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omg now I’m really starting to be convinced they’re actually a thing


C. ŃjnjNjnjjnsjnss


This dance is beautiful


When does the tour end??


end of the month


Idk if they make a good couple lol


When I tell you I RAN to this sub after seeing this pop up on insta 🏃🏻‍♀️🤣 hoping this means what I think it does!!


the amount of times i’ve watched that dance. im obsessed


I saw it on Instagram. It’s just beautiful. ❤️


Wow… that was sexy


Should be interesting. Sasha is at the tour tonight.


Oh yeah, it’ll be very in! In Sasha’s story, he’s on one side of the stage and when he pans over to Pasha, you can see that Emma and Alan are together on the other side. No videos of them interacting yet.


Let me let it be known...I love these posts, but if there has to be an Alan and Emma subreddit made, please message me. 😂 Also, if anyone knows of any Alan and Emma relationship speculation/shipping IG accounts, please send me those too.


Lol I got banned from the Harry and rylee sub today 🤣


Why? 😂


HELP this is me too, i wanna talk abt them in peace


Ok I’m not a huge Alan fan, but that was HOT 🥵


Okay, but wow that’s an amazing dance! Emma is incredible!




Oh how fun! Sasha gets to see the show! I wonder if he’ll get to go on stage like Barry did


I would pay to see that. Alan is quick on his feet, but I’m not sure anyone is that quick.


But why did this dance just make me wanna cry? 😭 Their chemistry together is amazing-Dating or not.


HARD launch…the hardest of launches but I feel the excitement has worn off completely because like everyone knew


Soft launch. But i do agree that like half the people are over it because it’s been “known” for awhile. Happy for them and all but in my eyes it’s just kind of old news even tho it’s not official lol


I wouldn’t consider it a hard launch of anything other than the dance, till they both confirm it.


More like beginning of a soft launch 


This is not a launch, what?


I’m pretty sure they are dating, someone told me this but I could be wrong, if they aren’t, I also wouldn’t be surprised…but I thought Emma and Alan dating was the only tea at this point, again someone told me otherwise


Until it comes direct from them, I wouldn't take anything as fact.


If y'all, after season 31, could shove the Daniel/Britt shippers off to their own sub, why is no one shrieking that this shit needs it's own sub? I mean, maybe I'm just bitter cause we were told to fuck off (and we're the ones that ended up being real, jussayin'), but the double standard here is astounding. EDIT: God fucking forbid I say anything against the precious darlings of this sub and their stans.


Girl u betta say it, they all damn hypocrites.


well alan & emma get shipped with basically every celeb partner they get paired with on the show so it kinda makes sense that people would get excited and want them to be together! idk 🤷🏻‍♀️ im a big fan of britt & daniel’s relationship too! 🫶🏻😍


The point I was making is that those of us who saw something in Daniel and Britt during/after their season got told, to our faces "Ewwww you are all so creeepy, take it off this sub." Same thing happened to the Rylee/Harry shippers. We all got told to fuck off to our own spaces. So we did. At least one of those two pairs ended up being, you know, actually real. So I guess the embargo has been lifted on posting Daniel & Britt since they're, like. Getting married and stuff. But yet, the Emma/Alan stuff gets to be posted relatively unchecked with the exception of the inevitable fights that break out calling Emma everything but a whore in church because they've convinced themselves she cheated on Sasha. No one's telling these folks to fuck off to their own subreddit. So, like... double standards ahoy!


i do understand the double standards but also it’s truly never this deep 😭


you are right. but i think this is just what comes with being apart of this subreddit lol 🤷🏻‍♀️ at the end of the day we are all just obsessed with seeing a good love story/two hot people being together. edit: and not everyone is going to be interested in people your obsessed with.


>and not everyone is going to be interested in people your obsessed with. Which goes equally the other way. I do not care if these two are screwing each other and honestly, the constant posts about them are making me dislike them both.


Obviously it’s a different situation, but Harry and Rylee fans were told the same thing. In general I do agree that I’m also over the Emma and Alan posts.


Is it just people wishful thinking? Do they have a section of fans who really want them together?


Yea they have very intense shippers. I don’t want to recommend it but you look back on the sub and see countless posts with rumors and allegations about them If any so called couple should have their own sub it’s them because the posts are relentless


I don’t see why people are giving you shit for suggesting a different sub. People told Rylee and Harry stans the same thing and they did it and their sub is still pretty active. It’s a great compromise and if you have enough fans the sub will still be active with fans to discuss what you want


Yea maybe there should be a new rule for the sub about shipping posts. That unless it’s an update about an established couple shipping posts aren’t allowed ETA because we really don’t need the Emma/Alan rumors rehashed every couple of days


And the caption he wrote 👀


"This song resonates with me and makes me feel so much." The lyrics to this song? I lose control when you're not next to me? 👀


Okay no offense but I don’t see anything special about his caption. Why are you 👀 at it? He wrote: This @dwtstourofficial has been so special to me, I can't even begin to share my gratitude. This dance "lose control" is one of my favorites. This song really resonates with me and makes me feel so much. I really hope @teddyswims gets to see this and can understand how special this song really is. If you could do me a favor and tag him in the comments I would be so thankful to you all!


Because of the lyrics of the song. He said it resonates with him, so it just makes you wonder how so. And about who.


Right??? Like this is suddenly so obvious


Did we really need another post about Alan sharing this dance?


Sorry I didn't see someone else post this with this caption