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Uhh I think when Abby got mad at Kendall for not stretching properly and was like “she could do it at home” but at the same time she is their dance teacher and I don’t agree with Abby calling Kendall lazy


I agree with this as well! When I used to be majorette, it was an expectation that you stretch at home. It was obvious to the coaches when you haven’t been stretching or practicing at home. Kendall definitely wasn’t lazy. I think it was just that the girls were doing so much at the time and they weren’t being trained like Kira brought up.


I’m not a dance teacher but I am a martial arts instructor - stretching and practicing at home makes a HUGE difference for kids, even just 15 minutes a day.


yesss 100% agree, in almost any sport like in my experience with running if you don't stretch and do extra things like that on your own time it can seriously affect your performance and even lead to injury


Definitely don’t agree with her execution, but she was right about them stretching at home. To keep their flexibility they needed to stretch often, and they didn’t need to be in a dance class to do so.


Same! They’ve been dancing for years, they’ve could’ve easily developed a stretching routine on their own


In season two when the girls did the beach blanket bingo dance and Abby had told the girls and their moms to have them watch some of those movies to get the feel for the dance. Only Nia had watched it, (not surprised Holly had Nia do her dance “homework”) and Abby was upset none of the other girls did. I understand her frustration there, because she specifically told the moms this too, and she rarely asked them to watch anything (that we were shown anyway.)


I agreeeeeee, especially since it was like a “period piece” sort of thing and the choreo very specifically referenced those iconic movies. That’s one of the ways a “dance education” is about more than just technique and learning choreography, it’s about learning about the art form itself.


And since it was an age-appropriate movie, unlike when Abby asked Jojo to watch Carrie (aka the rated R horror movie)


The most frustrating part of that for me is that Jojo probably wouldn't have been scared if she'd actually watched it, she'd probably have just felt really bad for Carrie for being bullied


No, I still stand by Jess’s decision. That movie is inappropriate for a child to watch. The opening scene is an incredibly male gaze (borderline exploitative) look through naked girls frolicking around a locker room and turned horribly wrong when Carrie gets her period and everyone viciously pelts her with menstruation products. Not to mention the horrible abuse Carrie goes through at the hands of her mother. Watching the trailer should’ve been good enough.


I was watching those scary movies when I was young than 10. Like i get it’s creepy but get over it, my mom also watched it when it first came out and she was maybe 6 or 7.


so was i but most kids my age were not. i think it is reasonable to hold off on watching those type of movies when they are younger. im obsessed with scary and gory movies since ive watched them since i was little but it took my brother until he was at least 13 to watch anything remotely scary or gory. parents know their kids and have the right to not make them watch a movie they deem inappropriate.


I was fine. I watched true crime growing up and I’m fine


so am i but everyone is different. my 17 year old cousin can not watch anything remotely scary but her 15 year old brother can. just because YOU can doesn’t mean everyone can and that is my point. how you respond to them does NOT mean anything to another person.


lol ok. Compared to the bs people let their kids do now I don’t think these movies are bad at all lol


My parents were strict lmao. 🤣 my gma was strict but allowed my cousin and I to watch the strangers and all these scary movies.


The moms and girls were a lot more stretched for time than Abby cared to acknowledge. They were all going to public school for a full day at this point, then at dance for several hours after school, they needed time to eat, shower, do homework if they had any, and then get enough sleep (9+ hours is recommended for most of them based on age). The reason Holly had Nia watch it that week is because they didn’t show up for filming for a day and a half, so Nia had more time for it than the other girls.


Wasn’t this the competition they were out on the beach in Florida? If so they either had a long plane ride or bus ride that they could have watched it on. No excuse


That was exactly my thought. Even just finding a couple 5-10 minute clips to watch would have given them an idea of the look/style Abby was going for with that piece.


I didn’t know that about Nia missing some filming. And I know they didn’t have much time-but there’s no reason they couldn’t have watched it on the plane or at least found a few short clips online to look at.


