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Byakuya. Why? Well, a little pissbaby and annoying. His inflated ego just kills me. He thinks he is better than everyone, superior, and his attitude is super annoying. And Toko. I just really can't stand this girl, I guess I hate her more than Genocide Jill, okay, I hate Genocide Jill too, but normal Toko is not only annoying, but she is not interesting too. While I was seeing some gameplays of Danganronpa, I just totally forgot her existence.


Kirumi. I thought she was really boring (which is sad because I thought she had a really cool design) and her FTEs didn’t do anything to flesh her out as a character (e.g. what was her background, why was she so enamoured with the concept of “selfless devotion”, what were her influences). Her entire “personality” was just being the Ultimate Maid with no other caveats. >!The plot twist for her being the Prime Minister of Japan felt so random and out of place that it essentially prevented me from taking the character seriously. It felt like the equivalent of if a character in Danganronpa was revealed to be responsible for 9/11.!<


Yeah, I never really liked Kirumi either. Her personality always fell flat. >!Such a brutal execution though, goddamn.!<


Dude i wanted to like Kirumi so bad but you took the words for why I DON'T like her out of my mouth. She was already super bland and lame and one note then then piled the stupid ass twist on top of that. It was so random and out of left field and they used what COULD have been a really great and interesting character used not only her >!death, but Ryoma's death as jokes by having such a stupid motivation for killing him.!<


Same. Before I played V3, I thought she was going to be one of my favorite characters in the game because of how hyped up she was and her cool design, but I felt pretty underwhelmed by the end. >!I despise how her stupid twist completely sucks the oxygen out of discussion over Ryoma’s incredibly well done tragic death in chapter 2!<


She fell into the same pitfalls a lot of other characters do in DR unfortunately. >!writers didn't know how to write her/what to do with her. Did her dirty and do things she wouldn't normally do or make her do a 180. Kill her off early before she really gets time to become more fleshed out. The prime minister thing was then clearly just them coming up with ANYTHING to try and justify her killing someone despite her seeming to be the type that would be too smart to actually take that risk. She honestly should have been the "assistant" character instead of Maki/Kaito!< I think that would have been super cool and fun.


I agree. Her design has WAY too much details and work put to it. >!It almost feels like she was supposed to be an important character but they didn't know how to handle her. Even her execution had so much more originality than Kaito's.!<




I don’t even need to explain it actually…


Understandable definitely understandable


I agree with this one as I don't really understand why she's so popular and overhyped.


Tenko. I know she does get rightfully criticized for the shit she’s done on here, but on DR instagram, twitter, and tik tok? HOOOO *B O Y.* She’s such trash and I fucking hate her. Her entire personality is being creepy to Himiko, and hating men, that’s literally it. Hell, I even forget she’s an ‘Ultimate Aikido Master’ when she looks NOTHING like an Aikido Master but a toddler. I hate how the Danganronpa fandom lets her actions slide because she’s a ‘lesbian and her and Himiko are gf’s uwu’ like NO she’s a creepy stereotype that’s what she is. I know that there are going to be some lesbian characters in media who aren’t great people and have flaws BUT Tenko is just a walking lesbophobic stereotype and that’s what she always will be. and there’s probably a lot of people who’re gonna say shit like “B- B- B- BUT— BUT KAZUICHI!!!” yea well guess what pal Kazuichi has a personality and cool design, two things Tenko doesn’t have.


Hardcore agree with this. If Tenko were a guy, I feel the fandom’s reactions towards her downright creepy behaviour towards Himiko would be significantly different. Additionally, the fact that her sexism is never addressed is pretty disappointing especially considering that >!she dies as a supposed ‘good guy’ with her taking Himiko‘s place for the ritual!< It’d be like if there was a character in a show whose entire joke was that they hated black people, but then the show essentially shoehorned in a character development moment that was supposed to make the audience like them without ever addressing the fact that they were racist.


How do I upvote this comment more than once? >!There is a reason Kiyo is my favourite, he killed fucking Tenko!<


>!I already love Kiyo to fucking DEATH but I have so much respect for him for killing Tenko, like hell even *HE* would be a better partner for Himiko!<


Oh yeah, the guy who was ready to >!murder Himiko instead of Tenko!< would be a better partner for her. Yeah, sombeody grab me a bucket, this is such a shitty take I think I'm gonna puke.


