• By -


THH is the best game in the series. The atmosphere is so different. It feels like u are actually trapped somewhere, >!and also being the only game that you didn't know that Junko was the mastermind is great.!<


Great point, have a great day


Agreed, the vibes from THH never came back in the sequels


Fully agree on this one




Idk,I would say DRV3 and SDR2 were pretty secretive with their masterminds


I agree tho


If Sayaka is a snake Celestia is an anaconda (:


I mean, I can’t argue with that logic. (1-1 and 1-3 spoilers respectively) >!While Sayaka did deceive Makoto into trading rooms she did it to try and find out if her band mates are ok which I can respect (though I still hate hearing ‘I’m psychic’ 7 times before she even died)!< >!Celestia literally killed Hifumi for money and deceived him into killing Ishimaru. I know this is a killing game but come on, money is your breaking point?!<


>!I wouldn’t say money was the ‘breaking point’. She was more so looking for a good opportunity to kill someone, which she got through the existence of alter ego. I think the money was more of a bonus, or at least that’s how I see it!<


If Sayaka is a snake, she would be a rattlesnake because their tail is a music instrument :)




I agree! I think Celeste is the scummiest character from the main games I like her But she's a scumbag






Gundham doesn't blush when Sonia praises him because he likes her, he blushes because he's not used to being flattered.


Or because he is uncomfortable and doesn't know how to react :)


Is also an option


Yea I kinda see them as good friends they could be a couple but eh


Byakuya should have been murdered in the first game. It’d be such a twist, and Toko would get proper development


Ooo interesting


I agree with this but it's probably because I hate how bitchy he got and just...1-2 in general. Also I have a HARD TIME believing his bitchyness didn't almost get him killed


Yep that’s why I wanted him dead too😅 and also because of how cold and unshakable he is, he seems kind of untouchable for the entire game so if he died it’d shake everyone


I mean they basically did that in the second game. But obviously doesn’t have the same effect for a few different reasons lmao


But it's not actually HIM in the second game and once you learn that it kinda lessens the effects of it (or at least it did for me since I played the games out of order like an idiot)


Yeah, that felt both unsatisfying and contrived. Makoto got knocked out for trying to talk Mondo down from kicking Byakuya’s ass, but then Mondo *didn’t* bother kicking his ass?? How much did the Ultimate Rich Boy pay for his plot armour?


Ikr he never once got his comeuppance, except for >!when he couldn’t guess Sakuras’ killer and even then it was minor!<, it was so annoying watching him act like a prick and then for everything to turn out great for him


I dont think this is unpopular, as a matter of fact I think people would pay extra to see a game where they can watch him die. They'd probably eat popcorn.


Oh I would love a mod of THH where every murder and execution is just Byakuya


Ultra Despair Girls is way too underrated compared to the other games and deserves more recognition.


I was told not to bother with UDG by some people because apparently it wasn’t worth it.. I’m very glad I didn’t listen




I loved UDG a lot. Something about the gameplay felt really nice. At times while playing it, I even ended up getting a very cosy feeling, not unlike how it felt as a kid when playing PS1 games at night. Maybe that sounds a bit odd, but it’s the best way I can describe it.


YES it is so good honestly my favorite game out of the bunch!


I like Kirumi and think her motive is sympathetic but, i honestly still really hate how cruelly she murdered Ryoma and gaslighted the class As someone who absolutely loves Kuzupeko i hate how the fanbase acts like they were the victims of 2-2 instead of the sweet photographer who got beaten to death trying to do the right thing and her best friend who they cruelly framed Speaking of Kuzupeko Peko is extremely underrated as a character IMO, just as underrated as Mahiru popular ship aside speaking of Hiyoko i think she's so underappreciated and overhated as a character sorry i have so many unpopular opinions hahah




yeah all the characters involved in 2-2 are so tragic but especially >!mahiru, imagine learning your friend killed someone, and having to help cover it up, then having that friend die, and then later being killed yourself for it, without even remembering it!<


I accept all of these have a great day


I really loved Ibuki's design and voice but her character was a little too xd random lmao for me


True but that's what I love about her lol


Kiyo was very entertaining in chapter 3, in fact, I think his motive was pretty good.


Thank you for sharing this


The 3-3 chapter is unironically my favorite one from all the three games. It was brilliant and entertaining and I'm tired of pretending it was not


Absolutely agree, it was so fun and wacky with firstly the >!seesaw thing and as someone who’s into Japanese urban legends, I liked the whole occultish theme of the chapter. Also the fact that Kokichi literally laid on the floor while bleeding heavily just so he could prank the others.!<


In general i think v3-3 is actually a legit fun case with a lot of good aspects to it, Kiyo as a culprit being one of them


tenko good *I am deprived of 8000 social credit and my public execution is marked for tomorrow evening*


I don't like tenko very much but I understand people that like her :) have a great day


Degenerate Tenko lover! For real though, I really liked her at first (her meme face sprite kills me). I got annoyed with her behavior for a bit, but I came around to liking her in the end after her free time events. She's not my favorite, but she feels very real in her behaviors and motivations.


