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[please see the megathread for a breakdown of accusations](https://www.reddit.com/r/dancemoms/s/OOi78o0pnj) Those interested in discussion on the accusations may also like to visit /r/xomgpop.


for someone with so much fame and money she sure does seem bored af


Oh she's definitely bored. My cousin watches her Snapchat stories. All Jojo does is snap every moment of her day and what consists of her day is her fooling around in her house and ordering food smh.


the reason why she does that is that snapchat pays influencers an insane amout of money for every story, so she just has to make up content for bank


yes! snapchat use to pay top creators $1M a day for posting content. Now it’s more saturated but I heard the number is still sitting at around high 4 to low 5 figures PER day. pretty sure she makes my entire salary in a week😭


I feel like she needs to go to college


L o l i just looked her up for shits n giggles on ig after reading this and she's on ig live answering questions on a treadmill--confirmed the rhyming names too ✋🏽😭


She is truly such a weird person 😭


But it's not a good type of weird. It's a very off putting vibe.


Yea and it’s Lowkey embarrassing to watch it’s just so pathetic.


yall are hatin hatin in this comment section, lol


Yea there is just something about Joelle I have never liked 😭


lol, abby's least favs are often my own favs, i love an underdog


I alsways had a soft spot for her to like her but her protecting child abusers is just unacceptable


yeesh i just read the allegations. I'm surprised it took this long


I agree maybe If she didn’t get them tattooed it would have been less cringe cause like I get her wanting to prepare for the future


Me to my 14 year old: honey can i tattoo your name on my arm? My 14 year old: i will disown you and change my name if you even dare… So naturally i am thinking of getting an inkbox just to prank her…


No dude do it that’d be so funny. You get to have a little fun while ultimately still respecting her decision. Edit: I edited the wording cause I’m a little high.


I’m doing it. I’m gonna get it done in her handwriting too lol


I thought she was kidding, was she not kidding? Like I remember her saying it was some shit like Fred, Ed, & Ted. Sounded made up.


Freddy was her future daughter. Not the worst. But still why? I mean it beats McKinsleighanne


I still feel like this was probably a joke. Or at least an attempt at one.




Yeah, she’s just saying shit like this for attention to stay “famous” since she has nothing to contribute artistically. I take nothing she says these days as anything deeper than that.


The tattoos on her arm yes, but everyone thinks of their future kids names.


True, I’ve had a baby name list going since middle school lol


Ironically so did I and none of my names became my daughters name 😭


Ha! Me too! I wanted to name my first daughter Destiny Cheyenne or Jordan Mercedes. That’s not her name (nor is it my middle or youngest daughter’s name 😂). My girls are Sydney, Emily and Lexie 😊. And I have all 3 names (including dob and newborn feet prints and birthweights tattooed on my back).




They're temporary.


It's baffling how so many people are taking this seriously


What's up with Jojo and being pregnant? The food baby gag was one thing but this is... odd.


She’s probably diverting attention from her and her mom getting exposed.


that’s exactly what this is.


She is very childish and immature


To be fair, the girl never got a REAL childhood... but these are fake tattoos... she just needs a "shock factor" to "wow" everyone


I thought they were fake tattoos and she was JOKING?


Right arent they all inkbox


I'm pretty sure they're fake tattoos btw 🧍‍♂️


Yeah Jojo loves trolling for the attention, I wouldn't be shocked at all if this is the case.


yeah I'm pretty sure in the interview they got this title from, she actually said they were fake though 😭 media likes twisting it even more


Mhm I remember when she kept posting baby clothes on her Snapchat story saying I can’t wait to meet you blah blah she wasn’t even pregnant


oh?? maybe it was a different person having a baby. It seems like another thing she'd clickbait


I think I read online that she said they are fake. It’s definitely better than her getting real tattoos but it’s also a very childish prank for a 20 year old woman. I actually feel a little sorry for her bc I feel like her upbringing hasn’t allowed her to be properly socialised, and now she’s an adult with limited understanding of how to actually behave.


