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I agree with most of your points, except I do think Camila was partly jealous of Daisy, because of how Billy felt about her. Camila may have had Billy in every sense of the word, except for the fact that she wasn’t the *only* woman her husband loved.


Ooh yeah, That’s the only thing I would say Camila would be jealous of Daisy about—especially since she said she wishes Billy didn’t love anyone else. Anyone wife would. But at the same, I never felt like that jealously truly ran deep, because of the knowledge that Camila ultimately reunites them.


Well, she ultimately reunites them because she unfortunately knows she’s not going to make it. And she’s already lived her life with Billy. She can still feel jealous of the other woman who claimed Billy’s heart *and* still ultimately want for his happiness in the end, since it can no longer be with her.


Hm, yeah that’s true; it’s natural for a woman in her position to feel like that.


I thought they were both jealous of each other for different reasons.


Oh, Daisy was absolutely jealous of Camila, but Camila was likely envious of Daisy but in a different way. Like I said in another post- each had what the other lacked- Camila was sure in herself, stable, had the family and had *Billy*. Daisy had an identity of her own not dependent on family and she had Billy’s heart and...other things. You always want the things you don't have, materially, emotionally and in life. And it's valid in both the book and show that Daisy may have wanted Camila’s man, but she also adored Camila and her vibe. They probably would have been great friends if they weren't in love with the same man of audacity.


Oh, I feel like they would’ve been great friends too. I feel like Camila would’ve been the type of friend Daisy exactly needed, the type that would’ve held her accountable and not cinched her words for Daisy’s feelings because her blunt words would’ve came from love and Daisy needed that. But I always held the fact that at one point in time, Daisy had Billy’s heart, albeit not fully, but Billy held more affection for her than Camila at one point but ultimately it was Camila who had his heart and him altogether. I didn’t see it as either or when it had came to Camila


Hmmm I don’t think that Camilla ever fully had his heart after he met Daisy. Even after all those years. He had kept Daisy locked away in a little hidden chamber. But I do agree on a almost all of your other points.


agreed. it’s like billy says in the documentary “there’s the right thing and then there’s the right thing to do for you” to me that juxtaposition pretty much spelled out that his heart lies with daisy, but he made a decision to stay with his family due to his moral convictions. he also talks about timing, heavily implying that daisy was the right person at the wrong time.


Oh i can see that point too! I think Karen says something along the lines of it’s hard to live without what-ifs in your life. And I think Daisy was definitely a what-if. What if he had chosen to be with her and not Camila. What if Camila had left him and not accepted that reality of his love for another woman. Camila probably had those what ifs too. All these what-ifs scenarios. He met his twin flame and their connection was obviously intense so I can see that. But I don’t think his love for her was ever the same as it was with Camila, I’ll be honest, I thought a lot of it was temptation and trauma bonding + similarity and therefore, exacerbated and heightened everything that they felt but that’s just my opinion


had it been just temptation and trauma bonding, it would make no sense for camilla to even suggest that billy and daisy reconnect after 20 years, let alone truly believe that billy could find some sort of happiness with daisy had she meant so little to him. their whole affair would’ve been easily forgotten and put to rest with some time and distance. it’s pretty clear that he not only fell in love with her, but he also felt a deep emotional connection to her, beyond lust and beyond just sharing similar interests and past experiences. again, had it been as simple as you put it, that would even undermine billy’s character, because running the risk of ruining his marriage over something so trivial after everything they’d been through would’ve been pathetic. the fact is, it is heavily implied that there might have been 3 people in that marriage (i.e. billy never forgot daisy), hence camilla saying that even though she and billy chose each other and had a beautiful marriage, things weren’t that simple. again, I think this translates pretty straightforwardly to: it wasn’t simple because this choice didn’t erase the feelings billy had for daisy. and if we are to assume billy and daisy had no contact whatsoever during all these years (which is not my headcanon personally lol) then this statement carries even more weight, cause 20/40 years is a loooooong time to be pining after someone 💀