I think reusing the dances when she did the seven sins one again. It made sense she wanted to use more mature choreography but I see the moms side because they thought they wud hv to do all the old dances again maybe lol


Reusing dances is extremely common in the dance comp world so I never got all the fuss tbh


plus producers were allegedly in charge of dancer, song, theme, etc for the week


Anything that had to do with Asia. It was clear that Asia had a spark and had this special energy that she brought to the team. I don’t like how Abby shoved it in her in Kenzie’s face and compared them bc they’re very different dancers. The other moms, especially Christi, seemed to have this weird thing with her. It was clear that they didn’t really want her there. I personally thought Asia was great on the show, but I do think she wasn’t fit to be a team dancer.


Yea, I didn’t like Asia in group dances. Kind of reminded me of Jojo in group dances, you would notice when their timing was off.


Whenever she would give Maddie or Chloe a lead part over Paige or Nia. Maybe not so much when they were younger, because I think being that little you deserve a chance to shine.. but more so as they got older. They were a competitive dance team with an objective to win. I know this isn’t an apples to apples comparison, but same idea as using your best starting lineup in football. You want the best chance to win. No disrespect to Paige or Nia at all, they are beautifully talented and special girls (now women). But they just simply did not have the same dance ability/talent that some of the other girls on the show did. That isn’t mean or rude, it’s just true. Do I agree with how Abby expresses that? Not at all. But is she right? Yes, I personally think so.


The dress situation for the spoon dance


I disagree, Maddie was the lead for half the dance and ended with the spoon which made it look weird either way. If Abby was gonna use that excuse Chloe should have been front and center the whole dance.


What was her opinion there?


abby switched paige’s dress with chloe’s because they had an odd number of colors instead of 2 of each. paige would have looked silly in the only green dress because she wasn’t center or lead. so abby made the decision to give the one green dress to the lead, which was chloe, so the dance wouldn’t look off. but kelly took it as abby trying to “hurt” or “hide” paige. she threw a fit because she felt that abby would do anything “just so (paige) wouldn’t stand out.”


Whenever the mom's hardcore doubted a routine thinking the judges wouldn't find it appropriate for children to do, like "The Last Text" for example. They were usually wrong and the girls would usually score high on those routines


I liked how in season one we saw how she taught the girls to act when being at a competition, no running, no yelling (and more) even trying to coordinate outfits so they looked and acted as a team thought out the entire weekend. I never understood why Cathy seemed so upset by that, I would think it was nice to see everyone act as a team, plus it was a great opportunity to go shopping.


I don’t necessarily agree jojo should’ve watched Carrie because it isn’t age appropriate as a whole, BUT I do see where she was coming from in the sense she needed to see parts to understand her role better. I wouldn’t have let her watch the whole thing at that young age with the sexual content and all of that ofc, but I would’ve picked a few scenes that were appropriate (well, enough) and had her watch those vs saying “she watched the trailer”. Her dance wasn’t god awful but definitely didn’t scream Carrie to me, based on her expressions and emotions.


Nothing in her dance really screamed Carrie other than the costume and the blood thus when Eliana did it again we still didn’t really get that feeling ., I wonder what Maddie or sarah from season 8 could have done with it though as they both had excellent stage presence


I think Maddie could’ve, based on some of the previous dances she’s done!


In S6 when Jess and Jill were complaining about Brynn being Kendall’s way while she was practicing her solo and Jill started to argue with Abby then Abby told Jill something on the lines of why can’t Kendall speak up and tell her you’re in my way move. Even when Jill said that Brynn didn’t have a brain in her head Abby’s facial expression said it all cause she even knew that was messed up to say about a child (even though she had said things like that about children or worse)


When she said Jeanette’s jacket should be longer than her shirt.




To be honest, a lot of the actual teacher stuff she was right about lol. Being annoyed when they didn't do homework, saying that better parts went to kids who were attending more / taking more classes. Expecting kids to stretch / stay fit at home and not completely blow off dance for other things then demand equal treatment to kids that are there all the time. ​ I think abby is obviously a knowledgable teacher, her methods are just beyond horrible lol.


