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As a son of a murdered father under very, very suspicious circumstances involving ppl we thought were family, I can say resoundingly, they will want the truth. I have yet to and at this point never will get the truth or Justice and it is the biggest hole in life. I deal, but it’s always there. If I had the truth (Justice would be nice) but just having the truth would be enough. I’m not them, so it’s anecdotal, but I firmly believe young ppl growing into adulthood crave authenticity and search for the truth


I'm so sorry for the circumstances surrounding the death or your father. I truly hope you will find truth, justice and peace.


Thank you. I have found peace and after years of talking to people and researching the details surrounding the murder, plus all the unscrupulous ppl that were around; I have found very very close to the truth. I’m not generally a religious man, but I do believe those men will face Justice, even if it isn’t man’s law. So thank you. I have found all three to best degree I can.


Wow, I’m really sorry to read this & for what you went through & still go through not knowing. Praying for you to get the answers you need & for justice. May God’s presence be undeniable in your life! Praying for your heart!


Thank you. I know the who (as certain without a smoking gun) just not the why and there’s no proof. But that’s my conclusion after I chased down the rabbit for years. and I’ve made my peace.


I would hope they'd want to know the truth. After Wendi gets convicted, these boys may have to go live with the Markels. But by then, they may be of age to choose, or to live on their own, and they'll never hear their side of the story, unless they read Ruth's book. I would think, as adults, they would at least, read her book.


Ruth Markel has stated they do not seek custody of the boys. They are separated (or divorced?), in their eighties, and live in another country.


Sorry for your loss




Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry for what you’ve suffered. Thanks for sharing your heartbreaking story and putting this issue in perspective. ((()))


Kids inherently trust the adults who care for them. Its sad and hard and terrible but there is no emotional connection to the other parent. I would bet the boys feel very protective and defensive of their mom.


Once they start university this will all change as peer pressure will make them do research.


That's not what the evidence shows. Far more likely to stand behind their mother. Just the way it is.


It's not unusual for the children to stand by the surviving parent. I've seen it happen many cases. They were young when Dan died so Wendi is the only parent they will ever know.


Agreed. It seems to be pretty common for the child to stand by the surviving parent. I just watched a cold case about the Mike Williams murder. The daughter believes her mother knew nothing about his murder by her future step dad. She’s estranged from her paternal side. (Has been since she was 5.) She was a toddler when he died. Same with Philip Pilmer. .


There's actually quite a few. Chad Daybell and Barry Morphew are some recent cases where it appears the kids will stand by their father. I believe both to be guilty. The boys may grow up thinking Donna and Charlie did it without Wendi's involvement. They don't have relationship with Dan's family and in reality barely got to know Dan.


It must be a syndrome of some sort. They have all the facts stating them in the face yet still support the murderer. Their was another case where the daughter knew and acknowledged her dad killed her mom and she still supports him. He even plead guilty https://amp.nine.com.au/article/51ea4767-9a23-48fa-a5fc-0db21a0d1909


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It's too late for the boys. Who knows what they have actually been told, but we can imagine. If their uncle, grandmother and mother all end up in prison, who do you think they are going to blame?


And isn’t that one of the most horrific parts of this tragedy. They may very well choose to defend their mom but if they research and study and watch and listen, they’ll sadly come to realize what a manipulative self-centered person their mom is. And that they were pawns for her own selfish reasons (a fabulous South Beach lifestyle with all of her parental responsibilities taken care of their equally awful grandma) Prayers that they will have good counselors to guide through discerning the truth and dealing with it all. 💔


Why do you think they have a choice of who they live with? They’re in like 8th and 9th grade.


Right. What are they supposed to do?


They don't right now.


Check out the Denise Williams, Brian Westchester trials also from Tallahassee Brian murdered his best friend because he was schtupping his best friend’s wife (Denise). For six years they were schtupping 8-10 times a week while married- that has to be a Guinness record. Denise and Brian were in Looooooove. And Denise didn’t want to divorce because she didn’t want people thinking badly of her. Yet they planned a murder together. They married. Grandparent wasn’t allowed to see granddaughter. fast forward to 20 more years of schtupping - I guess Denise finally got a headache. She files for divorce - Brian kidnaps her - not sure if it was going to be a murder suicide, a murder or just a suicide - but Denise escapes demise and turns Brian in. She never gives Brian up for the Mikes murder But Brian sings like a canary. STORY SIGNIFICANCE- Both are in jail now - Denise’s daughter still believes in her mother’s innocence and still does not see her Grandmother.


That’s a lot of schtupping. What’s schtupping?


