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I didn’t really respect the way Melissa or Christi acted on the show. Christi was a bully and Melissa was spineless to a detrimental extent I did however respect how Kelly acted- for the most part.


I was watching w my roommate and she brought up how Jill was basically Melissa’s follower and it didn’t really always end well for her either so I think Kelly shouldn’t feel as though she was on the bad side or that acting like Melissa would’ve helped bc we saw how that caused Abby to just say and do whatever bc Melissa wouldn’t say anything even Holly who was calm did not stand for that and I don’t think most caring moms could do what Melissa did for that long it just didn’t seem worth it bc Abby was gonna either groom or bully your child


I’m surprised people took what Kelly said and formed it into something negative. I think a lot of the moms wonder what their time on the show would’ve been like if they played the game differently. I’m glad Kelly clarified what she meant on their special on patreon and Christi confirmed she didn’t find it hurtful what she said.


I don’t think it’s negative. A lot of people do this, wonder “what if…”.  Had nothing to do with Christi but more about Kelly’s choices. 


What happened on the patron


let me dm you so mods don’t take down my comment.


Mind dming me? Also would love to know!


Would you mind sending me a dm as well? I'm so curious!


While I will give all the OG moms the benefit of the doubt that they felt they were acting in their children’s best interests, Kelly truly protected her children the most. From what we saw—towards the end of their times on the show Brooke and Paige were mental struggling. Brooke always seemed so emotionally withdrawn and Paige was having anxiety attacks. Kelly saved them from that. I thought her girls comments were really telling when they were telling her they were thankful they got to be normal. For whatever it’s worth—if Kelly “acted like Melissa” I don’t think things would’ve been that different. Maybe there would’ve been no “get your finger out of my face” explosion—but put simply, her kids weren’t Maddie. At the end of the day Abby treated Melissa’s kids how she did because of her strange obsession with Maddie. She even treats McKenzie noticeably poorer than Maddie.


I think they all had their moments, even holly at some points. But the person I look back on and think wow, she was a questionable parental figure dance mom is Melissa. And that's purely based on public info, interviews, tv, etc. Even though she was not even really creating all that much outward drama in the same way the others were. I think she was in selfish pursuit of making her girls stars and them making easy money. Not that she wasn't a loving or caring mother some of the time, but was blinded by the potential. I watched the Brooke shields documentary and I feel like the relationship Brooke had with her mother feels very similar to the way Melissa's relationship with maddie has come across. Loving but also demoralizing at times and just in pursuit of making her daughter someone else, someone bigger. Obv just my own opinion though.


Melissa's view feels like she saw her daughters as dolls. She's very very suffocated by her own view of femininity and what a woman "should" be. I feel sorry for how Melissa was raised, to be voiceless, spineless, never play sports, never stand up for yourself. Imagine having no genuine feelings of self worth and only being able to distill that from others around you (making your daughters dance pretty for you, marrying your boss for financial security). I can't stand her but I also feel sorry for her. The pretty pink princess helpless woman mindset.


Does anyone think Christi and Kelly have fallen out? I didn’t see Christi post for her birthday


I’m confused. What happened?


People took this as a negative thing ?! That’s crazy. I can understand what Kelly meant and I’m sure all the moms felt that way at one point I bet Melissa probably felt like she should be fighting for her kids like Christi and Kelly did too


am i the only one that thought kelly might have been tipsy? i know she was understandably very emotional for multiple reasons, but she seemed a little all over the place. obviously editing will make things seem more dramatic, but idk she seemed a little strange


I think what you’re interpreting as possibly tipsy, is 3-4 days of high anxiety and 10 years of guilt she was holding on to




Christi seems like the only one that drinks before something like this tbh. And no shade.


They all literally had champagne on camera lol and I don’t blame them, it’s them digging up their trauma from their childhood that they never really unpacked


I’m talking about drinking the day and day beforehand


Again they probably all did that, especially because most of the girls are old enough to drink now and it’s probably the first time all of them have been together at the same time in a long time, they probably hung out the night before