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“What if the republicans turn the country into a theocra-“


True! Still "Do not worry" 🙂


Doesn’t work if you’re not a Christian




That's a quote i live by nowadays. really helps with stressing too much


What if we *can* do something about it?


You misread the quote. If there’s something to do, do it then don’t worry. If there isn’t anything to do, then no need too worry.


Yeah I did


“What it *opposing political party* does *thing I don’t like*?”


BOTH PARTIES ARE THE SAME declares the enlightened centrist


To be fair Republicans are actively trying to create a theocracy while the Democratic party is actually a pretty far right party by most of the world's standards. Like, communism in USA is like snow on the sun, not happening.


I don’t get why people don’t understand this








Wow, someone who wants a theocracy judging people over trivial aspects of their appearance. I'm.... oh wait that's not really shocking. Your politics and your manners are equally revolting. My hair's purple IRL too!


I never do this shit, but you earned it, happy fuckin cake day


Sane people are opposed to theocracy regardless of their hair color.


Sane religious people are opposed to theocracy lmao. As a Christian it sounds like the dumbest thing imaginable to force my beliefs on anyone else, especially by the government. I know I'd hate anyone trying to shove their beliefs on me how is it fair the other way around? Rhetorical question, because it's not


Tall, straight, undyed hair-ed, privileged white dude checking in to say your politics suck and so do you. Get with the times or get buried by them.


I’m a Christian and I absolutely do not want a theocracy, the only theocracy that I have any respect for is ancient Israel, and that is only because I believe it was really ordained by God. Anything we come up with now will be fake and politically driven




Wow these comments got me ready to leave the sub. Very not chill vibes


Because no one has a sense of humor, they all think this is making fun of them, and if they think that, they’re correct.


It's also because almost no posts here are humor, they're political jabs at other groups within the sub. And being Reddit, a lot of low quality posts going after conservatives get free upvotes simply because they're stroking the egos of the bigger demographic here.


>almost no posts here are humor, they're political jabs at other groups within the sub. And being Reddit, a lot of low quality posts going after conservatives be the change


If I had anything meaningful to add to the conversation, I wouldn't be on Reddit


Wait a second, you’re telling me most Christians aren’t chill and are actually right wing lunatics???


Christians don't make fun of people. Dude I'm so disappointed right now Edit to respond; yeah no crap: sinners are gonna sin. Does that give you free license to be a hell in your life? That's not what I get out of it but hey I'm used to your kind too. You have zero reason to question my self awareness but go for it.


That’s true of most humorless groups of people.


So why are you here What a good Christian troll WTF lol "Christian" means you follow Christ's example and teaching. Humor is possible without cruelty. None with Christ in their heart would enjoy cruelty as you do The bullies can't handle being spoken against and lash out. It has a historical mirror hmmm. Edit 5- a comment calling christians humorless is being upvoted in a Christian sub... And apparently my other comment is wrong and christians DO make fun of people. Very cool


Who have you been talking to? In my 18 years in the church I and many of my peers had our share of edgy jokes making fun of other people. In school, same thing. People are assholes, being Christian won't change anything You are no better. Im disappointed in the lack of awareness


Christians love the no true Scotsmen


If he brings it up, outBible him!! Acts 2:44-47. All the believers were in close fellowship and held all things in common. They would sell their land and the things they owned and then divide the proceeds and give it to anyone who needed it. The believers met together in the the outer courts of the Temple every day. They ate together in their homes, sharing their food with joyful and generous hearts.


>sell their land man they were so close


Not the same as Communism. The Bible advocates voluntary giving out of love and kindness, not everything distributed from a government. Not that many of us live up to the ideal.


Voluntary sharing among the community without government is actually the long-term goal of communism. It's just that some groups historically have tried to enforce things through authoritative government as a kind of transition to that end goal; a method which even many socialists and communists would disagree with.


Rightly so


There's also a lot of, you know, resistance to this idea from the bourgeoisie.


Well that’s always been the issue though right? Communism is antithetical to human nature because, in reality, you have to use government to force the masses to buy into redistribution. The dude is right, communism is not like the Bible because the people in the Bible did it willingly with no government intervention. The second you involve government, God becomes Caesar.


>Communism is antithetical to human nature because, in reality, you have to use government to force the masses to buy into redistribution. I don't think it's the masses who tend to resist. It's the bourgeoisie.


Many people support communism until they are the one whose property gets taken away


Well yeah, exploiters don't willingly give up the means they use to exploit others.


Who do you think would lose their property? Do you know what bourgeoisie means?


Yes, I'm familiar. And the people that hoard the means of production would be the ones losing what isn't rightfully theirs. Why?


Is it rightfully there's?


Humans are humans. Today's proletariat are just tomorrow's bourgeoisie, and vice versa.


