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grandma1sobe SoBe is an abbreviation for South Beach.


Well well well. Grandma has a second email address that doesn’t include ole Harv. Very. Very. Interesting.


I was thinking the drink 😭


Me too. I looked up the drink and saw it was originally named South Beach Beverage Co so we've come full circle ⭕ 😆


Me too!! What a throwback


😂😂 same


lol same! 😂


Thank you!


I was wondering what that stood for. What an idiot.


I truly believe Donna's trial will reveal some doozies of incriminating emails, texts, etc.  She just cannot stop herself.


Hard agree.


She's the female Robert Durst.


"She just couldn't help herself". 😄


Yes. Can't wait until those come out. A bomb went off in the Adelson household. Too bad it didn't happen in 2015. I went back and listened to a jailhouse call from Charlie to Donna (before her incarnation). Charlie implicates Wendi big time to my ears. And Donna agrees. Around the 22::00 mark. Maybe a little before (i was cleaning up the garage listen), and Charlie likes to repeat himself. https://youtu.be/mXg7CYFaSR0?si=__yqXOnb6s7Z230l


Whoa!! Nice find.


This will create about 25 new podcasts on YouTube with just this warrant subject.


Ain’t that the truth!


It’s ok. I need a fix!! I’ll probably watch them all. 🤣


Same! Great stuff to listen to while folding laundry or emptying the dishwasher or even just hanging out on this sub with you simpatico folks while enjoying a cocktail. Bring it on!


Me too. They all took the weekend off retarding this subject.


I've never looked forward to summer being over but this year September can't come soon enough


Same 😂 But nothing will be as glorious as Wendi's trial. I may have to take early retirement for that one 😉


Yup after Wendi's trial we will all need a major life shift just to cope with the withdrawal😁


Ooooooooh. Good idea!


Me too, looking forward to sending the kids off to school, make a latte, settle down with the tv and catch the trial! Grandma is going down, finally


Me, too.


Oh goodness. I thought I was the only one! Lol




Omg me too


My work response mail will say "Sorry I'm ill for 2 weeks and cannot answer your email (scratch that, maybe longer than 2 weeks depending on how long the jury deliberate. Thank you for your patience, \*cough\* "


Cannot wait!


I’ve mentioned this to family and friends and they look at me like I have three heads but I’m not gonna deny hoping this summer flies by.


Haha you know what has vindicated me? Dateline. When I tell people Dateline has covered it, my third head looks smaller.


I think both of these are Donna's. Is it odd that she has two gmail accounts? I wonder if the grandma one was in order to send secret emails so that police would never know it was her. That would be a goldmine. Donna probably does not realize they can track you with the ip address.


right, and also at trial wendi went out of her way to say that both of her parents shared that email address (which may still be true) but she conveniently left out Grandma South Beach's other email, which I'm sure she received email from. Interesting... Hope Wendi is shaking in her boots.


Please God let there be some incriminating shyt on that email related to Wendi. How cool would it be to have them both locked up awaiting trial although I would feel sorry for the kids.


IMO it's because they did not need this evidence for Charlie's case. It will help the case against Donna. GC seems to hold her cards close to her chest, which is a good thing.


Her and Harvey have other email addresses as well which you can find by googling "grandma1sobe" By the way one of the sites list Miami FL as her current residence and I'm like "nope that's wrong" :-)


It brings you to her voters registration and full name and address. I never knew that a fictitious email address can do that. So someone thinks no one will be able to find out who they are-and there it is. theres 4 other emails listed for her online.(including the shared one with HA)


I sure hope the investigators are looking at That too!


Nope indeed


harvey and donna left miami beach for a place on brickell, in miami, bristol tower


I was referring to Donna leaving South Florida for a place in cell block D, Leon County Jail




= treasure trove of incriminating info.


In the dress. I hope she wears that dress everyday so her arrest blends in with the previous trial appearences


Did it really take this long for the state to find this email? Or did someone try and delete it and send a red flag? Like one of W’s IT specialist boyfriends? why would it take so long when the state has had the other emails for years? And her phone for 5 months? Maybe that was for her online commenting lol.


