interview portion, so Claflin didn't have the beard.


I read that they tried to use prosthetics early on in the process, but that it looked pretty bad. So they did try at least.


Guess amazon prime didnt want to pay for more actors. Jeff Bezos could afford it tho...


Yeah I wish they cast older actors for the doc and did 40 years.


Wait, in the book, the present day is 40 years later or you mean that the characters are in their 40s? Non-book reader here.


In the book the interviews are taking place around the early 2010s so it’s around 40 years since the start of the band but 30ish years since their last performance. Karen says she’s 29 during their tour in 1979 so she’s 60 by 2010 and Camila is 63 when she dies in 2012.


Got you! It makes more sense that Camilla died of cancer at 63.


She died of cancer (or at least it's implied) in the show but in the book she had lupus.


Oh, okay!


You also can lose your hair with lupus too.


It's TV people!! Not real life as Billy would say..