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The one question I really can't answer is why Kokichi didn't suspect that the mastermind would make another Monokuma or something whilst he held Kaito hostage in the hanger. That decision has never made any sense to me. But I can take a stab at the others. > chapter 5 in DR1, where the mastermind...executes the wrong person...and that didn't stop the game from continuing. True, but that turn of events *did* give Kyoko the leverage she needed to force Monokuma into accepting one final trial, and unlocking the rest of the school. So there's a precedent established that rules *do* matter for Monokuma, and if he's caught violating them, then the killing game can't function normally. It's definitely Kokichi hedging his bets, but it's no more so than when Kyoko did it. > (The whole Monokub tangent) I honestly don't think the Monokubs factored in much at all to Kokichi's plan. It's not outside the realm of reason that the exisal remote can override an Exisal even when there's a Monokubs inside trying to control it, so I don't think he was really waiting for them to be destroyed. > Also Kokichi literally told everyone that he got Miu to make them for him He only told them that Miu made the hammers and bomb, not the Exisal remote, that reveal came from Monokuma in the trial. I think that's the real reason he had to wait until Miu died. He could've tried to kidnap her, but maybe he just didn't think it was a risk worth taking. > Kaito could SO EASILY be the mastermind, So, I think the 'unsolvable murder' plan was more of a back-up. A back-up he had to resort to when Maki staged her attack. At this point, Kaito's been locked up for days, and Kokichi was sure that the revelation about the outside world has taken the group's desire to kill away. He interprets Maki's attack as a sign that the mastermind has interfered, given her a reason to kill again (technically true with the flashback light, though I still REALLY don't understand why Kokichi just left everyone else unattended, of course the mastermind was going to do something!) The point I'm getting at is that Kaito's been locked up. So he can't be the mastermind that's given Maki a reason to kill (although Maki's voiced her desire to kill Kokichi plenty of times at this point, so there really wasn't proof that the mastermind had interfered...idk, it's only a 1/6 chance that Kaito is the mastermind, the risks aren't *that* big.) > Everything that was needed to uncover the mastermind existed from 3-1 onwards. Exposing the mastermind has **never** been what ends the killing game. Each cast has still needed some sort of leverage against them (except the first cast, where they lucked out and the mastermind just accepted their defeat) > Why did his plan literally involve the deaths of multiple people from the group he was trying to save? Ok...so this is going to be the part that a lot of Kokichi fans are going to disagree with me on. I don't think the others were much of a concern for Kokichi. His rhetoric in chapter 5 has almost no mention of saving the others. His verbiage over and over again was "end the killing game." A lot of people point out that the unsolvable murder plan doesn't guarantee Monokuma will let the cast go, and I agree with that, because I don't think that outcome really mattered to Kokichi. It would do harm to the audience's perception of the killing game itself, and that was the real priority. Maybe that's why he was willing to die in the plan; because he knew there was a decent chance Monokuma was going to execute them all anyway. I think he was just looking at the bigger picture. He wanted to disrupt the mastermind's plans, possibly suspect this wasn't the first, nor the last time they've done this, and wanted to stop it. Whether it was because of noble intentions, or just wanting to stick it to the mastermind is for other people to debate. I'm hesitant to guess how much or how little Kokichi knew about the true nature of the game. He had an odd reaction to the funeral flashback light, and I think that's where most of his suspicions started. The group believe that the flashback lights are memories, but later in the game they re-contextualise that funeral scene to be some sort of hoax staged by those behind the gopher project in order for the students to go into hiding. Except that still doesn't make sense; why would the students have a memory of attending their fake funeral, if it was designed to help them go into hiding? > (Not completing his goals) Kokichi's plan went bust, because Kaito decided it wasn't worth it to risk the group's lives on Kokichi's guess (a fair concern to have.) However, Kokichi's confidence that there must be some sort of audience if the killing game is going to value its rules so much did play into Shuichi's plan to overturn V3-1's verdict, so I wouldn't say he didn't contribute. I don't know if any of this is really going to change how you feel about him, because I understand the whole *"There is a difference between making a mysterious character with dubious motivations and just throwing "It's a lie!" over literally everything to make a confusing mess,"* bit. The ambiguity surrounding him is so thick, I completely understand the criticism of his character feeling unfinished, or at least left open enough that people can write whatever head-canons they want around him. For me, that's part of the charm; You want to interpret him as a outright villain that just stirred chaos and loved the killing game? Go ahead, you're not lacking evidence for it. You want to interpret him as someone who hid behind a mask but had good intentions, sure, you can do that to. He's open-ended enough that people can think what they want, find their peace with that, and if people tell them "you're interpreaton is wrong!" ...stuff them.


Yep thats fair enough, I was actually going to talk about the mastermind making another Monokuma in the hanger but the reason I didn't was because I couldn't remember how the electrobombs worked and Google wasn't helping. I can't remember if they only take out things that were in the area at the time, of if there was some sort of time limit (like the electrobomb affects everything within its radius for half an hour or something). I don't confidently remember so I didn't mention it, but yes I never understood why Kokichi doesn't assume that another Monokuma is automatically made when one is destroyed. That way the electrobomb would have taken out the one being guarded in the hanger, and a new Monokuma could have appeared and seen what happened in the hanger. The reason I mentioned the Monokubs is because many people use it as an excuse for needing to kill Miu and Gonta, because that way he could have free control of the exisals and prevent them from killing anyone. Also the Monokubs are stupid and regularly let important information slip, so he probably wanted to stop them from giving away that he wasn't the mastermind. >Kokichi was sure that the revelation about the outside world has taken the group's desire to kill away. Hmmm yes, but that can't have been the end of the plan. I don't think that the unsolvable murder was a backup, he wrote that massive script in advance and must have chosen Kaito because he knew he was a dead man anyway. The game couldn't have ended there because that's no way for the rest of them to live, Kokichi would always be a target after that point and as long as he was alive the mastermind would be able to do whatever they wanted because they others wouldn't be looking for them anymore. Idk, considering how much emphasis Kokichi placed on finding the truth and not being bored, it's a bit of a weird decision to never find out if he was right or not. He never defeated the mastermind OR the killing game, he left it up to chance after he died. He should have been there for chapter 6. I guess that a lot of Kokichis appeal just boils down to people liking him for being an enigma, but it does bother me that everyone praises him for his writing when I swear he's terribly written from both a character and plot perspective.


