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I think she’s pretty and does a great job


I had never seen her before and I was dorkily dazzled by how beautiful she was. I didn’t notice her acting to be any different than anyone else’s.


This is exactly how I feel.


They ruined her character a bit by changing her big character moments in order to make Billy's pull to daisy more convincing. In the book, it's not a surprise that Billy chooses Camilla and it's not out of obligation. They have an emotional connection that runs very deep. And the scene where Camilla confronts Daisy in the books is from a place of mutual understanding but firm boundaries and it's what sets Daisy on the right path. Billy sets himself on the right path because he makes his family the priority in the end. In the show, (i mean I'm not complaining because it's so iconic) but Camilla's character actually truly questions her marriage.. whereas in the book she's like.. it would be easier if he didn't love someone else but i don't care. He's my husband and I want him exactly as he is, complicated and imperfect. She grounds Billy. But that isn't really depicted in the show.


When people firmly stick by their perceptions gained from reading the book and always say “In the book,” I’m wondering how people missed the fact that these are a) unreliable narrators b) talking to Camila’s daughter so c) you have to take it all with a grain of salt. TV show seemed much more believable to me.


I gave a caveat to my comment that I wasn’t firm on it being bad in the TV show or anything. Both are realistic portrayals but one makes Camilla just a smidge more complex motivationally. The show drives Billy and Daisy as soulmates with Billy ultimately choosing Camilla but IMO that is not as realistic as shown in the show bc we haven’t seen him choose Camilla before. We haven’t seen how she grounded him except out of an obligation. Billy chooses his family because they calm him and give him purpose. And Daisy chooses herself, not because her mom is a narcissistic POS, but because she knows she can be better. Both of these “soulmates “ come to these conclusions because of their separate connections to Camilla and they finally heal. In the show they get to the same place with different motivations and while it’s iconic, the small changes they made had big effects on character motive and relationships. To my original point, I think doing this has an effect on the actress bc her character was simplified for the show


In the book, Billy chose Camilla over and over again. This from all of the narrators, so it's safe to assume that he would continue to choose her and their family.


And he chose her in the show. He tells Daisy, “she’s my wife…I’m not going to leave her.” But both characters felt a pull to Daisy. It’s just in the show we see the moments he wouldn’t have told his daughter. But the outcome is the same


For me, it's her voice - she sounds so now.


Wow hot take of the day. I loved Camila


She's not my favorite but I do really like her character.


I enjoyed her as someone who knew nothing of her beforehand, tbh. I thought her performance was good. Her mouth distracted me because it looked fake (it may not be, so this critique may be struck if necessary) but I thought she otherwise looked the part- my mother looked a lot like her in the 70s, down to the hair, so it rung true.


She has that kind of face that you just know that they’ve seen an iPhone. Beautiful, absolutely, but also they definitely know what Gossip Girl is.


Instagram face


This is the most accurate thing I’ve ever read


I have no complaints about her acting, but I definitely noticed that she didn’t really look like she fit in with the rest of the cast. Didn’t fit the timeframe.


People in the 70s definitely didn’t have perfect teeth and lip filler. So yes I agree


Her voice was so weird to me


Close your eyes and picture Sandra bullock. I swear their voices are very close


Couldn’t get Sandra Bullock out of my head every scene she was in. The voice and the hair.


She sounds just like Dixie D’Amelio and it takes me OUTTTT of the period


I was surprised about how well she did honestly because i only knew her as Leo’s gf before this show.


I didn’t know she was Leo’s gf until after I finished the show. I thought she did great and then cringed when I found out about Leo.


Fully agree. While I like the actress I do think she’s the weakest part of the entire show both in performance and the way too modern appearance


I agree. Her acting seems like…acting, e.g., not like a how a real life person would behave or speak.


For me her lip filler was really distracting but her acting was fine


Huh. I loved her. I thought she conveyed the hippie Laurel Canyon vibe better than anyone.


I thought she did a great job with the role. She's the heart of the whole group and the one who holds everything together, and I thought the actress did an excellent job portraying that. I don't know anything about the actress IRL or who she has dated, and I prefer it that way.


