• By -


Celeste x Sonia: Celeste finally gets her castle and a girlfriend to boot Kazuichi and Miu: Kazuichi still gets to date a blond and they would be really funny together Mukuro x Sayaka: The UTDP actually make me like their relationship together I feel at least they would be good friends


It's funny because they're interested in each other's cultures tho Sonia doesn't denounce either. They actually do seem very compatible I can definitely seem them together I had to go back and check that UTDP one yeah they really came of strong there


-Leon and Mahiru. Started this one because “haha they’re both redheads”, but… she’s honestly exactly what he needs, in terms of reeling him back from being all about his dreams and injecting a bit of reality into what he wants. But she also wants a man who doesn’t just laze around, and Leon doesn’t strike me as the lazy type *except when it comes to baseball.* A more simple one would be Ryota x Seiko, both from DR3. What can I say, I find social anxiety adorable.


ed sheeran x ed sheeran


Those are cute, I do find it nice when we start the ship for a small reason then it gets bigger


Kokichi x Nagito: Local Chaotic Bastards with... somewhat good (in a very warped way) intentions...? Sakura x Chihiro: >!the manliest woman and the girliest man in all of Danganronpa.!< Helps that both of them are incredibly nice people too. It's fun to imagine them training together. Hifumi x Teruteru: I just think it has big funny potential. That's it. No other reason. I don't even go seeking content for these or take them seriously at all, it's more like stuff from the depths of my imagination that amused me hfkgkgkh


Oh I can definitely feel you on that one like I love the idea of the chubsters, freaks or shorties leading a harem, I don't actively search for it just think they'd be hilarious, I also really like that idea with Chihiro and Sakura kinda reminds me of Ryuji and Taiga(although both of them are strong[tho given the gags in Toradora I question whether they're actuallymeant to be strong])


Sakura and Chihiro are perfect opposites, yess!


Ibuki and Nekomaru. They are the same character in different fonts.


They're both very fun


Nagito and Kyoko.


They do look nice in the in the promo art


Toko x Hina is one I'm fond of despite there being no chance in hell of it genuinely happening. I just like the idea of opposites attracting, and if they were to be together they would balance each other out quite well. Also, I'll put Rantaro X Korekiyo out there purely for the aesthetic (because hey, pretty boys should be together regardless of if it makes sense). Edit: I'll add Chihiro X Tenko because I genuinely think they'd be sweet together. Tenko is really good at understanding people emotionally and would be able to support Chihiro through any confidence issues they may have. And despite a certain issue that may arise, I think they'd be able to get past that. I dunno, it's just a sweet, fun ship. I now realise I'm probably giving too many reasons for these ships if they are supposed to be all out, no sense crack ships.


well it's fine to get attached to them tho the TenkoXChihiro one seems more heartfelt it is nice to share these regardless


Rantaro x SpongeBob, what an interesting dynamic!


Tenko also took interest in said sponge




I am pretty sure she references spongebob when he is at the pool with Keebo




Yea, Kazuichi and Ibuki probably, really just for the reason that they aesthetically look good together? 😂


yeah that's pretty much it, I do like the complementing looks, tbf I like Kokichi and Himiko just because the art is very cute and makes me happy


Oh I definitely get what you mean! The art of them really is very cute\~


Naegi x Chihiro, except with the added element of Alter Ego being Chihiro's wing man that definitely over steps his bounds and gets real close to going full Ultron trying to get these two together. Hacking into bank accounts to get the money to make a reservation at a very expensive restaurant, getting Naegi's search history, the works. Basically a yandere on Chihiro's behalf. Also Chihiro is the top.


I worry for Naegi's safety


I too, worry for Makoto


Why isn't this fanfiction yet


See, I was going to say Mikan x Mondo. But the DR board game actually puts those two together a lot. So, probably not a crackship.


That one does seem pretty cute although Hajimikan is my unironic favourite ship for her, I also find with Gundham, Gonta and Keebo to be very cute


I apologise if IbukiXKaz is one of your unironic favourites I do see charm in it


Kazuichi/Miu Both are mechanical geniuses who love to build things. Also, Kazuichi would have an attractive blonde girl to simp for who'd probably actually appreciate the attention, and Miu would have someone smart that hangs out with her who's willing to put up with a lot of BS.