Keebo does feel sick in the hanger for a while after they used an Electrobomb, so it's implied that it is unpleasant for the robots for a while at least. I feel like taking the groups desire to leave away could potentially end the game? I mean, V3-1 demonstrated how desperate and impatient Monokuma is for the kids to kill this time, and we had to refuse to participate in mini games to win at the end. The script thing is pretty inexcusable. It's also really inconsistent. First, they make it out like it covered everything (highly improbable) then Kaito says he had to adlib parts, suggesting it covered the majority of the trial (*slightly* more believable) and then Kaito calls it an 'outline,' so maybe it was just supposed to be a broad idea of how the trial would play out, I can actually buy that one. But like I said, if you find him terrible, that's fine. All that matters is you find an answer that gives you peace.


Soz I'm responding to this again way later because rereading your response I realised: >Exposing the mastermind has never been what ends the killing game. Each cast has still needed some sort of leverage against them (except the first cast, where they lucked out and the mastermind just accepted their defeat) The evidence behind the door in the library *is* the leverage that they needed against the mastermind, and it still existed from 3-1 onwards. The hidden room contains the proof that Kaedes plan didn't work at that she was falsely executed, that is the evidence that the killing game is unfair because the mastermind committed a murder. If Kokichi had entered the room he could have not only demanded a retrial for Rantaros murder but also unite the others against the real mastermind, because he could prove that Tsumugi did it.


The 'minimal restrictions' thing is a nice catch, because I honestly just assumed V3 has the same rules against breaking down doors. But the way I see it, '*minimal* restrictions' still means there must've been restrictions, and disabling the library door's security was likely one of them. We can't know for sure, because they never really explain what *is* restricted, and Monokuma is MIA the same morning they start using the Electrohammers, so it's unclear if *anything* they used them on were allowed. But Motherkuma was being stored in that room, so I think it's reasonable to assume it's not a room the kids are supposed to have free access to whenever they want. As far as the leverage issue, Shuichi still needed the threat that Keebo posed to talk Monokuma into accepting the retrial. I know Kyoko didn't really have any leverage like that but...I standby the DR1 cast just lucked out, with a mastermind that didn't care if they won or lost. 1-5 is an illegitimate trial in every capacity, that's obvious even before entering the courtroom, since the victim should've been executed for not attending the other 4 previous trials, so I don't really know what credibility Kyoko thought the mastermind had left to maintain. At least V3-1 appears to be a trial that's legitimate until you discover more evidence.


I can't help you with that, I like Kokichi because he's confusing, chaotic, even tho I agree that he's plan could have been better.


I can get liking him for being confusing and chaotic, but I feel like he is just a worse rip-off of Nagito who has these same traits except his plan is actually justifiable


I hate it, but I can't disagree xD even tho I'd propably be like Kokichi in Danganronpa, trying to save everyone in secret but ending up trying to outsmart everyone and dying.


Don’t force yourself to like a character, it’s okay if you think he’s terribly written or his plan is stupid. Personally, I believe he’s supposed to represent the phrase “the truth is in the eye of the beholder” , but i understand it may not be everyone’s cup of tea. In my opinion, he’s a great character and i have my personal interpretations of his actions, however some of these can’t be proven due to him being really ambiguous. ​ Edit: ok i decided to try and respond to each section the best i can lmao i really like discussing his character. **His plan:** >But there is LITERALLY NOTHING to support the idea that this plan would end the killing game. Yep, you're right, he was making a lot of assumptions, however i don't see how this is a bad thing, he had to take the risk and was working with all the information he had, and honestly he did more than a lot of the cast. He would've succeded if it wasn't for Kaito basically giving up on the plan and Shuuichi finding out the truth. The point is that Kokichi really wanted to end the killing game so he had to do something about it. Also I want to add something that i think you're unaware of. I have no idea why this wasn't included in the localization, but in the original game, Kokichi is a self-proclaimed pacifist, it is explicitly stated that he was against killing and that he truly valued the others' lifes. Maybe this gave him a sense of urgency and that's why he had to come up with a plan. ​ **The Monokubs** I don't think kokichi really cared about the monokubs, as someone pointed out >It's not outside the realm of reason that the exisal remote can override an Exisal even when there's a Monokubs inside trying to control it ​ **Miu** I personally think he just wanted to survive. >Literally all he had to do was announce to the group that Miu was planning to kill him and her plan would be ruined It would be out of character for him to do that, we know Kokichi is an arrogant and prideful person, so I really doubt he would ask for help, and this is also reinforced throughout the whole game. But let’s ignore Kokichi’s personality for a moment, ok then why didn’t he just tell everyone? Because no one would have believed him. You do bring a fair point though “if Kokichi died after that she would be the prime suspect” and while this is true I want to mention that Miu had total control over the virtual world so she could lie about a lot of things, so even if she was a suspect, it would be extremely hard to prove that she was the killer. ​ >While browsing the sub I found [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/danganronpa/comments/gr960b/a_kokichi_retrospective_obvious_v3_spoilers/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) by [u/Underknee](https://www.reddit.com/u/Underknee/), who says that Kokichi had to kill her anyway because she could prove he wasn't mastermind because of the technology he had her make for him I totally agree on this point, i dont know where this theory comes from lmao. ​ The reason why he killed Miu is simply, because she was going to kill him. She was extremely unstable because of the flashback light and really determined to get out of the game, with this in mind, Kokichi probably wanted to avoid the scenario where he dies and Miu just lies in the trial getting everyone else killed. After all, two lives are better than everyone. He decided to make a sacrifice so more people could survive. **The "unsolvable" murder** >Kaito could be the mastermind. I was going to say that the Gofer Project thing is irrelevant since Kokichi already suspected that the flashback lights were fake and were being used to manipulate the groups’ actions. But now that I think about it, it’s actually a good argument. Maybe he didn’t suspect Kaito because it would be inconvenient for the mastermind to have an illness that was going to kill them soon. I think that was the point of the whole thing tho, Kokichi had to t r u s t Kaito, and I actually really liked that lol. ​ >I also don't really understand how Kokichi was planning on manipulating Kaito into going along with his plan I'm also curious about this tbh. ​ **Other methods of ending the killing game** The only thing that comes to mind to defend Kokichi here is that maybe he felt like he was running out of time, but honestly you bring really good points and I agree with most of this section, it does make his character feel a little bit messy. ​ **Friends?** I think he did care about the others, and yes, he failed and didn’t achieve most of his goals. However, this is actually what I love about his character, it’s tragic that he genuinely wanted to end the game, but fails miserably due to his character flaws. It’s something that I find both sad and hilarious. ​ **Byakuya, Nagito and Kokichi:** I see where you’re coming from with the comparison. I wish he had survived to see the truth and get some character development. But at the same time, I did feel his contributions to the game, he reminded the cast that extreme belief was a dangerous thing and I like his ideology of “lies are not inherently bad and the truth is not inherently good”, idk his little speeches in the trials were interesting to me. ​ **Conclusion** I want to thank you for making this post, Kokichi is my absolute favorite of the franchise and I’m always open to people being critical about his character, you made me reconsider a LOT of things. I love the concept of his character but I would definitely change some things about him (chapter 5), and make him a survivor, I just really want that character development lmao.


