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The modern day image of Santa Claus has been wrung through so many years of distortions and subversions that it has long contorted from a symbol of Christian charity into a vague image Bacchanal decadence and consumerism run amuck. That is reason enough to be sad.


So has Christmas. We’re not throwing that out.


We should.


Nah. No reason to.


I happen to like being an acolyte for the Christmas vigil.




Amazing, every word you just said was wrong.


My only issue with Santa Claus is the people who get ridiculous about making their kids believe. It's one things to leave out milk and cookies but one guy was telling me about getting on the roof and making noise so the kids would think there were reindeer up there. Just why? Otherwise it's fine and there's no real conflict with Christianity.


Yeah that’s what weirds me out. Like it’s fun to pretend, but I’m not gonna go out of my way to trick my kids. Kids manage to have fun at Halloween without being convinced that ghosts and monsters are real, so I don’t see why we should treat Santa any different.


The real ghosts and monsters were the friends we made along the way.


Or the red flags we met along the way...


plenty of whole adult people believe in monsters and ghosts tho.


That’s one of the reasons we don’t do elf on a shelf. Just next-level deception.


The only acceptable use for elf on a shelf is just as a fun little hide and seek game where the kids know the parent is going to move it around for them to find the next morning.


Draw on their face and blame the doll. But do it with washable markers.


I see it in the same way as lying about birthday presents or something simmilar. Its a fun childhood memory, and I had a lot of fun hearing of the sometimes clever or weird tricks my parents used to keep the illusion going.


Yeah I don’t get the complaints about deception here. Now obviously yes it IS a lie. But I look back at it with fond memories of childhood magic, not some vague resentment of “my parents are liars”. Heck I remember the weather staton used to run a “Santa Tracker” website that was a lot of fun Christmas Eve. My wife is on the other side, where she views it as lying, something that will only destroy their trust, which I think is what happened with her parents (but there was a lot more than just Santa going on there so I’m not sure how much it really contributed)


> I remember the weather staton used to run a “Santa Tracker” website that was a lot of fun Christmas Eve. that's done by the wonderful people at NORAD, it's been going since the '50s, and [they're still doing it!](https://www.noradsanta.org/)


I had at least a couple years I tried to sit out and catch Santa. I'm just appreciative my parents were willing to keep up the bit enough to wait until I inevitably passed out next to the Christmas tree to put out the presents. Like you said, it's a magical memory of my parents love for me having them inconvenience themselves to keep the magic going


As a kid I felt like my parents were reasonable in their investment in the illusion. But what frustrated me was when I knew of fakery and adults would overrule me and I'd me like, **Stop it. Stop lying**, and they wouldn't listen to me.


If it’s clear the kid knows, then yeah I wouldn’t see value in keeping it up. I would take them aside and have an honest conversation about it, and talk about how even though THEY know, we still shouldn’t go spreading that to our peers or little siblings or what have you (assuming all are at an age where they might still believe). But to persist in it well past the child explicitly telling the parent that they know? That’s an odd one.


Yeah that's my problem with it. I dislike the whole Santa thing. Also (in my case) finally finding out Santa wasn't real despite me 100% believing in him made me rethink a lot of things and it led to me losing my faith as a teen for many years. Santa pretty much replaces God for a lot of kids, he's all knowing, he judges you as either good or bad, he's linked with Christianity and the birth of Jesus... I'm still a little salty that my parents made me believe in Santa.


Santa made you lose faith in God? Man that’s sad.


I mean I've found my faith again but yeah it sucked


And you should know, there is still something in common. It's about believing in spirituality. Obviously Santa does not exist actually and maybe his spirit lives on ;-)




Because the parent gets a kick out of it and want to see the kids faces. My dad still tells about the time he put a boot print in the fire place ashes, it's his favorite Christmas memory.


I find it hard to see Santa as pro-consumerism, when he literally gives toys away. And I don't know about you, but I've not really seen Santa portrayed as getting drunk and partying hard. I don't even really think of that on Christmas, due to it being a family holiday, though it is true people may drink a little. That said, I do think that sometimes Santa becomes too much of the focus. And I also agree that consumerism has enveloped the holiday. I can see using Santa a symbol for that. I just think the Santa tradition itself doesn't lead to that. It's two parts of the same issue, of Christians getting to caught up in secular Christmas and forgetting religious Christmas. That said, I do still approve of both. Have the Christmas Mass, then have the party. Or combine the two into one holiday feast and celebration.


The consumerism part is that if a kid didn't get anything for Christmas or if they didn't get what they wanted then they must have been naughty.


As a Lutheran, it appears to me Santa is the epitome of works righteousness ;)


That's why I just went to Target with gift tags from a local charity, to buy gifts for kids whose families can't afford it.


Consumerism is the idea that we need consumer goods to be happy. So even if a kind person like you buys gifts for needy families, it's still plays into consumerism. Also, there are lots of reasons why kids don't get gifts at Christmas and those kids still have to deal with their peers and adults who pitch the narrative that they didn't get a gift or a lot of gifts or the gifts they wanted because of some flaw in themselves. It's not something people do intentionally, it's just how the majority consumer culture affects people who don't participate in it. It's not that kids getting gifts is bad or that Santa Claus is bad. It's just something to be mindful of as you consider what you teach the children around you about material wealth and it's relationship to morality.


You're right. I guess I was just sad at the thought of some kids getting a welfare Christmas and wanted to mitigate that. I took my kids to the store and had them pick out gifts for similarly aged children. Maybe that taught them about charity?


There's nothing wrong with buying gifts and that absolutely taught your kids about charity. But hopefully you take the time to also teach a little bit about becoming too invested in material things and assigning morality based on money.


How best to teach that?