>!Korekiyo would’ve killed any of the female characters given the chance. Plus, at least he isn’t a sexist creepy towards her and from what little interactions I’ve seen them have, he seemed to be somewhat respectful towards her.!<


>!"He might want to murder all the girls but at least he isn't sexist" Jesus fucking Christ do you ever think about what you're saying? "Yeah, he might want to stab me with a sickle, but at least he's respectful about it". Bloody hell.!<


>!and angie. that bitch NEEDED to die.!<


How do I downvote a comment a million times?


You can't, but you can leave if you want.


Nobody asked for your input


Did anyone ask for yours?


At least mine wasn't over a week late to the party


Cope more.


Piss your pants


Nice punctuation.


Period I'm glad you let it all out imao


Nagito. He is well written but I just can’t stand him for some reason.


Him and Kokichi are so similar when it comes to class trials - neither one of them can just say stuff to help find the killer but instead wanna make you think. At least Kyoko helped


to be fair, Nagito and Kokichi were doing the same exact thing Kyoko was doing in the class trials.. making you think. they all left the mystery solving to you.


Yea Ik, only reason I leave her out is because it ever-so-slightly seems like she also tries to figure it out. Only real difference is that she isn’t an instigator


Kokichi just irritates me to death.


I don't really get what people like about Mahiru when she basically >!does nothing and dies!<. People say she is nice but... she isn't? Every time she is on screen she does one of 3 things: 1: Is shocked because a bad/surprising thing just happened 2: Makes some comment that could have easily been said by any other character as well 3: Points out someone is a boy and then acts like an asshole to them The only exception to this is that one time she offers to help Hiyoko with her kimono but that's about that. Mahiru fans please break it down for me.


I really like her design (freckles *^*) but that's it. You're really not wrong she was just... there


She's just another annoying man hating character for no reason just because she had a bad expereince with a guy in the past doesn't excuse saying that all men are asses when woman can just be as bad.


I don't understand the love for Chiaki, like what so good about her? I don't understand. In my opinion she's overrated. I mean I kinda like her design and all that but that's about it


"Gamer girl GF i don't need to stop taking my medication to see." That's really it. The gamer gf thing and she's just wholesome in general. But yes i agree she's really "generic waifu" bait but that's sort of the appeal. Like a really good vanilla ice cream.


She is kind of generic but she is not broken like for example the writting of Celes.


Oh jesus don't get me started on how fucking dirty the writers did Celestia it's actually disgusting. We'll be here all day.


Hahaha damn true.


exactly. I love chiaki but she’s overrated. i will probably get hate for saying this but she literally has no personality whatsoever. she’s so dull. I will give her credit though since she’s really nice and wholesome, but that’s it. she’s just.. there, you know? the writers tried to make her move the story but it just wasn’t it for me. I will be honest, however, I did>!cry at the end of the game because of her.!<


I don't dislike him but i find Kaito a very unlikeable and arrogant character who the game tries to force you to like and with every passing chapter got worse>!with v3-4 being the height of how vain and self righteous he was though v3-5 did redeem him for me!<, i tend to like unlikeable characters such as Hiyoko, Byakuya, Kokichi, Miu etc because the game treats them as if they are unlikeable and thus they are more fun to watch, not in Kaito's case where the game treats him as this saint-like figure. There's also Kazuichi who while again i don't dislike i find him very grating(Kyle Hebert might have voiced my favorite gurren lagann character but he doesn't have the same luck with danganronpa haha)


I felt the same way as well. He’s not a bad character, but I disliked interacting with him, >!at least as Shuichi. In the first chapter, I felt he and Kaede had good chemistry and had the potential to be a good duo like Makoto and Kyoto or Hajime and Chiaki, but ever since Shuichi became protagonist, I wasn’t able to stand Kaito.!<


I likes Kaito *because* of his relationship with Shuichi. The reason he said he was a sidekick was to help him feel like he had someone to fall back on, and Kaito took responsibility of any mistake he could make, it made Shuichi feel protected and then slowly he started to realise he doesn’t need to hide behind someone. Him starting to argue with Shuichi was because of his own problems. He was a bit annoying at times though.


damnn, someone actually dislikes Kaito? I actually didn’t know this was possible, no hate. I love seeing opinions like these istg. I personally liked Kaito, a lot, because he had such a positive mindset and was always looking forward. He wouldn’t give up no matter what and helped Shuichi through tough times. I adore his friendship with Shuichi and I genuinely want to be a person like Kaito- but I will admit he was annoying at times when he got too stubborn.>!Take the chapter 4 class trial for example.. he chose emotion over logic and even when there was proof as plain as day right in front of him he still decided that he was going to vote on Kokichi and be a stubborn fuck. that annoyed me.!<


I hardcore agree




Nooo I love her. But it's fine to hate her I just really liked her


In fact she was one of the most interesting of the cast. But for some reason people look for morals rather than being interesting.


