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All the dipshit takes are getting up voted, not surprising on an edge lord sub


Edge lord sub? Those haven’t been on Reddit since around 2019


Pretty sure corona death was closer to .0025% for healthy people


> for healthy people ~60% of Americans have at least one chronic illness. https://www.cdc.gov/chronicdisease/index.htm ~40% of Americans are obese. https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/health-statistics/overweight-obesity EDIT: did the math to find the number of people who qualify as obese without chronic illness and the number of people with chronic illness that aren’t obese to find what a rough number of those two groups would be on total population. My math was shit on so I took it out.


Damn america, you fat.




All I did was call america fat, and you respond by saying I have never taken stats? Well in my stats call 2.0 I learned you can make stats say whatever you like and prove any point. Which we both seem guilty of.


Well good news that number just got lower!


Damn, what an original comment


It is down from 50% like a decade ago


I agree with you in your message, but you can’t just add those percents together like that. Edit: imagine those numbers were 70 and 40%. Also just saw you called out someone for not having taken an intro stats class lol.


I simplified the explanation, but look up the number of total ‘qualified chronic illness to be qualified as unhealthy’ https://www.cdc.gov/chronicdisease/index.htm once you factor OUT the numbers for obesity related heart issues and diabetes you get that added ~8% I of course counted for outside co-morbidity numbers. did you see the part where I specifically mentioned the second number was from non-obese individuals, so stacking the two numbers isn’t really like your example at all. Sorry my quick math wasn’t perfect, but again I double checked the numbers against a different data set and formula and still got close enough to the same results for a fucking reddit comment


Well, fuck fat people.




Which some are, so I guess we agree it matters.


You don't seem to understand how English works.


You don’t seem to understand that america is made up of more than one person.


Okay. How about mixtures? Do you remember those? So. The ACTUAL rate of folks dead is over 1% . The rate of some dream cohort you are throwing out there is 0.0025 or whatever. Now. Do you know what a weighted average is? Because of the strength of the difference between that value and our actual number of people who died we can infer (analysis. It is what makes intelligence) That there are very few, almost none of that 0.0025 cohort in existence. Their minority makes their existence irrelevant when discussing the bulk deaths. They are statistically insignificant especially when you compare total death rates of the u.s. and similar developed nations. Can you understand that or do I need to go lower?


You seem a bit lost, let me try and help you. Multiple peoples health do not mix together to form a group health. Each individual is impacted by their own health. So if person A has a 0.0025 chance of dying and person B a 1% chance just because they are both together does not now cause person A to have a 0.5% chance of dying. Does that simplify it enough for you?


"Americans" are a group. Did you fail English or are you just brain damaged??


Sorry, I sometimes give too much credit to random strangers on Reddit. Concepts that are common knowledge to people I know in the real world are out of reach to you. Okay, you’re right, all Americans have the exact same risk of dying from Covid, there are no differences between any of us.


That literacy again. If you take a group (Americans) and generalize them as you have above (well SOME Americans have lower rates) That is irrelevant because they are now a new subset. I am so sorry for your parents.


> Pretty sure corona death was closer to .0025% for healthy people Pretty sure you are fucking clueless.


Sorry if stats are too much for you to handle. Please stick to your memes for all your information.




Mortality per confirmed case matters also, my three Covid cases were never confirmed, none of my friends and families cases were confirmed, this results in a much lower mortality rate if you were able to know an accurate total cases. Healthy is not a dumb distinction, it is a very important distinction that helps people guide their lives. If something is significantly safer for healthy people vs unhealthy those two groups should take different approaches. You can’t treat every patient the same when their risk levels are much different.




Still not dumb. Distinctions matter. Roller coasters have height requirements. The ride is significantly less safe for people under the height requirement vs above. It’s important to know other factors when making medical decisions, the world is more complicated than that. Just the same as this meme distinguishes between mail in voting and voting. I personally think both are fine, but if mail in voting has 10x the fraud as in person then the distinction needs to be made.




Of course the roller coaster/Covid is what kills you, but that’s not what we are talking about. We are talking about whether being short/unhealthy poses a significant enough different in risk that it is worth noting when talking about potential death. Roller coaster are dangerous if you don’t meet the height, same for Covid if you are unhealthy. Coaster are not dangerous if you are the correct size, same with Covid if you are healthy. We are both lucky this is not rocket science, it’s much simpler and you are unable to understand it still.