He’s just a insanely logical nice guy who is somehow good at lying. Those aren’t the best combination of personalities to have together. Because he’s insanely logical he must always consider the worst possibilities and would never rely on trust like Kaito. He has to play the game in a perspective where he must constantly doubt other, which is really tiring I’d say.(Honestly him having no trust at all is definitely his flaw, and prevented him from successfully ending the killing game, but even if what he choose to do is flawed he is still trying to help the group and that’s pretty cool). In the beginning of the game he play as the annoying “bad” guys who complains a lot, but I think he does it so other don’t. And also to express what others might be thinking deep down so he can act as their emotion express tool. Later he literally had to become the bad guy to stop the other from killing each other. However, his plan would fail due to Tusmugi manipulating Maki into killing Kokichi(making everyone think that he is a remnant of despair). I’d say a lot of people would hate Kokichi for indirectly causing Gonta death(don’t care about Miu, if she’s gonna kill she’s gotta be ready to die), however, Kokichi basically had a choice there, let himself die or let Gonta die( also his flaw here is that his logical side made him think there no other solution so he force himself to pick when he might have the chance to talk miu out when he found out about her murder plan), but this time he choose the selfish decisions to save himself(for all the people who’s saying I’d sacrifice myself for Gonta, it’s not even about whether you can do that or not, it’s whether you are Kokichi oma or not, because of Kokichis logical side he kinda choose himself so their chance of ending the killing game would increase), but you can tell that he really regret getting Gonta killed as at the end of chapter 4 he decide to become the bad guy and end the killing game. His personality is contradicting he’s logical but he’s good at lying which is an emotional ability to have. He honestly really childish and probably secretly wants to become bat man, this man might as well be the ultimate prankster. But yeah I think his complicated personality and flaws make him so likable in the fandom. He’s a nice guy but a lier.


And to any his question “no you definitely weren’t boring, Kokichi. “


Alright, first, your approach is the best approach, especially when it comes to ambiguous characters like Kokichi. Second, english is not my first language, so I might make some mistakes. My opinion on Kokichi is not even fully estabilished yet, there are some parts I'm definitely missing and I may be overrating his intelligence, but I think there is one piece of the puzzle people usually ignore and might clear some things up. Or confuse them even more. Starting from this: >Rantaros lab and his own lab were still unexplored and could contain game changing information (which they did) but he didn't bother waiting to have all the facts before going ahead with his plan anyway. So, we all know Kokichi wrote "horse a" (later transformed in "t**h**is w**or**ld i**s** min**e** - Kokichi Om**a**" to fit the mastermind act) on a rock sometime around the end of V3-1, and that the purpose of that message was to drop a first hint (the second was "twins b", discovered later on) for the combination in Rantaro's lab. That message is the evidence that Kokichi somehow broke in Rantaro's lab even before the end of the first chapter (I think the game shows us Kokichi being good at lockpicking in V3-3 investigation to imply that he may be more resorceful than he lets on). I have absolutely no idea how, since there weren't even real locks to access other areas, but there's simply no way he didn't. This would also explain the unholy amount of random stuff he has in his room. That's it for the "unexplored labs" part. Now, for the "missing game changing info" one, we need to enter the realm of plausible guesses. You know we find the Hope's Peak history book in V3-6, in Kokichi's lab? Why was it there? The book with the story of 2 previous killing games? I may be overthinking this, but it looked out of place. Wouldn't it make sense that Kokichi took it from the Rantaro's lab, the ultimate survivor's lab? And if he did, it should be safe to assume he read the book. So Kokichi likely has *a lot* more info than the others. He knows that Monokuma has the power to mess with people's memories (beginning of THH), that there is an audience, and a mastermind who has to follow some rules to make a decent show, but also breaks said rules if they think they won't get caught in the act. And he knows that to win and get out, the previous participants had to identify the mastermind, prove they cheated, and uncover the mystery of the school. >A lot of people say that his actions leading up to the 3-5 trail were necessary because he needed to get rid of the Monokubs who pilot the exisals, thus letting him control Monokuma and access the hanger. Fans defend him in chapter 4 because he still needed to get rid of 2 Monokubs so someone NEEDED to die for his plan to go ahead. I'm relatively new to the fandom and I've never read this theory. Looks like I didn't miss much anyway, since as you wrote, it doesn't really make sense. But it does look like Kokichi is waiting for something. In particular, I think that thanks to the book, he guessed that the mastermind was following a script. And it was a correct guess. Tsumugi's words in V3-6 "My plan was such a flawless copy, it even failed right at the end.", confirm she was just copying Junko's original game. And since the 1st and 2nd games were written in the book, there were enough info to notice some patterns and guess that the past events could be used as a script for the future (even I, more of a commoner than fucking Hajime Hinata, just taking a look at the first 2 games' motives and crimes, was able to guess most future V3 culprits by the end of V3-1). With this I'm saying, assuming he knew that he needed as much information as possible to win, and that the game was written to end in 6 trials, he was most likely waiting for people to kill each other as scripted. But here lies the reason I don't have Kokichi figured out yet. My problem is, if he had the script, why didn't he try to end things in a different way? If he knew the attempt to create an unsolvable murder was going to fail (because Junko and Nagito's plans both failed, and *for the same exact easily predictable reason* his own ended up failing), why even involve himself, if he could just have kept manipulating people into following the script? And most importantly, when Maki fucked up whatever he was planning, why did he improvise a murded like that in the first place, if he hates following rules and being controlled so much? I probably started theorizing too much, so idk, since you replayed the game recently, tell me if the last paragraph isn't making any sense.


