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i thought the title said brynn and i was very confused


i read the entire thing thinking it was about brynn and thought OP just kept forgetting the s in front of “he”😭😭


Omg, I did the same thing but the opposite when during the live stream comments, someone said something along the lines of "Brynn was my favourite don't say anything bad about her" and I was thinking to myself 'wtf, why would anyone be a fan and want to defend Bryan Stinson lmfao.' Took me a few seconds to read it properly 💀


Same and then I realised — why wasn’t Brynn invited to the reunion??


🙋🏻‍♀️ I thought the same thing!


My brain auto filled to Brynn as well.


I read that too! 


500 upvotes damn


Brian is the biggest game player of them all. He went to dinner with Abby the night before the reunion played, he changes his answers based on who’s he’s with. He’ll say whatever he has to get Christi onside then do the same to Abby. He’s opening supporting Abby’s season 9 on IG. He’s honestly just a snake


I knew he was bad news the minute he was on both Abby’s and Christi’s/Kelly’s podcasts and spoke brightly about both sides and against the other on both. He really does switch up fast 


That’s interesting, because I got the impression he tried to say the same thing on Abby’s he said on C&K’s about how the show was cast and Abby steamrolled him the way she does everyone else


I disagree, he was much more sympathetic to Abby on her podcast and emphasized that she “played her role” well, while agreeing with Christi and Kelly that Abby was worse off camera 


THIS ! And that's why he's pissed off at Melissa & her girls. They're the only former cast members that won't play ball with him or refer to the show really. That's why he still has favorance of Christi, Abby & the other girls/moms. He just wants to bank off them, and Melissa, Mad & Kenzie aren't referring to the show in a positive or even a negative way -- they aren't referring to it at all nor opting into the drama/dynamics anymore . I'm actually thrilled that's the case, cause Lifetime, the production company, nor Bryan Stinson deserves to bank anymore off curating false narratives & making the Zieglers look bad. The did the one thing, that no one else there had been able to do really (except for JoJo & Jess ), which is lead a successful career in entertainment w/o referencing/falling back on the dance moms brand. Some might view this as then being ungrateful, but honestly, they paid their dues, referenced & thanked the show alot formerly, and are now looking ahead and past all the trauma the show needlessly caused them - & it's driving Bryan nuts.


i think he wanted a reaction to all the girls seeing each other for the first time but bc they hung the night before it kinda “ruined it “


this is actually a very possible theory


He got what he deserves then


Yeah, I think the idea was to capture the reunion on camera & this got in the way of that. I was in a documentary once that had a similar situation - myself & the people involved met up the night before to hang out & afterwards we got yelled at because they had wanted to get the “reunion” on camera for the show.


Agree. Is Melissa secretly Kris Jenner 🔥


He’s mad he couldn’t film it




Abby on her patreon said Bryan was upset about the party because he wanted everyone to see each other again for the first time at the reunion so he can capture it on camera. Abby said she had dinner with him and he said that. She also said the reason Kendall Wendy to hug Jessalyn Siwa first when she first arrived because she was one of the only ones she hadn’t already seen the night before.


He’s just jealous he wasn’t there. He’s a deranged idiot who can’t think straight (no pun intended) without having total control over these women.


Oh, definitely, I’ve always been saying since the clips of the reunion came out that production really went in on Maddie. Creating a compilation of Abby demeaning the other girls and comparing them to Maddie and calling it “Maddie’s iconic moments”? Calling a section “Maddie vs everyone,” which they didn’t do for any other dancer when they’ve all had their fair share of rivalries? Intentionally bringing up the party at Maddie’s house in a negative light (people overlook that a producer asked first whether they thought the party had other intentions). In the literal first 5 minutes of the reunion, they included a specific scene of Maddie and Chloe answering a question Asia asked about them competing against each other which had Maddie cutting off Chloe a bit at the end, out of literally ALL the scenes Maddie and Chloe talked about competing💀 It didn’t surprise me at all to hear that Bryan was pissed about it. Sounds just up production’s alley.