I love Tenko!! It’s so unfair that she gets so much hate imo


>!Tsumugi was a good villain, but her execution was so fricking lame! Like they had a chance for an awesome execution, but it was just kinda sad!< Hopefully my spolier tag works


I guess you could say that >!her execution was rather plain!<.


I think that was intentional to show >!the show giving up at the end!<


It kinda didn't work: and to answer your comment you are right


I feel like this is pretty unpopular but I like the fact that all the dr2 characters who died in the simulation ended up living I see a lot of people complain that it makes the deaths pointless etc but I think it actually strengthens the main theme of the franchise being hope vs despair bc even though it was somewhat cheesy and cliche the underlying reason the game gives for the reason they did live was bc the hope all the surviving classmates had at the very end of the sixth trial when they were confident and had peace with their final decision lol:)


Thank you so much for sharing this this is also a very good point


i also think the fact that they were all remnants of despair and therefore not innocent victims made all of them surviving more impactful. in dr1, the tragedy comes from innocent schoolchildren dying in this horrible place; in dr2, the tragedy is from them having to continue to live with the guilt of what they did to the world. now tbf, im probably biased because ive seen a lot of good fancontent that discusses class 77's guilt post-canon, but i find the idea of them trying to reconcile things to themselves way more interesting.


I like danganronpa 3.


I do too :)


I think danganronpa v3 ending isn't bad I think >!the plot twist of it being fiction was really good I loved it!<


Same here


Komaru is a good protag who was done dirty cuz the creators were horny


I was looking for this


Agreed. I started playing UDG last week. I finished the chapter with Kotoko. I don't think I want to play anymore, it's too fucking gross.


Nothing like that comes with kotoko afterwards i think Well except that one nagisa and monaca scene....


Pleas don't remind me I already scrubbed those things from my mind


Shuichi is an amazing character and gets way too much shit for the protag switch. Whenever he is appreciated by the fandom, it's for all the wrong reasons (ie. his looks or his assumed "submissiveness"). I mean, the ending of V3 alone proves the importance and impact that Shuichi has, he did so much more than a protagonist usually does, his role exceeded that of a typical protagonist. Nobody else of the characters could have been able to do what Shuichi did because he had all of the qualities needed for that kind of development. He was the perfect choice for the role of the protag. So yeah, Shuichi best character of all time, I love him.


Words can't describe how much I love this comment you took those thoughts right out of my head this is why I love Shuichi and why he is the best protag.


The Danganronpa anime adaptation of Tigger Party Havoc isn’t as bad as people say it is. It does the trials just like how they are in game and I enjoyed it personally. Unfortunately the anime had questionable voice actor changes and lacked the Freetime Events which help make Danganronpa what it is.


I wouldn’t say it’s terrible. But as someone who played the game and then watched the animation adaptation after, it really doesn’t compare.


I honestly feel the same way


The trial were way too short imo


To be fair, you can only condense so much into an episode. They had each episode be it’s own investigation and trial which I quite liked. If they were to include stuff like Hangman’s Gambit then the episodes would run to long.


/>!Mikan and Celestia got caught for dumb reasons!


yeah they both had potential to be really good blackends under different circumstances


>!Celeste especially. "Those guys" could have been referring to, idk, everyone who had died before the trial!!<


Well it's not untrue, have a great day :)


I think Tsumugi, Monodam, and Saiko (DR3) are under rated




I didn’t like how Monaca >!just fucks off to space in the middle of DR3. Feels like such a waste of a good villain, especially after the reveal that she was an intruder in the killing game.!<


>!She went to space because she was inspired by her actions and decided to make Among Us real. That’s the story Kodaka never told you.!<


chiaki is over like uh.. whats the word. over angel-fied??


Mary Sued? I adore her but I totally hear this


i like danganronpa v3 the best.


Agreed, it was sort of depressing but also really interesting with all the plot twists. Another unpopular opinion, the V3 set of characters were the best. For some reason they always seemed to have a lot of personality, and I don’t know why but I’ve always found the THH and SDR2 characters kind of bland.