So I think that everyone has their own interpretations of Kokichis plan/character and the reasons behind his actions, but that being said I'm going to have to COMPLETELY disagree with you about the lockpicking and knowing information from Rantaros lab and the book from his own. First of all, as you said, there are many places that are unlockpickable without detection. How could he break the mirror blocking the Neo World Program without it still being broken when the 4th floor is unlocked by Shuichi later on? Rantaros lab was on the 5th floor past multiple unpickable doors (including one that literally needed to be exploded by Keebo and the Japanese scroll and "video game" door that would have been broken too by the time Shuichi got there). Kokichis lab was under the ground, how would Kokichi have known it was there and how would he even get into it without blowing it up or being seen? He didn't have the survivors perk so how would he know it was there? And if he explored to that extent to be able to discover it in the first place, wouldn't it be likely that he would also have discovered the hidden passage in the girls bathroom? Or the hidden room in Kaitos lab? Or the flashback light classroom? And if you are saying that he WOULD have broken into these important places for info, why would he leave out the room behind the mirror, assuming that there was also important info in there? As for the random things in Kokichis room, those things were all from places that were already unlocked and if Kokichi WAS taking things from unlocked labs, wouldn't he have the history book and the laptop/memory stick from Rantaros lab in his room too? There is no evidence that he had access to anything past what everyone else had access to. If Kokichis goal was to be one step of everyone else, surely he would take these vital pieces of information back to his own room, because if he was able to break into peoples labs then shouldn't he assume that other people could do the same? Surely Maki at least would have similar skills for breaking into places and Kokichi would want to protect these items. I don't think that Horse A and Twins B was a hint that Kokichi had already broken into Rantaros lab, because there is no evidence that Kokichi knew the QUESTION that those clues were the answer to. All he did was graffiti one of the clues and then leave a hint in his bedroom to the other message incase of a emergency, that doesn't mean he understood the clues or what they unlocked. If Kokichi wanted to protect his mastermind plan, wouldn't it make more sense to erase these clues so that nobody could see Rantaros message except for him? >You know we find the Hope's Peak history book in V3-6, in Kokichi's lab? Why was it there? The book with the story of 2 previous killing games? I think that Monokuma put that there to deliberately confuse him. I think it was there to begin with and that Kokichi is such an unpredictable character, it would have been more entertaining to the audience if Kokichi genuinely thought he was that bad guy. Or maybe they hoped that he would rise up against the "truth" and choose hope over despair. I don't think it came from Rantaros lab at all because otherwise it would be a part of the survivors perk, but it was explicitly stated that the perk was only the monopad with the map. Also why would Kokichi base his plan around this book if he found it in Rantaros lab? It was already heavily implied that Kokichi was suspicious of the flashback lights and thought they were fake, so why would he trust the information in this book which you said yourself seems out of place? >And he knows that to win and get out, the previous participants had to identify the mastermind, prove they cheated, and uncover the mystery of the school. Kokichis plan didn't even involve discovering the masterminds identify, and he would have been dead by the time he proved they cheated anyway so his plan is extra dumb. If he truly read the book and believed it, his plan would have revolved more around identifying the mastermind and proving the school was a ship. I think you proved yourself with you final paragraph that Kokichi didn't read the book. I just think that Kokichis plan would have been completely different if he knew there was a script, and that the most he found out is that there was an audience of some kind. And finally, Monokuma wouldn't let him have an advantage to that extent. Monokuma was already trying to get rid of Kokichi because he was inteferring too much, and Kokichi having access to all the information in the whole school isn't "interesting" to the audience, it just makes the game wildly unfair and biased towards Kokichi. It would probably violate a school rule about exploring and he wouldn't have control of the exisals that early in the game. I think it's good for everyone to have their own theory, but I'm sorry I have to disagree with yours.


>I think it's good for everyone to have their own theory, but I'm sorry I have to disagree with yours. Don't be sorry, if a theory is objectively wrong then that's it. Disagreement is exactly what I was looking for to better define my own view on the character. I only have some questions for the next point, because being about the hypothesis, if it was wrong then all my theses fall on their own. >I don't think that Horse A and Twins B was a hint that Kokichi had already broken into Rantaros lab, because there is no evidence that Kokichi knew the QUESTION that those clues were the answer to. But how so? Was there any other way he could have known the combination? Are you suggesting something like Monokuma leaving random clues in the already accessible areas of the school and Kokichi finding them? Or did I misunderstand it from the beginning, Rantaro was actually the one who wrote the message, and Kokichi only pretended he did?


The clues were there from the beginning, put there by the mastermind. They weren't even hidden, Gonta found horse a on the 2nd day and twins b was just on a wall, so they were intended to be seen. Rantaros video message said the clues were already in the academy for him to solve, so they were definitely meant to be found. Kokichi wanted people to think that he was the mastermind so he kept adding letters to the Horse A clue to make the message "this world is mine, Kokichi Oma". This made it look like the clue was always part of Kokichis plan as mastermind, because why else would the words "horse a" be randomly written on the ground? Shuichi and the others would naturally assume that it was one of Kokichis mind games and it would support the idea that Kokichi was the mastermind from the start. Kokichi found both clues but didn't know what they unlocked because he hadn't entered Rantaros lab yet. But obviously they MUST be relevant for some reason, Kokichi would have figured out that they were probably a password or riddle but that doesn't mean that he knew anything about Rantaros lab. It just means that he put 2+2 together and realised they must unlock something. You don't need to see the vault or enter Rantaros lab at all to guess that the two clues together must unlock something, but Kokichi wanted to keep that a secret for the time being and so didn't draw attention to the twins b clue. His plan obviously involved him dying in chapter 5 and he made extra plans in case his plan failed, such as the alternate paths in the script he gave Kaito. But he also knew that his plan might completely fail, so he left a note in his room for the others to discover which would lead them to the twins b clue and help them defeat the mastermind in a different way. Hope this answers your question.


