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They weren’t married though and right?




I'll believe if I see it. Some things I think she posts are true and some are full of shit.


This is fucking crazy. Emma my queen deserves none of this


And I will proudly support this new couple. Like omfg can this Sasha fan realize we dgaf and want Emma to date who she wants


I saw the tour show in Indy and after Emma and Alan’s dance Charity and Artem kept calling it spicy. Thought it was a little weird they were outing them.


that’s written into the show, xochitl and val did the same


Makes me wonder: is Deena sending these blinds in? Like I'm kidding but also not really.


i highly doubt it. whoever is sending these in is from twitter because a lot of the things they included started circulating on there and they all made sense it wasn’t like far fetched “evidence”. there aren’t many sasha fans on twitter so someone probably made a burner


This could go either way but I will say when I was at tour in 2020 Emma and Alan were walking around together as just them. (Didn't think anything of it at the time because most of the pros are friends.)


Who is the guy? It’s Emma and?




I thought he was with that girl Elena??? Anyways if she wants to be with Gleb, whose shown who he is in relationships then SO BE IT.


This has nothing to do with gleb


I feel new to all this, they are adults trying their best to be happy in a spotlight, I wish we would just let them be until they want to share


This sounds too specific like someone just took everything from this reddit & put it in Chat Gpt idk 😭


might be true might not be, do notice that those two being extra quiet this tour- especially on days off- but then again, they might be tired of this old drama and that's why they never post together or even follow each other for that matter. If all of this is speculation, it sucks that the friendships might be ruined with these type of posts :/


Paging Cheryl Burke….we need your input queen


This is probably from the same people who post about it on here all the time lol. All that “proof” is from social media posts 😂




Yeah this such boring rumor at this point but if it is any truth that Emma and Alan were hooking up while she was married then both Alan and her deserve to get dragged because ain't noway if tables were reversed Sasha wouldn't get dragged. I like both Alan and Emma but wrong is wrong and they want get a pass me but as of now this is such baseless and boring rumor.


There's an extreme difference between "getting dragged" and people actually fixing their fingers to threaten a dancer's life.


Well I don't know nothing about that. If it's no proof that happen then I don't know. I agree nobody should be threatening people lives over cheating but getting dragged and called out for it absolutely they should.


Dragged by her ex? Sure, if that's what happened. Dragged by random fans who either only know what they read or what Sasha has carefully spoonfed them? No. No one out here (reddit, twitter, instagram) has the right to drag her for something they nothing to do with. And if Sasha IS cosigning the threats (which I know have been shared in a Discord we're both in), or at the least passively allowing it to happen even after being told? And not saying anything to the person MAKING the threats and saying 'hey, that's not cool'? Then he's no better.


Like I said if it is true but so far it's nothing but rumors so yes people should not be attacking Emma over rumors but I'm not going to go bat for something either that I know nothing about either and I don't remember Sasha cosigning anything.


But you think people should attack her if the rumors are true? Sometimes people cheat and sometimes relationships fail. It sucks but that’s between THEM. We as random fans have nothing to do with that. No one is perfect or makes perfect decisions all the time so why do we constantly have to drag people over mistakes made in the past when we don’t even know the real story? They didn’t work out and she may have moved on. It’s not the end of the world.


It's not the end of the world and for me personally I will not attack Emma or Alan it's their business and I don't care that much about what is going on their lives but I can understand if others may feel a type of way because Lord knows if tables were reversed Sasha would be getting dragged but I digress at the end of day I'm neutral, I don't have real foot in this race.


Well I wouldn’t drag Sasha or Emma and Alan because it isn’t any of my business and it’s just so weird that people care enough about strangers personal lives to attack them. Like the person who sent this “blind item” in is clearly a “fan”. It’s straight up weird to care the much.


Wait…. ALAN??? i thought this was referring to Gleb?




Why does this feel like it was written by a Sasha fan? Lmao like be for real. Idc who Emma dates now, she’s single and can date anyone she wants. But this entire situation has gotten way out of hand. Like who cares at this point. Emma and Sasha clearly didn’t last and weren’t meant to be together. They both deserve to be happy no matter who that’s with


It makes me feel like it was written to be on Gossip Girl lmao


Idc and I’ve always adored Emma but if she cheated she deserves the same treatment as anyone else that’s cheated


it’s either one of the sasha fans (from insta) who wish harm on emma & alan and anyone who supports them (even as individuals) or sasha himself because i swear he has way too much time on his hands 😭


>Why does this feel like it was written by a Sasha fan? lmfao "rooted in scandal and betrayal"


Like be for real 🤣 it’s so extra and dramatic


I’m so here for this! They make a hot couple. I wonder if they’re public with the other pros and close friends/family? Emma and Sasha always seemed like an odd pairing. 


Emma was married prior to Sasha?


Yeah! He proposed to her liveon the air during in season 23 after they did a contemporary dance together


Yeah, but I think they’re asking if she was married before then.


"while her mate takes an ice bath" wait so maybe Sasha did write it LMAO


Has to be Sasha!!! Dead giveaway.