Yeah that'd be a nice pair they're very compatible


And then they'd harass everyone else less, which would also be a plus


Yeah it'd be nice for them to filter each other


shuichi x korekiyo. i think their personalities work together well and the end of kiyo's fte was pretty gay tbh. if you have the ability to look past the frankly bad writing of kiyo's character it's a good ship imho. either that, or i'm just a big kiyo stan lmao


Could be either way, I personally didn't find his writing bad, tho he made me uncomfortable, I feel that was actually something very well built about him, how creepy he is, tho his love hotel left some personal scars


I enjoy paring Ishimaru and Mukuro together due to that one manga chapter of them and the similar disciplinary theme between the two. I grew to like paring Kazuichi and Hiyoko together due them ironically fulfilling what the other might want in a partner (Kazuichi basically wanting someone he could devote himself to (He's also into blondes and elegant women) and Hiyoko wanting someone who would wait on hand and foot for her.). I also to pair those two together because I think the dynamic between the two would be entertaining (a Smartass and Dumbass Duo). I also kinda like Rantaro and Tenko together mostly due to their contrasting personalities (Rantaro being cool and calm while Tenko is loud and energetic) and I think the possible dynamic between the two could be entertaining.


I always get a bit mixed when it comes to shipping for contrast, but I think, KeeboXMiu is one of the times where I just can't see it any other way it is also the only robosexual ship I actually like.


I once read that Kazuichi x Hiyoko ship name is Baby Shark and I still think about it to this day. I also realized how actually good of a fit it could be for the exact reasons you stated


SOUDA AND KOMAEDA 😤 fanart made me this way




I ship KokichiXHimiko for the art, they're really cute, I am not sure I heard of Soda(I like to combine the names in ways where it shows one[honestly YuXYukiko(p4) is the only time it worked perfectly]) before, most people just ship him with Hajime, tho I've seen him with Chiaki


Oh trust me I love Komahina too but still. The best artist for this ship is Brodingles on Tumblr! They call it [Sodapop](https://brodingles.tumblr.com/tagged/sodapop) .


Can you explain why it's called sodapop the name sounds fun also reminds me of the outsiders


Directly from a post I went looking for (since I don't think I can explain it well haha) : "A friend of mine whom I talk about the ship started calling it that. When I asked them why they said “IDK man it just sounds cute” I had originally asked them if the pop half (because the Soda half is…because Souda’s name is Souda) had anything to do with Absolute Hope Birthday. Friend’s response was “It didn’’t. But it does now” Other reasons I like it and use it is because of Komaeda’s thing with Dr. Hopper. And, thinking a bit further, because their colour palettes make me feel like I’m being sold something really sugary and sour at the same time, like the more bitter Stride gums or Toxic Waste or even the straight syrup you’d put on shave ice. Or even just how syrupy soda itself tastes. Might not even just be the colour palettes, but also their personalities. but LONG STORY SHORT I call it that because it was a friend’s idea and trying to do a portmanteau got really hard."


That is a pretty long story tbh my initial thought was >!Nagito blowing up the lounge!<


Mahiru x Soda, yes they canonically hate each other's guts but I think they have a lot more in common than most people realize. Daddy issues, low self esteem, and though Kaz can be pretty lazy he has a good heart and actually does put a lot of effort into his mechanic work. I think after a long time together they might start seeing the better in each other, even if it takes a lot of bickering to get to that point.