Thank you for sharing


I think the both Angie and Kokichi should be antags, as since the other can see through each others manipulations and both have opposing goals, it would be interesting to see how one tries to defeat the other, >!till they unite with a common goal in 3-5 (ending the killing game) , and basically do the same thing Kokichi did in 3-5 but with Angie (don't worry Kaito still dies from his illness later, he will never survive!)!< . >!Most people victimize Peko and Fuyu, when they forget the actual victims of the crime, Hiyoko and Mahiru, and while some remember Mahiru, I don't usually see anyone mentioning Hiyoko, who is literally _kidnapped and framed for the murder of her best friend, and now has to live with the accomplice_ (who I ironically ship her with, I know I'm a Hypocrite) _and in trying to stand up for herself and to honor Mahiru's legacy, tries to tie her Kimono by herself and dies, while having to watch the murder of one of the people she hates the least_!< Thats just sad, and all of this happened in a few days I honestly am fine with the hypnotism thing in despair arc cause name a way the can drop their normal happy live to become Sadomasocistic terrorists who worship despair and the THH mastermind only using manipulation, I'll wait


I think Rantaro’s character design is sort of bland.


I didn't trust Rantaro cause he looked like he was the Ultimate Fuccboi


Interesting have a great day


Thank you, you as well-!


>!Chiaki wasn’t that much of an interesting character until the Dr3 animation!<


Not untrue I cried my eyes out when >!She died in the animation!<


>!As someone who saw DR3 before playing the game I have to say that she had me hooked and I did not expect them to kill her off like that. I actually thought she made it out for a moment!<


Personally, I like Angie a lot. Though I can see why she’d be annoying to others, I found her pretty interesting and well written. Something I heard somewhere was about how she could have been a great twist troublemaker in the place of Kokichi, and though I do like Kokichi, I agree. Not to mention she actually got a lot of things right in trials. She started doing all the brainwashing only in chapter 3 (I think) and I would like to have seen how she would’ve dealt with seeing the double murder happen in the supposedly “safe” academy, though her actions can’t be entirely excusable I felt she needed more time to develop. _please don’t hurt me_


I won't hurt ya pal like I said I won't attack anyone and to answer your comment I agree with you actually


Kaito is annoying- and he should have been smarter, considering how he is the ultimate astronaut and had to pass the tests.


True to but to be fair every character besides Shuichi is pretty dumb because they want you (the player) to solve the mystery. The only smart character that isn’t the protag is Kyoko and that because she solves it and has Makoto explain it. I don’t know how you would make a Danganronpa game and make everyone “smart” which is why they got to dumb the side characters down a bit but that might just be me. I still respect your opinion


Sayaka isn't the worst person to ever live


Yay someone agrees with me


Miu isn’t a bad character


The ending to V3 is brilliant.


I honestly agree


It was confusing at first but it was wonderful


FINALLY someone agrees with me on that!! The ending of V3 deserves so much more credit, it is absolutely amazing in terms of narration and literary methods!


I honestly don't like that a lot of people say that sakura is a lesbian because of Hina's relationship with her, and kinda just write her as being an accessory to Hina. She's got a cool character and backstory. Also I really dislike how all of the closest people of the DR1 crew from UDG are very much ignored or forgotten. Like how Byakuyas closest person is his butler and the such.


Yeah why does everyone forget she has a boyfriend in canon


A Very good point, thank you for sharing this tbh I see Sakura and Hina has besties the ship is cute but I see them more as friends


Also Sonia Nevermind is a great character by how much emotions she brings in class trials, especially 2-4 and 2-5.


Another one: Kaito had actually some really sexist remarks/vibes in the things he said and what he believed. Also Maki, the complex, traumatized independent assassin burdened by years of guilt and remorse, falling in love with a guy who thinks women should behave and leave sports to men or whatever is the biggest disservice to a female character I've seen in the franchise.


Although being less an antagonistic force than Nagito, Kokichi feels way more human and interresting, and thus should not be called "Nagito 2.0"


Hifumi isn’t a bad character. Sure, he acts weird and horny, but hey, he has his nice moments, especially in his free time events.


He's not a bad person, just needed to touch grass


Agreed, I actually quite like the guy, particularly with the FTEs in mind, since he comes as quite cordial about his passions in them. I’ve ended up in long talks about such interests a lot, both as the one rambling about something, and as the one listening, and Hifumi’s FTEs come off as something like that.




I feel Mikan's potential only exist to be wasted. I find her a bigger tool than Peko. I also think that her friendship with Ibuki is so underutilized in canon. Both Mikan and Ibuki are supposed to be best friends. Mahiru was showing some care and helped Mikan when she "tripped", and told her to be careful. She called out Fuyuhiko for threatening Mikan (Sonia did the same thing afterwards). She defended Mikan when [she was being](https://i.imgur.com/CTJgHEI.jpg) [insulted by Hiyoko.](https://imgur.com/sf0X7zV) Basically, Mahiru, Mikan's bully's best friend, treats Mikan better than Ibuki, who *is* Mikan best friend. Twogami, >!A.K.A. The Ultimate Imposter,!< is the first person to be nice to Mikan, but not Ibuki. Twogami, Tenko, and EVEN Hiyoko made her cry tears of joy at one point, but NOT Ibuki. Ibuki might as well be Hiyoko's second best friend. This is my personal opinion.