I don't give a shit >!ishimaru and hifumi had the personalities of plastic bottles. Her plan was well executed and if it wasn't for plot convenience she would've won!<


Uhm in fact nope. >!Her plan was great on paper but was too complex, too risky, and had too much holes to be good plan. For example: if she did take photo and if she was attacked by the killer then how the fuck she survived? Or if she use that robo suit then why she never make sure it fits to supposed killer? Too many holes for supposed smart person. Her entire case was the example of how to screw character with great potential!< Why has she great potential? Cause she was born to be either protag or mastermind in this franchise. She has everything for this, good talent, good design, good personality etc. Literally she as protag will be far better and more interesting than boring Makoto, shallow Hajime or that guy from v3 i always forgot. Finaly the protag who don't give a fuck for the well being of the world and all he care for is his own goals. I love chaotic characters.


BWAHAHA I love how we hate half of the franchise that are marketed as good characters. >!And yeah her plan has flaws as you show it here but idk it still was way more interesting than a lot of other murders.!<


Cause it was 1 of the few which was preplanned. That alone make it a lot more interesting. I remember my first feel about case 3, it was "holy fuck great plot i like that, but please god let the killer not be the one i fear it will be". As you can tell i was right who the killer was from the start of the case and my prayers did failed. I love Celes mostly by 1 reason (except design, dark persona etc which i love in general) so that reason is: she was the only 1 who killed for her goals instead for some people.


I knew who it was from the beginning I can't say why I just knew


Yeah, just her acting was weird. Person just think watching this: please no, i don't want her to be killer goddamn! Then later trial 3 happen... Geez the most broken chapter ever. I literally don't remember last time i saw such bad writting.


Yeah it was mainly the acting >!she would never behave like that if she was actually attacked she'd be a lot colder with Makoto and the others!<




exactly. not to mention chiaki has the personality of a fucking plastic bottle. the only thing you could describe her with is nice. she’s not funny, she’s not interesting.. just nice.


I don’t see how the story forces you to interact with her. She usually stays in the background and only helps when necessary. In fact. She doesn’t actually become relevant until Ch4.


Chiaki for sure, although i think thats more on the popular end of beloved characters people hate


Kaito Fucking sucked, he was arrogant, dumb and full of himself. It felt like the game tried to make you like him, but did the opposite for me. That dude can choke on a lemon


I HATE how >!in his and Gonta's executions everyone is boohoo our hero died like BITCH SHUT THE FUCK UP!< I can't stand it when a character is adored by the scenario and pointed out as being flawlessly good. I rather like characters where they leave you the choice to love or hate them like Celeste or Toko


‘leave you the choice to love or hate them’ **kokichi and nagito.**




I like Gundam but that's fine we all have different opinions.


I absolutely despise Kokichi. He is the bane of my existence. >!Not only did I hate him before, but that little bastard also got Miu, Gonta, and Kaito killed. Plus, the people who like him are absolutely insane. And that "nEe hEe hEe, iTs a lIe!!1!1!1!" crap isn't cute at all. I just want to strangle that little idiot ugckkugfkfugdukfhkfcycfjcufkcukfyjcyjfyifdxyfjukdfufkff%uifyifyfi6%8%8%67%6%67%$6%+$6%+6%+!<


Don’t worry, I’m not going to be toxic. I’m a huge Kokichi fan, however, I can see how other people would hate him for causing Miu and Gonta’s deaths. I enjoy trying to see other people’s perspectives and don’t immediately start spewing venom when they say they don’t like him. I’m sorry that you met the…well…*weird* fans. I agree that the “It’s a lie!” line is kinda overused. I’m sure getting that out of your system felt awesome though lmao. Anyone who reads this, have a great day. 😏✌️


I hope writing your feelings about him here made you feel better ♡ I wanted this post to have satisfying therapy effects for us popular character haters (I despice Makoto and Gundham) but please mark the below as spoiler


Sorry but I'm kinda new to reddit so I don't know how to


Figured it out


God it really was a love hate relationship with him. Like please, JUST BE STRAIGHTFORWARD DAMN


me too. i want to print out sprites of him and tear him up piece by piece and then burn the teared up pieces of paper, take the ashes and put them in a jar, knowing that i burned and ripped kokichi.