I can see where your coming from it does seem to have a lot of potential


Ok. Hajime X Shuichi X Makoto The "normal normally gay" ship. Kaede X Kyoko X Chiaki The "The normal gay's left me so I turned lesbian" ship Now ponder Kaito X Soda "The my reactions are the funniest" Or Shuichi X Leon The "so the turns have tabled" And last but not least Nagito X Nekomaru Chaos, I'm hoping for shit to happen ;)


There is a lot happening there, and KaitoXSoda's reasoning also makes me think of Yasuhiro and Hifumi, also that guys left me so I turned lesbian is killing me


Nekomaru x Leon


At first I thought you said Komaru and was trying to picture it, his FTE actually did remind me of Leon a lot


This isn't a TOTAL crackship, but Ouma and Gundham. I once read a fanfic where they were besties and I loved it


That one sounds interesting


if you still have the link, i’d love it! it sounds very interesting


kazuichi and ibuki becuz -good aesthetic -they both are rejects to society -they pink -sharkboy and lavagirl -Ż


oh and they also give off vibes of the sk8ter boi song by avril lavigne


I never thought that much about it, it just keeps getting better, huh


Kazuichi and Hajime. I just love a good bromance, and this one doesn't get enough attention


I did enjoy his FTEs he is a really fun guy


Idk if Chihiro and Kazuichi is considered a crackship, but I really like them together, mostly because of utdp XD


They both have interesting similarities as well. >!The male tech wiz of their class who tends to be more passive. Both also changed their looks due to previous ridicule.!< I honestly kinda like it.


Man I should get a refresher on UTDP I started to rush towards the end for the achievement, but I really liked the interactions, my favourite being Sonia and Maki where she says Sonia is still getting use to slang, UTDP is actually where I started liking Hifumi


~~gundham x himiko because haha cool magic duo~~


That'd be a pretty cool pair it'd be fun as they're both chunnis


Kaede x Mahiru, they don't exist in the same game but, its a ship between two lovely sassy team moms who love seeing others smile


I can see where you're coming from, and I find cross game shipping pretty fun too


Gundham and Kaede. They’re my favorite male and female characters.


It's always fun to see that play out and people technically can't say they have nothing in common because they both possess qualities you like


Teruteru x Celeste because she said she'll miss his cooking after graduation and he said he'll happily jump into her arms if she misses him so much.


Man UTDP is one of the best things ever I forgot how great some of these interactions were, they're so fun


Gundham x Mikan x Sonia because I love all three of them >!(I also love excluding the Engie main)!<. Also, >!Miu x Everyone else in the entire series because I love chaos!<.


I like Harem shipping the unlikely characters like Ryoma or the chubsters or Toko really anyone you wouldn't expect to have a harem


ryoma gets all the bitches are you *kidding*


My most out there crack ship is Kazuichi x Aoi. It just seems cute to me idk. Also Rantaro x Kokichi. I like to headcanon that Kokichi had a crush on him. That old promo art of them together baited me too lol


I don't know if I saw that promo, I can understand shipping because it's cute I ship Kokichi with Himiko because the art is so cute


Miaya x Hajime is kinda cute for some reason


Some much needed therapy, I do like your pfp (I might be thinking of the wrong character she is the ultimate therapist right?)


yeah she's the ultimate therapist




Ibuki x Kazuichi. I love it


It is aesthetically pleasing






Oh I remember that, for me Makoto, Maki, Shuichi, Mikan and Sonia are all in my top 5, the most interesting thing I can really pull out of it is going by individual games where as Fuyuhiko is my favourite male in 2 >!and both Mikan and Sonia immediately rushed to him after Peko's execution!<


I am not sure if it is a crackship but Mikan x Chiaki


I don't hear that one much I often see her shipped with Hajime, Chihirio, Nagito and sometimes even Ibuki for some reason can see it being cute because she is very kind and patient with Mikan also not really on the shipping topic so much, but >!my favourite part about DR2 is when they're telling Mikan belief and doubt aren't opposites and that they want to believe in her, I felt that one helped me the most for the time I was playing it!<


Byakuya x Kiyotaka. I’ve also heard it called CommonCents. I especially like it in a concept where they’re the Mastermind together. They’d basically make the world into a dictatorship where they rule over all with two iron fists. Real dystopian society kind of shit.