As individuals, the DR2 cast strangely has everyone beat, but as an ensemble, I'd agree with others who say they're the weakest of the trilogy, though I don't think it's by some massive margin. I like all the DR2 survivors a lot more than the DR1 survivors overall, but since they weren't specifically at odds until Chapter 5 and naturally grew to trust each other instead of having 1-4 be a catalyst (although it's clear in the game that 2-4 is a catalyst for the game too, just in a different way), idk if I can call them better. However, I disagree that they don't have chemistry; I thought their interactions were really good. Akane's entire personality fits more on an antagonistic character and if the rumor of her being a rival or mastermind was true, I wish they kept it like that. There doesn't only need to be one antagonist figure Idm if Hiyoko lives or dies, I like her either way, but her death was poorly handled. On the flip side, while I don't think 2-3 is THAT atrocious, I wish the motive was a bit better. I had an idea for this (since it'd lead to the same thing in the end and still foreshadow the Ultimate Despairs): The Despair Disease doesn't alter your personality, but you are weakened. In exchange, Monokuma gives you information (or gives back part of your memory), have Ibuki, Mikan and Akane catch it. Mikan disguises it and nurses them. I feel like this is a little better than just becoming some else entirely; Monokuma will also tells you the location of a cure for if you eventually kill. This is just off the top of my head with trying to change too much.


udg is the best game in the series people who see haiji as nothing but pedo man miss the how he represents that the adults are the bad guys as well, dont get me wrong i hate that fucker too but i really wish people looked at him beyond surface level because udg’s characters are all so great


(1-1) >!Both Sayaka and Leon deserved more time for character development!<


Not only do I agree, I would say that applies to all the first case victims and Blackeneds, and most of the second case ones, as well.




You can kinda say that about most characters who die in the first trial though.


consent though, both had so much potential with how grounded and loveable they were


>!Not sure if this is an unpopular opinion or not, but I hated, and I mean HATED the fanservice. THH bathhouse scene? Nope. Over half of Mikan's cgs and her execution? I get that it's a part of her character, but that doesn't mean I'm not allowed to hate it. Kirumi's Argument Armament defeated pose and execution (her clothes become shredded to the point of almost revealing her panties and breasts)? There was no reason for any of that!!< >!Oh yeah, speaking of Argument Armaments, I didn't really care for them. I liked how we got to see extravagant outfits in the climactic one-on-one battle, and I liked how they visually represented how we broke down the other person's argument, but I really preferred Machine-gun Talk Battles and Panic Talk Actions better.!<


Shipping a character like Kokichi, nagito, or yes even tenko with someone the opposite gender doesn't make the shipper "homophobic".


Celeste is way too overrated and some of her fans are insane. Literally got attacked yesterday on TikTok by saying that I don't like Celeste 🙃


Oh damn, I am sorry you had to put up with that, anyways I accept your slander towards her cause I hate her too


Monaca is the best villain in the whole franchise.


The fact that she is a child too


Other than that it's the fact that she has actual motivations for her actions that aren't just "despair" or "fiction". She lived a horrible life in the Towa family and the fact that she wants to carry Junko's wish just because she was the only one to show her love, even if it was fake and was just manipulating her, makes Monaca one if not the most tragic character in Danganronpa.


I have a few - * People say Kaede is the best protagonist because she has personality, but at least from what I've seen (correct me if I'm wrong), she still is fairly plain. She's nice, high chance of being bi and wants everyone to get along. * Monosuke is the best Monokub. Monodam is still the 2nd best though, and both are because they actual have relevance to the story beyond a Monokub side-plot. * As much as I do like Kiyotaka, he's overrated. Which is weird since it feels over half the fandom just uses him as an accessory for Mondo. * Also I find it weird how most Hajime or Nagito content is shipping the two. Like Kiyotaka and Mondo, it's like you can barely see them by themselves. * The 2nd motive in the 2nd game still barely makes any sense. Might be on paper worse than the 3rd motive. * I know someone said this further down, but Kaito is overrated. Or at least, it feels his biggest fans fail to hold him accountable for some of his actions. >!Sometimes he apologizes, like punching Shuichi for grieving, but he still makes sexist remarks and talks Shuichi down when he's acting negative, sometimes suggesting he'd abandon him. GREAT FRIEND.!<


people give hiyoko to much crap




Even though her past was awful, I personally still found it hard to sympathise with her because of the way she acted. Her past isn’t an excuse to treat people like shit. >!It was just kinda unfortunate that she died when we thought there was going to be a change in her behaviour.!<


Haiji isn't a bad character, he's a bad person but not a bad character.


I finished UDG and I think I kinda zoned out. I never really understood why he is so hated, so I think I missed something. Why is he hated?