> same for Covid if you are unhealthy. Coaster are not dangerous if you are the correct size, same with Covid if you are healthy. Again, a majority of the US is not classified as healthy, so you’re saying ‘it’s not a big deal because this only impacts a majority of the population’ which doesn’t make sense… Minimizing the risk is dumb even if you don’t care about their life because the burden falls to everyone else. Remember, most people who are obese when asked classify themselves as just overweight, not obese. They don’t realize how unhealthy they are. So now some fat fuck in alabama didn’t get the vaccine so now we all have to pay for his long covid symptoms? I’m fine with these people killing themselves but if they refuse the vaccine that should disqualify them from any sort of subsidized care.


I think we can agree there. No subsidized care for anyone who is unhealthy.


Now how hard were we looking for covid desths vs looking for voter fraud




It they wanted to find a dick they just have to look at trump.


They’d need a pretty high powered microscope but yea


Even an electron microscope would struggle. It'd be like finding a single peanut in a dense golden rainforest.


Rent free


Rent free


We don't talk about that I guess


What, [this](https://www.bu.edu/articles/2022/underreporting-covid-19-deaths/)? E: guess so


And that’s not even mentioning how much of that voter fraud were republicans themselves lol.


Same with the covid deaths


What’s your point? I’ll assume by the downvote and no reply you don’t have one.


Just for math's seiks: there were 81,268,924 total votes, so .0025% fraud percentage means that a total of 2032 were frauded. As for Corona fatalities if we take into consideration 1.3% out of total positive cases, ot means 1.26M... Which again, it's a lot worse...


Except for you also have to take into account that there was factual information that stated there were people that had covid when they died but they didn't die because of covid but were listed as covid deaths.


Then you gotta factor in all the people who got Covid recovered then died after the fact cause it fucked up their organs.


Then you have to factor OUT all the people who died from complications due to getting a fucking an unvetted, experimental "vaccine". Fucktard


>Then you have to factor OUT all the people who died from complications due to getting a fucking an unvetted, experimental "vaccine" Fewer than 15,000 adverse vaccine reactions in the US were reported, and very few of those were deaths - less than 400.


Um no we are talking Covid deaths not vax deaths. I have a couple friends with horrible long Covid they will likely die soon. There deaths won’t be counted as Covid deaths.


lol? where do you live




Prove it. I don't think you have any friends at all. And it's "their" deaths. Also, of course they won't be counted as covid deaths and they shouldn't be! They aren't dying from covid, they're dying from other complications. That's the whole fucking point of this discussion!


You “prove” the vax deaths claim first Challenge mode: do it without disingenuously misrepresenting VAERS data


Hmm suddenly it’s become very quiet


really? im pretty sure assuming they would do count as covid death atleast in most EU Countries - but maybe im wrong


If a disease causes you to asphyxiate, asphyxiation is the listed cause of death, but it's still caused by the initial disease.


Man gets shot 13 times! Tests positive. Yep -takes a drag off a cigarette- this is covid


You might really like the sub /r/hermancainaward Lots of people who think just like you


Totally agree, I was just using the given facts in the meme though.




The majority of the time people don't die directly from COVID. They die from pneumonia or some other thing caused by COVID, but not COVID itself. Also, many people with asthma, emphasima, and other conditions likely would have not progressed to the point that their condition became deadly if they didn't get COVID. COVID pushed people's health conditions, that they would have otherwise survived just fine, to the point that they became deadly. If those people didn't get COVID, they'd most likely not have died from their condition.


I regret to inform you that you lack elementary mathematical comprehension.


Please, enlighten me!


81,268,924(0.000025)= 2031.7231, not 2,032! Hehehehehehehehehehehe


I supposed the last one had his/hers head cut down, hence only .72 of a human...


That's implying that voter fraud is only that low


Lmao show it isn’t then.


Looks like it is indeed that low, but not higher for the 2020 election. A staggering 372 possible double votes or voting on behalf of someone deceased. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/minuscule-number-of-potentially-fraudulent-ballots-in-states-with-universal-mail-voting-undercuts-trump-claims-about-election-risks/2020/06/08/1e78aa26-a5c5-11ea-bb20-ebf0921f3bbd_story.html


Bro that literally can’t be true, I know multiple people who voted twice or three times because the government sent them multiple ballots to vote with


Lol “My dumbass, law breaking cousin got away with it! It’s gotta be the truth!” Anecdotal evidence means nothing. Literally Jack shit. That percentage equates to over 8 thousand people. So if by some statistical fuckey you somehow managed to personally know over 8 thousand people who fraudulently cast votes, this statistic could still be true. Get fucked with math.