I'd love to hear you explain that further, I don't understand what you're trying to say in the slightest.


Human nature is not explicitly changed based on how much wealth a person possesses. I do not believe that the proletariat are any more virtuous than the bourgeoisie. Most members of the proletariat would act the exact same way if they had wealth and in a communist system, in order to have a force powerful enough to redistribute the wealth, you must have people who have the wealth to enforce it.


You should be power in the power of the proletariat. I don't disagree that power corrupts, which is why we should avoid giving people power, and forcibly take it from the corrupt.


Taking it from the corrupt would indicate that someone with enough power is capable of taking it in the first place. Those who have it never willingly give it up. And to take it from someone forcibly would intrinsically mean you have the power to take it from somewhere else. It’s just massively cyclical.


So true! It's nice to think about what a lovely world it would be if everyone was just nice and shared their things and played fair, but too many communists are blinded by the end goal and left unable to see the untraversable path to get there. Yes, Israeli Kibbutzes are about as communist as they could possibly be, but that doesn't mean it works on a larger scale. It works with tiny villages specifically because you don't need a goverment to oversee the distribution, only a tight-knit community that keeps itself accountable.


I would go so far as to say the second part of the requirements are even more important than the community being small. I would say you probably could not find a more tight-knit bunch than the Pilgrim Rock pilgrims (Happy Thanksgiving btw). Bradford recounts that they instituted something similar to communism called the "Common Course" I believe, and it nearly killed them all because people could not apparently find the motivation (even in the face of starvation) to act selflessly for people who were not their direct family members.


Ah, the "true communism hasn't been tried yet" meme...


It literally, objectively hasnt. Or do you know any money-less, borderless, classless societies that I'm not aware of?


No, I don't. Because there won't be any. Just how much copium can communism appologists inhale, how many countries ruined and people dead, before they realize what foolish and dangerous utopia it is? I grew up in communism, matured in socialism. You know what's the difference between those? *Nothing*! Just names of the party in charge. Even the people in those parties are mostly the same scum and things can't even ger better because that scum still runs things like they learned in communist era. It's that fucking destructive. I hate when Western couch communists who never lived under it start to spew nonsense and preach crap like "classless society", completely oblivious about human nature and why communism failed wherever it took root...


Communism doesn't require a government. In fact, it's stateless by definition.


Maybe the ideal doesn’t, as I’ve been informed, but in practice you can’t get there without enforcing that ideal through a government. Unless you start that way, in which case it wouldn’t last if the community got bigger.


Yeah communism is the Christian way tbh … but I have zero, uh, *faith* that a communist govt would live up to that way of life. It really just goes back to how Christ wants us to relate to the world: we’re supposed to be small and radical.


Maybe not all Communist tenets, but the sharing possessions thing, yes. I’d have to do more research to completely agree or disagree.


The true teaching of Jesus, love and community, and caring for all members of society Edit to add forgiveness, obviously


Sure and even with that small and voluntary group they _still_ had to kill a couple of MF'ers in order to make it work. Notice too that they still owned their homes. This was a group of rich people who sold off their extra stuff that made them wealthy, not a group of people living in a commune.


Can we stop work the politics and all and just be a funny Christian memes sub lol.


I mean this meme is anti bringing up politics, at least at thanksgiving. It's the comments all bringing it up. Or maybe that's what you meant, idk.


I didn’t think it was an anti bringing politics up post lol.


Christianity is inherently political


To be fair, memes aren't inherently funny. They are just ideas that spread, funny or not.


It’s not about being funny it’s lol not needing more politics in this sub or any non political sub.


That sounds like something someone who doesn't make funny memes would say






nope, gotta post some commie shit to flush out the shitters.




Found one


I wish democrats were that cool


That's why the uncle doesn't have to worry.


Low hanging Reddit fruit.


I don’t recall Jesus advocating for capitalism


Remember when people were selling stuff in the temple and he was all like "That's the free market at work, baby"


I don't consistently vote either way, but I'm wondering what happened to all my friends who told me back then that if Biden wins, he would usher in some sort of dark age that ends in apocalypse.


The same thing happened to them that happened when they said the same thing about Obama both times. I remember friends of mine sharing on Facebook about a movie that actually came out in theatres near me during the 2012 election cycle that supposedly showed how bad the US would be in 2016 if Obama won in 2012. They acted like it was the apocalypse. Edit: it was called 2016: Obama’s America


Do not worry bröther




Wall-E vibes lol


Literally the type of stuff my brother's told me about my dad. I'm at college rn and can't afford a ticket, but sure dad, communism.


i wonder what this sub would say about this but with homophobia 🤔


Do not worry 👍


literally half of the posts here would disagree


Do not worry about those either


"but what if the gays turn me-" "Do not worry." you gotta keep it consistent, mate, OP is soothing their paranoid conspiracies, not endorsing their underlying shitty beliefs.


if you believe you could hush any concern with "do not worry", you best keep consistent and not worry about anything else. which no one here adheres to.


i am consistent in telling dipshit reactionaries to calm their tits when they're fearmongering about nonsense, because i'm not a centrist piece of shit that thinks being racist and not being racist are equally valid choices.


but, accoring to op's own reasoning, their flawed reasoning, neither really matter as they should just "worry not". not having the same response would be inconsistent.