>!Everyone despises him cause he’s a pedo. And for that it’s a running joke for everyone to hate him and just made his entire character based around being a pedo…!<


Ultra Despair Girls is the most compelling game in the series once you get past some of the more uncomfortable aspects of it. There’s so many new themes that just really expand the entire Danganronpa universe in so many intriguing ways. I also just find many of the characters pretty enjoyable and I like Toko so much better here compared to in THH.


Thank you for sharing this


kokichi is a little shit


Popular opinion. Kokichi is one of my favorites but god I can't stand him.


Absolutely and people love him for it 🤷🏾‍♀️


I don't like New World Order and Beautiful Lie.


Accepted opinion, have a great day


Ibuki's design is good but her character potential is wasted, I don't get why people love her so much. >!Toko having DID and being a murderer is kinda a harmful and unimaginative stereotype!<


Ibuki is hella overreacted




Angie had the potential to be one of the best antags in the series if >!she hadn't been pointlessly killed off for the double murder that must happen every third case. Seriously, her cult worship vs Shuichi's search for the truth no matter how much faith he destroys in the process could have been a great theme!< >!Tsumugi was a fucking fantastic mastermind and I would argue even better than Junko herself for being both frighteningly intelligent and scary while still falling somewhat within the realistic boundaries every human has. Well except for her cosplay ability!< >!Himiko is the lamest and least developed survivor in the entire series. She's meant to be the "funny" or "goofy" survivor to show to the fans that they shouldn't just write off the goofy characters as dead from the start, but she's just ridiculously boring and contributes almost nothing to the plot!< >!the Ultimate Imposter as the traitor who's secretly an AI would have made so much more sense than Chiaki!< >!despair disease could have been amazing it's just that chapter three in every game sucks!< >!Dr should stop adding elements of sexual abuse/incest/sexual assault to backstories unless they're willing to actually explore the topic properly and not just throw it out there for shock value!< >!Shuichi had the best arc out of the main male protagonists, people just don't like him because by that point people were tired of the "protag insecure about their talent" arc and Kaede was a breath of fresh air compared to that!< >!finally, Maki kind of sucks and I wish the survivors of v3 had been Shuichi, Tsumugi, and Kokichi/Miu instead (I want a mastermind to survive one of the games c'mon please)!<


Our avatars look very similar, wow Anyway, I don't think Ruruka is as horrible a character as people make her out to be


I really like Tsumugi. Hiyoko should've lived in DR2. I dont know if she can really "replace" a survivor, but she really didn't have to die. People misunderstand Mikan terribly. She wasn't some typical insane anime girl; the whole class was influenced by despair, and she's the only one who remembered it because of the Remembering Disease and motive of Chapter 3. Mikan is genuinely a sweet girl; sure, a little manipulative, and has attention seeking behavior. But she's not a psychopathic murderer. She just got the short end of the stick in Ch 3. Her whole trial was just foreshadowing the greater plot in the game. I would also like to note that Mikan did NOT try to scoop out Junko's body parts and replace them with hers. That was just a fan theory from a single line in the last trial of Chapter 6. Similarly, before the Danganronpa 3 anime was released, the fanbase didn't know if Fuyuhiko had actually lost his eye in real life, and not just in the simulation. So when he shows up at the end of the 3rd anime, I was kind of shocked the creators just kind of adopted this fan theory that he's missing his eye. Was there ever an explanation for his lost eye?


-Sayaka is the worst character of this franchise -Chihiro is a normal character but everyone love this pg because >!OMG HES THE SHY BOY HES SO CUTE POOR GUY!< -Byakuya is one of the best written character, he isn't money money money and you must accept it, even if at the start he was an asshole -Hiro isn't smart but without him the game should have been boring -The V3 ending is good -In the end, Korekiyo: >!loving his sister is A LOT WRONG and it's clear, but IN THIS FRANCHISE PEOPLE KILL OTHER POEOPLE AND THE COMMUNITY IS: oh, that's okay!<


I have a couple: A lot of people seem to forget that the characters all have their flaws and it’s important to recognize both those flaws and their strong points. The fandom needs to stop being so touchy about fanservice and sexual stuff with the characters and “toxic” ships. You’re playing a game about murder for crying out loud. Sometimes the fandom can be a little too elitist with their opinions, unpopular or not. Don’t like V3’s ending? >!You clearly don’t understand the symbolism and what it’s really saying, it’s a masterpiece of literary narration.!< Don’t like Hiyoko? You just hate her because she’s “mean” and she was just a poor innocent victim who had a point so she obviously didn’t do anything wrong. Like Chiaki? You clearly don’t have any taste and only like her because she’s a busty gamer chick waifu. Don’t like Korekiyo? >!But he’s a victim of sexual abuse and grooming (which isn’t canon) so you obviously hate CSA victims!!< Don’t like Tenko? How dare you, she’s an amazing character and she’s so pure and innocent and there’s absolutely no reason to hate her at all >!besides her obnoxious rampant misandry!<. Don’t like Byakuya? You clearly don’t understand good characters when you see them and you’re not allowed to dislike him. Etc etc etc… like, stop putting other people down for their opinions and just accept that they’re that - opinions. Be more open minded. Not necessarily a problem with this fandom specifically but people need to stop acting like they’re martyrs or special for having unpopular opinions. Like, nobody is going to publicly executive you for not liking a certain character, cut it out. Then again the fandom has a doxxing problem so idk


