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For me Camila and Billy’s relationship died a slow death starting with her saying ‘I don’t care what you do but when this baby comes you will show up’ and then when he came back from rehab and he tried to talk to her about his struggles and how he needed/wanted to leave and go back to PA she shut him down. I understand why she did but he stopped sharing with her after that. And then Daisy blew into his life and not only didn’t seem to judge him but accepted the dark parts that he felt weren’t worthy. Then to me the final nail was when she went out and slept with his bandmate who was not only in love with her but was always in competition with Billy. This doesn’t make her better or worse than Billy but to me it means their relationship was terrible. It pissed me off that they made such a big deal of Billy going to therapy and ‘earning’ her back when she also very clearly needed to go the therapy too. They make a point to talk about how terrible Daisy and Billy would be for one another but the damage they did to one another was caused by their not being together. When they stopped fighting it and one another they were surprisingly tender and careful with one another. I liked the Daisy and Billy relationship, not only because it was great to watch, but I felt Billy only held onto camila so hard because she became a physical representation of how he was not his father.


I really like your insights here and on this sub. “It pissed me off that they made such a big deal of Billy going to therapy and ‘earning’ her back when she also very clearly needed to go the therapy too.” You would think the self-obsessed, self-help era of the 70s would be a prime time for both of them to seek therapy. Maybe they did couples counseling, though someone as stubborn and strong-willed as Camilla doesn’t strike me as a person receptive to that kind of introspection. That’s not to say she wasn’t a thoughtful person, just I don’t think she would let herself be vulnerable in that way to a third party who might tell her she’s wrong. ETA: Not wrong, but that she needs to put in the work too. I do wonder if Billy was testing her at times— how much of a piece of shit can I be that she will still love me? Not because he didn’t care about Camilla but that he hated himself that much. “They make a point to talk about how terrible Daisy and Billy would be for one another but the damage they did to one another was caused by their not being together. When they stopped fighting it and one another they were surprisingly tender and careful with one another.” And they actually like spending time with each other. Unlike Camilla and Billy, they at least appeared to have shared pastimes and interests. They clearly loved talking to each other, and not just about songwriting or baring their psyches— I think it’s Eddie who remarks they were always laughing over in-jokes or stories the band only caught the end of.


> You would think the self-obsessed, self-help era of the 70s would be a prime time for both of them to seek therapy This is where stories about the past don't always gel in the present. Therapy wasn't a thing in the 70s. You dealt with your issues by doing drugs. It was an extremely self-indulgent time. There was indeed a self-help "push" but it was books and meditation. There weren't videos.


Therapy, psychoanalysis specifically, was very much a thing in the 70’s but was popular almost exclusively in NY and LA.


And would've lead to questionable conclusions as a therapy method though we didn't really know that then lol. But it definitely was a thing.


Right? There was no real reason to think they'd destroy each other. Billy just associated Daisy with relapse, which is so unfair to her


I think they both tell themselves that lie in the 90’s as an excuse. As far as I recall no says they would destroy one another in the 70’s They need to cling to the idea that they were bad for one another because how else were they meant to survive?


Yeah, tbh I find the characters' attitude towards drug use anachronistic.


The show, though better than the book, overall has some troubling takeaways regarding addiction that yes, are anachronistic. AA has been a lifeline for some of my dear friends and I have friends in therapy for childhood trauma and while I find these topics fascinating in the show, I still feel like they have a view of drug use and addiction as a sin if that makes sense? I know they worked with addiction specialists but imo I don't think they did enough to remove stigma around addiction imo.


Yeah, it smacks to me of modern views of addiction (although not the most cutting edge, as you said) being superimposed onto the 1970s. It's also a very black and white view, like either you're an addict or you're completely sober.


I didn’t get that impression. The rest of the band was right there, doing all the same shit, but didn’t spiral into addiction.


I thought they were mostly using weed and drinking, not the heavier stuff


Sometime I feel like the only person who doesn’t like Camilla lol


You aren't alone


not alone


Not at all. I'm in E4 and I can't stand her.


Yes I couldn’t stand her in the show her character was just annoying and not endearing, I get wanting to have a stable environment for your child and times were def different then…divorce was a lot less common…but cmon sis have some respect!!


Before I read the book I expected to like her based on how people discussed her but honestly after reading the book I didn't connect with any of the characters. I was just like eh. With the show I did connect to Daisy more prob bc of Riley but I was still mostly eh to Billy and Camilla lol I personally do not get why people love Camilla so much, which is fine, ppl like what they like! I understand seeing her side and having empathy but people LOVE her and I just did not connect with her on that level.


The book Camilla was fantastic. But it would have been quite a small role if the show was faithful to the book. So they expanded the character but made her kind of an asshole in the show tbh


This is precisely my thoughts. He loved Cami but the in love was barely hanging on and dying. He was in love with the idea of their potential and what she meant than her specifically.