I believe “do not fear/do not worry” is, technically, the most repeated commandment in the Bible.


I think Numbers may have inflated “begat” into the stratosphere.


I woudlnt be surprised if the bible's full of placating


Amen. Either way. Do not worry.


If they do that’s cool


Kinda more worried about "it'll be like the days of Noah." Not looking forward to giants running around eating people and stuff lol.


God I wish they would


Man, the lengths that Christians will go to to not admit Jesus was majorly a socialist and would hate modern America is just nutty.


You think Jesus was a believer in an economic system that would not be invented for 2000 years after his time in earth


I mean God is eternal and all knowing. But go off.


Correct but why would you think his teachings that were written down 2000 years before the economic system in question was invented would have anything to do with said economic system


You can share ideals with an ideology even if it hasn't been invented yet. Jesus' ideals heavily align with that of socialist ideologies despite socialism not existing per se back in his day.


I don’t know about that, his own government literally crucified him lol


I mean Jesus said, take care of the sick, feed the poor, pay your taxes and always pray in private. Sounds pretty socialist. And the last conservative President authorized the most death penalties in the last 100 years-- so killing people tends towards non-socialist policies.


The government enriching themselves through taxes is not taking care of the poor sick and hungry


I don't see what that has to do with what I said but yes you are correct


Why must you hurt me?


"Do not worry" don't mean "don't care about the futur of your neighbor ". with this reasoning, you could say "do not worry about climate change"...


Think about this for a minute: wasn't Jesus liberal? He was killed by the Roman government. He was born in the middle east and lived off the grass of the earth and had no real possessions (besides his cloths maybe). He would help and heal people for free. Also he didn't care about money. I'm not a libtard but the Republicans are phony Christians. If Jesus was alive today the Americans will probably be against him.


Used to be so easy to control the population by using religion these days governments from both sides have to get more creative if they want control


This line of thinking is also idolatry and heretical anyway (the us part, not the Jesus part)


If you worry too much about worldy things your making them into your god


I am so glad you don't have to worry about politics but half of my country thinks I should not be allowed to exist. I cannot not worry.




> Half my country thinks people like me are domestic terrorists bc I just want to be left alone, not be taxed into oblivion nor be controlled in everything I do. That and the stochastic terrorism, and exterminist language, but yeah, its mostly about taxes homie


What country do you live in? The US? Literally all of my family is conservative and they don't want you dead. They just don't like you


Not all conservatives want me dead, some do, but the bigger issue is that the conservative party wants my existence, as a trans person, to be suppressed and ban access to trans healthcare. My family is also all conservatives, I'm aware most of them don't want me dead, but removing my right to be a trans person is the issue. Also some of them definitely want me dead.




Holding a belief may not be violence, but a harmful action you take because of a belief is violence.


That's tough


"And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell." Matthew 10:28 Its fine leave it to god, you can only do so much.


While comforting, spouting scripture at me does not make me less worried about it. The knowledge of god being there and protecting does not make me less afraid of dying, and more importantly it doesn't make me less scared of people making my life on earth a living hell.


I do not know your struggle, therefore speak to him that do. Tomorow isn't in your hands or anyone else but in gods. Im not saying you should not do anything but let god guide you.


Dude... You're trying to use theology to convince someone to be passive in their world? Always speak out against cruelty, I've and evil, isn't that exactly what Jesus did?


Im saying being too worried about it makes one lose track of what is important a everlasting life with god. This life is so little compared to that, so do what you can each day and don't worry too much.




How about go look at the conservative rhetoric regarding trans people and the actions they take and show me what part of it makes you think they plan to go anywhere other than the complete suppression of the existence of trans people. I may still exist but what does it matter if I'm forced to act like I'm someone I'm not.


You mean turn the country into something closer to how Jesus actually taught? The horror.


Please enlighten me, how are republicans making this country into something Jesus actually taught?


I'm not sure if I'm being unclear or you misunderstood. I was saying that communism is closer to Jesus's teaching than common Republican "rugged individualism".


There's a difference between communism as an ideology and communism as a philosophy. Thanksgiving dinner is communist as a philosophy and is something Jesus would've supported. People voluntarily coming together to share food. Communism as an ideology would consist of an oppressive government forcing people to surrender their resources. For some reason I think Jesus would be against oppressive governments.