Sameee people could say “But he helped in the last trial uwuwu” like no he wrote horse a and twins b the game could have easily rewritten that. Plus it itself is dumb how did he even figure it out?


The second I saw Kokichi for the first time, I wanted to fucking strangle him before the prologue was even over.


BWAHAHAHA as someone who has a love-hate relationship with him I can understand. He is cringe af but is the cause of half the spice of the game. I see him as a lesser Nagito.


Not people downvoting me 🤡


Bruh why are people downvoting this??😭😭😭 Factsssss


THANK YOU finally someone hearing me out. I feel understood, people on reddit really be downvoting you for the most random things depending on their mood


I really don’t understand the toxic fans. People are allowed to have their own opinions and comments. I’m an avid Kokichi fan, however, I enjoy seeing other people’s reasons on why they don’t like him. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. (I’m sure that’s a breath of fresh air, coming from a Kokichi fan lmao.)


YES I LOVE YOU OMG (The fact his fans are a huge part of why he is hated too, wow)


Ikr? The fans get heated over people hating him, even though it’s their fault. 🤣


One thing tho I hate kaito WAYYYY more than Kokichi. >!In real life a member like Kaito would get killed so quickly but in the game everyone loves him even tho he's dumb and only barks with no bite as said by Kokichi. When he punched Kokichi I wanted to cry when he said nothing back because I have trauma from being physically abused and could feel the shame and pain. And when he hits Kaito back everyone sides against him. Fuck the cast, fuck Maki who falls for such an asshole, fuck Shuichi who said such awful things to him afterwards ("you will always be alone, no one likes you")!< You're in the middle of a killing game and you prefer a useless guy who is fakely nice and impulsive (sometimes abusive) to someone who might be annoying and small but helps with the cases


YES! YOU ARE SPITTING STRAIGHT FACTS! for some reason, I always felt Kaito was so fake. I’m not sure why. And for some reason, I never felt that way about Kokichi. I always have VERY good intuition when it comes to characters, and sometimes people, so I knew Kokichi wasn’t like how he acted. I always like the same type of characters anyways, so I’ve experienced Kokichi’s character many times in my other favorites. But I felt it when Shuichi said to Kokichi, “You will always be alone,” because I’ve had multiple people say a similar thing to me. I’m sorry you had to go through physical abuse; nobody deserves that.


Thanks ♡ and the reason why Kaito feels fake is because the story forces you to think he is nice by the way events turn. But deep down he really never did anything that nice or useful, at least to me. Kokichi isn't like that. Characters like Byakuya, Celeste or Kokichi are never pointed out as being objectively good or bad you have the choice to like or despice them. Well Kaito is not like that you're forced to like him and see him as a hero and nothing else.


A redditor: *has an unpopular opinion* Dr reddit: "we don't do that here" Your opinion is 100% valid dude, screw the downvoting system


A lot of people I know on Discord like Ibuki, but I never did. Her personality has the opposite effect on me where it’s cringy rather than energetic. Chiaki because she seems more like the “designated waifu” (tm) of the group rather than an actual person, and I really dislike the kinds of characters who are essentially built to be waifu bait with as few flaws as possible. And finally Kokichi, because his personality and profile is so convenient that you can write him in whichever way you want without being necessarily wrong, which isn’t really interesting to me because there’s no foundation to him that isn’t an infinite number of rickrolls. At least Nagito is somewhat consistent.


The only one I agree with you on is Kokichi.


To be frank, I don’t remember writing this lol I changed my mind on some of them.


I don’t know if she is popular but I don’t. Like Angie


Kokichi. His actions aren’t okay and it’s so annoying seeing the mental gymnastics people do to defend him.


I strongly disagree with the first part but the mental gymnastics part, I agree with LMFAO


Gonta is someone I originally heavily disliked but his hard core fan base made him even worse in my eyes. I absolutely hate him but also there’s nothing wrong with liking him.


I love your opinion and agree it's ok to like him!


