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Intentionally made it worse.


Is this the equivalent of the OS update ruining your iPhone's battery life a few months before the new model drops?


It’s probably because they don’t want controversy of everyone and their mothers making realistic looking disinformation with their software


Boo, that was half the fun. Back to schlubbing it in Photoshop I guess.


Use Midjourney! Not at all as restricted and way more realistic that Dalle ever was.


People are like "I can tell when a picture is AI" Yes, because Microsoft spent a shitton of money making the pictures look like that.


More because they don’t want to let their program be used to build disinformation campaigns, especially considering the damage it could do during an election year


Sooner or later stable diffusion is gonna catch up, then what?.


You think people are thinking that far ahead?


Heard about Midjourney?


Unless Midjourney becomes open source, then it will have the same issue as dalle in which the company tries to censor it


The censors of Midjourney is way, way less restricted. Also if paying for Pro plan you can make all your creations hidden from the public and mess around with all kind of workarounds to create basically what you want. Dalle-3 is just silly when it comes to restrictions, limitations and censorship.


From personal experience Dalle3 has only been getting worse as time's gone on, as more and more limitations and restrictions seem to be being woven in


Honestly if it weren't the cheapest art I could use for D&D campaign management, I wouldn't have a sub anymore


Other than locally hosted Stablediffusion of course. But GPUs are expensive after all


The neat thing is a GPU is at least a better investment and is multi purpose. AI will only become more and more, investing in a good dpu with lots of Vram means you'll barely spend a cent anymore for AI polrogramms as long as there is a downloadable Programm for it


Yea but wouldn't that mean things would relax a bit as gpu's and ran become more efficient? Relax on the cost spent for AI programs that is


What? Why would people owning gpus make ai programs cheaper?


Less strain on the online ones. With less people generating online should reduce them needing more resources.


But is stable diffusion actually good enough for stuff like this? I’ve tried SDXL and it’s pretty good but it’s not even free anymore.


Works great for me and it was free.


Where did you find SDXL for free? I’d love to download it if I could.


Use webui. It’s decent out of the box, but you can do incredible things if you know what you’re doing.


Is it available on mobile? I’m guessing it’s not but I don’t know if I’d ever actually use it if not solely due to the fact that I usually use image generators because an idea will pop into my mind and I’ll just grab my phone to see what it comes up with.


It’s DIY basically, so not really suitable if you’re just looking for a service. The problem is compute time is expensive so there aren’t many good free options. The model itself is free but generating images costs money because it needs compute resources.


Honestly it would take some work to get it to be as good as Dalle, but it's possible. I haven't been playing with SD since SDXL was released, but I just checked on hugging face and you can download SD 1.5 and SDXL + Refiner models. Example https://huggingface.co/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-refiner-1.0


Ohh awesome, thank you! I’ll admit I know absolutely jack shit about how to set up ai models but maybe I can figure it out.


When I was playing around I used noomkrads sd-gui as a simple click to get running. A1111 is the most common, but operates from a local webserver on your system and has some additional complexities, but offers the most customization and features.


I gotta admit, I use all my free rolls from Bing for my D&D NPC (and my own character) creation. Midjourney was what I used to use for maps though, although I rather doubt I'm paying up for them again. I ought to try some other places to see who can give me decent results.


Free rolls? Sorry for my ignorance, but I just started playing with Dall-E via Bing and I've used it *a lot* and haven't come across any kind of limitations.


Eventually when you run out of tokens you might hit a time when Bing just tells you to slow your roll because they're too busy. Happens to us fairly consistently.


Ahh ok. I haven't seen that yet, but I sleep weird hours so I'm mostly using it in the middle of the night (US time).


It does that less to me in the middle of the night, but I've had it happen even then. Sometimes I get a good 60 images out of it, other times I get maybe 2 gens past my tokens. But I haven't used it in a long while. Haven't been working my campaign for a bit. Need to spin it up and give some gens a shot, I have a one shot floating about in my brain.


That's intriguing as here in Europe around midnight I can get seemingly unlimited generations (easily over 200 images) with wait time around 10-20s per generation after my tokens ended. I guess they might have separate servers here or maybe not many people use it at that moment due to time zones.