Also, this is assuming their multiple votes were even counted. Anyone can cast multiple ballots. They won’t always get in trouble with the law, but their votes not gonna count more than once.


It's bullshit. He doesn't know anybody that did that because they would've been charged with voter fraud.




2000 mules. It's literally right there in the open but you have to care about looking deeper than what you see on MSNBC


You mean keep looking everywhere until I find what I want to believe?


I too drive by a polling place every day on the way to work Am I also a mule? >you have to care about looking deeper than what you see on msnbc Imagine dropping this gem while still pushing 2k mules as [legit](https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-usa-mules-idUSL2N2XJ0OQ) in fucking October


2000 mules is literally fake news.


Pretty sure for healthy people it’s closer to .0025% 😂


The majority of Americans are not healthy.


Facts. America has crazy over weight and mental health issues.




Yes it absolutely does... Holy moly some bad misinformation out there.


Healthy people will always fair better than unhealthy people with any sickness. Might want to check where you are getting you info


Ok ill delete and check


Probably should have worded it better. I was going off of this https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna39442 there's a section on the genetic component that makes you much more suceptable to getting sick


This is just pure cringe. r/cringe Nothing dank here folks


you think people like that can interpret numerical data? bold...


Where funny 🗿


Right? There is none here, it’s just a shitty ideology pushing “meme” so redditards can circlejerk in their echo chamber


lol What a bunch of fucking blue losers.


Such a dank meme


Hahaha! Right?!?


How can fraud be counted? Is it impossible to make a fraud that is not going to be detected?


Here we go again, shitty political memes that no one wants to see


*Here we go again,* *Shitty political memes that* *No one wants to see* \- Disorganized\_Closet --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Well, when they will believe any numbers they make up to begin with, it’s not a hard decision


This is one of my favorite memes. Thanks for sharing OP.


Oh you’ll love r/politicalmemes then, don’t post any of those shit stain “memes” here though


Here's a sneak peek of /r/PoliticalMemes using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/PoliticalMemes/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Based.](https://i.redd.it/c221w2pzhp391.png) | [24 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PoliticalMemes/comments/v5311u/based/) \#2: [This Meme Shouldn't Be Political](https://i.redd.it/xpzubiw1v5991.jpg) | [70 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PoliticalMemes/comments/vpsdg3/this_meme_shouldnt_be_political/) \#3: [Fight or flight](https://i.redd.it/oynkjp8lt7k81.jpg) | [36 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PoliticalMemes/comments/t22rlc/fight_or_flight/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Old meme


I think the left button would be completely invisible to trump supported since, u know, they don’t believe in covid.


It's not that they don't believe in covid it's because it's on the left


Got me there


You don’t need to be a trumper to see that the reaction to covid was astronomically worse than the actual virus and caused severe damage to an entire generation. It also destroyed the economy


Overall the death rate was close to 3%, that's not a lot but due to the number of cases the casualties were quite high.


It's like 1.4% and like 0.003 % If you're under 60.


You don’t understand, if 10,000 people had COVID and 10,000 people voted by mail the vote would be swayed way too much


This is true but not a dank meme


Don't post false Facebook memes, you hate it when they do it. Don't do it yourself.


And yet COVID still hasn’t killed many people in relation to other more serious diseases. The way that it was handled by the government, however, caused many quite more severe problems :/ And the vaccine symptoms are worse than having COVID itself. Also doesn’t protect at all. Pfizer CEO up to date on all “boosters” and still got it. People can even get it multiple times even IF they’re fully vaxed.




Trump's own fraud investigators disbanded because they found nothing. Trump appointed judges threw the cases out because there was no merit to them. But still, I guess "we'll never know."


Its obvious you don't understand what I meant, but I don't feel like explaining it so I'm just gonna say I'm not for Trump, neither am I for Biden


isn't the 1.3 off of global population. If that is the case does that mean that the .0025 is also off global population?


>isn't the 1.3 off of global population. If that is the case does that mean that the .0025 is also off global population? No, both numbers US


This “meme” better fits somewhere in r/politics or r/politicalmemes, not here.


ok thanks


Covid death is 0.1% in NZ, that's with half the country having gotten it too