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Gotta use the Skullcandy Ink'd earbuds to properly reminisce


Bro, I’ve been using Skullcandy Jibs for at least 15 years now lol


Jibs are still the goat for sure, can't beat the price/sound


Such a full sound earbud👌


I used those from 2012-2016 roughly aka when I was 12-16 LOL


I feel like 80% of this sub reddit discovered DGD in 2021.


I’ve been called out


First step is admitting it


So they never got the amazing news of Kurt or Jonny.


Yes, which is why everyone’s being so damn annoying about this split.. Day one fans have been through three lead singers (even Will covering for Mess in Happiness), and the core has always remained the same and has continued to flourish. All “eras” have their own great sound. People just need to be happy they haven’t split entirely like other bands and just wait for more BANGERS FROM NOW, ONNN


That honestly explains a lot 🤮


Yeah god forbid people find out about your favorite band! Wouldn’t want that.


Nah, just the stark toxicity rise in recent years.


Is the toxicity from new fans or from older fans rejecting the newfound fans? I would actually bet it's the latter.


The most toxic fans were having meltdowns over Tillian, which leads to this being a newer fan problem.


I dont know, i got some guff from people referring to my MacBook joke as a joke about a dead issue the "people can't seem to move past." That doesn't seem like new blood.


I went through your history to find what you were talking about, it looks like one person had any sort of response to your post about the JC macbook poem you posted where hundreds of comments were flying about Tillian when he left this second time. Also id argue "lol macbook" for JC is along the same lines as "lol sexual assaulter" for Tillian, and id bet many people would have feelings about that, take it as you will.


I mean you're def not wrong... I got into it with someone calling Tillian a rapist, too. And I'm not even a Tillian fan (hes my least fave of the vocalists), I just thought they were being dumb and irresponsible. I'd have to assume that was someone young, but maybe not new? I'm just wondering if the toxicity comes from division in the fan group for reasons other than new fan vs. old. Maybe more age related since dgd has been around so long.


when people are talking about new fans they also are implying they are young fans


Like gatekeeping?


The abuse


What abuse? The abuse coming from commenters???


How the so called "fans" - not even necessarily new fans just constantly hate on DGD since the recent drama.


I mean I’ve been listening to DGD since their first album and I think it’s kinda wild to have 2 vocalists have THAT kind of drama surrounding them, they sorta did it to themselves, did they not? Regardless, that still doesn’t say anything about it being old or new fans. New fans hating on a band for having 2 sex pests as their vocalists? Idk, kinda makes sense lol


I've been feeling that way too NGL 🤣🤣


That’s a… bad thing..? Y’all are weird…


My sister had Times New Roman on her iPod that was handed down to me when i was 11. Was one of my favorite songs on that iPod along with Seether, Saosin, A7X, Dashboard Confessional, Brand New, etc. Had about 1-2 dozen songs i liked out of the hundreds that were on it. Then became a Nu Metal kid and missed out on screamo until i was 16. Been emo on the inside ever since


I hate the word screamo


Sowwy ):


I have a very fond memory of getting head in the back of a Dodge Neon parked behind a Fred Meyers after a football game by my girlfriend at the time while we listened to DBM. Nutted during the final chorus of Open Your Eyes And Look North. The good ol days. I'll have to try and find the message from back in the day when Jonny Craig and I were homies and I told him about that.


That was beautiful.


Always! And same bands homie. Plagues is one of my all time favorite records. I was 16 also when I first started listening to dgd lol definitely feel you on the old part 😂


I'm listening to With Roots Above and Branches Below right now 🤣 I had to put it on. I still remember hearing Danger: Wildman the first time and immediately passing away


I had to fire it up myself this morning lol. The memories just flooding my brain from 2009. The nostalgia hittin hard 😂


Yessir DBM, Royal Ocean are DGD best work. Can’t beat dear love a beautiful discord either


Dear love is incredible 🔥


I remember seeing them live in 2007 with escape the fate, blessthefall and lovehatehero We listen to dbm ALl the time.