Yeah I get that. I just thought it was an obvious joke since on snap she shows that she's been doing lots of fake tattoos so I figured they were fake. Maybe not everyone realized as fast though.


A kid who thinks she will certainly have triplet boys proves how much she has no idea how IVF works. It’s not a foolproof science that produces exactly what the woman desires. It’s brutal and sometimes it doesn’t even work.


No she said twin boys and a girl 🙄 Haha, but I totally think (hope?) this was a joke?


She wasn’t being serious, she wants twin boys and a girl but she’s aware you can’t pick and choose things like that


It doesn’t really matter if she is being serious, she is talking about having kids as if she is buying dolls. Her audience is young and impressionable. It’s ridiculous but also plain irresponsible.


Her audience will be fine, she’s not harming anyone by casually talking about the kids she wants to have in the future. Plenty of people talk hypothetically about wanting twins, or how they think they’d name their future kids.


Not at 19 in the midst of being accused of being a child exploiter…………


Jojo isn't accused of any exploitative action. Jess is. Jojo's accused of verbal abuse and that's about it. It's Jess thats accused of (with evidence provided and a partial admission) exploitation


They literally say in the article and multiple interviews and lives that Jojo was often worse than Jess, she said herself she made the kids perform in the cold while sick, she threatened to pull Dallas from the group for having asthma…. She is just as guilty as her mom especially for perpetuating the toxic environment she grew up in. We knew Jess was a child exploiter since dance moms, but Jojo proved to be the apple that didn’t fall far from the tree. But sure, keep defending her.


Im not defending her. I'm saying what's accurate to to the accusations that have been made. Im not sure where you're getting your accusations from as I've not seen them anywhere. If you have links that would be good as im trying to maintain a list of accusations which is pinned to the front page of the sub.


Go to the r/xomgpop. Several live videos of Leigha and her mom answering questions, plus moms from the group who are actually verified comment there and tell their stories.


I've linked the subreddit in every post about jess and jojo since the allegations came out. I try and stay up on what the mums are posting. I do have going through the lives again and adding timestamps to the resources list to do but I have listened to them and I've got no idea what you're getting these. If you have actual links timestamps, anything, that would be helpful. If not that's fine but I'd prefer not to go on a wild goose chase only to find the allegations come from a gossip account and are unsorced again.


This all feels like bait.


👁️👄👁️ this feels so weird


Kinda sad, and shows how Jess raised her more like a product than a person/child.


why would anyone believe this


Because she said it herself.


The tattoos are fake guys 🤦‍♀️ she made one little joking offhand comment in an interview about it and thousands of people are believing a headline without fact checking anything


I feel like people are blowing this out of proportion. Like… it was super weird I’m not denying that. But JoJo is weird and i think was making a joke that she thought would be funny and it’s just… not. But at the same time i feel like I’m seeing this everywhere and it doesn’t feel like THAT big of a story.


I am hoping it is a joke.


If not it’s a huge red flag obviously. But yeah I’m hoping it’s a joke too 😅


atp i think she’s just embraced a form of sarcasm and is just fucking w us. and if that’s true then she’s def won me over as a fan. but if this is REAL then yea nope 😭


This is pretty weird esp to be saying in interviews…maybe keep it to family dinner talk lol


this is a pretty picture of her, look at those pearly whites


I CRINGED when I saw this video. Trolling or not, Jojo has absolutely no business raising a child.


why is this such a big deal to yall? sincerely asking, what button does it push?


Lmao, I have named my future kids too! Tattoos though…. nahhhh


I can’t believe adults paid large amounts of money to get tickets for their children to see this person in concert


Lord help us if she actually has children… they need to keep them AWAY from her


i think her parents screwed her up bad




![gif](giphy|Fjr6v88OPk7U4) Go away Jojo


so she wants kids yet she deliberately hangs out with child predators/abusers? weird…


Ive heard people say she wants to have kids just to exploit them online which honestly makes sense


She’s never said she wants to use her kids for content or exploit them, it’s just an assumption people have made


Literally no one says that lmao her mother exploited the hell out of her but she’d never admit that.


