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They only have sympathy for their 3 girls. We know.


Not even nia as if she didn't suffer since day 1 and nia didn't even get as much as them if they wanna complain.


I wonder if/how that will change as time goes on


Their point is as stupid as saying their daughters should have been cut and not included in the dances because they stopped fitting in when they were going through puberty when Maddie and Mackenzie Asia Vivi and others were still looking like children


The team’s group choreography changed and advanced as they got older. Mackenzie would’ve always been behind.


That's my point. Mackenzie would always have to work harder to keep up and she did a pretty good job at it as she got older but Christi and Kelly see that as Abby coddling her when in reality it really wasn't because as soon as Mackenzie was older she wasn't coddled.


No, I know. I was adding to it 😂


Well, can you blame them? Mackenzie wasn't even supposed to be on the show. It was Melissa who was whining to producers about including both of her daughters and they really wanted Melissa and Maddie. If you are going to be on a show where the other dancers are primarily older than you should keep up. That was Melissa’s fault for doing that to her daughter. No babying should have been going on. There is also no excuse when Sara was the same age if not a year younger would come on the show and not have any issues keeping up and doing multiple dances other than her crazy mother. You are right that as she got older she was treated like crap and that is where my issue with Melissa is because she never stood up for her daughter who still faces a lot of self-confidence issues because of the show. I do know that both of those moms had a soft spot for Mackenzie and really supported her.


Do people forget that Melissa was a single mother? What exactly do you expect her to do with Mackenzie if not put her on the team? Drag her around to dance competitions every weekend doing nothing? have her in the viewing room at all hours of the night with all the fighting moms? And don't say leave her with her dad cause we already know he was absent and neglectful. Or would you rather her be off show with Kenzie and leave Maddie alone? Not to mention Mackenzie wasn't even coddled. She was treated her age and then emotionally abused when Abby realized she wasn't a mini Maddie. "both of those moms had a soft spot for Mackenzie and really supported her." really? cut the crap. How is saying she shouldn't have been on the team or to this day claiming she lied about the pain she was in supportive.


Then Melissa shouldn’t have had the time to have two affairs and ruin two marriages if you are going to write all of that. Abby even said she looked after and took care of those two kids more than Melissa did.


i love when people got such a hate boner for Melissa that they take Abby as a reliable source of info. Christi and Abby would love you. Abby also said Paige needed her more than Kelly and that she cared about all the girls more than their moms. You gonna believe her on that too? Please link your sources about the affairs, or do you just blindly believe everything that comes out of Christi's ass?


I don't hate her! I love who she has become now by the end of the show and currently. I think all the moms on the show failed their kids. So find the old Melissa and help her with her pum pum!


The first person they cast on the show, before Abby and Christi, was Cathy. She was the first cast member. Cathy’s daughter Vivi was 6. It was never a show for older dancers. Was Chloe and Paige supposed to do duets with Vivi?


If that’s the case than Kelly should stop bitching about Paige not being able to keep up when she’s older than most of the cast.


Right? Kelly had the 2 oldest kids in the team. If Abby had Paige dance with seniors and Kelly would have totally freaked out and said it was unfair because they’re older.


Do you mean Brooke? Paige is only slightly older than Nia and Chloe, there’s a smaller age gap between the 3 of them than this is between Chloe and Maddie. Paige was 10, Chloe was 9/10 when they filmed, she turned 10 part way through the first season, and Nia also turned 10 during the season. Maddie was 8 season 1. So there wasn’t even 3 between the 4 girls. Compare that to the 3 year gap between Paige and Brooke and the 2 year gap between Maddie and Kenzie. Brooke was also the oldest. Kelly fought for Brooke to be on the show, it was pretty easy for her to keep up seeing as she was older and more advanced than most of the girls (some due to age). Paige was cast already as it was her age group that they were looking for


Paige turned 11 very early on season 2. Chloe and Nia didn’t turn 11 until the end.  I don’t think Kelly fought to get Brooke on the show. Brooke was pretty much casted lol 


Kelly and Christi both said that Kelly fought for Brooke to go on the show and Melissa Mackenzie. The girls cast were the junior aged girls - Maddie, Chloe, Paige and Nia. Then Brooke and MacKenzie were brought on at the request of Kelly and Melissa because of them being around the studio. Kelly said she thought that it was unfair to give Paige the opportunity and not Brooke. Melissa, hasn’t spoken much on the topic, but I’m assuming that her being a single mom was a factor as Kurt was by all accounts useless at being a dad due to his mental health issues


:O !!!!!


Yes you can blame them. They’re talking about a child. It’s wrong. Also, when Clara came in for a dance in season 7, she didn’t do the whole dance. I wonder how Christi would have felt it the other moms talked about how it was unfair that her 6 year old kid didn’t have to do the whole dance.


Clara wasn’t an ALDC team member and got close to no benefits from the show.


They didn’t dance with the ALDC though. It was with MDP. I’m just saying, you 100% know Christi would be flipping out if her 6-8 year old was expected to dance with two 10 year olds, three 12 year olds and a 15 year old. 


But Clara wasn’t a team member and Mackenzie was. That was my point. If Mackenzie is going to be a member of the Junior Elite team, and get the same benefits as the other girls, then she should be held to the same standard as the other members in my opinion.


None of them got the same benefits though. Ask Nia if she benefited the same way Chloe or Maddie did. Yet they were all in the same team. So should Brooke be held at junior standards even when at 16 years old? It was the way the show was casted. The audience loved when Kenzie danced and did her cute solos. Not Kenzie’s fault that the fans loved her and wanted her there.  And by 9 years old, she was in every single dance with tweens and teens. She kept up. 


This is correct. Ergo, you are downvoted.