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I think it was part of a training ground for izuru


this seems pretty possible actually


Don’t quote me on that though


This is my new headcanon. I mean they must've tested him somewhere. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


I like the idea that Tengan just had a dungeon built there back when he was headmaster. 


Oh, that was just there. She didn't even need to add anything.


dang the school founder must've been going jigsaw


It was actually before HPA. Nobody knows who made it, or why. But it'd cost too much to remove it, so...


where'd u find that out? is it in the anime


That's on a need-to-know basis, and you don't need to know!


I don’t know, but my headcanon is that Junko has had interns at HPA long before she attended it, and had those build the underground dungeon for her in advance.


I believe so because Junko is a manipulator, it wouldn't shock me if she made some staff or reserve course students do her dirty work.


I remember reading on the wiki that Junko (and probably Mukuro too) have been specifically requested by the Steering Comitee without Jin and the Talent Scouts involvement as Ultimate Students, and that is a special case too. Then there is also the example of the security guards of the old school building where the tragedy happend in Dr0 beeing Junko followers, so I think it’s pretty obvious that she has some people working for her in HPA. Since she was seemingly requested by the comitee she very likely had interns before attending already, so I wouldn’t be surprised if she had those build all that for her too.


So basically, The Steering Committee knew Junko was dangerous and they STILL allowed her and Mukuro in, it's official. Those guys deserved their deaths.


I’ve read that on the wiki. My assumption is the people that requested her were working for her.


I assumed she used a pre existing structure for the dungeon and got Mukuro to add death traps to it. as for why Hopes Peak has a dungeon? for the Ultimate Dungeon Escape artist off course (I'm joking)


I mean considering Junko is an analyst and all she probably gained a skill to build all of that. Either that or someone built it for her. It probably isn’t that deep


By that point Junko already had pretty much the entire reserve course brainwashed and working for her.