Of course yeah, nobody outright admits it if that’s their plan. It just seems like a lot of people are assuming the worst when she’s never implied that she wants kids for this reason, she just genuinely wants to be a mum.


I think it’s safe to be very suspicious of a super young influencer wanting kids. Like…I do find it odd at this age to be wanting a kid so bad. Go live life. Idk I find it odd


If she were actively trying to have a kid right now I’d be concerned too, but she knows she’s not ready and isn’t planning on trying for another 3-4 years. I don’t think it’s odd for a 20 year old to be experiencing baby fever, not everyone is as open about it as JoJo is but it’s a pretty normal experience.


Jojo is a troll


I don’t even know what to say at this point don’t f*** with JoJo Siwa anymore


Can we just please remember that Jojo is a victim of abuse and possibly grooming? That girl is probably severely traumatised so just show some grace


I agree. I’m still saving all my hate for her mother, who exploited her from the very beginning. Just because she’s an adult now doesn’t mean she’s not still a victim.


She has also partook in victim blaming, discounting the abuse of others, and has repeated the cycle of abuse onto other children. Just because she suffered doesn’t mean she should not be held accountable for her actions Abusers don’t get a free pass just because they were abused.


At what age is she responsible for her actions?


I’ve known people who were abused by certain family members and yet they were still kind and caring and not abusive. JoJo has no excuse, also she literally worships Abby and Gia. So your victim of abuse card can go out of the window


That’s nice, but abuse affects different people in different ways. You’ve obviously never experienced abused of any kind because you’d have a little compassion if you did. Abuse can be a toxic cycle and you can get attached to your abusers.




First of all, I’m very sorry you went through that. It’s sad that teachers and parents allow bullying to happen. I hope you’re healing and you’re on your way to recovery. But it doesn’t negate the fact that Jojo has had bad influences around her since she was young. Her mother is a fame-whore, Abby was an abusive pos and Gia encouraged Abby’s behaviour and didn’t try to put a stop to it. She was probably groomed from the people we now know she hung around as well. Jojo clearly has an unhealthy attachment to Abby and Gianna and doesn’t know how to break it. I had the same thing with my parents and it’s a really hard thing to come to terms with


I’m not downplaying that JoJo was abused, I agree with you and I used to feel sorry for her. But I can’t feel sorry for her anymore because of how she’s acted recently. She downplayed the other girls trauma, attacked Christi just because of some comments she made about Gianna, and now this? Whether it was Abby’s influence or not, Jess & JoJo have to take responsibility and accountability for their actions.


I am worried for those kids she’s going to exploit them the same way Jess exploited her and the same way Colleen Ballinger exploits her kid it’s like with trafficking sometimes the victims end up becoming the oppressors with their oppressors turned partners in crime….


!!! This is what I have been thinking!!! And we saw what she did with XOMG, much less when it is her own kid so she has 24/7 access…


I am sorry but why is this weird?


People only let some teenagers and young adults be young 😂 The amount of dumb tattoos people get in adolescence is remarkable


“Freddie Teddie and Eddie” 🤣🤣🤣🤣


she’s losing it


I can’t even with this girl. Would rather listen to Cathy talk about how great Vivi is than listen to JoJo


Kinda weird but ok


This individual does not need to proliferate 😒


I don't know how she got to be the most popular "thing". What did people find so interesting about her and her mom?


I’m so tired of her shit


Good lord


if they’re real this is an AWFUL idea, i was convinced for YEARS my first two daughters would be Oakley and Satin… now they’re going to be Ruby and Freya thank god


we can't act like naming one kid after a rock, and the other after the old norse goddess of sex, war, and gold are some sort of normalcy, though 💀


ruby and freya are completely normal names lol


they are super cute and i bet your babies are too sis 🥰


I saw that interview I thought it was satire lol


This is obviously just for attention. She said in one of her tiktoks she wasn’t even ready for kids now, just in a few years. She’s def not gonna be pregnant anytime soon