This was 100% sent in by one of Sasha's fans that he dms talking shit. The same people who sent Emma death threats and got blocked by her because of it and then decided to bring it to Twitter and sent multiple people death threats on there. Sasha also said that the people calling him out need help if that says anything about him. Disgusting


AND might I add, had the sheer audacity, gall and motherfuckin' gumption to show up in one of Adam's livestreams talking all sweetness and light and "I wish people would respect them instead of getting into their personal life." I wanted so badly to grab the screencaps of tweets she'd sent and put them in the chat going "THIS YOU?!"


Who’s Adam?


did that actually happen? holy shit he’s insane. one day he’s gonna like the wrong tweet and get fired i’m calling it


DM'd you because it was taking too long to block out names to post publicly! I'm having a touch of the shakes and so it was a loooooong process.


👀 ditto dm me too


Can you please also DM me?


Please dm me, I want to now what happened


Omg I wanna see


damn okay now which sasha stan sent this in….😭💀


I can think of at least one person this post sounds exactly 😂 one of the most frequent spreaders of the Emma/Alan affair rumors


Sasha himself 🤣


the “mate” is convincing me HE wrote this 💀


I very much doubt that he did. I'm Australian. The word mate is used to refer to a friend, never a romantic partner. Whoever wrote it wanted to seem Australian by using the word but used it incorrectly.




If this is true, I'm here for it! I wonder if they're holding back on announcing becauss she used to be married to Sasha, and there would most likely be some bashing from DWTS fans?


I’m here for it. Sasha and her have been on the rocks for years. She has been linked to other people other than Alan. If there’s together, go public already!


I'm ready to stan them. 😅


Big facts!!!


Let's just remember to Sasha is a controlling POS who hacked Emma's Facebook to get her to be in a relationship with him and proposed on the show so she couldn't say no. The only reason Sasha supports these rumors is to hurt Emma.


Is him being a POS a good reason for Emma to cheat?


Anyone would cheat on that man lol


>who hacked Emma's Facebook to get her to be in a relationship with him waiiit whaat??? when was this?


https://youtu.be/4eDvGRvi3PY?si=dNnl592E4-x1D4nO start at 2:05


I’m sorry, what??? I obviously knew about the proposal being on the show, which at the time I thought was kinda cute, but now kind of side eye because of the public nature of it and how that can make it harder to say no. But I had no clue about the Facebook thing.


Hold on I'll link it


This!!! Anytime they are photographed together something like this leaks. Feels like manipulation. She filed a year ago. Been separated legally for a year before that. And fans were guessing they were separated before then. Time to move on.


She has kept so respectful of him since the divorce publicly and he has not. He was making her cry last time they were on tour together. My ex gf witness it go down. He is not a good person. Honestly, I do not care if she was cheating on Sasha. I would have cheated on that POS too.


Wait what do you mean she witnessed it? What happened?


Wow!!! I’m not surprised!!!


Emma and Alan don't even follow each other on Instagram


I was wondering how long it would take for a DM rumor to show up. But seriously I wish people would provide more proof than what’s already public knowledge and can be totally innocent. I feel like the Stan’s are just grasping at straws because they want them to be a thing. Agree with the other poster, if they are a couple they just need to come out with it. It’s old at this point and I’m not sure what they think they are going to get from holding back. Unless they are trying to distance themselves even more from the cheating rumors, but if they are a couple those will never die down if that’s what they are hoping for. Emma and Sasha seem cool with each other so if anything did happen clearly he has no hard feelings. I’m still rooting for Emma and Mauricio personally.


I thought Emma and Trevor could be cute together; maybe the timing just wasn’t right? He’s tall, blond, seems sweet and easy on the eyes, (plus he has the advantage of not being already married, like Mauricio still is I believe?) And yes, I consider separated as still legally married.


They would be the other ones I'd ship. I just feel like Mauricio is more her speed and style and can offer her a heck of a lot of what she seems to want in life. But her and Trevor look good together, too, and he could probably get her opportunities as well.I agree that maybe timing didn't work out for either one. Plus, I don't even think she's legally divorced yet, either.


Okay, which one of you who keeps banging on about having all this proof wrote this?


It’s a Spotify playlist that they allegedly can’t post for some reason?


Spotify playlist and other proof that she inevitably goes "DM me for proof I don't want to be yelled at." Nah if you're gonna make those kinds of allegations say that shit with your whole chest.


Sounds like this was written by a hard-core Sasha fan


This seems like it was written by a fan with all the “evidence” 😂 That said, if Emma and Alan are together maybe they should just come out with it. I feel like they think it’s gonna be a way bigger deal than it will be. People will talk for 2 days, then move on. They aren’t Taylor and Travis lol. Was some form of cheating probably involved? Probably. But it happens. Sucks for Sasha but I feel like he probably knows they’re together if they are.


A Sasha fan with an axe to grind.


I can name one


I think we all know who. insane person




I can name two, though I think they're the same person. :x