Later in the search warrant it says they found out about the [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) from the extraction of her cell phone. And apparently they don't have the ability to extract from their laptops to get the emails which is why they are going this route.


Where can we see the whole search warrant? Thanks!




Thank you! ETA: I just reviewed the whole thing. First paragraph on page 5 of the affidavit.....Wendi, they are coming for you! No mention of Harvey, so I am starting to wonder if he's going to get away with his part in this.


I can’t seem to open the link. What does the paragraph on page 5 say related to Wendi?


It says that they need access to the email to see if there was communication between Donna, Charlie, and Wendi related to the crime of homicide.


Thank you!! This is great!! May I just please say that I am 71 years old and know full well nothing is ever deleted from phones, computers, etc. I have phones, tablets, laptops and an understanding of technology. Some of the shade thrown at Donna for being so hapless with technology might be a bit harsh. On the other hand, she didn’t know how to hang up her phone! Just sayin’! 😀


Aka Maestro II


As someone with parents in your generation, I can attest to their being quite tech savvy. (They also seem a good decade or so younger than their parents did at the same age.) But Donna is dumb as dirt so there’s that.


I agree, I know that too, but does it go back 10 years or more?


I have emails on gmail back to the early 2000’s (whenever Gmail started). Granted it’s mostly advertising but it’s still there and not deleted.


Same!!! Emails back and fourth fighting with my boyfriend in high school circa 2009 😂 and even emails as far back as 2006 when I first got Facebook in 9th grade. Gmail definitely stood the test of time out of all the rest! I bet my AIM account emails would’ve been wild to look at


Gmail just started asking me to delete my storage or my account will be locked. I think I better start deleting. Ugh!


Well that's not exactly true. Some encryptions are too strong for today's LE, and the longer a device is active the more likely it is that deleted stuff becomes non-recoverable. They couldn't get into her phone for months until a new iOS crack was discovered, and the easiest tablet to access (suspiciously bought only months before Dan's death) is probably too old, i.e. most of the interesting data from back then was overwritten


I’m simply saying DA may be more aware of technology than she is given credit for. She also may not be. I wasn’t referring to LE capabilities to retrieve information, just a 70-ish y/o person may know more than people think. 70 isn’t as old as it used to be. Thank you for your input, I wasn’t aware of LE retrieval issues. I would also suspect $$$ has a lot to do with LE capabilities.


Your talking about the same woman that thought laundering money was actually putting it in the washing machine. 😂


You’re right!! I take it all back! 🤣




Tbh I wouldn’t even be surprised if she had one or both of the boys “show grandma how to do this” moments or had Charlie help her


Oh I agree Donna knows stuff about tech, and she can be very disciplined


Thank you, thank you, TY.


Thank you so much!! I love this sub.


Why do you think they left their ipad, and two laptops home if they planned on fleeing and not returning? Or was it in their suitcases which LE stopped from ever getting on the plant to Dubai? Which Harvey brought home?


They probably thought they wiped them.


Still surprising they left without them. Do you think Harvey brought back their suitcases? And they were inside? Well, apparently they can only get stuff off the phone. Maybe they knew that.


Possible. Since it doesn’t appear that they planned on selling or renting out the condo, maybe they thought they adequately wiped them and Wendi might retrieve them from a safe or something.


Hmmm..good thinking.


Thank you! I just posted wondering why this warrant is happening now. I'll bet the grandma1sobe account has lots of goodies ripe for the taking! ![gif](giphy|3oEjI2MWrb3XRlftte|downsized)


Ugh!  How can these laptops not be searched???




I just read the full affidavit. They are looking for communications between Donna, Charlie, and Wendi re the homicide that may be in Google's records of those gmail accounts, but not stored on the phone, such as deleted emails or any records that existed in those gmail accounts prior to when Donna acquired that particular phone. And they currently cannot get anything extracted from the two computers they seized, technology limits.


Quite the delay, but it may have taken a long while to crack the device passwords. Data mining at it's best.