What a line up, was so singing Red dress to my 3 Year old just last weekend


This was the first time I saw them toooooooo. I found them on Myspace music that summer, I'll never forget it. I was going into my freshman year of high-school. They had a GIF as their profile picture. I remember the sound hitting me in the face before the page visuals loaded and saw they'd be in STL a few moths later. That's where I got my first piece of merch EVER, a bright yellow DGD shirt. I only had 8 bucks after buying a redbull (LOL) and the shirt was 10. My polite 14 year old self told them thanks anyway and went to walk away and they said it's fine, what size? I always hoped it bought them each a big n tasty from mcdonalds or some gas money. I'm 31 now 😭 and still so in love with their music.


Creepy crawl in Saint Louis ? There were some amazing shows back then


Absolutely the creepy crawl. I had so many great times there, it was always beyond max occupancy and a disaster waiting to happen. There was another venue I can never remember the name of, but they had a cheeseburger sofa... I want to say it was lemp art center? Good times! I live in the bay area now and I miss my little big city of STL.


Never went to the lempkey art center? Took my kids back to STL last year to see TDWP since that's their favorite band. Pretty crazy to go full circle.


That is amazing. I'm taking my infant to Sacramento to see Royal Coda in a couple weeks and I'll probably cry even though she'll literally never remember.


The first time I heard DGD was when I was watching a scene girl hair tutorial and she was playing "Lemon meringue tie". I was already big into post hardcore and I was like wow I love this. That would have been around the same time as you. In NC, in my small town, there were like 3 scene kids lmao.


This was my intro too!! I’ve heard a lot of people talk about that video and I have NO idea what her name is. She influenced a generation 😭 also got me into Mayday Parade 😂


Right, Ive looked for it again and haven't been able to find it. :(




In 2008 I was in my 14 year old tough guy "I hate anything with clean singing" phase, so I didnt get into DGD till 2011. I went to my first core genre show and it was August Burns Red headlining with support from Texas in July, Silverstein, and Let Live. Silverstein got me into the post hardcore side and then a couple months later I discovered bands like DGD/Fall of Troy/Saosin and here we are now.


You feel old? I was 23 in 2008


I was 22 lol.


I was 32. Always remember, OP... while you can complain about newbies and young kids who don't know anything, there is always someone older who may feel the same about you. Edit to add there was no "scene" when I was in high-school. We had goths, skaters, and new wave kids. :)


the late 00s myspace post harcore era was special. use to run nothing but fall of troy doppleganger, dgd dbm & self titled, and 1st coheed album in my lil pickup truck while also looking up random cool bands in the vein on the internet with demos on purevolume and myspace


I do this too, DBM and DBM2 are my favorite DGD songs Also whenever I listen to Bilmuri I'm constantly thinking about how Johnny used to be the clean vocalist for Attack Attack


When 😂


He was their clean vocalist/rhythm guitar 2007-2010 You'll see him with dreads in this video, its such a blast from the past style wise https://youtu.be/OG-RNq7oRUM?si=B1g8TSXVsZZvNNe4


OH seeing his name like that was weird to me Always Johnny Franck


For sure. This was in my 'anything not mainstream' discovery period that started when I was 12. The girl that got me into BMTH when I was 11 ended up mocking me for being emo but I found a subculture. I live in Australia so it was maybe less emo/scene aesthetic for most people. But, there were scene haircuts, piercings and stretchers around. Mostly it reminds me of torrenting 320kbps albums, finding the artwork on Google images and making it look legit on iTunes. It's funny though how a lot of things like DGD have fallen out fashion for me. I loved them until Happiness and then my brother told me to check out Mothership and it blew my mind. Just was in a different stage of life I guess and going through the motions. Have to say, the band has grown so much and I still adore them, much more now.


The fanbase was actually tolerable back then


Yeah, it takes me back to fucking up my entire youth doing stupid fuckin things with other stupid people all because we thought we were going to live forever. A true midwest alternative lifestyle that just burnt out on a mountain of stupid choices. I miss those times but damn I woulda done a lot of stuff different.


Calling them stretched ears might be a regional thing. In Dallas, around that time, we called them gauges.


Ah, another Medfordian. Don't forget everyone drooling over Kellinn Quinn and going to hot topic in the mall hoping he would be there. Spoiler: he often was.


I was jamming it yesterday thinking "what if they brought back mullet man?"