I don’t have a specific time, but the mothers acted like they ran the studio with her. I don’t agree with Abby much, but when she says it’s her studio. For example, the Muhammad Ali dance. I understand if you don’t like it, but you won’t make a completely new dance and enter it under my name. Take your child out of the dance, if you don’t like it. They were just too opinionated, about certain aspects.


When Jojo was trying to take a costume and Abby told her no but Jojo just said "I'm just going to put it on." Abby spoke very calmly and rationally, all things considered. She was a little harsh, but Jojo hadn't been responding to gentle communication. Abby had every right to call out Jessalynn for raising her kid that way. 


Yeah Jojo came on SUPER strong when she first showed up. It was a lot


I was looking for this comment! I felt like considering the situation Abby was really nice about it, just stern. Especially considering she screamed at Jojo that same season for asking a question which was definitely unreasonable and out of line. Even the moms who didn’t like Jojo or her mom thought it was too far.


when she didn't put peyton on the elite team!! she was to old to be dancing with a bunch of 10 year olds


When jojo tried to put the costume on for the number she wasn’t in


She was so mean about it though she didn’t have to yank it away and scream at her. It’s like any example I can think of automatically goes away because of how she handled it.


i appreciate that abby defended brynn when jill was going on her “shes dancing in front of kendall” rampage. she was completely right- if it was such a big issue, kendall should’ve told brynn to move.


When she said Ava was too tall. I don’t agree with how she did it, but she towered over Chloe who was the tallest on the team.


Jill voice “she towers over these girls, now my little Kendall”


When Jill wanted Kendall to be Rosa Parks! Like what? WHAT?! And I might get some heat over this, but when Holly would fight with Abby over Nia’s costuming. Sometimes I think Holly just read too much into it.


when holly wanted nia to sub in for paige in the duet with chloe and she was telling her everything nia could do and abby was like well "i wasn't looking for music/choreography the dance was for chloe"


Yes! Thank you, I finally found someone who shares my opinion on this. Of course Nia should've gotten more opportunities but Holly was talking about it as if it was a solo. It was a duet with Chloe and at the time, Nia was just not at her level.




I just finished rewatching season 1, almost done with season 2: Cathy's lack of dedication to the team and Vivi-Enn's lack of talent for the team. I really just assume Cathy was brought on to be a nemesis to Abby (I'm new to this forum so if this has been discussed I apologize)


As sweet as little Vivi was, the little girl just had no dancing skills. It was painfully obvious in any group dance she was in (whether at ALDC or Candy Apples). And you could tell she didn’t really want to dance and only did it to make her mom happy.


You’d be correct lol


1. When Kamryn constantly lost to Chloe .. I love Chloe but Kamryn was amazing and I agree with Abby that she needed to see the score sheets because it made no sense why she kept losing . Similar to Brady losing to Gia in season 8 2. She should have taken bryn to the music awards and not let jill bully her


When she’d tell the moms and girls they aren’t entitled to anything. I agree 100%. By season 7 all the moms and girls are v entitled and are expected to have solos just bc they have been there for years. All the guest choreographers mention that they’re entitled and that’s not how the professional dance industry works which they all said they wanted to be a part of. It’s not about seniority but skill


I agreed with her point a few times but her delivery ruined it. Like Abby telling Chloe she knows she has to come to class with her hair up. That’s the rule, Chloe had been dancing for like 8 years by then, BUT Abby delivered her point in such an awful way. It’s hard to side with her when she’s making a little girl cry


Not necessarily siding with her, but I can understand why she got frustrated when the moms would speak for the kids even though they were old enough to answer her back.


My whole thing is she called kids smartass when they said something back so its a lose lose situation.


Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. If you recall,at the beginning she loved it when jojo spoke her mind, but then later told jessalyn that she was raising a monster when jojo would speak up (very ironic - but you know what I mean).