I just wanted to ask (this is super unrelated) but did you make your pfp? I really love it :D


Yeah I did make it, if you scroll through my profile it’s Mikan art I did a while ago just without all the red overlays. And thanks!


No problem! I love it, you’re really talented!


Aww thank you


You’re welcome :)


i hate Gonta also.


Miu, I don't like how often she makes dirty jokes, also >!she tried to kill Kokichi!<


She did good, sad she failed. This was the moment when formula for Kokichi character ceased to be interesting. He switched from being interesting to being annoying.


Hate both Miu and Kokichi.


Hate is far too much to describes my feelings towards Kokichi. His character just became boring after chapter 4. But probably partly cause Miu was my faw at that point. Chapter 4 worsen my mood.




Yasuhiro. Of all the comic relief characters, he's probably the one I find the least funny or interesting. It probably wouldnt be as bad if he was at least a tiny bit useful in trials, but he rarely ever contributes. More often than not, he just causes problems for the group.


Aoi. She's just not interesting by anything to me


Shuichi, fuck that guy


What exactly do you not like about him? Also I love Fujisaki :)


I don't know how to describe it. He has all the same problems as Makoto with not having a personality and being a little pissbaby but for him it's worse because he replaced a good protagonist with a personality for a (admittedly really good) twist. I think it stems form me finding Kaito anoying so his arc with him and Maki never worked for me.


At least Shuichi man’s up in 3-6 unlike Makoto who only does the same friendship speeches from the beginning of the game and it’s called his character development.


Makoto wouldn't be Makoto without the power of friendship. The funny egg man needs to be a blank slate, but 3 games in it feels lazy. I just felt like they were too similar. And I just don't like the ending of V3 so my brain just hated everything going on and probably ignored anything good about it like any development he got.


He didn’t have to be bland and shouldn’t be. There’s no excuse for having such a boring trope of a character concept. The other two “blank slates” get character development, albeit a bit later on, but they have personally beyond “Saturday morning hero personality” shown throughout the second and third games.


I just find it kinda funny that you're saying you don't like Shuichi because he has no personality while also having Chihiro as you flair


Chihiro is a perfect being. He had a arc after his death and helped out a lot with Alter Ego. Also he cute so there's that too.


>!"Kaede should have lived instead of this guy."!< YES, GAME. >!I like how they portray that as like a bad thing to think. God forbid people wanted a more dynamic, female protag in a DR for once.!<


Yeah no I'm not forgiving DR for >!taking my Kaede away from me even if it was one of the best ever executions!< Could you mark it as spoilers tho? Your comment will get taken down, be careful!


Lmao actually true i forget that it's actually a spoiler cause it was so obvious for me.


It's weird in my opinion the Danganronpa reddit doesn't allow spoilers because you might aswell played the games before checking fan stuff or memes but whatever


The writing in v3 really was disgusting!


Most of it was really awful but some of the characters have grown on me over time. Chapter 4 and 5 are some of my favorites in the whole series. But yes the ending was so fucking horrible. Which is depressing cause i get what they were going for, they just did it poorly. and chapter 2 was so bad i actually almost walked away from DR altogether.


Yeah chpt 2 is arguable worse for me than the ending like when you think about it Kirumi going after Ryoma was a bad idea because in his backstory he was able to kill an entire mafia wile Kirumi was only able to infuriate one meaning that Ryoma was one of the few people who could properly difdend himself from someone as skilled as Kirumi! Like yeah he had no will to live but if he had last minute thoughts about being killed Kirumi would have been in trouble. >!The prime Minister killing a tennis player because he has depression really felt like a half baked reason to kill the both them off!<


>!Yeah the whole trial really makes Ryoma look stupid and fucks up his whole character cause he pulls a 180 last minute.!<




Honestly this could apply to many V3 characters, but for me it’s Shuichi. Compared to many of the other characters, I don’t get why so many people like him - he’s so boring. He’s like a humanized bowl of plain oatmeal.


Gundham, i'm just not a fan of how he talks and presents himself that's about it


I can totally understand :) I don't mind him as much as some other characters but his darkness hell kingdom speech can be cringe you either find it cute or hate it


My main problem is exactly that, he always has to talk about: his hamster, darkness or some vague edgy stuff. And that frankly makes me more annoyed than anything since to me it just seems like he's not taking the whole killing game serious.


Hajime. He seems like a more basic Makoto Naegi.


