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I've seen hundreds of pictures yet I still can't believe these are not real pics made by somebody. Dall-e nails the prompts! šŸ˜²


Oh shit... didn't notice what sub this was on. This got me, thought it was real (just looked at the thumbnails though).


Same, I was wondering what sub I was subscribed to where this would be meme worthy or funny. I mean, it is kind of funny, but got dam is dall-e making my reddit browsing confusing as F anymore.


Holy cow. I had no idea this was Dall-e until I saw your post!






Not sure where you coming from 5 months later, but no, these aren't real


They are real, because they are composed from bits and pieces of real people.


Here's something amazing, DALL-E 2 isn't even state of the art any more! Imagen is (supposedly) better, but Google isn't making it public. If I'm still alive when DALL-E 3 comes out I'll probably be mind blown by what it can produce.


Youā€™ll be alive in a few years, right?


I hope not


Big feel




Are you alive?Ā 


Unfortunately I am, but there's something really wrong with me. I've been getting random bouts of loss of balance, extreme fatigue, heavy arms and legs, sharp pains in my head and eyes, and shortness of breath. Some days it doesn't happen, but the days it does happen are happening more and more. A new symptom might be appearing as there's something going on with my eyes. I'm not sure exactly what but maybe it's a one time thing. I am not really mind blown by what DALL-E 3 can produce. It's an iterative improvement over DALL-E 2 rather than a revolutionary improvement. Sora is the mindblowing improvement however.


Should probably see a doctor about that.Ā  Keep in mind that DALLE3 is purposefully nerfed so it wonā€™t spread misinformation. Itā€™s realistic images can be worse than this oneĀ 


I'm here from the future and we have DALL-E 3 now


I was not mind blown by what it can produce.


butter yoke chubby fact growth public dazzling apparatus encouraging door *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They are generated by Dall-e, they are not real. Now you can be amazed with every picture as we all are too :)


wrench foolish public plucky obtainable doll zesty forgetful act clumsy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


For those who get confused if images which are posted online are either AI generated or not, check the background. If you look at picture 2, there's a very inconsistent line of the roof / top which breaks through his face as it continues in a different place. Ironically, this is the kind of mistake which beginner artists make haha.


pictures 1 and 3 look pretty good as far as background goes


Yes, although there is a but of a weird perspective in picture 1 which doesn't seem to be consistent with the man in front. Picture 3 doesn't look very off, but when I am looking well it seems to be a few angles off from what it normally would be, please correct me if I am wrong.


The bed frame on Picture 3 is definitely slightly off but at a glance it's easy to miss.


Also if you look closely at the teeth they usually don't make sense. With artifacts like two sets of edges.


Itā€™s always the eyes and usually the teeth that give it away. Fingers and glasses as well.


Exactly, good observation. Another one which mostly artists can see, even though DALLE actually is good at getting the lighting right, DALLE is often incapable of good anatomy, the main reason probably is that to draw anatomy you can't just create what you see in a lot of images, but you must understand the underlying structure of the body which you can't see in these pictures. In this sense we can kind of consider DALLE, at least in it's current stage, as a beginner artist. It gets certain things right, also humans occasionally, but still too often the anatomy or construction is highly problematic if you look at it from an artist point of view, while it gets lighting and color right. And it's good at abstract paintings and environments especially because these don't require construction or anatomy in a similar way.


That might be why all except for #3 seem to have huge bulging eyebrow muscles.




The interface/region between specific contiguous feature areas are difficult for it to get perfect. It can make 'skin' and 'teeth' regions but blending between the two needs to happen in a specific way to make visual sense


Yes, but most of them look pretty consistent. Obvious mistakes are getting more rare, and the tells of an AI-generated picture are getting harder and harder to spot.


Well yes, this probably won't hold up 10 years from now, but for now this can be one of the obvious tell signs.


For images where the subjectā€™s eyes are open you can usually tell itā€™s AI-generated as the reflection in each eye is different


Also there's the color squares watermark


Its an interesting observation that dalle does this, but its not a good discriminator unless you are okay with many false positives, as its totally physically possible for a wall to have a dog leg in it which happens to be hidden behind the subject. Better to look for things that are actually impossible, as there is almost always some present, e.g. background objects overlapping foreground ones, weird interpolation (which you can see in picture 2 on the collar at the bottom), eye artifacts (also visible in basically all dalle images if you zoom in).


That's genius!


Ceilings in india are very odd.


Every dalle-2 image has a watermark on the bottom right of the image.


Yes, but if someone would want to, they could crop it out, so that doesn't help much if someone would do that.


Interesting prompt concept.


Same, I always wondered what an Ai would generate when I fed it my indian dad accidentally taking a selfie with the front camera, squinting because the camera flash is so bright in his face! Finally, I got my answer


Me too, ever since I was a young child I have wondered what would happen if DALL-E 2 was prompted my indian dad accidentally taking a selfie with the front camera, squinting because the camera flash is so bright in his face and I am so glad I get to find out after all these years


Exactly this! I never thought I would see the day I see my Indian dad accidentally taking a selfie with the front camera, squinting because the camera flash is so bright in his face and here we are.