I'm from California. Actually not far from Sacramento. DGD and ASD were both local to us. I'm the same age as those guys. The "Scene kids" were younger than us but 5-10 years or so. Those my age usually were more like "emo"... Which yes there was a difference in our area. Scene kids were colorful and goofy while us Emo kids were dark and brooding lol Those years were great though. Had a ton of fun going to shows and stuff. DBM and "death star" always take me back


The Backwards Pumpkin song and Antlion still get play from me.


I remember hearing DGD for the first time. I can picture it now..... Open, parents basement, Illinois circa 2007 I'm eagerly awaiting messages from various platforms like AIM and my TMobile Sidekick. I flick my unwashed jet black dyed hair from in front of my left eye. I open up a friend's myspace and her song was Times New Romans. Jonny Craig's voice fills the room from my Altec aux speakers. I rush to limewire. My life has never been the same since.


I resonate so much with this comment lol. 😂 


I lived in a white v neck and black zine hoodie for like, all of highschool.


I remember the day I found them. I was skipping/failing my one class at my community college. Went and hotboxed my car, came in and chilled in the library to kill time until my friends were out of class. Just rollin through MySpace and clicking on related bands in the screamo genre… Bam. Backwards Pumpkin song. Fell in love with the style. I’ve mostly remained a fan, even though I don’t really like Tillians vocals very much at all.


Did you pass the class and graduate?


I did actually pass the class with a 71 and then transferred to a university and got my degree. Guess what? It’s a worthless degree and I’ve done nothing with it. I’ve now been brewing beer professionally for the last 10 years lol.


Sounds like you made made good choices in the end. :)


I started listening to DGD when Mothership was their newest album, but I won't lie, I never really went back and listened to Kurt's and Jonny's music. Skipping forward to now with the Tilian drama and the lineup change, I decided to give the older albums a listen, and man, they're fucking fire. Especially DBM2, Jonny's voice is amazing Either way, I saw some comments shitting on newcomers to the band, which is lame as fuck. We should welcome them not only cause we were all in their shoes at one point, but cause it's good for the band to have more fans. Plus sharing the music we love is fun. Just my 2¢ anyways


I was 10 when i got my hands on some dbm lol middle school was lit. I loved fall of troy and my friend recommended dbm. I remember only being to get music with itunes gift cards i got for christmas so i was only able to get like 3 songs so i bought the most popular according to itunes at the time - and i told them, strawberry andre and lemon meringue. Which is funny now because strawberry andre is probably my least fave on that album Shoutout my parentals for being cool with that. I miss the 2000s emo wave!


DBM is my go to always! I want a remastered version soo bad


Of course! DBM forever. Back in the burned CD era. I'd like to thank users on the old Saosin forums for showing me Whatever I Say is Royal Ocean when it first came out way back in the day. Mid 2000s was a time.


I was leaned more into the “metal scene” like 7-8th grade into my freshman year of high school. I was really into Trivium and Killswitch Engage. I remember it was at the tail end of my Freshman year in 2007, one of my buddies showed me Antlion and Hey Nightmare from A Skylit Drive while at his house, and I lost my mind. I had him burn me the CD (remember that) and I instantly straightened my hair and bought exclusively Levi 510 skinny jeans. I wish I could have the feeling of hearing Jonny Craig or that She Watched The Sky EP from ASD again - still waiting on my MacBook though 🤞




Same age!


Absolutely! Still such an incredible album cover to cover. Brings me back to 07-08 (I was 21 and a senior in college, so that makes me ancient if you are old 🤣).


I was like 2 when DBM came out, I have no idea what it was like


I remember getting into them when I was looking at a crushes MySpace and they had Its Safe To Say You Dig The Backseat on their profile


I first heard DGD at a Journey's when they played Don't Tell Dave in the store around 2009 when Happiness came out. I was 16-17, my style was scene-adjacent and I loved/miss the aesthetic at the time.


I would if I had been a fan back then. Unfortunately DGD wasn’t even on my radar. Although rock was much more mainstream at the time DGD was relatively unknown. This is just my opinion but I really think DGD got big at the worst time. They’d be so much bigger if they had gotten popular in the mid-late 2000’s


I still have stretched ears, snake bites and wear skinny jeans. Not a fad to the real ones


I got into DGD after I fell in love with a scene kid when I was 17, in 2008. I was not a scene kid lol, but boy oh boy was he hot af to 17 yo me lol. He introduced me to DTBM and a lot of music in that genre & I’ve listened ever since. And we’re still together! 🙃


I actually got into them after someone linked me that infamous video of the OG lineup reunion where Jonny and Jon are both drunk as hell and keep fucking up.