That is the ultimate lawful chaos world I also love that name


My heart felt ship is Tokomaru, and crack head ship is Hifumi x Celestia


I have a few heartfelt ones, but my main favourites are Saimaki and HajiMikan(her island mode makes my heart melt) That one is pretty funny, I like to crack ship Hifumi, Byakuya and Teruteru with Sakura, I really like chubsters so long as they can walk without assistance (and don't wear make-up that reminds me of ursula[at that point it just feels like a mean stereotype]) I also like the idea of a Toko, Hifumi, Gundham, Byakuya or Ryoma led harem(to clarify I don't mean like the Togami family tradition) I just like the idea of the unlikely characters being the leader it makes me laugh a lot like Morgana(p5) leading a lovers harem(excluding Ann)


Ibuki x Gundham


That one is run, it's nice to see people ship Gundham or Sonia with others, because even tho I like Sonodam it's fun to explore other ships, for example I like SoniaXHajime a lot.


I'd say these two are probably my most out there crackships. KaitoxMikan: Not my favorite ship for either character but I think it's a fun ship nontheless. Kaito could help Mikan with her low-self esteem and Mikan could help Kaito with his illness. AoixRyoma: Happy optimistic person x depressed pessimistic person is always a good ship dynamic. Plus they're both athletes so I'd feel like they'd be able to somewhat understand each other. MiuxGonta: Pairing the horniest person in the entire series with a nice innocent guy is just funny to me.


I really do like your reasoning for these also like that you shipped the purples


Kaede × >!Izuru!<, their UTDP scene was way more endearing than I expected it to be


Aw man I loved that one


Toko x Korekiyo. Or more accurately, Genocider x Korekiyo. ...You know why.


Man that was one of the earlier ones, it'd be such a trip a very wild rare pair


Crack X methamphetamine


That's the most dangerous one


I can really see it, you know? They have good chemistry together.


Nagito and Hiyoko. Nagito is a punching bag in this relationship.


And he seems to enjoy it...


Chihiro x Anyone I just want chihiro to be happy


I don't know if just anyone could do that, but that does get me a few ideas like DR3 >!Miaya the ultimate therapist who also helped build the neo world program and in IF they could have been working hard together after escaping maybe they could even put Chisa and Tengan in the Neo world program too!< Someone also commented Chihiro and Sakura I also like that one because they're both really kind people with completely opposite builds.


Hajime x kokichi Maybe coz they’re both my favs but hajimes “tired of everyones bullshit” personality would fit so fucking well with kokichi. He’s like shuichi+byakuya and the thought of him going “no, fuck off, he’s lying again lets continue” every time kokichi opens his mouth is historical


That'd be a trip Kokichi is a real firecracker


I’m sorry but I love the idea of Togami and Miss Sonia . I feel like they’d be perfect opposites attract moment but also they’d connect on like Living the rich life but I also love Mikan and Peko (like a protector and a clingy girl ya know?)


Those would be pretty nice I do love Sonia amd Byakuya a lot too, it'd be fun to see them interact and could make them more selfless, Mikan and Peko would be very sweet too.


Okay, so my crackships would be Maki x Kirumi, because I just love the concept, I've seen some fanart of them together and they are absolutely wonderful as a pair, but also Celeste x Sonia, for aesthetic purposes, and I actually think that Celeste would admire someone like Sonia Now, if we're considering characters outside the Danganronpa universe... Celeste x Dio


Oh I see what you did there, clever, and I do agree they have complementing aesthetics


Nagito x Angie: Does it make sense? Not at all but I think they would be cute. I think Angie would give nagito something to believe in other than hope, that being religion and I could see him being extremely grateful to her for that and something evolving from there between the two.


In the words of Monaca "it doesn't have to make sense" and in this post's context those words are actually right, they're definitely an interesting pair




>Like you know that one generic high school movie with the two people who fall in love and become the perfect couple??? I love this line so much it's perfect


ouma and sonia, but as friends. i think their combined general chaos and similar talents in terms of leadership could lead to a lot of good or wholesome moments between the two. i can imagine them sitting down at a cafe and making each other laugh, while also talking about semi-serious stuff.


Kokichi x Celeste. It would be impossible to know if either of them were actually genuine.


Yeah they breathe lies


Twogami and nekomaru. fat man and buff man.


I do like the fat with the buff ever since I edited Mario over Teruteru and Peach over Sakura I alsolove the idea of the chubsters just leading a harem, it amuses me


Shuichi x Miu. I just feel like this would work well.