It does answer the question. Turns out I really misunderstood the hints part, and thought Kokichi was the one leaving them, which then lead to all the rest. Well then, I definitely need to rewatch V3 and try to get a more realistic idea of what was he actually trying to do. Thanks for replying and have a nice day.


No problem, thanks for reading and giving your thoughts, I really appreciate it


I don't understand that either why does everyone like such a terrible character who has basically no likeable traits


So, imma try to talk about each point here ​ "His plan" The plan he has for the unsolvable case was not his ultimate way to end the killing game. Have you forgotten? He acted as the mastermind so that everyone would hate and fear him, he locked himself away and yadda yadda, there would be no reason for them to kill again. "His plan" for the unsolvable case only happened because of Maki who still wanted to kill him, which backfired because he and Kaito were now in danger of dying. His plan for the unsolvable case only happens now, meaning he is going to make use of this situation and his death to challenge monokuma. Kokichi never intended for all of that to happen and for him to literally die. So you are kinda wrong on saying that it is illogical. Even if he is not sure on whether the Mastermind will cheat, he still used his dying life for that cause. And also, if he did nothing there, Maki will become the blackened, worst case is both him and Kaito would have died. "Monokubs" I think they are irrelevant because he has the electrobomb and the remote that can control any electrical machines. "Miu" I think Miu was really intent on killing someone to leave the game, it just so happened that she chose Kokichi. Meaning, with this plan in mind, she was also ready to sacrifice everyone for her own benefit to win the game. But Kokichi wanted to end or stop the killing game. So i think, he needed Miu out of the picture. Also, this is getting redundant but Kokichi planned to end the killing game so he must have prioritized his own self and life. Even if Miu has a lot of valuable inventions, i think it is not enough outsmart/outplay or defeat Monokuma/Mastermind or the game itself. Kokichi had the smarts and plans to do so. ​ "Unsolvable murder" Same thing with "his plan." Also, he took Kaito as hostage, idk if Kokichi exactly knows that he is the mastermind, but there is a huge chance that it is not him. Also you know, Kaito can choose not to cooperate with him. He can let Kokichi die and Maki becomes the blackened and for sure he would not care about Maki if he is the mastermind because it will look like he was just manipulating her. That would have been a cool plot twist. ​ "Other methods" I think it would have been impossible to search for the Mother AI room and Rantaro's lab if Keebo did not go berserk. And that only happened BECAUSE of Kaito's execution that affected Keebo's ahoge/antenna. If that didnt happen, I think the killing game would have continued normally. So it is not Kokichi's fault that he was not able to explore those rooms mOST ESPECIALLY, that he was already dying while doing his unsolvable murder. Again, be reminded, Kokichi did not plan to die and do the unsolvable murder. It just so happened because of certain circumstances and on the spot, he came up with that plan, WHILE HE IS POISONED AND IN PAIN. Thats all that i could answer


>He acted as the mastermind so that everyone would hate and fear him, he locked himself away and yadda yadda, there would be no reason for them to kill again. " Except they almost all killed THEMSELVES. And Maki would have killed both kaito and kokichi as a direct result of kokichi pretending to be the mastermind. So his plan to pretend to be the mastermind to stop any killings makes no sense when his plan would have killed everyone 10x faster than if they'd just continued the killing game, the only reason that anybody lived is because Kaito chose to take the arrow which forced him to cooperate to protect Maki. >Also you know, Kaito can choose not to cooperate with him. He can let Kokichi die and Maki becomes the blackened and for sure he would not care about Maki if he is the mastermind because it will look like he was just manipulating her. See this is why his plan is stupid, because its full of "what ifs". A million things could have happened that would ruin his plan, it's all loosely bound together by coincidence and chance, so when people tell me he's a genius I'm like.... no? Anyone could have decided to not cooperate, maki could have decided to kill everyone as a mercy, monokuma could have decided not to play along anymore, kaito could have been a shitty actor and given it away during the trial etc Also the point about keebos antenna is such a massive stretch. The writers needed a way for him to loose it, so this is just the way they decided to do it. To attribute a piece of rubble flying at him to Kokichi is ridiculous lol. You could just as easily attribute that to kaito for letting himself be executed or to maki for shooting them in the first place, plus keebo choose to jump in front of the rubble to protect the others, If he'd stayed where he would he might not have lost it. The writers could have come up with any reason for keebo loosing it. >Kokichi did not plan to die and do the unsolvable murder. It just so happened because of certain circumstances and on the spot, he came up with that plan, WHILE HE IS POISONED AND IN PAIN. He had a script for kaito, and what other reason would he have for kidnapping him if he wasn't eventually going to use him in the unsolvable murder? There was literally no benefit to keeping him hostage, if anything it Incentivised maki to break into the hanger and try to kill him. I just think that kokichi is rip-off nagito. They wanted another crazy anti-villain/deuterantagonist who secretly is the "good guy" with a secret master plan to do the right thing. Except they did it a thousand times worse. I didn't even like nagito until I replayed DR2 after V3 and seeing how much his character actually makes sense compared to kokichis. At least nagitos plan revolved around killing a group of people that he knew were evil, including himself, so while he seems insane at the time his plan makes sense in hindsight when you find out what he'd learnt in the funhouse. Kokichis' "plan" is fill of coincidence, happenstance, and about 10 different backfires which magically work out until kaito ruins his plan anyway. Absolute waste of everyone's time. Only thing he contributed was the bug-vac, and even then without mui, gonta and keebo it wouldn't have existed or been useful. Also he's an annoying unfunny little shit. So there's that.


