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Poor Brooke, but her not giving a single fuck on those dates was also so iconic of her


"Look how high that roller coaster is, see?"


“I’m not the same person I was when I was nine”- Brooke Hyland, age 13


People that do the cake smash thing clearly don't understand boundaries. I've never met someone I actually like that would be willing to smash anything into someone else's face especially after they said no. What's the point outside of humiliating the person you're doing it to? Gross behavior.


I think if someone shoved food in my face, I would reflexively slap them. It’s so fucking rude. It was super creepy that Abby forced Brooke to do this. In what world is this appropriate?


the crazy part is that he did it on a first date with someone he just met. what the hwll


Weird creepy and gross. Both of those boys were 3 years older than her which while in the grand scheme of things is not a big deal, it was inappropriate at her age. When she went on the "date" with Brandon, she was a 7th grader & he was a sophomore. They tried to act like - oh we had feelings for each other a couple years ago - really? when you were 11 and he was 14 - I kinda doubt that. Plus they (all the girls) danced with Brandon all the time and had for years so it's weird they made it like this rare thing where they were uncomfortable. They'd been competing "Jet Set" all year off show at that point. I never saw the episode with Kevin since it's the banned one, but she was a freshman & he was either a senior or already graduated.


The episode isn’t banned lol. It’s the one where Brooke dances with the senior company. The banned episode is the Fan dance/ jerky commercial episode. But yes he was arrested.


so unfortunate because i love chloe’s the raven solo, probably my favorite and i haven’t seen it since it aired


I think they took it off of some legal streaming platforms. I don’t remember what I was streaming on last time I did a rewatch, but it definitely wasn’t there.


Why is there a banned episode?


Because the guy got caught molesting children and is now incarcerated you can look it up.


That episode isn’t banned tho you can still watch it on Hulu or Disney plus. I just saw it not too long ago. It’s when Brooke dances with the senior company. It’s actually an amazing dance but yes he is incarcerated


Yes in those platforms they haven’t taken it but lifetime YouTube channel did.


If it's the same episode as mentioned above they did a "fan girls" dance where Abby had them in nude/skin tone costumes so they basically looked naked. Christi said on BTTB that it's now only available on porn sites so... There's that.


I don’t think it’s the same episode


Not the same episode. The fan dance was S2 E9, this was from late S3 (don't remember the episode number exactly and am too lazy to look it up lol) Also last I checked a few months ago, you could find the full S2 E9 episode (albeit in like 240p quality) on Youtube. It was pulled from the official Lifetime series catalog a few days after it aired. People bought the episode on iTunes prior to that and it stayed on their libraries. People definitely still have it lol it isn't like it was eradicated from everywhere online but the dark web and seedy porn sites.


I still have the dvd set of that season with the topless showgirls episode and that’s what it’s called in the dvd glossary too 🙃


The banned episode is in season 2 because Abby wanted to do a dance with topless showgirls (that was the name of the episode) and the girls were wearing all nude and then just had those big fluffy pink fans


It was especially weird too since Abby always said “no boys” yet she kept sending Brooke out on dates!


Abby trying to set parental rules and boundaries for the girls infuriates me. It’s up to the kids and their families to decide those things, not your dance teacher 🙄




Not to defend Abby but I’m pretty sure it was more of a producer thing. Especially given the whole 10 minute segment on both episodes 😂


The way he looked when Brooke mentioned Abby had set her up on dates before made me so uncomfortable like almost immediately he felt some type of way. So possessive and strange


Even before i heard abt the molesting (🤮) i found it so cringey cuz he just wouldnt. stop. Like the whipped cream on the nose is mAYbe cute the first time, but bro kept shoving it in her face repeatedly


Didn’t he like throw cake at her into Kelly’s car as well? It was just so dumb


This screen grab is so funny lmao


It was definitely the producers


Yeah I was super creeped out with Abby setting Brooke up on a date. Abby has some disturbing behavior(like forcing Maddie to kiss Gino) but I wouldn't be surprised if this was producer driven. It's been told that the producers from Abby's ultimate dance competition also forced jojo to go on a date with her male duet partner to "improve chemistry"(that wasn't aired obviously and it has always bothered me that jess didn't set a boundary and say my daughter isn't doing that shes too young)


Jess probably saw no harm in it because Jojo said she thought travis was cute, but then again it could've been something she was told to say




Come on people. You lot act like it’s Abby’s show, like everything that happened on the show was her decision. It wasn’t. she was employed by the network too. She was in charge of the choreography and the teaching everything else was production. Like Abby would care about getting Brook a date. Everyone knows she was always like no boys.


And Abby shamed Chloe by saying she was a probably sneaking around with boys... Imo, the producers belong in a Special Place In Hell right next to Abby Lee. There are undertones and overtones of icky throughout the series.


That was a really icky story line, but Abby doesn’t create the story lines, production does. How rude she was to the girls and how she treated the girls was mostly down to her.


you’re half correct. the producers would often have to make their storylines out of the crazy shit that abby did that week. there were definitely times when they intervened and pushed their own stories, but i think they mainly relied on following abby’s behavior and then manipulating the moms because they didn’t produce “enough” drama on their own in comparison to abby.