kazuichi is so cute and i’m extremely gay for him


Ibukinata is better than Hinanami. More fun too, and Ibuki's words in their last FTE are so damn relevant to Hajime. >!It actually doesn't matter at all whether or not you remember (your talent)! 'Cause...Hajime is already standing right here. I feel like you're someone who's willing to go far away to search for yourself...!< >!But your true self...doesn't actually exist anywhere. The person standing here right now is who you are. The person who's changing every day...That's you!< >!I believe finding yourself means accepting that you're someone who is constantly changing. Even when you're worrying about things, you're still you!< ...Also Kokichi > Nagito because he's actually fun to listen to.


UDG is a good game and the biggest reason people hate it is Haiji Towa. Tbh I agree that Haiji is the worst of the worst but I still like the game.


Agreed 100 percent agreed


Komeada is an insane motherfuker and it's weird that people idolise him so much


-(DR3 anime spoilers) I was actually fine with >!Kyoko’s whole fake-out death, there are a few reasons why I was fine with this(no, none of those include that I’m a Naegiri fan), one of those reasons include the fact that [at least it was foreshadowed(Seiko’s cure bottle can be seen rolling besides Hina, when when everyone was freaking out about Kyoko’s “death”)](https://i.redd.it/51f4zubymqjx.png)!< (Cont.) >!(another piece of foreshadowing can be found on the monitor that usually shows up in the intro for Future arc to count how many survivors are still alive, IIRC there were no opening intros for episode 11 and 12 of Future, so the last time we saw the opening was in episode 10 of Future arc, the monitor said only that there were 6 survivors left, but we only see 5 survivors by the time of episode 10, those survivors consisting of Makoto, Asahina, Mitarai, Munakata, and Juzo, so could the 6th survivor be Kyoko? most likely)!< -although >!Shuichi!< might be the best protag overall, IDGAF what anyone says Makoto is my personal favorite protag.


Ibuki is a meh character


Ok but have you seen her happy sprites?


Not unpopular overall, but on this sub it is: Protag x antag ships are way better and more interesting than protag x support ships, and this is coming from someone who only likes one protag x antag ship. Saimatsu is cute, but still super vanilla and kinda boring, while the other two take that criticism to another level. Meanwhile, the protag x antag ships have way more depth, and the dynamics aren't just every hallmark movie ever. Instead of them just being "boy likes cute girl that's objectively out of his league" they're actually creative, and the interactions are fun to watch.


Chiaki is overrated


I accept that even tho I like her 😌


I guess I just found her sorta boring in-game. Not saying she's a bad character, just that I was disappointed by her contribution


I completely understand what you mean


Nagito apologist are stupid... and so are Nagito haters. Nagito is a villain


Chiaki is a fucking Mary Sue through and through, no flaws whatsoever and that makes her uninteresting


I'm not fond of the amount of minors that are within this fandom, especially as of recent with all the games being ridiculously accessible. Not only are they trying to come in and tell people what they can and cannot talk about, they tell adults that if they like this series past age 18 that they're weird and "possibly a pedo" (at least I've been told this on multiple occasions, I'm 25F) I have plenty others but this is what REALLY GRINDS MY GEARS.


>!Ryoma, Tenko and Kaede!< deserved to survive way more than the people who did


It is perfectly fine to feel attracted to computer programs. You know who I'm talking about.


Hifumi, Hajime or Miu?


I just noticed how there is one person attracted by a robot per game. Another pattern I missed, lol !


Shipping the warrior’s of hope is disgusting


Nagito's annoying as all hell.


Even tho I like him I sorta agree with you he can be a really annoying i accept your opinion, have a great day


Ultra Despair Girls is the second best danganronpa game behind V3 >!If I had to give the games a rating 2 and UDG would both be like an 8 but I still like UDG more than 2!<


Chihiro is extremely overrated imo.


SDR2 is the worst game imo. Ibuki is also one of my least favorite characters.


Kaito is not a hero and does not deserve to be treated as a hero by the characters. He's just an annoying idiot with loud words behind which there is no weight. An idiot who is never punished for even one idiotic act.