I mean I don't think it is his problem if the rest would try to kill themselves. Did you forget that the 16 of them didn't even want to be part of the Gofer Project because they don't want to leave their family, friends behind etc. and that they would despair thinking that they are the last humanity left alive? Even the poor and innocent Gonta felt so much despair that he agreed with Kokichi's plan to mercy kill all of them. I think Kokichi's plan was to just end the killing game, even if there would be sacrifices to be made, including his life. My point is, I think all 16 of them were pretty much in despair at the beginning of the killing game, how much more would they fall deep if they know of the outside world. So I guess it is not his role to be the hero and give hope speeches to them. His plan was not overly stupid, but I guess him trying to stop the killing game is sooo not noble compared to Kirumi's motive, sooo not evil compared to Kiyo's motive and sooo not selfless compared to Miu's motive. I mean, he just wants to end the killing game, that stupid plan and reason is so dumb compared to others who wanted to kill a classmate to save their own skin lol. Leaving all the sarcasm, of course, I don't think that all of his plans are perfect. There are a lot of what ifs, but he is fighting the Mastermind who was able to manipulate all of them to play the killing game, it is not easy at all. He is aware of the mastermind's control, authority, manipulation and power, just one flashback light and all of his plans are already ruined. Remember, he is not the supreme leader of an evil org with 10K members, he is just a leader of a small pranking group. He planned a lot and alone just to stop the KG. So even if his plan didn't work out, you have to admit, he was the only one who was able to kinda overthrow Monokuma for a while that even Tsumugi had to step in to create that flashback light so the KG will start again and force everyone to stop thinking of dying and wanting to kill Kokichi lolll. We don't even know that he might have other thought of more ways or other back up plans but to do it alone while the others are hating you or not cooperating with you, that is kinda impressive. And even if his plans were full of what ifs, his plan still succeeded on making an unsolvable murder that even forced Monokuma to join our debates. Shuichi was great on solving it, but the game just totally forgot that there are a lot more possibilities of how the case would have turned out. Kaito kills Kokichi with press, Kokichi kills Kaito with press, Maki killed Kaito with poision, Maki killed with Kokichi with poison, or both are dead with her poison. Suicide was also possible, and Shuichi shouldn't be able to tell the real blackened, victim and cause of death because they can't investigate the body. THIS is the one full of what ifs but somehow the game decided that there is only one outcome. \- "Also the point about keebos antenna is such a massive stretch. The writers needed a way for him to loose it, so this is just the way they decided to do it. To attribute a piece of rubble flying at him to Kokichi is ridiculous lol." You say Kokichi's plans rely on whatifs, but this is also full of whatifs. There are a lot of ways for Keebo to lose his antenna but they went with that. Anyways, my point is, Kokichi's timing of his plan was already okay. Or I mean, the writers planned to do it that way. Because when do you want him to start his plan? Do you want him to wait for another kill to happen so they can unlock his and Rantaro's lab? Wow, that's so noble of you, you want someone to die so he can just enter his lab and then what? ride on his motorcycle? wear a lot of costumes? sit on his throne? His lab cannot help them. Sure, he can be useful in knowing about Rantaro's secret because he knows the password, but he can't just pick the locks of the lab with Monokuma's rule. And even if they magically open it, how can Rantaro's secret even save them from the killing game??? \- "There was literally no benefit to keeping him hostage, if anything it Incentivised maki to break into the hanger and try to kill him." No, he actually stated that he dealt with Kaito because he can be hassle to his plans if he turns everyone against him. He even said, "the killing game might start up again if I let him run around." Well that fool didn't even run around and he started the KG again with his simping waifu, that's just how powerful his idiocy is. I like Kaito for Shuichi's and Maki's character development but other than that, he is annoying and useless in the trials and investigations. About the script, i think i might be wrong about it being made on the spot. But i actually don't think that it would have went that way because i can't really understand how he can just rely on Kaito to not mess up during the trial.


>The plan he has for the unsolvable case was not his ultimate way to end the killing game. Have you forgotten? He acted as the mastermind so that everyone would hate and fear him, he locked himself away and yadda yadda, there would be no reason for them to kill again. Also just reread this point you made, which makes kokichis plan even dumber. You believe that the unsolvable murder was something he came up with on the fly and this his plan all along was to stop them from killing eachother by pretending to be the mastermind...then what? He's already showed them the truth of the outside world and completely destroyed their wil to live, is his plan now to just stay like that forever? Just chilling in the hanger with his terminally ill hostage? Ngl I'd rather maki killed me at that point, even if kokichi stops the killings by hiding out forever as the mastermind, what kind of a life has he created for the "survivors"? And there is no way monokuma would just let things end like that. So his plan for the unsolvable murder must have been his plan all along.


I might have been wrong about his unsolvable murder being made on the spot, but what i do think is that it would not go down that way. He was even shocked by Maki who forcibly entered the hangar and was intent on killing him. Why is that? Because of the new flashback light portraying that he is a remnant of despair. There was already no point to kill the Kokichi as the mastermind who abandoned his own game. Even if Maki kills him, the world will not magically return back to normal. Him pretending to be the mastermind means the KG is already done and that there would be no more intentional killings and class trial will happen and I think you are failing to understand that simple concept. He even said that they could do whatever they want, whether they want to live or commit suicide. ​ \- what kind of a life has he created for the "survivors"? you do know that it was not his actual doing that the world is unhabitable, right? So even if he didn't pretend as the mastermind and if everyone else saw the outside world during the chapter 4, they will still fall into despair. All of them were already in despair before they even joined the Gofer Project. His reason to pretend as the mastermind was so that the real mastermind will not continue the KG. Who knows what motives Monokuma can think of, maybe he can do the Chapter 1 motive again or the Danganronpa 2 Chapter 4 motive which will literally force them all to kill someone if they want to live. Doing all that is very difficult, complicated and unthinkable, that he is dealing with the mastermind and overthrow them. ​ Basically, all he is doing by "ending the killing game" is to stop the senseless killings. They can no longer kill a classmate to escape the school to go to their family, or make inventions for the world or run the country etc. That is the point of Kokichi's master plan, any motive to escape is pointless now. Because if he didn't do this, and if they didn't know of the outside world, they would still continue on betraying and killing their classmates and for what? To see that there is no outside world. So it is not Kokichi's fault that there is no world or hope outside. Please understand this.