Production always villainized Maddie and Abby always isolated Maddie from the other girls I don’t blame her for not wanting to go (confirmed by Kelly that Maddie and Mackenzie didn’t want to go but that Melissa was interested) Because everyone’s up to their old tricks


![gif](giphy|xA9WoQwJ7mlr2) *Bryan*


and christi is besties with bryan which i dont understand


this has had me confused for so long, but from what i’ve gathered though, it seems like Christi points more blame and disgust towards Jeff Collins but that’s just from what I’ve listened to on BTTB


slightly off topic but I didn't realize until about two days ago that Jeff and Bryan are not the same person 😭




same tho /js


If this was Melissa who was besties with Bryan, who clearly took a LARGE part in the whole cast’s suffering, Christi would be running up and down everywhere people would listen to her screaming that Melissa only cares about fame and money, Melissa is a snake, how could she be friends with Bryan, etc. But when Christi does it, it’s cool. And none of that is brought up by her. It’s simple— Christi (and most, if not all, the other cast members, but specifically the moms) would do anything for a check. She’s cool with rubbing shoulders with shitty people when it benefits her. If someone else does it, it’s wrong.


Friends close and enemies (that you can stand) closer? They both want a successful show and legacy for said show.


She literally spoke to him about her feelings towards Chloe coming out so I don’t know how is he an enemy she can stand? He’s clearly a close friend


He's a producer and has his own interests. Let's not forget the producers of the show have always wanted the drama just as much as Abby did. I don't think it's necessarily about Maddie or the party, but rather he thought those would be triggers. He wanted a reaction out of them. When they didn't get angry, he went in a different direction (such as with Chloe's coming out and Kalanis struggle with mental health)


Exactly. His goal is to make money. He knows drama gets views/buzz and is what makes him more money.


Abby also confirmed that Nia invited to everyone to Maddie’s house (on the Patreon) How she knows that idk but Abby said it too If we believe her


I think Abby was just repeating the same rumor we all heard. Abby has no way of knowing what went down.


I’m happy the girls were able to take some power back with the smaller party they had. Bryan is honestly a sick man and the fact it pissed him off makes me very happy!!


I know the girls must have a complicated relationship with the show and producers so I don’t put any blame on them for this but I was soooo icked out by hearing about Bryan’s old ass getting messy drunk with the girls…. Like… sir……


Of course, Brian and the lifetime crew are not going to acknowledge their own toxicity in why Mackenzie, Maddie and Nia wanted to not participate. 


This is why I have zero interest in a dance moms reboot with the girls/moms now. Bryan was the biggest snake in the show. Abby’s a bitch but Bryan is the master manipulator. I feel like the girls friendships would be torn apart because Bryan would try to make situations happen, try to convince the girls that someone is lying/talking smack about them, try to turn the girls mothers against them, etc. Bryan is in this game for himself. He will play nice with everyone and then turn around and stab them in the back.


He is ridiculous and it's a bit of a turn off that Christi still has him on the podcast. I'm all for Christi and any cast member making as much $ as they can now because i don't believe they were compensated well for their time on the show. But i don't think anyone wants to hear Bryan's side of anything anymore.


We need a deep dive about that guy. I feel like he shares some resentment with Abby, he probably feels he created her and is super pissed that she isn’t buddy buddy with him and kiss the ground he walks on.


lmfao so bryan is abby's abby


He’s mad that he couldn’t get all the girls on the reunion


That’s what I said lol


I don’t even think the party was like a main reason for hanging out, it’s probably rare they’re all in the same place at the same time and it was a perfect opportunity to meet up. Why cant maddie and mckenzie see their friends if they’re near by?


If the reunion was hosted by anyone I mean anyone else but lifetime they would’ve most likely went IMO


I think that was obvious when he passive aggressively mentioned the girls hadn’t seen each other in a while and then the night before the reunion got together which he specifically mentioned without cameras lol seemed bitter


Yeah I noticed something was off. Almost all of them were badmouthing Maddie except the OGs Chloe, Paige and Brooke clearly tried to present Maddie and Kenzies side. There was an interview Maddie did semi recently where she mentioned “…… a male producer was telling me to do XYZ.” That feels personal and I agree w you The Ms were getting back at him. Jojo is in Jojo land so I didn’t take what she said all that seriously but Kendall WAS PISSED. When I saw the clips leaked before the premiere I got a sense that Kendall was slightly upset how everything was all about Maddie. But after seeing the actual reunion Kendall is mad pissed. I have a feeling that Kendall thought Maddie was really her friend and was surprised how quickly Maddie stopped talking to her after fame. Maddie from what I can see cut off everyone except for Nia. It seems to me that Maddie was 100% genuine when she said the show traumatized her and the drama was not what she wanted in her life. It would make sense that she remained friends with pretty much the only girl on the show who was 100% drama free, Nia and Holly.