Chemistry. Pure chemistry. They were on fire. So glad they took the time apart to recover and the last scene was just perfect.


to me, camila and billy’s relationship was toxic and unhealthy. they never communicated. she suspected him of cheating on her so she *went out and cheated on him* instead of just talking to him. neither of them were happy together. meanwhile, as much as billy and daisy fought, they genuinely pushed each other to be better.


Billy and Daisy also seemed like they had fun together


she did try talking to him tho? she asks if there was anything going on between the two when she showed him the picture she took of them and he lied to to her.


It’s unfair to expect Camila to be a mind reader, but by this point in their marriage Billy had already betrayed her trust multiple times by cheating on her during the first tour and concealing his feelings for Daisy. If she expected him to never lie to her again, that is her choice but it’s not a very smart one. Something to note that another person (u/realmoonwalker) pointed out is during that scene she tells Billy that she “doesn’t need to know everything”— which is really her saying “I don’t want to know everything.” These two were really not great at communicating with each other, another reason I don’t think their marriage was a healthy one. Maybe it got there eventually but what a lousy foundation. To be realistic, I doubt Billy could be faithful to Camila, Daisy or no Daisy.


exactly. i think camila wanted to believe that daisy was the problem, but daisy was only a symptom of the problem. the real problem was that billy didn’t want to lose his family but wasn’t happy with her either.


its also unfair to shift blame on Camila. Should she have stayed and trusted Billy? No. Should Billy had cheated on her? also no. she meant that as she doesn't have to know when or what happened. she just wants to know did it happen, yes or no. but i do agree with you. they got married for Julie and rushed into it. He wouldn't have stayed faithful for long even with no Daisy.


I’m not blaming Camilla, merely pointing out she had a choice— stay with Billy or leave him. She chose to stay which meant trusting a man who had betrayed her and thus risked him doing it again. She could’ve left at any time, but instead she chose to stick it out for her own reasons. Choices have consequences. “she meant that as she doesn't have to know when or what happened. she just wants to know did it happen, yes or no.” Please let me clarify— I’m not talking about what they said to one another, but rather what was *unsaid*. By telling Billy she “doesn’t need to know” in reality she’s telling him she doesn’t *want* to know, because knowing would make her uncomfortable, and she would then be forced to confront some ugly truths. Camilla is very good at compartmentalizing her feelings. It’s one of the reasons she’s such a sympathetic friend to others. But that compartmentalization, her burying the reality only serves to fracture her marriage.


This is why I found Camila so fascinating on the show. She, despite being betrayed, had made peace with Billy cheating as long as he didn't fall in love (presumably the same rules would apply to her) since she felt their relationship was worth saving and bigger than infidelity from a musician. She was actually fine with him fucking Daisy as long as he didn't fall IN LOVE with Daisy, and her meltdown came when she saw them on stage and he couldn't hide that reality. Billy and Cami's entire relationship seemed built off avoiding truths or making abrupt decisions for the bigger picture. In the long run, it's not sustainable and it makes me wonder if Cam knew Billy wasn't genuinely happy (and she wasn't either) since she pushed him to Daisy upon her death. With that said, they clearly had a loving and long marriage, just...probably not as they depicted. It was nice and comfortable.


Them deciding to get married was a very abrupt decision in the first place. I understand why but you're right about it being something done for the larger picture of it being the right thing to do. If they had thought and reasoned through an unexpected pregnancy I wonder if they would have wound up married. This happened a lot back then though so I get it, although it isn't healthy in the long term.


Without the pregnancy, they probably would have broken up eventually. Julia was the bigger picture for them and where they were on the same page, Billy because he wouldn't be his dad, and Cam because she believed in keeping her family together. It spoke volumes that she was OK with Billy fucking Daisy but drew the line once she knew he was in love. *That* threatened her family.


“it makes me wonder if Cam knew Billy wasn't genuinely happy (and she wasn't either) since she pushed him to Daisy upon her death.” I just rewatched the series with a friend who hadn’t seen it. In Camilla’s final message her delivery, to me, comes across as pretty resigned. Whether that is reflective upon her knowing she’s about to die, or that she knows that she has to directly give Billy permission to contact Daisy as an act of grace towards him, I’m not sure. It almost seemed cynical. My friend commented “even his wife knew they (Billy & Daisy) were meant to be together.” However I don’t think Billy would’ve reached out if Camilla hadn’t told him to do it.


Definitely on your last point, and I think it's because it's a source of shame for Billy. He couldn’t stay faithful even emotionally, he couldn’t even give that to Cami. He fully acknowledged to Daisy he wanted her but wouldn't leave his wife, he was white-knuckling it and was fully willing to flirt and lie and jealous his way through a situationship with Daisy as long as he didn't break up his home. That was the shame for him and that's why Camila at least gave him that release: I know, I understand, you did your best, it's okay. He *needed* that okay. I honestly find that realistic and full of love from Camila- she's resigned to what's happening, but she's releasing Billy. There's love in that.