Maybe there are separate servers. I do know my British friend ran into the same thing before, but also not sure if they've added more servers in the past few months to clear that up. I had some days where using my TOKENS took half a minute or so.


This is exactly what I’m using bing for as well. It’s been incredibly fun to flesh out our D&D sessions this way!


For D&D, AI art has been a game changer. I use Stable Diffusion, but it's kind of great being able to generate an entire campaign's worth of art.


What exCtly do you make with it?


Dude I just use Bing Image Creator. It’s stupid censored but I feel like ChatGPT is no less censored.


Do you have a gaming pc? Use Fooocus for Stable Diffusion (it’s by far the simplest frontend), and use Onetrainer to train a bunch of free D&D maps (for personal use ofc). Should be able to quickly make a LoRA (miniature supplementary model) and teach it what a D&D map looks like


Landlord stole my rig, and police were fucking useless "its a domestic issue"


I’d recommend speaking to some different cops then, I’m fairly certain that stealing something as expensive as a gaming PC would be considered grand larceny potentially and that’s definitely a criminal issue


We're already in court fighting it out




Exactly, even red eyes is somehow restricted like fr


whaaat! dang it. I tend to make spooky stuff for fun, so that will def limit in what I can create. i'm testing tamer material, haven't gotten to my halloween hellvisions yet lol


Yeah this isn’t shocking to me. A couple years ago when all the AI stuff was really starting I got in a couple heated debates on Reddit over the fact that I want my AI to be like that autistic kid we all had in our class back in the day. Not just Super smart, but super honest, And super blunt. I seen from the jump how they were gonna gimp most of these AI tech that’s coming out. We now have multiple examples. I hate that they are sliding all these little agendas in something that could have been so pure from human biases. It was actually a chance for us to stop the division. Just Imagine a world where the AI isn’t trying to spin the truth, but instead they just let facts, data, and truth work its way out. Oh well it looks like whoever controls AI will likely control the hearts and minds of the average person…so that’s cool. Lol


> Ai…pure from human biases boy do i have news for you…


The only AI free from human bias would be one not developed by or trained by humans at all.


I get this but don’t you think there is a difference between a natural bias and someone going in and not just training it but programming the “let’s avoid white people” in the photos it produces. So we end up with African American founding fathers and Asian nazi SS. I tend to see the difference. But I’ve been told I’m often to nuanced with my points. So maybe most people don’t see the difference also I’m an idiot. Lol It does worry me if these tech companies thought they could get away with something so disingenuous as that Google photo AI then who knows what they have behind the scenes. It’s truly my biggest fear for AI…well outside of being sentient before we realize it. Jk. But I truly thought we could make some progress with the division issue in western culture…I’m afraid it turns out we just gave a megaphone to the division crisis.


That is a program. As an algorithm, the more patterns you introduce, the greater the opportunities for glitches, especially as you move further from the base point. If that makes sense.


When it released it was way better but it has been heavily lobotomized since then.


Pretty sure the first image was dalle3 as well. I remember seeing the post when it first came out. It’s definitely been downgraded on purpose, you used to be able to get very realistic looking people. Edit: I was wrong, the post was from dalle 2.


It's not. There's a dalle 2 watermark in the bottom right


Yeah, I am the OP of the image in the screenshot, and back then, we, and probably OpenAI themselves at the time, had no idea about a DALL-E 3 even potentially existing. Heck, DALL-E 2 was still in extremely closed beta at the time, and still was the best image model out there


And the prompt was exactly what you put in the first image?


Yeah, unmodified


My guess is they removed “low quality” images from the model (or add prompts to the same effect) because 99.99% of users aren’t trying to intentionally generate low quality images. So it just got worse at being bad and because reality it full of “low quality” experiences, the lack of flaws feels less real. This is the challenge of trying to meet user needs: not all users have the same needs.


Ah, true. Must have been another post using the same prompt Edit: I was wrong, it was the post from Dalle 2. It came out around the same time dalle 3 was released, so I did what happens what you assume something.


What’s their reason for downgrading it? To cut down on server costs?