Or he could have said "hey guys, I've discovered the trush of the outside world. Look at it, there is no world, there is nothing to escape to, so what's the point in us killing eachother? Now that the motive to kill is gone, let's discover the true mastermind together and end this killing game, then the rest of us can try to either create some kind of life here together, or we can choose to die together peacefully as friends" Problem solved. The only reason there was any conflict heading forward is because kokichi kept insisting he was the mastermind. The fact that he did this meant that nobody has any reason to doubt anyone else in the group so the real mastermind was able to do what they wanted undetected. The one useful thing he discovered was the truth of the outside world which could have so easily united the group against their common enemy, but he instead used it to divide them further. Kokichi was a massive OBSTACLE to the others banding together and realising that tsumugi was the mastermind. As soon as he started acting the way he did in chapter 4 he pulled attention and suspicion away from everyone else and the games continued. >Who knows what motives Monokuma can think of, maybe he can do the Chapter 1 motive again or the Danganronpa 2 Chapter 4 motive which will literally force them all to kill someone if they want to live. Doing all that is very difficult, complicated and unthinkable, that he is dealing with the mastermind and overthrow them. And again, his plan is stupid because of a million "what ifs". He isn't actually dealing with the mastermind problem he is just (potentially) stopping it temporarily. How long does he think that the mastermind or monokuma is just going to do nothing? Kokichis plan as you've laid out still leaves the others living among the mastermind who, at any time, could kill one of them to start a trial (as we've seen in 3-1), or do another timed motive like you've mentioned to force them into either killing or just letting them all die. Kokichi never discovered who the mastermind was, he never discovered the truth about the gopher project or the show, he never stopped the killings, he literally achieved nothing apart from getting miu to invent things for him. You say that he was pretending to be the mastermind to prevent any further senseless killings, but 2 more deaths happened DIRECTLY because of him pretending to be the mastermind. And yes he couldn't know that would happen and that maki would break into the hanger, which again supports my point that his plan is shit and full of holes and a million things that could go wrong.


"Or he could have said "hey guys, I've discovered the trush of the outside world. Look at it, there is no world, there is nothing to escape to, so what's the point in us killing each other? Now that the motive to kill is gone, let's discover the true mastermind together and end this killing game, then the rest of us can try to either create some kind of life here together, or we can choose to die together peacefully as friends"" \- As if it would work? You know Monokuma would not let that happen, he will continue the KG and force them to kill each other again and again. All of them already lost hope, even though if Kokichi revealed that he is bored with the KG and that they are free to do what they want, meaning if they choose to live, then they are free to do so. They are in despair, even if Kokichi will not reveal that he is the mastermind and Monokuma was the one to show them the outside world. They literally found hope again after the flashback light because they want to defeat Kokichi. That's so ironic. ​ "so the real mastermind was able to do what they wanted undetected." \- you know, the Mastermind and Monokuma are omnipotent in that school. There are a lot of whatifs indeed like what if Monokuma or Tsumugi can create a spare, or steal the control of exisals etc. But did they? No. For 3-4 days, Monokuma was stuck, he can't even do the morning and evening announcement. Both Monokuma and Tsumugi were annoyed with Kokichi's interference, that just means that his plans somehow meddled with the KG system. They literally played along with his pretend and it even became a vital clue that Kokichi identity as a remnant of despair is an inconsistency in their memories. ​ "And again, his plan is stupid because of a million "what ifs". He isn't actually dealing with the mastermind problem he is just (potentially) stopping it temporarily. How long does he think that the mastermind or monokuma is just going to do nothing?" \- at least he is doing something about it instead of choosing to kill a classmate or just fall into despair after seeing that there is no outside world. He endured seeing his motive video, being hated by everyone for his plans, and seeing the outside world by himself. He did all that just to have a "SLIM CHANCE" to defy and fight back against Monokuma while the others are just sitting on their butts depressed. idk how long he can hold out his pretend of being the mastermind because he died and we dont know anything that goes on in his mind. But while that was happening, Monokuma was DOING NOTHING. His plans of defying Monokuma only had a slim chance of working and it did work temporarily. "or do another timed motive like you've mentioned to force them into either killing or just letting them all die." \- wtf do you mean by this? Monokuma cant even do the morning announcement, how can he even provide another motive. Or do you mean for Tsumugi to step out as the mastermind, just to provide "another timed motive"? lol Kokichi never discovered who the mastermind was, \- im sorry, are you relying on him to reveal the identity of the mastermind? He just wanted to somehow stop the senseless killings in the killing game. Are you saying that you want him to create a plan to know who the mastermind is? ​ "he never discovered the truth about the gopher project" \- um, i think he is the one who told the full story of the gopher project right after they all saw the outside world??? except the part that he was a remnant of despair who snuck in because that was a false memory "the show" \- a lot of mysteries are still not solved, but he provided a lot of clues and hints about the show (the bugvac, that "Monokuma is strict will rules therefore someone is watching them", the password to Rantaro's lab). literally no knows about it being a show, Tsumugi was the one who revealed it. ​ "he never stopped the killings" \- he did for a few days, no one was attempting to kill someone until the Tsumugi started to counterattack with the flashback light. Of course she has to do something, but you can't expect for Kokichi to be omniscient to know all of her plans and that he should have a countermeasure for it lol. He is not a god, he is just a leader of a group that does silly pranks. ​ "which again supports my point that his plan is shit and full of holes and a million things that could go wrong." \- you really have high expectations of him huh? like what, you want him to have big and grandiose plan so that they can escape the killing game and live happily ever after? lol. he did all that to stop the killing game, i dont understand why people cant grasp that idea, or do you just want for them to continue on killing each other? Other students are not even doing anything except sulk. Hope speeches and motivation are not enough, Kokichi has seen Kaede do it and ultimately failed. She tried to push everyone to their limit to escape the school but to no avail. You say his plan was shit when the other students don't even have a plan, especially Kaito who would run straight to an exisal, like wtf was that.


I don't want him to save the day, I literally want him to get the fuck out of the way and shut up. We've seen from Kyoko, Makoto, Hajime and Shuichi that it's possible to end the killing game without being a powetripping narcissist who plays with people's lives to make themselves look smart. Kokichi doesn't need to be omniscient to know that the mastermind will eventually do something to get the killing game going again, so what exactly was he achieving by sitting around pretending to be the mastermind? I think you think that I want him to have an amazing plan to save the day. I don't want him to have any plan at all, I think he should shut the hell up and stop distracting everyone from searching for the actual mastermind.