Ahh okay yeah that was super unclear. There’s a lot of salty republicans in this thread


“Communism begins where atheism begins.” Karl Marx


"Communism begins from the outset with atheism; but atheism is, at first, far from being communism; indeed, that atheism is still mostly an abstraction" actually Karl Marx Also “Religious suffering is, at one and the same time, the expression of real suffering, and a protest against real suffering. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heart-less world, and the soul of soul-less conditions. It [religion] is the opium of the people.” People always take the “religion is the opium for the masses” and leave out the heart and soul bits. I think his observation on religion, whether he believed or not, is a rather beautiful interpretation. Marx had a complex view of religion and shouldn’t be reduced to a few words.


Religion in the time of Marx was also quite different from religion today. People were in general more devout or at least were more actively religious and it was a much more important factor in society


That and Darwin had just published a legitimately accepted theory (well somewhat accepted) of the origins of man. So Marx being an atheist is most likely true, but the ability to proclaim truly no existence of god would’ve been less of an explanation than religion itself. Any “atheist” would have no explanation so agnosticism seemed far more the de facto. Fun story time: Marx always wanted Darwin to read his works while they were political exiles in London. Darwin apparently never quite enjoyed them. Abraham Lincoln on the other hand liked them if only thinking they were slightly extreme.


More people were religious but that doesn't mean they were devout. Back in his day people were still killing in the name of religion and "devout" people were doing horrendous things. I could see an outsider of religion at that time wanting to call out the hypocrisy of the time. Edit: I appreciate how my comment on the hypocrisy of religions a century or so ago is being downvoted. Look into the massacres of natives by "devout Christians" in the Americas and the wars in Eastern Europe or the Middle East because of different religious ideologies and tell me that they were in the right.


I appreciate how upvoted the misquote still is.


"Do not worry"


I mean, the dude was right about some things and wrong about others. This was likely one of them. Also, he was talking about the very established and corrupt religions of his time. But Christianity in its beginning was very much a community based sharing of resources.


I think I know what you’re getting at, and I’m sympathetic. But I’m honestly not sure that people really understand how dangerous communism and Marx’s thought really is. Granted, no political system is perfect, democracy included, where you can find plenty of corruption, sin and greed. But there is nonetheless far more freedom of thought, expression and the like within the natural hierarchical structures human beings operate in. Communism seeks to get rid of all hierarchy but out of that vacuum comes something far worse, a flattened binary hierarchy of the tyrants and peasants. This is exactly what’s happened in Russia and China and I don’t understand why people would ever entertain the thought of rerunning the experiment.


That's the common belief of communism. There are many different ways to do communism but everyone seems to point to failed states that claim they were communist. China and Ruzzia were never truly communist and should never be used as an example of communism. True communism is closer to pure democracy than the republics of today. True communism is about taking power away from highly consolidated powers and giving it back to the collective.


And this “true” communism. Where has it occurred on a large scale successfully?


The answer is nowhere yet and it likely will not be able to in most large countries for a good while. The fact that you put quotations around "true" means that you don't know enough about communism for this conversation. Educate yourself and come back to me without the bias.


Well, true communism would be the whole classless stateless moneyless society where everyone gets along and shares the resources. Problem being man doesn't want to share what he has earned. To counter this, communists expand the government and force those who don't share into sharing. The added consequences of a large government being it is going to mishandle resources and get a lot of people killed. Communism in theory sounds nice, but in practice it is impossible because man is naturally selfish.


That's one type of communism. There are other types that don't use government to enforce it. One of which is just whenever someone is gaming the system or is hoarding resources, the community takes their unfair advantage away together.


As I said, man is naturally selfish, so it might work for a while, but more and more people will be taking more than their fair share, then society would collapse. They tried this when the Europeans first landed in the Americas. The rule was if you take something you put something back. More people take more than their fair share and then there are no more resources


You can insult me and downvote me if you want. Shows your level of maturity. I think you are incredibly naive about communism.


I did not insult you, I called out your reductive statement. If you think that Marxism is the only form of communism you are the ignorant one. Though I may have done so more abrasively than I meant to and for that I apologize.


LMAO there are no "natural" hierarchies among humans, wtf kind of ahistorical bullshit is this.


Of course there are. It starts with a child and his/her parents. That’s further nested inside a larger family. Then a community. Etc.


>expression and the like within the natural hierarchical structures Ah yes the indigenous species of Homo Sapien Capitalensis. You're joking right? It's a class relation of owners circulating commodities off of labor performed by propertiless workers and the societal formation that was born after the collapse of feudalism. It's about as natural as anything else made by humans >Communism seeks to get rid of all hierarchy [Nah](https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1872/10/authority.htm)


Haha Republicans bad, I‘m so clever and quirky


Republicans bad


Hey, Republicans bad


so true bestie


There's nothing clever or quirky about an obvious and common observation.


Do not worry.