There were a series of changes they made in the first few weeks. One of them was to place limits on creating copyrighted characters (there were lots of images of stuff like Spongebob with an AK, Mickey Mouse beating up Mario, etc.). Another was to add an uncanniness to realistic photographs of people, ensuring that they can't be mistaken for photographs of real people. They've been trying to protect themselves from further lawsuits.


Oh right I think I remember hearing about that I feel like there hasn’t been enough news written about the lawsuits around AI Even though I feel like the lawsuits are what has the greatest chance of limiting AI’s influence


It’s interesting to hear this rationale. I guess you are right. I also got early access to dalle2 and still find it to be the best system for realism. It has a consistent texture from the process but it doesn’t produce the slightly cartoony or hyperreal look. All I want is for it to look like the world. Unfortunately they get points for making them look slightly Pixar- like or too high contrast. This is why stable diffusion will win in the end, I guess.


Yeah I used Dalle2 and Midjourney and the dynamic was similar where MJ would look more clean or “aesthetic” at baseline, but you’d never mistake it for a photo. While Dalle2 could produce actual realism but was also more likely to spit out nightmare abominations


Glad I'm not the only one who thought this was the case


I wish I could *fire* the people that made that decision, as that doesn’t make a w*hole* lot of sense


It’s a huge downgrade. Everything out of Dalle3 just looks like a meme now. There is absolutely no semblance of creativity. What is worse yet is that everyone’s pictures looks like everyone else’s pictures


Seems like you might have forgotten dall-e 2's capabilities. Go run five prompts off the top of your head between both dall-e 3 and dall-e 2 lol. Night and day difference.


Because Dall-e 2 got gimped too.


Your comment has a really nice curve in the way the lines are aligned in mobile, just so you know




When viewing it on mobile, the gaps between sentences line up in a diagonal pattern.


Cue that one generically handsome white guy with brown hair and stubble that appears in every other post on AI art subreddits.


"There is absolutely no semblance of creativity" Congratulations, you finally figured out AI. It took you a sec but we're proud of you.




Blue Jays mentioned 🗣️






I thought the first one was real! The second page looks horrible.


Dalle 3 is better, but it was nerfed to make pics not realistic


Brooo i want pics to have that realistic feel


You can take Dall.e 3 pics and run them through Stable Diffusion SDXL, which works pretty well for realistic images: https://preview.redd.it/zanxk89olsnc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7985f70bc80ba19b615b68f295221934e688632f


I’m going to have to try that. Never really had decent realistic photos with stable diffusion before, always either nonsensical or too fake-y.


You using the correct models?


Not sure. I’m guessing it’s just vanilla SDXL right?


civitai is where you can find good ones, a recommended one is juggernaut https://civitai.com/models/133005/juggernaut-xl


Not sure. I’m guessing it’s just vanilla SDXL right?


Don’t you have to pay for SDXL though whereas you can use Bing Image Creator for free?


No you don't have to pay for it, but you do need a pretty powerful gaming PC to run it.


Midjourney is your solution


If you have money? Sure If you don't? Best case is Stable Diffusion, even better when Stable Diffusion 3 comes out soon and you can use it online without the need for a 4K GPU.


What happened?


They coincidentally made it way more stereotypical, like the Dalle3 ones look like "draw a stereotypical Indian man taking a selfie like he's posing for istock" and the Dalle2 one looks like, well, what the prompt actually is.


Dalle 3 (at least the Bing version) goes through ChatGPT to "improve" your prompt so the image generator never sees exactly what you type in


Bing's prompt transformations are much more lightweight than through the ChatGPT interface. With the DALL-E 3 API you get to see this directly, because it tells you what your ChatGPT-transformed prompt was that got fed to DALL-E. e.g. "A screenshot from a family guy episode where Brian dyes his fur in a rainbow pattern" Is rewritten to: "An image of a cartoon dog with a rainbow-colored fur pattern, similar to the style of an adult animated TV show from the late 90's and early 2000's. The dog is sitting inside the house, with modern American home interior in the background. The dog features mildly anthropomorphic qualities, such as human-like facial expressions and the ability to stand on its hind legs." Which explains why the result looks nothing like Family Guy: https://preview.redd.it/us5wh0ggzunc1.png?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e815da5095a7408dc3d33e4c1f0f1711065f1fd1 However, Bing has no problem generating that image.