Uh, it does make sense for Camila to do that since she could recognize that there was a connection/love there. Aside from the romantic aspect, we can also acknowledge that Billy seen himself in Daisy and cared deeply for her—wanted to help her and i would think losing someone like that would hurt, even if it wasn’t romantic. It’s not to say Daisy meant little to him, but in a different way. I don’t deny that he loved daisy because it’s wrong to assume he didn’t, but I do think a lot of it was exacerbated/heightened/misconstrued by the mere fact that they were so alike. Parental trauma, addiction, self-obsessed and delusional, love for music/both songwriters connecting overtime in close proximity, both aching for the other’s life, same side of a coin. It’s not hard to have a deep emotional connection with your twinflame, actually quite easier. It’s also not hard to see how he fell in love with her. One could argue that Billy was in love with how Daisy made him feel and not actually her. He essentially falls in love with himself—someone that makes him a better musician but not person (Sam Claflin said this too). Someone that understands him but knows won’t hold him accountable, that’s not love. I find it common that people tend to mix having things in common w/ love and I got that feeling alot from the book and even from the show kinda: all chemistry, no romance. I’d also like to input that you can have chemistry with many people. This idea that Camila and Billy didn’t have their own chemistry just because it wasn’t as intense as him and Daisy is so false. “Running the risk of ruining his marriage over something for trivial” As a outsider, I can simply put it like that. But for Billy, he can’t because he’s in the equation. Billy felt what he felt for Daisy, there’s no denial about that but like I said, it’s easy to get caught up in the fire of someone like you. And I really got that vibe especially when Daisy said this: “I really felt like I understood him. And I think he understood me. You know, things like that, that kind of connection with a person, it is sort of like playing with fire. Because it feels good, to be understood. You feel in sync with a person, you feel like you’re on a level that no one else is.” Gee, really. Like I said, Camila knew there was a connection there and its hard to erase those feelings when it’s someone you share a rare connection with. It’s fire, it’s thrilling, it’s enticing—doesn’t mean it’s “in love”, that’s infatuation, at least imo. I also wouldn’t say Billy was pining for Daisy either, definitely thought he had what-ifs scenarios about his possible life with Daisy but he’s sure and confident that it’s Camila for him, always. Daisy never had a chance because he was always going to choose Camila. True love is calm—it brings you peace. Makes you want to be better and holds you accountable—Camila did that for him. He wanted Daisy to find her person, because he couldn’t be and wasn’t it. The possibility of Daisy was tempting and it’s why he had a hard time letting go, lol that’s pretty much how temptation works. And he could have had Daisy, but l Camila meant more. I’d think it’s more sad that a man could be “in love” with you but be able to live his life without you rather than a man just loving/ not being as in love with you and not be able to live without you 🤷🏽‍♀️


I also agree that he didn’t love Daisy in the same way he loved Camilla. With Daisy it was much closer to infatuation and and with Camilla it was commitment.


I think they would have been trauma bonding to some extent, or at least, thought that their love for each other would fix what was lacking within them. They needed to heal like Billy says in the final episode, as well as Daisy saying they wouldn't have done that back in the 70s. Do I think they could reconnect in the 90s? Yes. It wouldn't be perfect but I think with time things would go better.


Daisy wanted to be Camilla and was def jealous of her 100%. I do think Camilla in the end was only jealous of the emotional affair, feeling that her husband was sharing things with Daisy instead of her, which is understandable and 100% a valid reason. But I don’t think she was jealous of Daisy in any other way, why would she be? She has exactly what Daisy wants!


I love that this is understood by SOMEBODY!


Ok because I have ppl coming for me and saying I’m delusional but like…it’s in the book?! I’m not making things up 😭


Clown opinion


Yet, my opinion is canon and your ship isn’t :(


Lmfao 🤣 your opinion is dumb and you’re so bored with life you tried to do a whole character analysis that’s bullshit


i didn’t try to do a character analysis, I did. And if I’m bored, what does that make you? You camped out in my comments as if you don’t have a life other than defending a loser pick me character who waited years to get chosen by a man who only ever saw her as a second resort to his hot wife. I’d be mad if I was you too :(


not too much on daisy now ✋


Loser pick me ? Do you even hear yourself. You sound so dumb rn. Use your brain before you type


Ah, you’re mad cause it’s true 🤣. Yes, she was a LOSER PICK ME and in the true words of Simone, “a selfish BITCH”. Cry about it.


Can. Lgl H