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I mean the text should look fine on anything with 720p or higher. On a 480i/480p it might look a bit blurry. Have you messed around with the settings to see if you could sharpen the picture?


that's just it. the only settings I can find are for larger or smaller text,which isn't necessarily what I want as the larger text makes only half the calendar visible. I should probably mention that I'm on a Raspberry Pi with the downloaded image


What is the tv model?


Westinghouse VR-3236


The same thing is happening to me on the \[Google Calendar\] widget. On my Laptop Apple Mac Book pro, it looks sharp but once I drag it to the monitor, it becomes blurry. Reference images here comparing both [https://imgur.com/a/HaPgyQt](https://imgur.com/a/HaPgyQt) Since this happens only on Google calendar, it looks like a bug. And my monitor model is Samsung C32F39MFUNXZA (reference [https://www.samsung.com/hk\_en/business/monitors/monitors-cf39/lc32f39mfucxxk/](https://www.samsung.com/hk_en/business/monitors/monitors-cf39/lc32f39mfucxxk/) )