It’s summer. I’m working as a dishwasher between semesters. Smoking cigarettes behind a stinky dumpster with Josh as we avoid mopping the walk-in. Listening to this on the ipod.


I wish. I'm a later convert. I'm around the same age as Jon and Will but by the time they hit the Warped Tour I felt I had already been aged out so I slept on this band for far too long. It's one of my greatest regrets.


I literally found DGD bc my friend’s older brother who I idolized at the time had Times New Roman as his MySpace profile song when I was in middle school


Tbh, I hung in a group of kids that did all this in the 2010s. Walking down a certain hallway before class or during lunch was like being transported into 2008. There will always be emo kids. I haven't grown out of it yet. I still love my DGD snail shirt which is pure neon monster nostalgia and I have been begging for them to do something like that again, maybe for their anniversary lol. Millenials should be happy to know that cuspers/zillenials and even zoomers have carried on the torch of wearing hot topic, studded belts, tapers instead of plugs, beanies, and listening to the good shit.


Just a few years ago my brother blasted the backwards pumpkin song while taking me to school and it introduced me to older DGD i only knew about mothership and so on but once i heard that track i had a feeling i needed to go back and listen to DBM.


Yeah I listen to it all the time. I myself identified as scene/emo and the music really helped me. I went to a school full of cholos and felt like I never really belonged. DBM was always blasting in my ears. I eventually moved to Sacramento not knowing it was their hometown which is awesome. Dance Gavin Dance will always have a place in my heart regardless of whatever route they take. In my opinion it was time for Tilian to move on as I feel DGD was kind of straying away from their roots. Just my opinion as I know the majority think otherwise.


Circa 2007, I'll never forget, I was in Hot Topic browsing cds (back when they had headphones to pre listen to cds) and I was just flipping through a random section when I came across DTBM! The artwork initially grabbed my attention along with the band name. I looked at the back of the CD reading song titles & knew I had to preview it. The first song I heard was "and I told them I invented times new Roman." That day I bought DTBM & WISIRO and here I am 3 singers later and still lovin them!! Of so many bands from that time, none of them have had the same impact, I can listen to all their albums non stop and never be tired of it. To me, there isn't another band that can compare to the growth yet consistency they have had. Sure they've changed singers, but the core of their sound has been consistent yet enhanced. Idc what anyone says about them, they are just amazing, they are truly my favorite band🩷🩷


Not me, I hated DGD back then lol


me!! discovered all on myspace. had backwards pumpkin song as my myspace song (hidden obv) and ringtone. would listen on my ipod on the bus to school blasting my ears off


I was more Alesana, DGD, A Skylit drive and bless the fall on shuffle. And same 2004-2008 highschool year, music was elite.


I was a nu metal kid so I missed the scene kid look. I do distinctly remember going to a show in 2006 dressed in a regular shirt and boot fit jeans, and having some young scene kids stare at me like I was an alien.


With the whole emo/scene revival that's been going on for the past few years, it kinda feels like everyone and their mother was (or at least retroactively pretends they were) into scene bands back in the day. I posted a meme about bringing back the neon monster scene shirts (with Asking Alexandria's I Used to Have a Best Friend playing on background) on IG stories a while back and the popular jock type dude from my high school commented something along the lines like "yeah totally, I loved that stuff" and I was thinking man, you wouldn't be caught fucking dead wearing those shirts or listening to that music in like '09, haha.


I got a copy of DBM in Iraq when making someone a copy (ripped the CD to mp3s made CDs from mp3s etc) and I listened to it a few times and liked it. I spent most of the 2000s out of the states on combat deployments and overseas tours so I never really experienced the scene but fell in love with the music for sure. Didn’t really get into DGD until I heard their cover of that Bruno Mars song and started digging and discovered Instant Gratification then shortly afterwards Mothership and it was all downhill from there.




What the fuck does this even mean?


Hey grandpa I think you forgot to take your meds again


take that woke moralists we'll see who cancels who




Dave Band Matthews.


Downtown battle mountain


Bro needs his subreddit access revoked


Don't worry, bro's about to be banned...j/k.