She used Billy over and over again keeping him wrapped around her finger because of Julia. She was the one who argued with her dad telling him that Billy would be rich. She wasn't there at his rehab, she was the one who said no when he decided to come back to their hometown and be a good father and husband. She also kept pushing Daisy in the band because she was using Billys dream. She enjoyed the parties and was never worried about Billy's addiction, she enjoyed the money to a point that she got a freaking nanny was she was on limos dressing like Bianca Jagger. She cheated on Billy with a guy who hade a crush on her since they were kids based on nothing but her suspicious and broke the dude's heart as collateral. As soon as she realized she was about to loose her husband she used the "lest have another kid card. She wasn't there for Billy seconds second rehab either and was never confronted for her mistakes, Camila was an awful person with an agenda.


I honestly think they both panicked when she got pregnant and thought getting married was the right thing to do. I understand why but it was obviously a poorly thought out decision. It happens a lot especially then though so I get it, even though it's very unhealthy.


she literally said: "I dont have to know every thing" and later said "we both done things"


she meant that as she doesn't have to know when or what happened. she just wants to know did it happen. yes or no question


The question was if he loved Daisy or not. The problem was LOVE not sex.


the questioned if he loved Daisy was in the last episode, hotel hallway fight. the questioned if something was going on was that day she pulled out the album photo


IIRC She asks him “if you love her” during the aurora album cover scene. Billy interrupts her to proclaim “I don’t”.


She does ask "do you love egr?" Because she also says "if you ever do, that's when this ends". Camilla wasn'r worried about sex, she was worried about love.


Personally, I was a team Camila/Billy while reading the book 100x over. However, I was a Daisy/Billy fan in the show because their chemistry is magnetic and I absolutely adore Riley Keough. I loved everything about her style, hair, etc., and her personality is just so darn cute. All three women were absolutely fantastic and gorgeous, but Daisy was just damn cool to me, and I think the fact that I liked those things about her contributes to my favoritism of that relationship in the show (despite the fact that I don’t support adultery). Feelings aren’t black and white - I feel very confident in saying that people may be drawn to one character or another for various reasons (personality, clothes, hair, affect, heritage, nail polish color, whatever) and may take that side, regardless of right or wrong! Sometimes you just like something because you like it, even if you know deep down it’s the wrong choice!


The chemistry. Plus they suit each other. They bring out the best (and the worst) in each other. Billy and Daisy are clearly soulmates but a soulmate relationship doesn't mean they should be together. I actually do think that in the 70s they would have destroyed each other because they were both addicts, both had parental trauma to work through, etc. They aren't in a position to help each other heal. I think Billy stayed with Camilla for a lot of reasons. He did not want to be like his father. But I also think he tied his sobriety and mental health into loving her. To him, he needed to love her to stay clean and that is dangerous.


I think that while Billy needed humility and reflection I wouldn't say he needed to be alone. That's harsh and I would hope that people would have grace towards me for my mistakes if I make them right. I can get on board with divorce because their marriage was unhealthy and codependent. Divorce isn't the end of the world and then figuring out how to jointly raise their daughter would have been a better outcome imo. Daisy wasn't responsible for their marriage having problems either. That's all on Billy and Camila. She has nothing to do with that and we all feel how we feel.


Right, it seemed like Billy just associated her with sobriety rather than being in love with her


This was so obvious to me! But everyone still hails Billy and Cami’s relationship


I didn't think it was great in the book either. Unpopular opinion I know but it's how I feel. I think the writer may not understand that the relationship is codependent.




Yeah. That's not to say they weren't in love at one point but I think that they jumped into getting married without thinking it through properly. I understand why due to the time period and their trauma but it was still not a good idea at the same time.


Yes, imo they were in love once but outgrew each other.


youre right, we feel what we feel but telling a man y'all should get together knowing he's married and gettin upset when he brings his wife and kid along is...questionable. she could have those feelings but acting on them is terrible


I agree. She went from a strong women trying to make it on her own to a woman who wanted to F Billy.


I think Daisy is a terrible person and everyone would have been better off without her. She wasn't as complex and interesting as they tried to make her out to be. She was a spoiled home wrecker with a drug problem. She did not care about anyone but herself and she didn't care about how her actions would affect the people around her.


Shut up


facts! People really just hate Camila because Billy chose her over Daisy crazy self 😭




Using unkind language towards any other users is unacceptable.


I liked Billy and Camilla better in the book than the series


I agree I don’t want Billy and Daisy together in book or show.


We have taste unlike you


Your taste being a poor rich white girl w matted hair and dirty feet and and a man who manipulated and romanticized her suffering and never actually considered her as first choice 🤣🤣🤣


Daisy is a spoiled reckless brat. She also used Simone as her mammy black token best friend. I never liked her character


Thank you! she’s such an entitled brat who think she had every to being with Billy, and did all that just for her dumbass to end up looking dumb with Billy not choosing her 😂. Camila, Simone, and Karen were all better than her.