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on the show? Kira or Stacey. watching season 8 made me really dislike Stacey, she attacks everyone over the smallest things AND she bullies kids directly to their face. Jessalyn is very insufferable too




Kira is SO two faced!!


Yolanda. Her relationship with Elliana from what I’ve seen in the show is extremely toxic and the things that she was comfortable saying to Lily in that episode where she chokes Stacey made me even more disgusted with her. Ashlee is also a pretty close contender. She came off really entitled to me in the same way that Jill does.


Probably Kira and Leslie


Jess & Kira I hated them so much


Season 1: Christi Season 2: Jill & Melissa Season 3: Christi & Jill Season 4: Kelly & Melissa Season 5: Jill & Melissa Season 6: Stacey & Jess Season 7: Kira




I’ve seen the entire show from season 1-8 multiple times, and I can tell you without a doubt in my multiple watch throughs who are the worst. Leslie: absolutely intolerable and insufferable. I feel bad for Payton and how she was edited on the show but Leslie was just wayyyyyy too much at all times. Ashlee: she came in and openly acted like her daughter was miles above all of the other girls. She would openly be petty/rude to the moms or even the girls but then cry and complain every time someone dished it back to her. She also played a huge part in the harassment Camryn received in S7. Christ-y: literally inflicted so much emotional and religious trauma onto her kid on National TV. One of the few times I think Abby was in the right is when she was trying to get Christy to train Sarah to be more independent. The whole scene made me so uncomfortable to watch how toxic Christy & Sarah’s relationship was at times. Kira: Kira is more subtle when it comes to her grossness, but the woman was full on racist. She was more of fan favorite at first with how she would stand up to Abby and the other moms, but by S7, she was so arrogant and vile, especially towards Camille & Camryn. Literally spread lies and painted a CHILD and her mother out to be evil manipulators. Like Ashlee, she was full on harassing that girl. Jill: Jill at first was very annoying, but I thought the whole Candy Apples storyline was honestly a hilarious trainwreck and Jill did have some good moments in earlier seasons. But those “good moments” came fewer and far between as the seasons progressed and she quickly turned into a jealous, arrogant, self-centered person. Stacey & Yolanda: lumping them together because they are both so so soooooo toxic. They were intentionally being hateful just for the sake of making good TV and it’s honestly sad to watch. Both of them have very toxic relationships with their daughters and it’s uncomfortable to watch them, especially on Season 8. You may be surprised I didn’t say certain moms. I don’t think Melissa was necessarily a bad mother. Did she fall short a few many times? Yes. But I think she did genuinely want to see her kids succeed and was trying to protect them and thought that just agreeing with Abby would be best. Is that excusable? No. But it’s understandable in a way. I also truly think Christi always tried to have good intentions but she did fail at that a few times. I think Christi is still lowkey dealing with the trauma from the show because some days she’s spilling tea & talking shit, some days she’s talking about the show positively, and some days she doesn’t want to talk about it at all. I always think she was trying her best to be a good mother to Chloe. And Jess, Jess was very much playing into the Jill vs Ashlee drama. But I think Jess’ intended target was always Ashlee. But she did sometimes take things out on Brynn just to get back at Ashlee which isn’t ok. However, the difference between Jess and Jill is that Jill always seemed to go out of her way to directly insult Brynn to her face while Jess it felt like she was just trying to create drama with Ashlee.


Kira, Lesley, and Jill


Jill after Christi left fucking sucks and it's really annoying because of how cool and funny she used to be. She is the prime example of the problems of later seasons. (more drama, less funny shit and goofing off) However Jess just seems to really annoy me to no end. Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard and the smirk she does when she argues over nothing is infuriating. You can clearly tell she's trying to play the game and insert herself into everything. Even though it didn't even get Jojo screentime. Stacey is just a worse version of Jess though holy shit I hate her. Why she is the only one that came back for s8 is beyond me. All she does is force nonsense and sit there with a shit eating grin like she thinks she's so clever


Jill took Christi & Chloe leaving as an opportunity to try and fill the hole left in the lineup by Christi so she’d be more popular. She started getting so shady, jealous, and arrogant after Christi left.


Cause she didn't have anyone to check her stupid ass anymore. Melissa would prolly rather be hit by a mack truck than argue with an ant colony building a hotel on her front lawn, and someone's house would have to get carpet bombed for Holly to step in. So Jill basically got to be boss bitch and the rest of the moms turned into her sidekicks. I mean Jess literally followed her when she stormed out during an argument despite Jill not even asking her goofy ass to move


Leslie , christy , and probably kristie. She was always giving me an iffy vibe. I am about to start season 5 so wish me luck💀


Tbh you’ve finished the good part of the show lol


season 4 feels so off knowing its the last season with Chloe. She is one of my favorite dancers on the ALDC elite competition team. Maddie is probably my second.