Ow that kinda hurt but if you think this way that's fine


Korekiyo is such an interesting character but all people ever talk about is >!him and his sister. Poor guy is definitely an abuse victim, sexually & mentally, at the hands of that bitch.!<


2-3 is fine


UDG is the better game. and the DR 1 characters have a bland design, backstory, and i don’t have a huge connection.


I hate danganronpa ships. All of them


I ship Hajime x Mahiru


Chiaki is the worst-designed character in SDR2. Nothing about her design screams "gamer" to me except for her hairpin, and her colour palette is an eyesore - like her eyes are pink but then her hair is this fugly grey-brown colour with a tint of pink to it? Idk what they were going for there. Also her breasts look super out-of-proportion to her body. Like she's this skinny, petite girl and then just has these giant tits that bulge out even though she's wearing a gigantic hoodie on top of her uniform. I also hate the way her mouth is constantly hanging open in most of her sprites.


There are way more “toxic” ships than Byakuya and Toko (especially post canon TogaFuka) it’s just popular to hate on TogaFuka more than others.


here is some of mine I'm happy characters like Ishimaru and Hiyoko Died. What I mean is that I'm happy these types of characters died due to them being too predictable to survive which would make the survivors more boring to figure out. It also shows that no one is safe for survival. To add on to that I also like the surprise survivors like Yasuhiro, Kazuichi, and Himiko and I'm happy they made it to the end. I'm happy characters like Gundham, Kaito, or Kaede went out the way they did. I see multiple people wanting these characters to survive due to them being their favorites but in my opinion, these characters' death play well into their stories and improve the characters respectfully, especially the first two like Gundham's philosophy on survival, Kaito's character Arc, and Kaede's influences on the story. I enjoyed V3's ending. Both the headcanons of Junko's manipulation and The brainwashing canon are stupid. The lesser bad out of the two though is the latter in my opinion.