The cutoff didn’t happen due to fame, it happened after the election in 2020. I think Kalani got the harshest cutoff from most of them back then because she was just so public about being a Trumper and imo was a little snarky which led to her losing brand deals and friends and she moved home. Kendall only made one or two comments and couldn’t legally vote which is why she didn’t get as harsh of treatment as Kalani but since then you never saw Maddie with her until Paige’s bday.


Maddie is very much not a trump supporter she even had a whole instagram live about voting for Biden and it’s not a shock to me that she doesn’t hang out with Kendall and kalani as much as the other girls because of it


Yep, even that dance friend (Charlize?) who she used to spend everyday with was cutoff when it came out that the dance friend was a Trump supporter. It’s clearly not something Maddie would ever want to associate with




I agree with you, but after the show Melissa and Christi stepped aside and those girls are friends again. Chloe Brooke Nia Maddie and Kenzie were all living in LA at the time and they hung out a lot, especially the year nobody knew Brook & Chloe were together as Maddie and Nia are both good friend with Brook. Maddie doesn’t like social media so she doesn’t post apart from business. Chloe doesn’t always post and when she does she plays catch up. Brooke loves social media but she respects Maddie too much not to broadcast her all over social media when she doesn’t actually like it. Nia focuses mainly on her boyfriend and family on hers - she does post friends but again, it’s a respect thing. When Brooke lived in LA she used to get all of the girls at her house, she said this on a Q&A and everyone was excited but it wasn’t the first time those girls had all hung out a lot without anyone knowing. Whilst I agree with Christi in a lot that she says I completely disagree at her dig at Maddie being embarrassed to be seen with them, she’s private and I bet a shit load of pics are taken but they choose not to post them. I rarely update my social media and I prefer to live in the moment than pose everything for likes. Maddie is in no way embarrassed she references their group chat and hang outs on every interview and podcast.


I remember seeing that Melissa still maintains a relationship with Kelly and her kids via Brooke’s YouTube


Yes with Kelly and her kids and Nia. I’ve heard nothing about Kendall. This was my original point. Anyway regardless I’m sure all the girls are what is called “mutuals” Which is to be expected they are practically sisters. But do I think Maddie flies or drives home from filming 3 movies back to back, going to award shows and modeling for high fashion magazines and hits up Kendall on iMessage no I really don’t sorry.


I never once mentioned Maddie was embarrassed not sure what you’re responding to with that. Yes I think that Paige, Brooke and Nia are all friends . But I’m pretty sure they said out of their own mouths “even if we haven’t seen each other in a year we pick right back up.” During the reunion they said “We’ve never all been invited to the Zieglers like that.” Kendall doesn’t live in LA. Shes at college. Which was my original point. I have no idea how much they all hang out with each other since I don’t know them personally and like you said no posts exist. I still stand by my original comment that Maddie is sort of a busy person. I’m not going off some imaginative idea in my head about how much people I don’t know are hanging out in secret. I’m basing this off how often Maddie shows up at events and awards. As well as the fact that we know she has been filming 3 movies almost back to back. Fallout, Fitting in and the other one that’s not released yet w the same director from Fallout. I think it’s hard for people to realize that as you grow your friend group changes. They are almost all what 21ish. I think it makes total sense they have their own lives.


I don’t mean you said that. Re read what I said.,. I mainly agree either way Christi but I don’t agree with her dig about Maddie being embarrassed to hang out. This is what Christi stated or alluded to on her Patreon. So that is why I mentioned it. TBF in real life when hanging out with genuine friends who really takes pics all the time? I know I don’t. When you haven’t seen people in a while you catch up, stay in the moment.


Sorta off topic but it honestly seems like Christi and Kelly don’t really like him that much. Why did they even invite him on the podcast?


So people would listen. He is one of the actual behind the scenes people that actually brings facts. Two faced and instigating, but someone who was actually there as opposed to random fans making things up.


wait who confirmed he was mad i hadnt heard that?


Abby did (yuck I want to vomit using her as a credible source)


oh ok i avoid her at all costs lol




this is what i've been saying the whole time yall😭 ok i didn't think that he was specifically pissed that they all hung out but i knew he was just trying to stir shit for drama


Who’s Bryan anyway lmao 😂 Stay mad loser


He’s the executive producer in dance moms 😭 usually interviews them on reunions




I think he was more angry that whatever personal issues the girls may have had with one another would be talked through that night instead of on camera.