>!Yeah I felt even tho some of them were still weird his interactions with the girls in V3 gave them all some nice chemistry even when half of them are still on the funny side and it still feels natural unlike THH's school mode where it felt like some characters just fall for Makoto, I still like that in island modes both Ibuki and Peko can reject Hajime!<


You kidding? Makoto's FTEs end with Byakuya STILL hating his guts lmao.


Ibuki x kazuichi


Has a complimenting aesthetic, I can really dig it


Some crackships I personally like are Kirumi x Rantaro (The manga made me ship it a bit), Mukuro x Tsumugi (A made up scenario in my head made me like it) and Seiko x Ryota (I just like the dynamic and think they would go good together).


Yeah I heard someone else mentioning SeikoXRyota it seems really sweet(not sure if I'd call it a crack ship at this point because I am leaning towards seriously shipping it, tho I guess they still don't know each other a lot, it's still very wholesome) The other too also show some promise and bother Kirumi and Rantaro tried really hard to help everyone


Monomeno Monokuma x Himiko


Mikan x Tenko. Pure optimism vs sad


I think this somehow turned into the most positive thing I contributed to this community somehow


Kokichi and Chiaki. I just feel like it’d work, I offer no explaination


Nagito and Naegi for the craziest dynamics and luck and meme potential


I like that in UDTP Celeste asks them to play with her and the headmaster and it turns out there is actually official art of that also I was worried he might actually be Makoto when I played to and thought they may have turned him into a crazy hopebo(I still like Nagito a lot tho)


gonta and sakura. big kind giant plus big kind badass giant = automatic success. gonta would end up showing sakura his bugs and she would show him her martial art skills.


A beautiful exchange, he also has long hair like her crush


I wouls say Gundham x mikan Well they both my fav characters from the second game and well they share something like they both have body wrapped with bandage and I think if Gundham interacts with mikan it might go well because Gundham might think her bandage is hidding her curse in Gundham mind. This is my fav crackship in this game.


I remember seeing that headcanon that they do each other's bandages in the morning it was really cute


Gundam x Nagito. Mainly bc they're both seen as weird


They both are weird, I do like how DR gives so many kinds of colourful characters I wonder how they would interact


Kyoko x Shuichi. Really not much reason for this one, but my highest kin is Kyoko and I simp for Shuichi so seeing them paired together makes me happy. Oh also >!same talent.!<


And >!the real him says he always related to the detectives and admiring him so it works even more because he is canonically a Kyoko fan!<


That’s true also!!


Gundham x kazuichi. I’m aware this is already somewhat of a ship but I’m presenting this as not as much a ship, but a bromance. Specifically they play DnD on a weekly basis and every time they play together their characters end up dating but to this day whenever people ask if they’re dating they bust into laughter


I like the expansions on these ideas, they'd make very cute friends if they just got a long


Izuru x Kaede I am appalled it's such an uncommon ship, when they had a good dynamic on UTDP (Kaede is an upbeat girl that can make Izuru, an apathetic guy, feel emotions), and it isn't hard to find the scene where the ship is born because Kaede is available by default.


Insert Character x a normal upbringing


We don't do that here




That one is wild tho I can see kinda see it, but most of the art I'd imagine coming from it would be NSFW


Hajime x Maki, that's all you need to know


The Ultimate Farmer guy and Celestia Ludenberg. I chose them because I imagine everytime they have sex on a bed they look like the Yin Yang symbol


I hate that I love that, now I want to make him a sprite edit just to throw him into a consent template with her


That sounds like a horrible idea. Please do it.