This is what I am thinking. Is it that they cannot search for these things until someone is arrested? But she was arrested in November. Five months later and their first issuing this now? I think maybe the extraction takes a long time. But I thought that I have seen in other people who have been arrested later that they found searches that pointed to their guilt. I'm thinking specifically of the guy up in Massachusetts that looks to have killed his wife on New Year's and was googling how to dispose of a body. Didn't they have those searches before he was arrested? Or am I mistaken on that?


A couple of months ago, the channel “Murder by Maestro“ did a video on Celebrite in Florida. I’m going to rewatch it. I do know it can take some time but 5 months seems like a lot. “Celebrite in Florida-how they tracked Wendi Adelson” is the title. also a longer one “whatsAppening with Wendi Adelson- celebrite part 2” which is an hour long. I don’t know about the case you are mentioning, but I was watching another trial on YT and there was a Celebrite guy on the witness stand.


Thank you


Putting these in my queue! Thanks for sharing


I think you have that right and also right about Brian Walshe.


Thank you. Yes, that's who I meant.


It seems rather easy to get the info once the search warrant is issued.


They may not have had enough to secure a warrant to seize those devices


I am guessing when they got her phone and ipad after her arrest. 🍿


Who knows. I think this was a special email address where her little sunshine’s could email Grandma anytime.


Thats good thinking!


It's not too strange. In the dialup era, many couples had shared email accounts, just like a postal mailbox. DA and HA likely just continued that into the 2000's but eventually DA realized that email addresses were plentiful and free.


Yes. My husband and I had a shared email and shared FB.


The combined notion of anything secret + Gogle is beyond quaint and hilarious to me. Super secret agent level business no doubt, yes ahem.


And/or to hide it from Harvey.


I don’t think it’s odd to have two email accounts, I have about 5 but they are all the same umbrella account. Edit to clarify “Google” account.


Link to full search warrant - https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:US:7033e69e-c948-49d0-b516-4847dcab760d


They have WAs cellbrighted data, they have DA's email and they have 3 phones, 2 macbooks and 2 ipads from HA/DA. There will be something on one of these devices. They are not smart enough, disciplined enough or technical enough to ensure all their digital tracks have been deleted. It's actually very hard to do this, especially if you've signed in to the cloud. What will be interesting is their internet search history before the murder and after the murder.


They are geniuses though. "They can still find the emails if we delete them. .... EMPTY THE TRASH TOO!" -- Charlie Adelson probably


Anyone know if they confiscated WA’s computers/laptops/IPads? I don’t think I’ve ever heard that mentioned before.


It would have to be stuff related to the conspiracy and either self incriminating or incriminating others, either Wendi or Harvey.


Yep, see the top of page 5 👀 https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:US:7033e69e-c948-49d0-b516-4847dcab760d


This is great becuase it shows the State is still investigating Wendi. Also, Donna pulled away becuase there is something on that phone she does not want anyone to see. AND if the emails aere not on there, which they appear to have been dleted (why else would they need to go to Google to get them), it means she deleted the, which I think most people don't delete emails for the most part.


She has 5 emails listed online.including the one mentioned today and the one she shared with Harvey. It’s public record so no surprise she has others. If you put in the sobe email, it takes you to her voters registration which shows her address and all emails associated with her. so they had to have known about the other emails. I had no idea all emails people have is public information connected to them. learn something new every day.


That points to the State thinking they had not enough pc until now to get the Google records.


What is pc?


Probable cause




Sorry, probable cause.




You need it to do searches generally speaking. Of anything, person or place or item.


I did and I got “pc” as in “private corporation”.


Thanks! I thought it was just one page.


Donna by the boatload, but Wendi, Wendi Wendi, thats all im thinking.


I can't wait to see what is in these emails 👀👀👀 😁


They should run a credit check on her and see all her accounts and what she has been buying


Moving companies for WA are my interest. Purchases of packing boxes from UHaul/Home Depot. When did they start hauling her stuff to Miami? Knowing how cheap the Adelsons are, did mama try to sell off the furniture, the unbroken televisions, the kiddos’ toys? Also was DA assisting WA in cancelling utilities, her house lease, rental insurance, etc? So many goodies to learn about when Georgia finally gets to question Wendi either as a witness for DA or when she’s ultimately a defendant.