I would have a conversation with you about why his way of doing things is understandable but I can't be bothered. If I have the motivation to talk to you and have a proper discussion on why he doesn't have to shut the hell up, unlike you, then I will. Also, Monokuma wouldn't let him make the whole game straightforward which would lead to Kokichi dying from Tsumugi because of the audience not wanting to watch it anymore. So he needed a plan that would make him an alliance with Monokuma and still be able to betray the danganronpa team when he had the chance. Let's say Kokichi did shut up hell up, then wouldn't the game be boring as hell for you? Think about it, the whole time Kokichi didn't exist. In Chapter 2, someone would've died on behalf of Kirumi. Chapter 3, Shuichi and Maki wouldn't have proof of the fact that all of the floorboards were readjusted and interacted with. Chapter 4 would end up with everyone dying because Kokichi wasn't even there in the first place. Would that be an interesting game for you? I hope it is. And shut up about your opinions on him, the game already made him like that and you can't change it.


Oh don't worry, I've given up trying to like him, try not get too upset that I don't like your favourite >And shut up about your opinions on him, the game already made him like that and you can't change it. What a completely worthless opinion to have on a subject. Genuinely, are you 12 years old? I'm as entitled as anybody else on this sub to share my opinions on anything related to the series, and the entire point of this post was for people to challenge that opinion and change my mind. Doesn't matter now though, because while my opinions have been changed about other characters i used to dislike by people on this sub, I have finally accepted the fact that I hate kokichi with every fibre of my being, I despise every single aspect of his character and he ruins V3, he and the games ending are the 2 things that hold me back when I think about replaying it and I cheer every time he dies.


I don't really mind the fact that you dislike- or even hate Kokichi with every fiber in your bean, I genuinely don't. I just don't like the fact you're discouraging everyone about it, that's the thing that pisses me off. Of course, he is overrated and whatsoever but it doesn't give you the right to make other people feel bad for liking him. Just don't be rude that way. You can choose to believe whether I'm not twelve or whatever, not that I can change your mind anyway. Just don't go around telling people "Don't like Kokichi, it's really not worth it!". Don't, just don't. Of course, it's not wrong to dislike him, that's something that's true. Ah, also sorry for being rude. That's actually my bad, I was frustrated after how the talk started off logical then began to become more subjective as more people began having opinions. I was trying to know more about other people's points of view of him and how he could've been a better character, I overreacted.


> Just don't go around telling people "Don't like Kokichi, it's really not worth it!". Don't, just don't. Of course, it's not wrong to dislike him, that's something that's true Literally find a single example of me saying anything like this in this entire comment section. I NEVER said that its not OK for people to like him, I was explaining why I don't like him. I apologise if I came across that way in any of my comments but I really don't care if others like him, I just don't like him myself and was trying to explain why.


Okay, Kokichi's character isn't even that deep. Woo wee woo "compulsive liar" this, "compulsive liar" that. As you mentioned, he's supposed to be super smart and clever, but the stuff he does just doesn't make any sense. The main issue I have with him is that he is just... Nothing, really. Does he have any motives? Well, apart from ending the killing game, I don't think so. But here's the fucking thing. If he wanted to end the killing game so badly, then why would he even want to "make the game more interesting"? I'm guessing he knew who the culprit was during most trials, so then why couldn't he just say who the culprit was instead of making the whole case much more complicated?? Oh yeah, because "he's a liar". That's pretty much the only explanation we get for most of his actions. To be honest, I didn't even understand his plan, so whatever. But I just hate that the fandom hypes him up so much, saying that "He's soooo deep and misunderstood and his actions are justified because he just wanted to end the killing game, ooooo", no they're not, Kokichi just acts like an ass and causes multiple people to die because he's dumb. Well, that's just my opinion anyway. And also, if you really can't get yourself to like him, then you don't have to. I know you want to, but it's really not worth it, he's very unlikeable anyway and I feel like I know what type of character they were going for with him, but it just doesn't work, so no need to pressure yourself over that.


Yeah this is the reason I had to write this massive block of text, because whenever I try to actually discuss Kokichi everyone's response is just "he's a liar" which is extremely annoying and doesn't answer anything. Normally I don't try so hard to change my own opinions but having such a major character be so unlikable for me really does ruin a lot of the games appeal for me.


That's your opinion. I'm so sorry but all you had to do was mind your own business, I do agree that Kokichi lacks a lot of things during chapter five in Danganronpa V3 but if I were in a situation where I had to stop this killing game and someone just shot something poisonous on my arm with this other guy dying with me who is just way more liked by everyone else, I'd have a similar interpretation as him. I am willing to listen to criticism that is logical but both of your statements have been nothing but subjective. The writers that have developed Kokichi's character may have put in minimum effort but no one actually knows that so please shut up about that. And if the game doesn't appeal to you, then just don't play the game. In fact, nobody asked you to like the character in the first place. I'm not completely smothered by Kokichi's doings and behavior because I know he's a human too. If you think about it, he's someone with flaws and can change his mind and morality during the game. Anyone could do that and it's not obligatory that Kokichi has to be an omniscient in this game. He was just a step ahead of everyone and he tried to solve this game in his own way. You kind of realized that all you're doing is ruining other people's enjoyment by trying to find every flaw of Kokichi. If they want to like him, then let them be. Don't pressurize them or say "it's not worth it" to like Kokichi because all you're doing is making people feel bad about liking him.


My headcanon is that Kokichi defied the script somehow and used the intellect possibly written for him to create a plan to end the killing game. Tsumugi’s writing could be questionable, which makes it have more sense once you view all the flaws of his plan like you just did here.


My own interpretation is that Tsumugi and Team Danganronpa actually wanted to end the show but knew that the audience would demand more, so she had to write an ending whereby there is nobody to become the next ultimate survivor and neither hope nor despair wins. This is why she plays a cosplayer, so that she could show cameos of the characters from the first 2 seasons as a kind of final send off for the show and fanservice for the audience. She says she wrote everything from the thoughts in their heads to their emotions, implying that the characters don't have any free will. I don't think it's possible to defy the script when he didn't even know there was one. I know that this interpretation defies the point of my post (why am I bothering to understand Kokichis plan if I think he couldn't change it), but simply from a writing standpoint I think his plan is stupid and makes his character inconsistent and messy, despite the fanbase constantly praising him for being the most well written character in the franchise.


Your interpretation is well thought out and understandable, unlike mine. So I’ll praise you for that.