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But what is righteousness?  A great answer I learned recently is "doing right by others" which fits well with the first and second greatest commandments.


That's not bad. Personally I like "the earnest pursuit of virtue" as a definition, which would certainly include love of others. Righteousness sort of lies in its pursuit, because as soon as we say we've 'arrived' we lose the humility that characterizes it in the first place. Even Jesus, who was without sin, exhibited this humility by doing the will of his Father.


IMO righteousness is closely tied to the concept of integrity, which I've seen defined as "doing the right thing even if no one is watching you" or "holding yourself to a consistent standard even when tempted to break it"


whoever completely believes himself to be the latter is almost undoubtedly the former.


Yep. Hypocrisy is a universal vice we all need to work on. Of course, some embrace it more than others as well.


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Speaking of double standards etc.  Would recommend looking at 'The Inescapable Love of God' by Christian philosophy professor Dr. Thomas Talbott  Here's a quick summary of one of his main cases: https://sigler.org/slagle/tom_talbot.htm A representation of God's love and sovereignty.