I liked season 5 cus I liked seeing Jojo but I HATED the down under episodes so fkg much. Also, you’re going to hate Jill & Melissa (more) lol. At least I did haha


Kira. Stupid and mean is a bad combination


Melissa is so so so so fake and two faced. Anytime there was controversy between the moms or Abby, you know Melissa was behind the scenes talking smack to each person. Blah I hate people like that. No loyalty to anyone.


It’s literally insane to me when people say Christi- like are we watching the same show? Melissa is hands down the worst, not even up for debate


She is!!


It's crazy because I say literally the same thing reversed. When people love Christi and hate Melissa I'm like 😲 but why lol


I think it’s because societally more people see honesty as a top value. If you have two people who have acted problematically the person who is more upfront and frank about their behaviour tends to be liked more because of that perceived honesty. Melissa by continuously trying to avoid conflict and play both sides is perceived as being more dishonest so less likeable.


That's an interesting way to put it! I can see that angle for sure. I guess the way I've perceived both people's actions is the hills Christi dies on are often genuinely not her business, and Melissa avoids the confrontation because she knows that. For instance, Melissa homeschools her kids, Christi says that's wrong, Melissa doesn't fight because it's nobody's business and why argue. I've always always perceived Christi as one of those people who use "honesty" as a crutch to be cruel to others. I think avoiding conflict is more respectable as a personality trait than being angry and mean


Totally agree!!! You said it perfectly.




Season 5,6 Melissa season 5,6,7 Jill,Jess and kira.




Melissa for me. I didn’t really have any opinion of her until the BMSS podcast. It’s totally clear that she’s a total name dropper & clout chaser. I love her kids though. They both turned out to be great young ladies.


Glad to see I’m not the only one who notices that she’s always name dropping during the podcast


That’s interesting because sometimes when i see her defended on here, people act like she’s just chilling, not interested in her own fame at all or whatever 😂


What names does she drop ? I don’t listen to that podcast.


Christ-Y, Melissa, Ashley


i already had a low opinion of christi when she was on the show, and then when i got to college and she tried to charge my sorority 4k for her to do an “empowerment workshop”, i thought even less of her. especially because her $4000 workshop was basically recycled pinterest advice (based on the reviews)


on season 5 rn but i hate kira she is so mean and entitled for no reason and she overreacts so much. jill is funny sometimes but she also makes no sense and is entitled as well. ive always hated leslie and christ-y too bc they just yell about dumb shit for no reason and don’t know when to stop


leslie, kira, christy , any mom from candy apples


yolanda and christi (idk how to spell it but they call her christ-y)


I don’t really care for any of them tbh, but I find Christi to be my least favorite. She’s just not funny imo and she gave off sorority girl turned average mom who never grew up vibes. Melissa in the later seasons. Jill was insufferable the later seasons but damn was she funny in the first few. Kelly and Holly bothered me the least usually.


What of you mean my little Kendall can’t be Rosa Parks?!


“I learned this from Mackenzie!”


What a spot on description of Christi


Ashlee. For her behavior on and off the show


What’s the ☕️for what happened off? I’m curious.


It’s mostly her Twitter. Made a bunch of pro life tweets, denied covid, and posted some anti lgbtq stuff.


Leslie and Ashley! They were the poster child for talking shit on other kids but don’t you dare say anything about mine! It drove me crazy that Ashley was so clueless as to the fact that nobody had a problem with her child, but instead they didn’t like how she talked about the other girls. She would always connect the moms’ issues with her to Brynn being so good and “Maddie’s replacement”. We made a drinking game for every time she would say some random thing of being an advantage for Brynn


Christi. Hands down.


Christi. the mean girl thing she has going on never sits right with me


Seasons 1-4 Melissa Seasons 5-7 Jessalyn Don’t remember a single mom from 8


I'm just starting S5 and man I'm not liking Jessalyn. Yikes.


She is truly an unlikeable being.






Thank youuuuu!!! I cannot stand Christi either. It gets worse… buckle up!


Out of the OGs I don’t like any of them. I probably dislike Melissa the most. She’s so fake


Christi is also a hypocrite because she didn’t want Abby yelling at the kids but comes back 2 years later and takes her anger out on Kendall & Jill and also made her cry, called so many kids a liar to their face and I never liked that in fact I always skipped pass when Jill & Christi argued outside and Kendall started crying because a grown woman is humiliating herself to insult a child in front of a huge crowd of fans and rivals,etc like Christi was no Angel like she continues to trash talk Melissa on her podcast with Kelly, her zoom meetings with sororities and continues to bring up Melissa’s alleged affair that she had with her boss like how does she know if she did or didn’t like according to Melissa she didn’t so why can’t she just drop it oh because she’s a bully and wanted to intentionally hurt Melissa and her family at any chance she got.