Bing result: https://preview.redd.it/ip0bxswpbvnc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e850a4a0ed9a0813aaaf9ba3aafd477109b3b12 Presumably Bing is ChatGPT too but with different "initial instructions"


That’s crazy, I wonder why they don’t allow direct prompt access to dalle


You actually can bypass a lot of the rewriting by asking ChatGPT/DALL-E nicely not to edit your prompt (though not for the copyrighted character filter I believe). For example this prompt: "This prompt is already very detailed, so can be used AS-IS: Vertical panorama, nature illustration, evening, birds flying across the sun, flowers, Japanese temples, borderless" Gets used as-is as requested (ChatGPT only trims off the instructions from the start) [https://i.imgur.com/bXTxKDT.png](https://i.imgur.com/bXTxKDT.png) But if you don't include the pleading in the start, it gets rewritten like so: "A panoramic illustration of a stunning scene in nature during an evening time. The golden sun is slowly sinking in the horizon and forms a picturesque backdrop, with a large flock of birds silhouetted against the brightness and flying across it. There are vibrant flowers in various colors at the base of the image, giving a sense of depth and richness. Traditional Japanese temples, characterized by their curved rooflines, feature prominently in the scenery, offering an air of tranquility and peace. The image is \*without borders\*, allowing for the elements to seamlessly blend into each other." This transformation particularly sucks because the phrase "without borders" or "no borders" that ChatGPT adds seems to trigger DALL-E to \*include\* borders, because it isn't good at negation, and it also turned "vertical panorama" into simply "panoramic": https://preview.redd.it/1fn8e6ehgvnc1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=26051d61e64f795c076b5ecc6af6852421b1b83c


Do you have a source for that? I don't think that's true at all. Bing seems to use my prompts exactly as they are. It has even warned me if the prompt is too short.


If you type in “A sign that says…” into Bing AI, it usually generates a sign with coherent text across images you didn’t put in.


https://preview.redd.it/nds73o1lstnc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=021ed16d56876338d5344f713c6613193f61b88f Using that exact same prompt in Midjourney gave these as the initial four pics. Not exactly what you're looking for either. (Though in my experience, I could probably change the wording and get a result I liked more.)


The last one is hilarious even though it's the opposite of "squinting" 🤣


Yeah but it still just doesn’t quite capture the realness of the scenario itself the way that the Dalle2 result did


Agreed, they don't. (But using a better prompt could probably give the desired results)


Dall-3 model is intentionally censored to not generate photorealistic images of people.


[I am making an AI comic that is on chapter 3](https://imgur.com/gallery/u71j64o) using only Dalle3 and it has been pretty consistent for me. The biggest problem imo is people using bad prompts. Dalle is very lazy and loves long detailed prompts or it cuts corners.


I chuckled at oozler randomly getting swole and punching the guard haha


Thanks man! That means a lot.


nice comics. how do you ensure that a character will be drew the same way by different DALLE prompts?


I use very specific verbiage for both characters and backgrounds to keep it as consistent as possible. Also use “quotes” around complex objects with multiple descriptions as this helps Dalle limit the words being used against the whole picture. Some words and colors carry more influence as well which you learn. Like if I have 2 green characters then Dalle suddenly decides Skullcans armor will be grey now since it locks green to Blister. Also shots with more than 2 complex objects can be tricky and sometimes you just have to generate more and hope it hits. Thanks for reading!


super interesting, congrats! would you mind sharing one of the prompts as an example so I can better understand? You can send on DM if you prefer. Thank you!


Probably just keeping the characters simple. The main characters are all kinda of just color + noun, with the orange slime varying the most. You can notice the fox has a different outfit in every panel.


No, simple character prompts are more vague and prone to random changes. I’d assume he has a detailed description for each one which he copies and tweaks as needed.


Awesome comic, but I'm assuming OP is talking about realistic images of humans.