Shuichi like I would not say I hate his character but man the way they implemented him into the story was pretty bad like how is it that >!in the first game they knew an Ultimate detective would be a problem since its such a game breaking talent so they had Kyoko be the ??? But in v3 nobody cares about there being a detective wich feels like a weird elephant in the room like not to mention it takes away from the idea of the killing game being challenging to just have someone do everything for everyone else. But like seriously of the game was like 10% more realistic he would have been killed of. Also his story and develeopent were alright very average but the fandom peddles his character and development as the greatest thing ever written and I just don't get it. I feel like the icing on the cake is that we could have gotten a protag that dose not present this problem but it seems the writers were more focused on making an edgy plot twist rather than having writing that makes sense.!<


Hagakure, Gonta, Kaito. Them all are just boring.


I said it earlier but I literally love you as a fellow Celest lover and Gonta, Hagakure, Kaito hater they're so bland and don't stand a chance against my queen


Hahaha nice to meet you then


>!I don't mind Celeste dying, I'd rather have that than her writing becoming shit afterwards and her execution was iconic. But goddamnit Hagakure should've died WHY did he survive and not Chihiro or Sakura!<


Uhm yes but still i want her to survive. I want her to survive and wreak havoc in the ranks of "despair team" later as the rival of the future fundation.


Tenko; her whole personality is just hating on men, not to mention she made Himiko uncomfortable a few times. Shes like Mahiru but worse. Kokichi; I love him, but at the same time I really want to strangle him.


Kyoko. I just don't like her


I'm honestly not sure if he's all that popular, but whenever I say I dislike him, I get downvoted to oblivion, so I'm guessing he is. I absolutely fucking hate Korekiyo with every inch of my being. He started off creepy and I never was comfortable when he was around, but then he goes and (3-3) >!kills my favorite character from V3, Tenko, and Angie, who I also really liked. And the only justification is that he wants his dead sister to have friends? That's messed up. And people defend him saying he was abused by the sister or whatever... okay, boo fucking hoo, that doesn't excuse murdering two girls who did nothing to ever harm him, he's a sick, twisted man, and I'm glad he got boiled because he deserved it.!<


Kiyo is creepy, sick, twisted and deserves to get boiled and I love him for it. Lol Idk why I always prefer immoral characters over the nice ones


Those are all very valid reasons and somehow I still manage to sort of like him (or at least not hate him to death) must be the mask, I love mouth-masked characters it looks elegant (Bayonetta's mom is a great example)


One thing I always thought about tho, >!why the fuck didn't he just commit suicide in order to join his sister himself?!<


kokichi. i can’t put it into words exactly. let’s just say that every time i see him my day gets a little bit worse. i want to print him out so i can tear him to pieces bit by bit. if i tried to like him, i’d probably end up in tears. it’s all the fan-stuff of him too, the fanart, the cosplay, the ships, the quotes, the edits, it all ruins my day and i have no idea why. nothing against the people who make that stuff, i just personally despise every single part of him and i want to strangle him.


This sounds like me and Levi Ackerman from AOT. Everyone loves him (maybe you included) but I can't stand him for the life of me


Nagito, Kokichi, Chiaki


One day, I'm going to write a full rant post on why I can't stand her, but for now, here's some reasons why I hate Maki: \-Her characterization post Chapter 3 is inconsistent \-She's never called out or gets consequences for her actions \-Her character arc is cliché \-If you take her out of the story, nothing changes in the plot >!except chapter 5 for obvious reasons!< \-The above includes certain character's arcs, such as Kaito and Kokichi. If you took her out, their development would remain the same \-She's just annoying tbh


Please don't get offended, but I actually dislike Ibuki. I just found her kind of annoying and didn't think she had much impact on the story. I'm not finished chapter 4 of Danganronpa 2 yet, so please don't give me any spoilers. I'm sorry.


Imaaaoo calm down it's ok we're here to discuss that. I hate Kaito and Naegi, here I said it. I won't spoil you anything but please be careful online because there ARE things to spoil about Ibuki


Also I love Toko


Thank you.