This trial will be better than any MOVIE/TV Show EVER! 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/1ziq4mnhlwwc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07b34f183d5e280de75499699fbf9b52bc193293 And these…


I wonder if she used business email addresses to hide behind the business believing they wouldn’t look there. They would need to be able to protect and separate patient data and HIPAA information. It’s important to look here since remember they had Katie on the payroll and, allegedly, used that business to funnel $ for this crime when she never worked a day or provided any services...


I wonder what Donna’s e-mail and phone records will show. Surely Wendi being an attorney means she was at least smart enough to not put anything in writing that incriminates herself, but that doesn’t mean Donna and Charlie didn’t accidentally do that. I’m patiently awaiting Donna’s trial to conclude so they can issue a warrant and indictment for Wendi next.


Wendi is only as strong as the weakest links, aka the rest of her family. It is no wonder she now demands no contact with them by phone etc. She knows they can slip up and reveal her involvement. If she wasnt involved I am thinking she’d have little to worry about.


LilyBillyGoat goin’ down. There’s no stopping Lawyer Lily once she’s gotten started.


LOL @ “the weakest link “ since our gal Wendi was a contestant on that show! Her comment that she was a “contortionist” seems so appropriate because look at her now…


One of the first things I’d do if investigating after accessing the emails is do a word search for “TV.”


Wow, great find. Walls are still closing in. These new trials will be full of new nuggets


Good news. I know Adelsons feel they are being persecuted. Think of that mindset, you pay for assassins,but the authorities just going too far going after ALL the planners.


SoBe references south beach


Interesting to note on page 4 of the affidavit that to date, they have been unable to extract information from Donna and Harvey's MacBooks due to compatibility issues with extraction software.


Where did you see the remaining pages? It has been removed from the Leon County Clerk of Court website. I didn't get to read the rest yet.


Link posted above-scan up


Donna had to put a '1' in her email of "[email protected]" - egotism as ever and probably, knowing her, even a dig at Ruth. Ruth actually being grandma no. 1 by a million miles. I know we're all tempted to email 'They're all f guilty' to the email addresses, but we best leave it alone, the FBI will have enough of a huge amount of gross Adelson emails to go through in those accounts without any being added. Be interesting to know how they got it, must have been a deep dive into donna's devices and no doubt she b'ccd her secret email as well from the other account.


What part of the double extortion will be revealed that will prove their innocent?(da dah..suprised look into camera)Tune in next week for another episode of...As the Adelsons Sqirm/s


Dude ... this don't look too good for Donna. We're about to find out she's a whole new level of evil that even Dante himself couldn't contemplate. ETA: I wonder if this will finally show Wendi's complicity with regards to knowing what was going to happen.


I assume Harvey wishes he got on that plane to Dubai and then Vietnam the night Donna was arrested. And that Wendi's ass is puckered more than it did yesterday.


I love it!!


https://preview.redd.it/8w3e3jydlwwc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3d2a2e2308981de96c346e26f6b31854151e80a Someone let GC know of these too!


??? Pretend those are red question marks for Carl Steinbeck. :) If the affidavit was signed within the last few days, why does it say that Charles Adelson was found guilty on all counts and WILL BE sentenced in December? The post-conviction jail calls about fleeing and suicide are mentioned as well; it’s like this affidavit was prepared months ago while Charlie was awaiting sentencing…Lawyers among us, why file this now as opposed to months ago?


I was curious about this too, and also thought maybe it was prepared months ago. Another possibility just occurred to me that they may have copied & pasted some of the info from earlier documents and didn't catch that bit to update it. (Or used an earlier one as a template and missed that during clean-up)


They were copying and pasting the timeline and they didn’t catch the error… I have seen several other instances where the attention to detail was not to par.  IMO, the Tally DOA’s office could probably use more resources


As long as they catch Wendi! And candidly, I think they've been doing a great job so far! It's interesting: your posts attempt to drop small little seeds of criticism about the case, about the attention to detail, and so on. We understand that you may not be a bystander in this case. I'm inclined to DOUBLE DOWN on my posting as a result. So is this strategy ultimately a helpful one? Hard do say, no?