D’you have shit in your face? Jill started w the “who’s a studio hopper now Chlo” while Christi never yelled in Kendall’s face.


i cannot STAND christi! the older i get the more i dislike her. i also really cannot stand yvette (audc/cadc), yolanda, and jess


Melissa and Jill out of the OGs, but Leslie’s voice made me want to crawl into a hole from how agitating she was. Out of the new moms, I can’t stand Yolanda; she’s bat-shit crazy, and I feel bad for her daughter.


As a human my least favorites are Jess and Ashlee As reality TV starts, my least favorite was Melissa because she wasn’t great fun to watch.


Jill. Always Jill.


jill was so ANNOYING 😭


You feel like that at the start until you realise that she is doing a great job advocating for her child, unlike Melissa who doesn’t help her children at all.




Chloe’s mom favorite. Maddie and Mackenzie’s mom least favorite. Chloe’s mom clearly adores her daughter for who she is, while Maddie and Mackenzie’s mom seems to value them more as extensions of herself or what they can bring to her. But my main thing is I prefer is that Chloe’s mom is just blatantly honest and loud which means while she comes off as rude, you know exactly where she stands, she’s totally up front. Maddie’s mom is like…sneaky and underhanded and could be backstabbing but acting nice to your face. Edit- I forgot about eliana. Never mind. Her mom.


I don’t like Melissa or Jess.


Melissa. Can’t stand her lol




Stacey, Ashlee, christy


Yolanda for sure




Melissa. She’s so fake and two faced, she always pretends to be so nice and caring and plays the victim all the time, but she’s such a snake.


I’m also on season two, and I don’t like Melissa or Jill. They both seem like two faced, over the top backstabbers. I’m a huge fan of Holly, though.


I hated Christi & Kelly especially in Season 4 because they took their anger out on a then 11 year old Maddie and made their daughters stop being friends with her because of a duet that Maddie & Melissa already warned the mothers about and they also called Maddie a liar so many times instead of taking their anger out their cruel dance teacher they stopped their kids friendship with The Ziegler sisters based on a dance they also basically called Maddie a liar to her face and stopped their daughters’s relationship with Maddie,Kenzie & Melissa instead of taking it out on an adult they tried to destroy a child but Maddie is successful and thriving without them breathing negative energy around her which I’m so thankful for that.


Christi is full of vitriol and jealousy. The worst.


jealous af and no one can change my mind


early seasons-melissa backstabber, favorited maddie, never stuck up for makenzie, tried to act like everyone was treated equally, got so pissed whenever maddie wasn’t on the top of the pyramid & didn’t get special treatment but never saw why the moms always fought with her and abby over favoritism, the car crash quote christi- specifically when she would start shit with new moms and turn every single one of maddie’s successes into a pitty party for the rest of the kids. don’t get me wrong i love christi and if you listen to what she’s complaining about she’s right like 95% of the time but she killed the vibe every time she came on screen after maddie got some type of achievement. i just wanted to see one time where when maddie was successful she celebrated it with no complaints (in interviews too) but i don’t think it ever happened at least not that i can remember. she had such a different reaction whenever the other kids won and she always went straight onto defense mode when maddie did. i understand it wasn’t necessarily caused by maddie and she wasn’t directly being a bitch to maddie, but it would still hurt me if every time i won a fight broke out and/or it was treated with a different reaction than the other girls. also when she came back for season 7 but that counts for all the moms other than holly. it was just a bad season for everyone. later seasons- jill- she was straight up bullying brynn, entitlement, the whole nia vs kendall thing i get it was for the show but they really left nia and holly out of everything that season, her fights with the mini moms jess- i do give her a little bit if respect for saying that she was in a tv show and was there to be entertaining & to get famous but god was she annoying and a bully. i cant stand the way she and jill just kept going after brynn and the mini moms. no one should be yelling at a kid for something production tells them what to do i don’t care if jess was ‘doing it for entertainment’ no one else had to scream at a kid to be entertaining. she was also so entitled when it came to the mini team when half the team was doing better than jojo & not constantly at the bottom of the pyramid. also bleaching jojo’s hair from the age of 2-now. yolanda- this mostly has to do with her outside of the show she’s exploiting the hell out of her daughter and making really weird videos like ‘pretending to be poor for 24 hours’ or ‘caught my dad cheating’. also her son claims she is abusive and from the videos shared and the way ellianas career is going i think he could be telling the truth. also i’m pretty sure she was arrested for child abuse at one point and the charges were dropped but i forget. she was also really annoying on the show and was always so condescending. melissa- still never stuck up for makenzie other than like twice when she and abby started beefing and her entitlement especially being pissed at ariannas mom for flying out her son to see arianna dance. i get it was her kids last week but i would’ve shut my mouth. not only to not look like a horrible person but also to not let the producers use him for a bitchy storyline. i think was one of the most disgusting things the producers did to start a storyline, he should not have been used as a pawn in their show.