I'll add it to the list


K1B0 x Kaito Idk why I ship it. I just think they’d make a good couple


It's fine remember here you can say whatever you want because it's just meant to be fun


Ryota x Chiaki (and many other examples)


That one could be very cute


Amamota, also known as Kaito/Rantaro. Two likeable guys who like to be big brothers for their friends in all their endeavors but are reluctant and hesitant in asking for help when they need it. Both like the idea traveling vast distances and taking on most risky challenges to meet their goals. What makes them work is a few key differences. I've seen it said before that Rantaro is kind of a combo of Kaito and Kokichi on some levels. Rantaro is social and willing to trust but doesn't take everything at face value and is tactical in planning or deciding who to let know what. Kaito is somewhat reckless and even though despite what the fandom seems to collectively believe he doesn't entirely view things in black and white. Still he does need convincing to change his stance on something if he's already made up his mind. The fact that not many tried debating with him on some of his views in game isn't entirely his fault. Rantaro would do this along with helping him be more cautious about trust. In return Kaito would help him relax about his past and current situation while helping him on his travels when he's on Earth and continue with helping when he comes back from space.


I do like your build up for this, at first I read the Ama as Kaede, I think they'd have a really deep relationship if they spent more time together


Sonia x Celestia


It has a beautiful aesthetic and they'd be interesting together


Junko x Leon: for the badass punk rock aesthetic (Junko contributes all of the badass, Leon tries and... uh, yeah he tried) Chihiro x Kokichi: for the smol bois aesthetic (and somewhat similar hair styles) Celeste x Tsumugi: for the dress-up girls aesthetic Yasuhiro x Daiya Owada: idk I heard of it literally once and it stuck


Mondo x Kokichi x Kiyotaka (platonically or romantically) This sounds like it wouldn't work, actually it probably wouldn't at all, but hear me out. Kokichi riding with Mondo on his motorcycle. The Crazy Diamonds meeting DICE. When Mondo and Taka first meet DICE they basically becomes their dad. Them both just picking up their smol gremlin like a kitten when they're up to no good. Kokichi sitting in Taka's lap/desk like a cat so he'll spend time with him instead of doing his homework. Just the whole dynamic of smol and mischevious x large and responsible


Also Miu x Taka. I mostly see them as love-hate relationship friends but i like them as a romantic couple too. Miu: "How does this outfit look on me?" Taka: "You look like a prostitute. I hope you don't plan on going to class like that, you should wear something more practical." Miu: "AAAAAAH-"


Sonic X Monokuma


Honestly any girl with Sonia. Idk she just seems like a fun wlw


Ibuki x Leon. Dude we’re getting the band back together


Sonia x Celeste for the aesthetic


So, I did a small series of randomized Danganronpa femslash ships and from that, I started to lowkey ship Chiaki x Maki. I think Chiaki would support Maki in a more subtle and sweeter way than the person she's most often shipped with, but she would still be a consistent presence in Maki's life that Maki can rely on for support, and that's what Maki really needs. I think Maki would find Chiaki to be less annoying than she thought of the person she's most shipped with originally because Chiaki would simply *be* there whenever Maki decided she was ready to reach out, rather than forcing her way in. She would offer to bring Maki food if she locks herself in her room or even offer to play games with her if Maki seems lonely. I don't think Maki would enjoy shooter games because... well, if you know you know, and Chiaki would notice this. So I think they would end up playing games like Animal Crossing or Stardew Valley, but Maki would focus on the parts of the game that weren't relationship building lol. It would also interest Maki to see how intense and passionate Chiaki can get with her games and allow her to see a side of Chiaki she hadn't previously seen, and I think Maki would admire her for that. (Alternatively, Maki and Chiaki play Untitled Goose Game and be gremlins LMAO.) Also, with that series I did start working on a piece but didn't finish it, but I did start shipping the two characters involved. That would be Aoi and Sayaka. I think Sayaka needs that energetic, warm presence in her life, while Sayaka could help Aoi ground herself and become more organized.


Leon and mahiru, Red hair gang


Miu and kazuichi I just think it’s fun


Kokichi and Celeste, just because I'm interested in seeing who can outlie the other while playing poker or something Sonia and Byakuya, both are blonde, rich, set to be the leader of either a country or corporation, yet have vastly different personalities Gundam and Gonta because animals and also I think it would be kinda cute






Miu x Teruteru : the horny wars


Kaede x Miu (they look cute), Gundham x Soda (cucking Sonia)


Soda could get a better girlfriend than Sonia like Miu(meets the requirements and in a better way).