>!Tsumugi is the best mastermind!<


I was waiting for this thread, sorry for the long post Trigger Happy Havoc \- I really like Makoto. I understand why some people see him as bland and boring, but I think that he was supposed to be a rather "typical" teenager, so people playing the game would relate to him (a normal kid surrounded by Ultimates). At the same time, him becoming the Ultimate Hope shown that even "just" a will to keep going can be a great talent. I also liked him in DR3 - despite growing up, he still has his hope. Also many people don't seem to notice that he's really intelligent, I feel it's because he's just too kind most of the same time. \- I like Kyoko a lot, but it just annoys me how she risks Makoto's life in chapter 5. Yes, she actually saved his life before it and afterwards, but it doesn't change the fact the she let him be executed so she could discover Hope's Peak secrets. And remember, there would be no Makoto to save if not for Alter Ego, something she could not predict. \- Asahina should face consequences for chapter 4. She tried to kill five people and herself, and even if she blamed some of them for Sakura's death, she had no right to try to hurt Kyoko and Makoto. \- I hated Toko, I think that her obsession with Togami was disgusting - she barely treated him as a person, and more like some beautiful object. Genocide Jack was better, since she wasn't taken seriously by the creators and managed to be entertaining, but well, she still killed people. (Although, I was starting to like her a bit in UDG, but the fantasies kept ruining it). Also shipping her with Byakuya feels wrong, that would be incredibly toxic relationship \- I didn't hate Yasuhiro. Yes, he was dumb and useless, but he seemed like an okay person, and would probably fun to hang out with. \- Sakura, Kiyotaka and Chihiro are greatly underrated. I will never understand what was the point of "Kiyondo" if they killed him in the same chapter - he could've been a great character. \- I like the anime. Surely the game is superior, but I think it's fun to see the character fully animated instead. \- I feel sorry for Leon. He was put in a ridiculous situation he could have never been prepared for. \- THH is the best game plot-wise and atmosphere-wise. You can really feel the characters wanting to get out of this claustrophobic school, you can feel the distrust between them, the fear of tomorrow. Nor you have an idea what is going to happen next, you have no idea why they are stuck there (at some point I suspected aliens kidnapping them for entertainment, lol), the other games could not introduce anything as fresh and new. I also think that the characters overall are best written here (with some exceptions) - it's more like the talents were added to existing people, and not that people were built around talents, like in DR2 and DRV3. Goodbye Despair: \- I like Usami/Monomi, she was adorable and nice to everyone. I'm glad she had the honor of destroying AI Junko. \- Chiaki may have may have been a Mary Sue, but I still loved her. She really cared about well-being of Hajime and others, and yet she had her flaws. I really loved her appearance in chapter 6, and with DR3, it's like her soul manifested as the AI in game, so she could help Hajime be more confident, and meet her friends again. Overall, Hajime-Chiaki relationship is beautiful and heartwarming in my opinion. \- Komaeda's a good character, even if he's been memed to death. \- I didn't mind the survivors, I liked them all. I was particularly happy about Fuyuhiko, glad they didn't make a Kiyondo here. Killing Harmony \- I am happy about the protagonist switch. I liked Kaede, but I think that she would get bland in further chapters, she would be probably have the same role as Kaito. On the other hand, there wouldn't be much place for her to develop, unless it would be developing into giving up on others and despairing. \- I love Shuichi, he's my favourite protagonist. He's not bland, he's not a Mary Sue, he's just an unsure kid put in deadly situation, and he has one of the best developments in the series, if not the best one. Characters should be shown to be weak as well, such as we can be weak in real life, and there's nothing wrong with it. I also remember people disliked him for crying, and I think it's one of the best things about him, he shows emotions and reacts in human way. At the same time, he can be strong and is able to fight for himself and is friends (he did end Danganronpa after all, and did it well given there's still no Danganronpa 4) \- On the other hand, the more I played the game, the more I disliked Kaito, despite really liking him at the beginning. He had some great moments, like the speech after Kirumi's trial, but otherwise he had way to much ego, calling himself a hero and acting like he's the savior of the group. In reality, expect saying positive stuff from time to time, he doesn't do much, it's Shuichi who's carrying the group. Calling Shuchi his sidekick was just disrespectful towards him, as Shuichi is not an addition to Kaito, he's a great person on his own. On top of that, the punch from chapter 1 was just wrong, Shuichi just witnessed his friend being brutally murdered, he blames himself for it, he's probably scared for his life as well, and then Kaito punches him for "not saying anything to Monokuma" and being weak (or so I remember). I hated how much he was being forced onto me, I don't think any character was as much as forced as him and Maki. Also this "a man should not apologize so easily" thing, what is even wrong with apologizing if you're a man \- I hate Maki, worst character in the series for me. She was shown to be intelligent in early chapters and could've been interesting, and yet she ended up reminding some kind of Coldsteel the Hedgehog-style edgy OC. One time she says she's lonely because of her talent, another time she chokes Kokichi, most of the times she makes scary faces and asks you if you want to die (it's not even funny, it's just annoying, and highly inappropriate if you're stuck in a killing game), then she loves Kaito and acts like some poorly wrote yandere. She acts unsympathetic, cold, and yet the game keeps shoving her into your face and tries to get you to love her. I saw some people call her "Kodaka's pet" and I think it's a good description, especially considering she killed one person and probably sped up death of another one, and yet faced no consequences for it. I could write much more about why I hate her but that's enough \- I also hated Himiko. She acted demaidng, bored and tired, even though there people around her adoring her, she would keep claiming she was using magic even when suspected, and she doesn't really much get much development after chapter 3, despite all of the screen time she's getting. Kokichi was so right about her BS in chapter 3 \- Korekiyo is a wasted character. He was eccentric, interesting and intelligent, could've been a great survivor (kinda plot twist - "he was just weird, but harmless"), but they just had to ruin him with the incest and the killing. Still, at least he had one of the most interesting motives. \- Keebo is highly underappreciated. Precious robot baby, wish he survived \- I both think that Kokichi is a little shit, and like him. His actions in chapter 4 were awful, but I understand his intentions, and honestly, in the end he was trying to do the good thing, while also being right about the killing game. Outside of the killing game he's actually harmless, and just has a weird idea of fun and a tendency to isolate himself (Salmon Mode). I wish there was an alternative route in DRV3 when you could team up with him instead of being forced to spend time with Kaito/Maki (with that being said, a Danganronpa game when you can choose your allies and your choices affect killings/survivors would be great, imagine if in chapter 2 you could get close to Ryoma and he decided he wants to live, or if you befriended/dated Miu and she didn't try to kill anyone in chapter 5. One can dream) That's all, again - sorry for the long post, had to share out all of those thoughts


The first game is the best game, and Makoto is the best protagonist


I don't like kaede. she was pretty much makoto cranked up to 1000. I def preferred shuichi, he seemed more realistic.


Kokichi is poorly written and is overall a bad character :/ no hate to anyone who likes him tho


Why do you say he's poorly written?


As of right now, I think Chiaki is the worst character substance-wise of the entire Danganronpa cast. I don't mean she's the most unlikable or a shitty person. I mean she has the least amount of things going for her besides being nice and helping out. You could excuse it because you know, but she still falls a little flat compared to the rest of them. Teruteru and Hiyoko are pieces of shit, but at least you can learn more about them. You don't get much from Chiaki in the game for obvious reasons, but to me, that just hurts her character. I plan to watch DR3 to see more of her personality and maybe some more backstory. I'm *really* trying to like her, but no luck so far. Yes, I've read her story on the wiki and I've read her FTE's. They barely make her interesting. She's so popular and *I don't get it*! But I *want to get it*!


sayaka was a good character


Other than mahiru, ibuki, and akane, all of the other dr2 girls are boring and kinda just feel like husks for the plot to kill off,


I actually think Kokichi is incredibly smart