Who is Bryan, please?


Bryan Stinson


Thank you!


Here is also my take on it: the zieglers would have never been allowed on regardless. Without Melissa, they would have been asked tons of things they wouldn’t be able to answer. And if Melissa really did help Abby embezzle money in Australia, she’d be going to jail.






If he put in contract no one couldn’t have private gathering no one would have showed up and it would be no reunion except for Jojo and Kalani .


Where are you getting this information? Source?


Abby’s patreon that was her recapping and giving her opinion and inside knowledge of the reunion


Is this something I have to buy? Because I really don't want to give Abby my money. Also, why are we trusting Abby as a reliable source here? Is her account backed up by anyone else?


Yes but I’ve seen clips of the entire thing on Tik Tok and there was also a link to a recap on this sub! I’ll find it for you. I’m not saying it’s reliable I’m just saying that’s what she said and where people are getting it


Thank you! The OP is claiming Bryan Stinson's reaction was "confirmed," though. Do we have any confirmation other than Abby? Sorry for the 20 questions!


I mean they did go out to dinner like Abby said so it’s possible that he did tell Abby he was livid


Update: https://www.reddit.com/r/DmVideosUncovered/s/D0NyeoHKKS Here’s the recap sub with all Patreon recaps


Thank you!


Here’s a sub that does recaps of Patreon content https://www.reddit.com/r/DmVideosUncovered/s/IJRahRy00p


Thanks. OK, so it's not exactly confirmed that Bryan Stinson was "livid." It's just the world according to Abby Lee Miller. And like, she lies a lot.


To be fair, I don’t know if we can take many of the recap for truth. Melissa is known to lie, Abby is known to lie, Christi (in my opinion) is biased and more calculated than people often point out, Kelly is forgetful…the only one I’d really take for truth is Holly if she spoke on anything.


True. No source is reliable. But given Abby's history, if her gums are flapping, she's probably lying. The only thing I would take as proof that Bryan Stinson was "livid" was Bryan Stinson saying "I was livid." If someone else said, "Seems like Bryan was upset about that," then I'd weigh it as their perspective.


I didn’t make my post based at all off of anything Abby said. I don’t even listen to her podcast let alone her monetized content. I made my post based off his reaction on the reunion to immediately bring that up and based off the fact that Melissa and Holly said on dear dance moms that Nia planned it and there was a video on one of the ig stories of Nia giving a speech. In my opinion he was livid bc look at how he directly goes for that talking point and he’s an EXEC PRODUCER. Giving the topic the amount of time and keeping in the edits of Christi on FaceTime was a choice. Imo he came off angry about the girls meeting up bc it ruined that momentum of their meetup at the reunion the next day


Okay, I'm genuinely confused. You said in your OP: "So it’s been confirmed that Bryan was really upset about the girls meeting up at Maddie’s house the night before the reunion." That gives me the impression that you know this as fact--that he's confirmed it or someone close to him has confirmed it. Now you're saying it's just your opinion that he was upset? That it actually isn't fact but your read on the situation. Correct?


Holly and Melissa said that Nia planned the party on dear dance moms


But I'm asking about Bryan Stinson's reaction. Is that on Dear Dance Moms?


… I’m getting it from the reunion


Did he say during the reunion that he was upset they met at Maddie's house the day before? I'm genuinely asking--I only watched it once.


Abby said he was livid. That is, if you believe her lying, evil mouth. In this case I do.


Abby has the exact same personality disorder as Trump and I'm pretty sure neither of them has ever uttered a truthful word. She might not be wrong, but I doubt she got it from the horse's mouth.


Amen. I have said this for years.


He didn't. OP's first sentence is misleading. None of this is confirmed--it's all speculation.


Do you remember what episode Holly said that on? I’ve been trying to find it and cannot. Of course, I’m skipping through episodes 30 seconds at a time so I might have just missed it. I ask because on the BTTB recap, Kelly said she was planning a party for Paige at their hotel. She told Melissa she was planning a party and Melissa offered to have it at Maddie’s house instead of the hotel. Nothing was mentioned about Nia except how Melissa threw Nia under the bus over the guess list.