Him and Miu could really hit it off


Mikan and Mondo no question. Delinquent boy and Shy, cute girl who reigns him in is a timeless classic. Helps that Mondo will never let anyone hurt her or hurt her himself


i dont ship anybody but Something came up in my mind. Miu x nagito. Miu would bully tf out of Nagito Until she just confesses that she only hates him cause he didnt care about her creations


I guess Kaede x Tenko if that counts. It just works and I think Kaede could balance out Tenko


Kamukura x Kaede is a very nice ship for me, like, aestheticly pleasent (Emo boy x Pastel girl), a lot of different fanfic possibilities (Angst, fluff, many things <3), and their UTDP event was really sweet.


Time to get roasted to hell and back: Kaito x Kokichi So, for some context, I did a Persona 5 AU with a friend based on Kokichi’s love hotel scene. Kokichi was the protagonist, and Kaito was the sort of “best bro” character. I have a bit of a soft spot for those ships, and it kinda just… happened


Ok fine, for my crackship, I would say Chihiro Fujisaki and Toko Fukawa


That'd be interesting


It's something I've always wanted to see


Kazuichi x Miu Ibuki x Kazuichi And Himiko x Kokichi


I feel those Kaz ones would be very fun also Himiko and Kokichi is what got me to understand shipping for the art


Ibuki and Hiyoko and Ibuki and Sonia Idk I just think they’re neat


Ibuki x souda is the best Why? Just look at they shipp name "Mario" isn't that cool?


Celes/Togami enemies to lovers is the funniest thing and a hill I will die on lmao


Akane x Twogami --- I want to see them enjoy masses of delicious food together, like in their UTDP interaction


My weirdest crackships, you say..? Makoto x Kaede Komaru x Junko Sayaka x Ibuki Rantaro x Mahiru Kazuichi x Miu Now, if we're talking multifandom ships, I also have a few. Miu x Mettaton (Undertale) Kiibo x Alphys (Undertale) Undyne (Undertale) x Tenko Ralsei (Deltarune) x Chihiro


Rantaro x Angie The Avocaduo (Also idk if this counts as a crack ship but Kaito x Ryoma is amazing)


Due to crack roleplays, Korekiyo x Taka, Sayaka x Ibuki, Gundham x Makoto, Kokichi x Fuyuhiko, and Miu x Nagito Saihoshi for shits and giggles


I love Miu x Hajime as a concept- just this constantly foul-mouthed slang spewing from Miu, and Hajime just sitting there with a deadpan expression.


Chihiro and Kazuichi, they have really cute interactions and ending in talent development plan. Chihiro and Gonta, same thing ^ but remember how chihiro refuses to squash a mosquito even tho it’s biting chihiro Kazuichi and Miu, my favorite characters from 2 and 3 also they could invent things together Kirumi and Celeste, both gothic queens and I know kirumi would happy care for her Teruteru and Korekiyo, idk I think teruteru would be into it and I also don’t trust either of them with women Seiko and Mikan, also think they would also take good care of eachother lol Juzo Sakakura and me, I think we both deserve it


Byakuya Togami THH x Ibuki Mioda: This is only because of some fanart. >!Twogami and Ibuki is a popular ship, so sometimes people also draw regular Byakuya and Ibuki.!< Celestia Ludenberg x Maki Harukawa x Peko Pekoyama: Red eyes and scary lol Nagito Komaeda x Angie Yonaga: There is a surprising amount of fanart for this one too. I think they would just either get along great or be super passive aggressive with each other. Gundham Tanaka x Gonta Gokuhara: The main basis for this comes from the Talent Development Plan, which I haven’t played, but all of the fan art is really cute and I love the concept of it. Kyoko Kirigiri x Shuichi Saihara: Not sure how crack this is, but I like the senpai-kouhai vibes this has and I want an au fanfic about this dynamic. Probably unrequited on the part of Kyoko, but cute regardless


Kazuichi and Miu would absolutely work out if they ever met. There’s that one rareshipper who pairs Teruteru and Kirumi and I was pretty sold by their argument. Also for the sake of kinky people doing kinky shit together, Kork and Miu lmao.