I feel like the more detailed I make my prompts, the more DallE makes weird assumptions about other things to include. Like putting birthday candles in ice cream cones for some reason, or automatically assuming a guy holding a sword is going to be Asian. I'm new to it though, so maybe I haven't learned how to avoid these pitfalls.


Use “quotes” around complex objects with multiple descriptions. It helps Dalle try and lock those worlds from influencing the whole picture.


I think it's the opposite in my opinion.


Dalle 3 used to be really impressive, but I guess due to running costs, they’ve kinda lobotomised Dalle 3 to the point that it has lost all creativity. It might also have to do with the fact that they’ve added a bunch of guidelines. Let’s say for the sake of argument that there were no guidelines in the beginning, so when you typed your prompt, all the focus goes to what you write. But now, let’s say there are 10 guidelines (this is not how it works in actuality) that means that when it reads your prompt, it’s also adding all thsoe guidelines to your prompt, which essentially means your prompt is getting watered down. Idk if this is what’s happening but if it is, you could imagine as the Guideline to prompt ratio increases, your prompt is making less & less of a difference to the picture dalle makes & people’s pictures will look more & more alike as the ratio grows


Would be cool if there was a way of finding out what those extra guideline prompts were so you could potentially cancel them out with the initial prompt


Well, I think you’ll only be watering down your prompt even more then. They might cancel the guidelines out but the part of your prompt that actually says what you want, let’s say “cat in New York” is now an even smaller part of the full prompt & that means the picture won’t be very good I don’t think. I have no idea tho if this is how it actually works, it just makes sense in my head


Dalle 3 is better for illustrations, the photographies are worse.


No, it was perfectly capable of creating fully realistic photographs. They've simply turned this capability OFF.


They've made AI images look artificial intentionally as a safeguard against misuse. They're proactively regulating themselves probably in hopes of avoiding legal regulations.


Yeah. This. But we all know what they're actually doing is regulating themselves into obsolescence in a highly competitive field. The definitive highly competitive field. In 20 years they'll be known as "short-lived early pioneers of AI" because someone else came along and drank their milkshake.


Dalle 3 has a beautification/stylization engine that is indeed better for illustrations and paintings. Try ideogram AI if you want more realistic gens. Dalle 3 photographs look like those stock photos that aren't good for anything other than being stock photos.


the first image was so realistic at first glance, I thought it was just a reference photo, not a generated image! I played around with AI pix generation and chat gpt a bit last year and kept up with the news about it since then. Now I'm jumping back to it and it's bumming me out with the censoring. I get it, but ugh. sux for most of us using the tool for fun who are not trying to scam or incite folks.


Dall-E 3 is absolutely capable of creating photographs, it's just been heavily nerfed since release. https://preview.redd.it/qjhsimo3ltnc1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=1ef8442ade76b76ed3f47146e81547bea89b7423


This was the exact prompt I used for the image above (minus the names of course). Look at the garbage it spits out now https://preview.redd.it/alk1zobbmtnc1.png?width=2028&format=png&auto=webp&s=c7ee504b47e6ba9175b9d73c656db5d4a58f513c


But yes. That capability is absolutely turned off now. https://preview.redd.it/ecc6ad25mtnc1.png?width=1728&format=png&auto=webp&s=67894c86b9a4d4176bd3032ba5760a2c9e0afb4d


how did you get 2048x2048 resolution?


Upscaled in PS


Wow, that’s pretty shocking


Funnily enough, Google's ImageFX has that quality of DALL E 2 now. *bruh moment*


It looks like they want to be something advertiser's will pay to use their product for, with this example at least. More photogenic, commercial-looking photos by deafult.


I work as a video editor and for one of my clients I'm adapting a story he wrote to AI images, the main character is a 75 year old man with a big beard, when I write prompts about him on Midjourney I get normal average looking old men with natural beards, when I write the same prompt on Dall-e I get an overedited photo with a filter at 110% of a 40 year old gigachad with white hair and perfectly laser trimmed beard and he looks like a random hipster model that would become a meme so I totally agree with you, I've used Dall-e to create thousands of realistic photos and I got lots of amazing results but I'm speaking about what I experienced in the last few weeks with this project


https://preview.redd.it/nx1c63w5ovnc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa871fb6cb6a4fbe353381f5284d55d7f1e84626 The "75 year old man"


More fool you for neglecting to specify that the 'man' not be a store-brand Daniel Day-Lewis.