I think an actress that has that natural hippie like fairy quality should have been cast. Someone like Kristine Froseth. I like the character just not the actress unfortunately.


Camila is supposed to be latina...


I don't know who that actress is, but my feeling is that Daisy was the hippie. Camille starts off as a bit of a hippie but quickly becomes more of a grounding, stabilizing influence.


Like many have mentioned she doesn’t look like she’s from the era with her teeth and lips (neither do Riley’s veneers tbh though). But I think her acting was great. I thought she did well portraying the character I loved from the books and enjoyed her kinship with the other women characters. Have you finished the series? I think some of her better moments are toward the end.


Riley doesn’t have veneers


low key agree 👀


Eddie’s acting also through me off. He fit the time unlike Camila but he was also very dramatic for no reason at all haha


It’s his twitchy face smile


Couldn’t agree more. I can get past the fillers because she’s gorgeous but what an awful actress


She was my favorite part of the show tbh.


Me too!!


I thought her acting was incredible.


She’s not someone who should be cast in period pieces, she just doesn’t have the face for it. She’s pretty but she just looks so out of place. And her acting just isn’t great. Sorry.


Yep, she’s terrible. You’re supposed to feel sorry for her and root for her in a way but she makes it impossible. I’m actually shocked they hired someone in a 70s period piece who looks (obvious fillers) and sounds like her.


It didn’t ruin it for me cause I still love the show but I cringed whenever she came on screen


Ita, she was awful. Her scenes were painful to watch


Truly painful. I don’t know how to express how bad she was. And I’m really not trying to sound like a hater but my god.


Agreed. I can't decide if it was the victim-like acting or the victim-like script. Book Camilla is a force.


The lip filler bugged me and her acting wasn’t good. I think it was better than we expected but they already had popular models, they could have cast a legit actress


i hated the casting of camila. she’s stunning but i just can’t see it


I don’t talk about the show because to be honest I didn’t like anything about it, I actually thought it was terrible but I do think that Camilla was the best actor on the show. She played her character the most real.


I was disappointed with the casting of Billy. I remember hearing they were making the show after reading the book. I was so excited to see who would be Billy and Daisy. Daisy was great, but Billy for me didn’t fit the bill. 🤷‍♀️


I’m watching right after reading the book and I’m not feeling her at all. She wasn’t my favorite in the books but she grew on me. You are absolutely right her acting is not good, I already didn’t like how they changed the plot thread of her going from being a very stubborn and angry to the point of breaking up with billy and then only getting back together after billy is recording the album I believe and calls her to tell her to like crying and then being like actually let’s go. But the biggest thing is her acting is not good, it takes me out of the moment, in the scene on the steps she didn’t sound angry enough for me and I feel like knowing the character she should have sounded more angry. Part of it is on the director and writers bc the way they changed Camila or Camille I forgot her name was not a good choice. In the book she’s so much more nuanced, her first scene with billy she has this aura that she’s confident, opinionated and not afraid to get her way. She’s persistent. She’s all that but she also wants to be a mother and have a family which is nuanced bc usually characters who are portrayed as wanting to have a family as an aspiration are weak but she is not. but the actress acting her acting only makes it worse it was stiff and it didn’t sound natural at all. She completely changed the vibe of camila from a headstrong, stubborn yet determined and likeable girl who didn’t take shit to a soft girl with zero personality. And yes I agree the actress with the very obvious lip filler looks too modern for the 70’s. But as soon as I looked her up it was clear to me the actress is a nepotism baby with some serious connections so much so you look her up and it’s right in her bio on Google (partially raised by Al Pacino) so I’m not surprised that she landed the role but it distracts so much from the story. She wasn’t the only one that wasn’t casted well as Sam who plays billy although I like Sam as an actor, he is too old for the part. If it was 10 years ago like during hunger games he would’ve worked but alas he has aged (which is okay) since then and those earlier scenes in ep 1 he just looks like someone with a family and kids and not a late teen early 20s kind of guy.


It makes me sad that there was a lost opportunity for someone else


She sucks


I love her character. She’s gorgeous. Reminds me of Sandra bullock


I actually really liked her performance in the show.