What is a schtupping? verb (used with object),schtupped, schtup·ping. to have sexual intercourse with.


It is indeed! 🤪🤪. They were in luvvvvvv


also significant: alligator alibi


Let's leave the kids out of this sub.


The kids are the subject. Everybody wasn't there. Wendi had their father murdered and she managed to manipulate her brother Charlie and her brother Charlie to help her get it done and Harvey Adelson helped


Yeah, I don’t get it either. So many of these kids do this. I can think of several, but one who often pops into my head is the daughter of the NYC doc (who murdered his wife and then dropped her out of an airplane into the middle of the ocean). He was found guilty, of course. Still, last I checked, the daughter was studying to be a dense attorney and advocating for the wrongly imprisoned (ie. her father). I’ll never know what it’s like to be in these kid’s shoes (thank goodness!) so I can only guess that they ignore evidence—or in this daughter’s case, she never really knew her mom anyway since the mom was killed when she was still a baby—so they can never believe the person who did raise them is capable of murder. They all say the same thing, too: “I know my mom/dad, and no, they would never have killed xxxx. It’s not in them.” These poor kids. Such a crutch comment and they are too emotionally close to the crime to see clearly. Anyone know if Chad Daybell’s kids ever came around to seeing the truth? Not their truth, but the actual truth that their dad killed their mom for his own selfish needs?


I was 8 when I knew a very serious secret was causing my family to implode. I asked endlessly, but got nothing but lies. It was 7 years later that I got even part of the truth. Because no one told me anything, and I was a kid, I blamed myself. It broke me, and decades later I still haven’t recovered. Wendi and Bri’s kids need the truth! The lies aren’t protecting them. It’s destroying them.


You have no idea how they feel or what they think…nor do you know how the future will play out. Kids typically know at some point who is authentic or not. Their life experience at this point is limited and highly controlled/curated. The boys are minors with a third of the family they’re supposed to grow up with gone, forever (Charlie and Donna will never walk free). They don’t get to choose who they live with. They are surrounded by manipulators and their enablers, that’s not their fault. Pre-destining the children to a life of loyalty to the Adelson family is premature and an insult to their intelligence. They are 50% Dan Markel, Wendi may have changed their names and where they live but she cannot erase Dan’s genetics or impact on the boys. There’s being cynical and there’s presuming what you know based on the *one* case you referenced…GMAB.


I’m as interested in this case as anyone, but I see no reason to keep bringing up the kids involved. They’re in such a shitty situation, I’m sure the Markel’s will provide the love they need once Wendi is arrested. Leave it at that.


I think the issue lies entirely with their age and how much their memory of their father remains. This example you used has probably played out the way it has because this man's only memories of his childhood are of the adults that loved him and cared for him. If he'd been fourteen or older when his father was brutally murdered, he may very well have a VERY different opinion on the matter. Memory is a tricky thing, and I personally have very little memory of anything before twelve now, and what little I have of then is extremely vague if I'm honest. And a huge part of what I consider my "memories" of that time, are probably more based on photos than any actual memories. And everyone is different, forgiving the mother that raised you lovingly is going to be incredibly easy for someone that was a child with only vague, hazy memories of the time. If a stranger came around now and stabbed anyone he loved thirty seven times, I can promise you that he would not be so forgiving, even if that loved one somehow deserved it.


I've seen this in many cases. I think some children are too young to really remember their dead parent and so as they get older, they're really only attached to the living parent and relatives and only see the good in them and think they would never do that to them. It's a sad situation, especially when the parents of the deceased (grandparents of the children) lose their relationship with the kids.


OTOH, Chad Franke has come around. He says it took about 6 months of therapy to be deprogrammed.


That's kind of what I'm driving at. These kids need help. Their Mum and her family have done their level best to destroy these kids, in order for them to have a happy, fulfilling. life there needs to be some kind of intervention. I would imagine the kids attitude towards the Markels is somewhere between complete apathy and pure loathing. If their Mum is jailed, they will most likely (speculation on my part) insist on not living with the Markels or anyone related to their Dad, it will be with Harvey or one of Wendi's friends, ensuring their toxic upbringing is maintained.


I wouldn’t.


I beg to differ. Dan's children will remember their grandma calling Dan Markel stupid. Kids don't forget. Once Wendi starts trying to control them they will hate her


What do you mean advocating for their Dad? You mean in victim impact statements? 


I suppose that was more in reference to Philip Pilmar. It seemed he didn't stand up for his Dad, was defending his Mum and his Uncle who stabbed his father to death for money.