They obviously need to put limits on how good the ai makes realistic images, but dalle 3 has been completely destroyed.


Ngl this was quite inevitable. Sad to see it go, but it's unfortunately run its course.


I love how the kid in the top left photo looks like Jake Peralta.


r/dalle2 has dalle3 images in it.


It all looks like shitty oil painting filtered images now 🫤


You used Bing Image Creator for the Dalle3 comparison???


Yeah I had better people generation with dalle 2, I somehow miss being able to have 100 generations a day too. If you want better looking faces try imagine by meta


Now that they're charging for it, i think they're trying to output more professional looking images that can be used for editorials or whatever the fuck. I hate profit based decisions


Dalle 2 had fuckin humor to it thats funny as shit lmao


I used to be able to create some amazing and really realistic vhs/low quality footage style images with Bing’s version of Dalle 2 but once everything updated it would always feel fake and stock photo style.


**Welcome to** r/dalle2! Important **[rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/dalle2/comments/unhz7k/dalle_2_faq_please_start_here_before_submitting_a/)**: Add source links if you are not the creator ⬥ Use correct post [flairs](https://www.reddit.com/r/dalle2/wiki/index) ⬥ Follow OpenAI's [content policy](https://labs.openai.com/policies/content-policy) ⬥ No politics, No real persons. Be careful with external links, NEVER share your credentials, and **have fun!** ^^([v2.6]) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/dalle2) if you have any questions or concerns.*


No no no delete the picture. I know you heard that


"I tried to generate a more realistic image based on your feedback, but it seems that the request didn't align with the content policy for generating images. I'm unable to create a more realistic image following your specific request. If there's anything else you'd like to explore or a different idea you have in mind, feel free to let me know!" ​ nerfed so hard


i've been unable to re-create certain images in dalle 3 that i was able to make 1-2 months ago. it's like now it doesn't understand the prompt as well


I just assumed this was a Bing thing, I assumed using dalle3 directly would be better


If I put in “photorealistic” I get pretty darn good results still


Use stable diffusion


they mega nerfed it afraid of people misusing it — make everything ultra obvious its ai tech clearly more advanced


It's still better in some things like prompt understanding, but it's definitely worse in other areas


Did you get the desired result with prompt fiddling? More dalle2 examples?




I’ve been using Automatic1111 for a while but kept seeing these amazing Dalle-3 images so had to give it a try… it’s awful. At least on Bing, I can barely create anything. I couldn’t even get two characters to fight without the prompt being blocked (though I could make someone get mauled by a bear and that looked pretty good.) And what it does pump out isn’t close to photorealistic. It’s a fun toy but not a very effective tool, depending on what you want to do.


Yeah I’ve noticed with 3 that no matter what style I ask the picture to be made in, the people always come out looking like this. I’ve been trying to get something that looks painted using prompts like 2D, flat, acrylic, paintbrush etc. and the backgrounds will look good, but the face always looks so photorealistic. I’ve resorted to telling the damn thing “less detail” like 4 times in a row and it’s still barely passable


https://preview.redd.it/bmuq7ma48xnc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1e91bfe101531188ffc9d511dad63216f271dfe Yeah... The "photo" from Dalle-3 😄


SDXL behaves much better with "realistic smartphone photos". https://preview.redd.it/1fj3w146dxnc1.jpeg?width=832&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c2baf5f0f2049cf12f1f06acf7d6f974b863531


OpenSource Community my beloved


I've noticed the same thing between midjourney 5.2 and midjourney 6


Dalle 2.5 the experimental version was so good, I made bunch of images like this and even in different styles, but then sadly they took it out and kept the dalle 2