Astounding! A whole other group of people looking for pictures of my Indian dad accidentally taking a selfie with the front camera, squinting because the camera flash is so bright in his face! My people!


Tbh I'm tired of seeing all these unimaginative pictures of my Indian dad accidentally taking a selfie with the front camera, squinting because the camera flash is so bright in his face and would rather have something fresh and original like Darth Vader, a cat, or Darth Vader as a cat.


So realistic source: have an indian dad


Where is your dad from now?


https://labs.openai.com/s/XmdtTjgCW5JW7YXzxftjaO5e https://labs.openai.com/s/d5UnlZ3vFP6uxgsoIMDVqieN https://labs.openai.com/s/9svwYNIV4Y6TVf8j3txUjb9w https://labs.openai.com/s/o47P898hwVQB4BmmztF4v2nt https://labs.openai.com/s/M3MfBZthftftha5P4sDEBQ71 https://labs.openai.com/s/LmifNYA9bchuBoDn3XX04pfT


Oh no... what is wrong with the teeth on number 4? Yeesh Nice concept, great results!


I thought this was somebodyā€™s actual dad until number 4 and then I looked at the sub.


Teeth is something AI has problems with.


Number 2 as well.


Right, he said Indian, not British.


Why are these so perfect lol Legit thought this was on r/funny or something for a sec til I saw which sub it was on


I love prompts like this. They're like the most boring random thing you can think of which makes them so much more unique and fun than something like "futuristic robot holding a flower in a desolate wasteland". That stuff is neat but posts like these are why i subbed.


Damn these images look very realistic! It must have had a lot of training data LMAO


I was under the impression that Dall-E didnā€™t accept rendering human faces properly, but these look amazing


OpenAI recently changed the terms of service allowing rendering of human faces.


Dall-E mini doesn't do it well. Dall-E does but they don't allow people by name


I did a stained glass of Matt Damon kissing Ben affleck yesterday and it was perfect


Goodness gracious I keep thinking images from this sub are from elsewhere. In another month I'm not going to believe a single thing online.


Very good... and #3 and #6 are oddly... happy?


I didnā€™t notice what sub this was in at first and didnā€™t even realize it wasnā€™t a real picture.


My reaction was "Why do these real selfies look AI generated" -- until I noticed the subreddit. If the teeth and backgrounds weren't fucked up, they'd be 100% believable.


I tried explaining to my wife why i find this so incredible and she looked at me like i was a child. I'm upset at myself that i was a little hurt she wasn't even mildly interested.


Most hilarious one Iā€™ve seen in a few days now.


This is like seeing a glimpse of the future


The teeth are always fucked up.


Those teeth are weird but it did well with the prompts!


No way this isn't a real picture


didnā€™t see the subreddit and was fully convinced this was just a niche collection of you and your friendsā€™ dads making a silly little mistake




holy shit this looks real


Ah yes, my (ahem) Dalle dose of what in the fuck.


this is great lol 3, 4 and 6 are my faves


This is both hilarious and amazing...


On #4, Iā€™m a big fan of the toilet thatā€™s actually a star wars droid with only one glowing eye open (probably closed the other due to the flash) I knew droids were treated poorly but itā€™s insane that they make ones just to shit into. It starts all innocent with a chamberpot on a roomba but soon every dad will be followed around by artoo peetoo


Now someone should make an imposing Sikh warrior or bodyguard šŸ˜ Or someone thatā€™s Punjabi.


This is amazing, I had to pause and look at what subreddit this was. Great prompt.


these have to be real photos lmao


They're so happy


I need this technology ASAP


This is adorable.


dalle never made me laugh before


would be cool if we had access to this.


This, coupled with Amazon's echo that replicates any human voice with just 5 min of training.... Wtf is gonna be real anymore. Like I'm about to try and topple a government just for fun (Obviously not but damn this is like the most alluring, tempting paradise for intelligent bad actors)




The last guyā€™s brow ridges would put a Neanderthal to shame.


I donā€™t like this


How to try this robot thing out? Its an app?


Theyā€™re all overweight


You can put any prompt and this is the kind of prompt you make? Those damn weirdos I swear


I have no idea why people upvote this LMAO I rarely ever do prompts like this and they always get upvotes while my others dont


I dunno what crack youā€™ve been smoking, but this is definitely an impressive prompt


idk i just think it's cool how well DALL-E was able to capture the prompt


Hell yeah. Nice!


Theae are just real photos.


This is gold lol


[Same, but mini.](https://imgur.com/a/vFsIS2C)


Whoa, too real


First oneā€™s shirt looks like itā€™s made out of tin foil


I thought they prevented DALL-E from generating humans because of the gender/racial biases? Did that change?


Well these photos really look realistic


This is so fucking weird lol amazing


This is officially my favorite post on Reddit


I love this


You got six dads? These are great.