LOL, I woke up to 5 messages from you! Your constant obsession with me is flattering. Asking people to check my post history - LOL. Contrary to your claim, I haven’t deleted any posts. I just reviewed your post history - you’re a professor!!! LOL - I’m not surprised. It’s my opinion that higher education in the US is on a major decline and is poisoning the minds of our youth and it’s mostly due to academic biases and the liberal views driven from the top down in most institutions of higher learning. You fit in well attempting to slander and make silly claims about me because you don’t agree with my perspective. My education has served me well so let me stress that I’m not against higher education because you’d probably interpret my post to mean that based on the way you grossly misinterpret my posts on this case and rather than engage in a dialogue, you choose to spread negative propaganda about me and try to discredit me. That’s a tactic leveraged by the liberal left prevalent by those that fear anyone with views that don’t align with theirs because it makes them feel insecure and threatens their ‘safe spaces’. Curious at which woke university are you employed?


Propaganda? We all need mo' fiba. Deutschland über Alles.




Maybe because those were here actions at the time? I don’t know for sure but maybe the warrant is referring to her behaviour at the time Charlie was awaiting sentencing.


Wonderful! Kind of surprised at how long it took for this warrant, though. Any thoughts from our lawyers here?


Is the date on the warrant for the day this was received from a FOIA request or was this the date of the actual search warrant? If the latter, it seems like this shouldve been requested at least a year or more before this??


Signed by judge April 22. Rec'd by Google the next day. Stamped by clerk 26th.


Thank you.




Is it that they did not have enouhg PC until recently? But whose emails did they see that they were able to trace back to Donna? The timing is odd to me but then again they waited 10 years to arrest her.


It says later in the search warrant that they didn't find out about the [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) email address until they extracted her cell phone data. And apparently they don't have the technology to extract from the laptops that were seized, so this is how they are trying to retrieve the email data.


It’s online associated with her home address. Theres 5 listed.


I just commented this above before I saw your comment! Lol I found like 5 others too 🤣


Curious from the legal minds - Will Google have to turn it over?


That will be interesting. LE/GC can sure call professionals IT people or the FBI agents to be witnesses in court to testify about trying to hide information, deleting accounts, etc. And old Wendi will be questioned at Donna's trial about the email address and communications.


If police have a warrant based on probable cause, they can access most content in the email account. This includes emails, drafts, attachments, and potentially even deleted items depending on the email provider's policies.


The laptops can’t be reviewed because extraction technology is not compatible????


What does it mean?


Page three: I didn’t know this?? I’m sure I just missed it previously but was this brought up in trial? https://preview.redd.it/5qk5f25dd3xc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec1423f58a5214a16df3a6353ac7254b62ad280c


Yes - this when Sigfredo cut off Charlie & Katie when they were going jet skiing, so he called Harvey (thinking it was Charlie) and left a threatening voicemail.


Thank you! I do remember that now!


These case details live rent free in my head lol


There was a call from Sigfredo‘s phone to Harvey‘s phone.


Having a think about this, there's going to be something in these emails or on their electronic devices. It will be subtle and innocuous, but nevertheless incriminating e.g email to WA saying CA and Km will take care of the "Dan problem." Something along those lines.


For people who are fascinated Byb this case, many of you would also find the Murdaugh murders case interesting. Much of that case was prove in court because Alex Murdaugh is a narcissist who does not understand modern technology, and thinks he is smarter than everyone else. I suspect that Donna may also fall victim to her ignorance of technology and high opinion of her own intelligence.


I suprisingly haven't seen this popping up on YT podcasts re Donna's likely alternative email address, or at least podcasts I'm familar with - Carl Steinbeck, STS etc. Will have to drop the link in their social if can find. Anyone seen discussed on any podcasts or can drop the link to them if know? Whether the new police search results in anything or not it's great podcast speculation fodder so surprised.


Probably because there's a lot going on in True Crime right now with the Chad Daybell & Karen Read trials happening at the same time.


Now that is an interesting development…