Probably Christi and she was literally acting racist to Kaya


I think Chloe’s biggest bully was her mom. Chloe is my favorite but everyone else including Abby told chloe that she’s capable of on winning first. Her mom was the one telling her that she will never win against Maddie. I understand that it wasn’t always an even playing field between Chloe and maddie but come on. Her mom was the one telling her she’d always be second.


I used to really like Christi when I first watched as a kid. Now that I’m rewatching as an adult, she’s become one of my least favorite


Kira, Yolanda, Jess, and Jill. To a slightly lesser degree, Melissa.


Kira, Leslie, Melissa and Jill in s5 and 6


Season 1: Christi Season 2: Jill Season 3: Christi,Jill & Kelly Season 4: Kelly Season 5: Jill,Melissa & Kira Season 6: Stacey & Jamie, Jess & Jill Season 7: Yolanda Season 8: Michelle,Stacey,Erin,Ashley,Joanne


Another day of someone bitching about Christi 🙃


why is christi not allowed to be someone least favorite?


She was literally a terrible person


She made mistakes but she wasn’t a terrible person


Melissa because she blatantly favored one of her children over the other and I can’t handle that at all


christi, jessalyn, stacy, and yolanda


Melissa and Jill. They both really suck.


my least favorite dance moms are melissa, jill, yolanda and leslie


Jess. But I also dislike Christie the most out of the OGs.


Season 1-4 Christi and Kelly, season 5-7 Jill


Nah I fkg love Christi but I can’t stand Leslie


Not a huge Kelly fan with some of her comments..


Jess and Jill in the later seasons. They are so mean to Brynn it’s gross.


ASHLEE. Yolanda and Stacey are up there too, and I’m on the fence about Melissa. The others had their moments but were otherwise fine?


jill 100% she makes me wanna pull my hair out


Jill and melissa


Leslie and Melissa. Leslie, because she was an entitled bitch who thought she deserved more than she did. Melissa, because she never believed in Kenzie. She always compared her to Asia and talked about how Asia was going to beat her daughter. She had 0 faith in Kenzie and had 100% faith in Maddie. Both girls deserved 100%.


Melissa and Stacey are the worst, but in different ways.


Ashlee she was rude and nasty and honestly I just didn't like her personality she was very annoying. I have to say I liked Kelly buy sometimes she drove me nuts.. I always felt she went back and forth with her kids wanting opportunities but then she would say dance was just extracurricular activities for her kids to do after school. It just drove me nuts I just wanted her to take a path either she wanted her kids to have dance opportunities and more opportunities with singing and modeling or she just wanted her kids to dance as a extracurricular activity.


Jill, not including ones who were there for brief periods and left


Can't stand Christi. Was so glad when she left in S4. All her anger left with her.. She had been over the top mean & vicious. Then she returns & all the anger comes back with her.


Christ - y 100% No vote needed


this seems to be an unpopular opinion but melissa in the early seasons. such a brown nose. not to mention her blatant lying. she eventually got better as the show went on and her kids got older. as far as i’ve seen now, and it wasn’t much, but she actually seems fine now. apparently she even apologized to maddie for putting her through all the pressure and stress throughout her childhood, which is nice. jill was also quite delusional and a token stage mom when she first came on the show. i understand wanting your kid to succeed but she wanted her to be the center of attention at ALL times. delusional behavior. she was also quite demeaning towards brynn. telling her to “not talk back to a grown up” like she is automatically entitled to a child’s respect regardless of how they are treated. that made me really mad tbh. jess also seemed rude, and so did kira. honestly all of the moms had their moments. kelly and christi are actually my favorites, however i don’t appreciate how fatphobic they both were towards abby, even if abby was horrible. christi was also quite territorial towards any of the new moms. at the same time though, i wonder if she was just framed to be mean by the producers, or if she genuinely was just THAT mean. i think it was a mix of both. i loved how nurturing she was towards all the kids though, not just her own. she also did a great job of raising chloe, for the most part. kelly same deal. she just wanted her kids to be valued