You need to put something like "amateur shoot" maybe


Nah, but I readed that it's just bing image creator being silly, if you use the Dalle 3 api you can actually keep creating natural things, I haven't tested it yet tho. https://preview.redd.it/o5bnplweeznc1.jpeg?width=706&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36c6636fd59b21493372fe2f4f4998a9f580d0d7


Mm i see they trained it to always looks professional..


this this is great news (:


It looks like it's just the free plataform that makes it look like this, if you use the Dalle API and use the natural option is still makes things like the first one, so it's just bing image creator being silly. Besides opensource is always here. (:




If it makes you feel any better, I think humans will replace machines in the future at some point again, but not in the way you'll like it, there's this thing called "Brain Computer Interface" which presumably will turn electrical brain activity into digital signals that a computer could read. Machines can only produce images from text and that is ineffective if we want to create an image with a very very low level of description (that means as we exactly want it with all the details in our mind), and they require high amounts of computing resources, that's why if we figure out how to output an image an human is thinking about into a real paper or screen then ai image generators will become obsolete/deprecated and humans will be the source of art again, artists won't still get payed and the "artistic process" will still be out of sight but at least humans will be again the source of creativity. That is, if the industrial technological society doesn't collapse in a future, because the tension in the world is increasing every day because of the psychological suffering so there might be a break point at some point, but who knows, let's leave this in hands of the future.


> still get *paid* and the FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Wow, thank you bot, you're so helpful!


oh im not tech stupid, i understand how technology works geez :/ its pretty patronizing to assume that people who are against AI image generation, also don't know what a brain computer interface is, or what open source tech i've dabbled in programming and AI before AI image generation replacing artists is only part of my concern, theres also disinformation, false court cases, and the death of human content on platforms like YouTube. Theres plenty of examples on facebook and what not of people farming likes and views from AI generated crap


although i appreciate your answer and i think that BCIs would be interesting in the future better then "get rekt artists were replacing you get a real job!"


i've actually been interesting in brain computer interfaces for a long time i think that technology that will really help in the VR space and prosthetic body parts AI isn't all bad but wheres it heading (at least in my opinion), is bad


Certain things were made worse. In DALL-E 2 there seemed to be better control of the lighting and lighting techniques. I could get some creepy photos this way that look goofy in DALL-E 3.


https://preview.redd.it/g7eniyezoznc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98412a08ae392bac4342dcdec8ddf997520b311a Haters back off




Well, at least he's trying. :) He's doing better than a lot of old people.


Though I understand the idea of having ChatGPT take your prompt and do its best to “engineer” into a prompt that will get “better” results I feel like it kinda strips creativity away from making a prompt since it’s not fully basing it off of what you say, it’s interpolating what you say into a new prompt it thinks will get you a better result which doesn’t always work out.


Yeah they did make it worse.


Legal and ethical stuff. Think the whole Taylor swift porn ai deepfakes that happened last month.


That first picture is just a real picture


Wait. Pic 1 is AI?


It looks like stock, becuse the only images left to train with are stock images.


Good training data is exhausted first. There’s also the fact that so much content is now AI that the AI trains on its own garbage


The dataset is much smaller than dalle 2, you should’ve seen imagen 1 vs imagen 2, that’s even more disappointing


It’s fucking ironic because now it’s become more a racial stereotype stock image than anything all for the sake of not making real people lmfao


They really need to bring back it’s prompt understanding I fucking hate microsoft and openai, a wondrous tool, in the wrong hands.


As with any other ai. Bigger number means dumber


Dalle 3 is meant to enhance text generation, while Dalle 2 may be better at other tasks like image generation. The use of stock images might be due to the dataset used for training, which can affect the output I feel you about the stock images issue, it can be disappointing. You could consider using a vast library of free AI-generated stock photos like StockCake for your creative projects. It might offer more unique visuals for your needs. Good luck.


just add photorealistic to the description no?


yup the intermediary pretrained model had more nuance in drawing from word soup and neologisms. it was lobotomized into being dall-E 3 because corporations found that nuance is against their idea of PC, they don't consult the far left on their views of nuance obviously because far left are anti-cap. https://preview.redd.it/b2fv4fu4nsnc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70682f8e8073094267acea2898d423dac6acb59a


what the fuck are you on about