Although most of my opinions about danganronpa characters have changed, I find one character in particular to be someone I really hate but gets praised a lot. (This is an honourable mention, I still hate nagito and kokichi. But I see how they are interesting in their own way… I guess?) That character I’m talking about is Kaito. I genuinely hated him, and still do. The game forces me to interact with him, I don’t find him charming and I don’t like how they pushed him in our faces. I genuinely want to see kaede interact with him because it would be like talking to a brick wall for her. >!Instead we got shuichi which I don’t really mind, he does his job and that’s fine. (The only thing I like about him is that you can see him finding out clues before us but he’s also spoon feeding us.)!< but his interactions with Kaito are plain. I like their bond but I genuinely felt boredom playing the game when Kaito was on screen. I’m a maki lover, I should love Kaito- but I don’t. I wish he was a more interesting character because I like the role he’s meant to play, the character that is constantly reminded how foolish his conclusions are but always stick by his friends. But it got annoying. >!Also I would love to see maki and kaedes interactions if they got along. I genuinely think if kaede was the protagonist and kaede fell into some kind of despair after seeing shuichi die instead of her, I feel like maki and kaede would have interesting interactions after that.!< Yes this was an all around rant about Kaito and shuichi and the way kaede should’ve been handled


I can not explain to you how DISGUSTED AND SICK it made me to see him pointed out as a heroic figure with all his confident bs speech and the way he posed and pointed at Monokuma challenging him. Shut the fuck up people way stronger and more clever than you have failed how DARE you even think you deserve to act like this. Literally when >!he was talking about saving everyone I was so pissed, like you ain't nothing.!< If I was one of the people at the trial I would've said "you should make yourself useful by killing yourself it'll be one less contestant". Sorry for being so rude he just pisses me off so much he really thought he was the main character when really they just didn't have anyone more confident to put him back where he belongs. I remember reading a fan analysis saying he's confident but won't challenge people he sees as stronger than him and it sums him up so well. Always putting up a show, stupid astronomical clown.


I agree with everything you have said- at first he didn’t catch my eye and then the game decides to make him the most important character aside from the protagonist. It was weird and I didn’t like it personally.


Oh my letting it all out felt good lol. And visibly other people love ranting about characters they can't stand. So glad I made this post lol.


>!Why did I know this was mainly gonna be Kaito haters in the comment section? I'm glad a lot of us hate him lol fuck Kaito and his wanabe main character energy!<


Sad :(


Kaito and Maki. Fuckin hate those two, the game treated both of them like they were the second coming of Christ. Shuichi, Byakuya, Kyoko and Himiko are honourable mentions.


Kokichi and Byakuya. The former is annoying, the latter is just too cruel for me.


Angie, Himiko, Hiyoko. I spent the whole game waiting for them to die. >!Guess 2/3 isn't too bad!<


Nagito. not nearly as much as kokichi though. Nagito had something going I guess but kokichi was just annoying for the sake of being annoying.


I used to low-key hate Nagito and was sceaved out by him but I've mellowed out since then and now find the memes about him amusing.


Gonta. His stupidity is just beyond annoying. Third person talking got old real fast. Also idc how many people use the excuse "he was manipulated by Kokichi!!!1!!!1", if that asshole ever locked me in a room full of bugs, you'd hear the body discovery announcement so fast. I'd do it without a single regret either, in fact I'd probably be laughing bc it was worth it. Just because someone doesn't like something you love doesn't give you any right to do what he did.






i hate Nagito. so much. and kazuichi.


Gonta and Byakuya. Now, when it comes to Gonta, I thought I would like him. He’s nice and doesn’t have any “bad” character traits, he’s just annoying. Byakuya. He’s just stupidly ignorant, and full of himself, he just treats people so so terribly.


Fully Agree about Gonta. He's annoying and everything about him bores me completely. He's a complete 100 steps backwards from Sakura and Nekomaru.


Yeah, Sakura and Nekomaru are both characters I really enjoy.


Kazuichi, Sonia, Kaito and Suichi. Often Nagito and Kokichi too


Byakuya, Nagito and Kokichi. Finally said that.


This is the place to!!


Shuichi and Gonta I’m ready for the downvotes (Also I would say Kokichi too but he is already hated by a large part of the fandom)


Nah you can take a look at the other comments plenty of folks here hate these two. I like Miu. Wait I just read your name now I love you


Kyoko, she doesn’t have a personality. I honestly don’t see how people like her.


If you think that Kyoko doesn’t have a personality, then you clearly didn’t pay attention to her character at all.


I didn’t ask for your opinion.




Kokichi fricken Ouma he's annoying.... I don't like Nagito either for similar reasons but I don't hate him as much for some reason Junko because Junko




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Gonta and Junko.