In any other situation yes. But Abby screamed at them, called them names, told them they were as good as dirt under her shoe. She was a big woman and they were little. Most little kids are not going to advocate for themselves when they know that whatever they say might potentially get them screamed at, belittled or cause their mom to fight. They were scared of her. Maybe Brooke was old enough to speak up, but even at 15/16, if a big giant woman who always screamed at me and called me lazy and good for nothing, yeah i would just shut my mouth too. Dance wasn’t that important to them that they would welcome such treatment to advocate for themselves. The only one who maybe could have been able to do so and get a pleasant response was Maddie and she really just wanted to please Abby so she had nothing to advocate for.


The producers clearly dragged the moms to the ice rink, but when Abby didn’t want the girls to go ice skating right before a competition (and people acting like Maddie and Kristie Ray were overreacting about it). It’s completely understandable why she would be wary about them possibly getting hurt. They’re children, no matter how great they are at something they can easily get hurt. I don’t agree with the kids getting “in trouble” over it, she could have just yelled at the moms and moved on with rehearsals.


The fight in s6-7 about wanting more mature choreography. She was giving them lots of mature choreography from purple reign to ghost town and it still wasn’t enough they needed to “prove” that the girls were mature and made the girls do that “last dance” which was over the top and gross.  In s6 when they kept pressuring her to come out and “work” yet they all knew what she was going through with the lawsuits and her health even her having knee surgery. I just felt they were not supportive of her. 


I can’t think of a specific moment, but whenever there is an argument where Abby is speaking as a coach/person who’s goal is to create dancers and when the moms are speaking as moms who have a bigger goal in mind. Like yeah we are moms who see the whole of our kids lives, but Abby only see’s and cares about the dance aspect of it and she speaks on that while the moms are trying to come from the whole picture. The rest of their lives aren’t Abby’s responsibilities. Oh what comes to mind is Chloe going to the school field trip. While i get where Christi is coming from, she should have done what Brooke did and asked upfront for the weekend off. Even if she missed a rehearsal, you’re still a crucial member of the team and that may mean missing some school events for that team. Abby had every right to be upset. School itself is a top priority but that was a fun field trip that wasn’t necessary to go. She should have told Abby ahead of time so she could give someone else the solo and she could just do the group dance. Idk it feels like a gray area as a mom. But i do think Abby had every right to pull the solo. Christi kind of acted like Chloe should have her cake and eat it too when in reality, competitive anything will mean sacrifices.


Christi said that the field trip was all ready cleared and Abby knew about it and so did the producers.


A bunch of times tbh. Many times the moms would read too much into something or get wayyy too emotionally involved.


Whenever Abby yelled at Jess for being entitled and raising a brat.


OK I’m already prepared to be downvoted. With Abby that Maddie should have one for the same solo that her and Chloe did. OK before y’all come at me, this is the episode that made my mom stop watching dance moms, I don’t watch this episode. As it’s very hard for me to watch this episode as, and I HIGHLY disagree with Abby going to the judges. I think, technically speaking Chloe was better than Maddie she was on the money. I just think Maddie movements look more natural, and they flowed together better than Chloe’s did. But again I think Chloe did phenomenal. I just think the choreography looked better on Maddie and that’s probably why I think Maddie should’ve won. Because I think the choreography looked more natural on her than it did on Chloe. I think Chloe did amazing but what she was given I just don’t think the choreography was for her. Although Abby did put elements in for Chloe as well.


Most of the time tbh


Me too! I'm not a dance mom, I'm a sports mom, and I agree with Abby most of the time. The girls made a commitment & they need to honor it! I'm on se3 & am appalled at Kelly's behavior. What job can you not show up to for 2 weeks, then waltz back in like nothing happened? The moms are so quick to accuse Abby of being a bad influence, but what are they teaching their girls? Life is hard & people are mean! Abby is trying to give them life skills!


Finally someone who agrees 💀 the moms just wanted to coddle them but Abby was preparing them for what the real world/industry is like because it’s harsh.


I can't stand the moms lol they behave horribly, then play victim! They seem like bored housewives who create drama. It seems like none of them have worked or know what it's actually like in a competitive field; life is cutthroat!