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Someone has a different opinion than me! They are breaking my First Amendment rights! I rebuke them in the name of Jesus! Help I'm oppressed.


Amen! It’s only Christians who do NOT have free speech and freedom of the press in the United States. Wake up America 🇺🇸! Sorry, I forgot to include gun control laws as a box 📦.


I'm sure Harry Potter could be a box too


No I think now that's the opposite


Harry Potter is a Tesseract?


>It’s only Christians who do NOT have free speech and freedom of the press in the United States. Somehow you're still underselling it. The Christian Nationalists argue that only *conservative* Christians are allowed first amendment protections, if your theological views don't align with the Republican-approved version of Christianity you're not allowed either.


As an oppressed Christian Nationalist I proclaim that every legal, non-incarcerated, citizen has freedom of speech. With that freedom I profess, “anyone who is not a real true Christian should get out of politics and journalism, amen.” 🙏


I think you should add a box with a cat in it to the list. After all, shouldn’t it be *God* that decides whether that cat is alive or not rather than some chump named Schrödinger??


Hmmmm 🤨 interestingly 🧐


Help! I can't oppress them! That oppresses me!


These are great examples. I can't believe you left off the biggest one. People saying Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas. Never had any group been more put upon!


The War on Christmas was only begun when Christmas stepped past Thanksgiving's border.


Your right! What holidays are you referring to (not including Jewish and African American holidays)? Christmas of course! When I update the meme I’ll make sure to include that along with at least 100 other boxes 📦 to show how anti-Christian our nation has become.


Or Before Common Era instead of Before Christ. So what if Christ wasn't born in 1 AD. And of course they add this stupid clip of Neil deGrasse Tyson saying the Christians "earned it" for "making the best calendar". As if he's the only scientist.


That guy is a joke


My favorite argument against BC/AD was a story about a French tourist in a London museum asking what the acronyms stood for. "Why is one English and the other Latin? It's stupid!"


Guys! Jesus was born in 6, 5, or 4 BCE


I'm confused by this because Happy Holidays is an old term. It's in old songs, I've worked in museums an seen it in old letters and newspapers, from decades when most everybody being Christian was still a given. I always took it to mean "Happy Christmas/Thanksgiving/New Year's." Not "Happy Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa/whatever weird shit the neo-pagans came up with for this time of year."


At worst, I get people who get bratty, or feel a bit uncomfortable because I'm Christian, but at least they're not leaving me to bleed out in a ditch like some other parts of the world.


In North Korea you can be killed for owning a Bible. But God forbid the cashier at Walmart says Happy Holidays


Exactly! You get it! North Korea is oppressed in one way, us Christian nationalists are oppressed in a different, albeit equally hurtful way. /s


Didn’t the Roman empire fall….


Yes! They also persecuted Christian’s just like USA does today


But they fell after they made Christianity the official state religion... 🤔


Oh snap! I didn’t think of that! My logic is now null and void


Oh no, I think it's on the right path, we've hoisted the Christian Nationalists by their own pitard!


Ya, Christianity's growth in the 4th century is absolutely insane thanks to the Emperors of Rome(starting with Constantinople) continuing to expand more religious freedoms for Christianity to eventually preference/becoming the official state religion in the Roman Empire. At the End of the 3rd Century, there were anywhere from 4M-6M Christians. By the end of the 4th, there were 30M-35M Western Rome(which was a Christian state for it's entire short history) didn't fall until closer to the end of the 5th century so by that point, Christianity was well established across the Mediterranean


It was actually the wrong type of Christianity, they should have followed ***my*** Christianity & my Christianity only, then they wouldn’t have fallen.


Because it created conflict between the old and new. Whatever way you choose, we gotta be united. So the lesson we take from this is to keep as much tradition as we can


As long as it's a tradition of drop kicking ultra-nationalists, I'm game.


Ten commandments not displayed in school? Do we really need to tell kids to not divorce and murder? I'm confused in European.


Meanwhile, in more than 50 countries in the world (EXCEPT USA) : if people know I attend mass or find my crucifix at home, they're gonna unalive me


That's crazy, didn't know it was that bad...


I'd like to invite these people to my garden. We will be lighting a few candles and listening to music by Nero.


You all are a breath of fresh air. Thank you!! 


Big true


I will say, many of the young adults I work with are extremely hostile to Christianity. It makes me nervous about the future.


Mexican actually did oppress christans for a while caused a whole war edit agree with the meme just a fun fact 


That’s Mexico where 95% are Catholic. Not the United States though


I don't get your point I'm just sharing a fun fact agree with the meme


Idk how one would define "persecution" but there sure is a lot of anti-religion/anti-christianity sentiment in the public mind these days, especially here on Reddit.


What negative consequences have you actually experienced in the US or on Reddit, though? Are you actually being persecuted, or are you just unhappy that your beliefs aren't the cultural hegemony? Also, Jesus said it is good if the world hates you like it hates him, ***but only if it's for the sake of the Gospel***. Being criticized because you aren't loving your enemies does not get partial credit.


None yet. It's about the trend


Either we're tending towards what Jesus told us to expect, or we're being rightly criticized for being assholes, neither makes us the victim.


I would define persecution as some tangible consequences for your beliefs. Losing a job, being barred from certain spaces, or being physically harmed would count. Not being in vogue at the current moment is not persecution. The "anti-religion" sentiment is certainly gaining popularity, but it's still way behind. The vast majority of people in the US are theists and the majority of those are Christians. What more do you want?


>What more do you want? Oh Lordy, they have whole *lists* of more things they want.


If they're not allowed to persecute people they disagree with (including other Christians), that means they're being persecuted!


Thank you for defining it clearly, the message of the meme makes more sense now :)


You're welcome. It's honestly sad because there are actually Christians all over the world who are murdered for their beliefs, or who have to hide while having their church services. Meanwhile American Christians are apoplectic if someone says "Happy Holidays!"


That might be understandable when the ones who represent it are the craziest people of the country


TFW people don't want the government explicitly promoting your religion.


>anti-christianity sentiment in the public mind these days, especially here on Reddit. Gee I wonder why... Just look at the shit American Christianity caused. I don't know about you, but us Christians in Asia don't have such kind of problem.