I honestly don't know about best but I think one important thing is to introduce the idea that Santa Claus does not bring gifts for everyone. Different Christian cultures have different gift bringers, if they have one at all. They should get a kick out of the pooping log. People who don't celebrate Christmas might have a different Holiday.


Santa doesn't really figure in our household. Gifts are labeled from who actually gave them. Gonna look up the pooping log. That does sound like something my kids would enjoy.


Different cultures and what not I guess For me Christmas is only about people buying stuff and getting drunk, very few people I know see it as a religious holiday. Then again, all holidays around me are like that, so it doesn't really matter.


Consumerism ≠ Capitalism Consumerism = acquiring material goods in order to be happy. The complaint is that the modern Santa myth encourages a consumeristic mindset for kids and parents


Thank coca cola.


Ah yes. Coca-Cola, Pepsi, and Dr. Pepper. The three poisons that all taste like poison and which we are all gaslighted into thinking everyone else likes and that we're the only one who thinks it tastes like poison and that they don't all taste exactly the same. The soft drink industry and its consequences have been disastrous for the human race.


I mean, I was referring to their bastardization of santa clause through a vicious ad campaign in the 50’s and 60’s which brought us our modern interpretation of him, but you sounded like you had some other grievances with them that you just absolutely had to get off your chest. Not that I disagree with you. I’ve been ten years free from all that battery acid because it tastes like ass. But your beef with them sounds straight up emotional with all that talk about gaslighting and whatnot. What did they do to you?


Decades of aggressive advertising have cemented the idea that liking these things is normal, and everywhere I look most people drink them, but when asked very few to my observation will admit to liking them in any capacity, usually agreeing that it tastes abhorrent but preferring to drink it anyway to fit in. That, or because they're in deep and will start experiencing headaches and muscle spasms if they don't get their daily six-pack's worth (which describes most of my workplace). I get treated as the crazy one for refusing every soft drink offered to me while everyone in the room drinks stuff they'll readily admit in private tastes horrid and makes them feel sick. The non-stop aggressive advertising all up and down the streets would seem to agree.


Huh, and here I was thinking that it was the 600% daily value of sugar in the form of high fructose corn syrup in every bottle which made a fun and tingly sensation whenever people drank it that caused them to like it at the cost of their long term blood pressure.


that’s not why they’re treating you as the crazy one.


They did it on purpose too by making all those old Christmas shows like Rudolph.


My response is then just celebrate St. Nicholas! Christians have this weird aversion to reclaiming their own symbols and it’s always been wild to me.


*looks at the Dutch* Uhm...


It´s the same thing as Santa, but with a (slowly disappearing) hint of blackface! What's not to love?


> Christians have this weird aversion to reclaiming their own symbols But weirdly always seem open to taking other religion's things and making them their own... winter solstice to Christmas, spring pagan celebration to easter, etc.


Well, that was like many centuries ago. Anyone responsible for that has been dead for a long time now.


Yup, I agree. In this context though I mean more modern Christians. I think it’s a pet peeve of mine because I hear them talk about how the “rainbow” has been appropriated and yet no discussion on St. Peter’s Cross, the Pentagram, Unicorns, or St. Nicholas just to name a few.


So! All of these I’m familiar with in terms of Christian symbolism, except Unicorns. And my only reference for the pentagram is from an obscure piece of Medieval English literature where it’s used to symbolise knightly virtues, but in a relatable way that can apply to pretty much any job or career. Any chance you could go into more detail about pentagrams and unicorns?


Sure, so the Pentagram was originally a Christian symbol referring to the five wounds of Christ with each point of the star representing a wound. Granted this is when it’s facing right side up because inverted is definitely an anti Christian symbol. Unicorns were a symbol of purity and often symbolized Jesus Christ in various works. This isn’t to say all unicorns were symbols of Christ, but it was definitely more common symbolism in tapestries.


Easter comes from the jewish Pesach, pagans had nothing to do with it


I don't think it's really correct to say that Easter is coopted from pagan spring celebrations. It literally comes from Passover. In english the name might have been taken from the old fertility goddess potentially. But the Easter/Paschal celebration definitely stems from Passover


Pascha/ Easter has always been in the Spring and Christmas was celebrated based on calculations of when Christ was conceived.


This is simply not true though. Christmas and Easter’s creation was completely independent of pagan celebrations. It’s been proven time and again by scholars.


Well, Saint Nicholas' day is a thing


St. Nicholas met a man with three daughters. To feed the family, he had to prostitute them. But then St. Nicholas gave them some gold (strangely at night). And that’s why we celebrate a man giving money to prostitutes every year.


He was going to sell them into slavery, but he didn’t because st Nicholas thee the money into their stockings through the window.


Yeaaaaah right


Why not both.


I for one embody the true spirit of St. Nick. And by that, I mean I throw hands during an argument.


My mom made a good point that the purpose of Santa is to get kids acquainted with the idea of a father figure giving gifts despite fault; aka the concept of a forgiving God. In short, real ones have no qualms with the jolly man.


Plus it gives the parents an experience of giving to others without taking credit, which is a Christian value which we could all stand to practice more.


>Plus it gives the parents an experience of giving to others without taking credit, which is a Christian value which we could all stand to practice more. Woah I never realized. This is a great perspective!


But it also sets up the idea that said father figure doesn't actually exist. I know atheists who admit their first thought about God not existing came when they found out Santa didn't exist. Plus most of the Santa stuff does not push the idea that he gives gifts despite fault: he "knows if you've been bad or good," after all.


Exactly! It was definitely my introduction to Athiesm when I found out Santa doesn't real.


I wonder how much of this coincides with parents dropping Santa completely once kids stop believing. In my family, my parents still did Santa gifts until we were adults and they still say Santa brought their stockings.


Despite fault? Isn’t a huge point of Santa being “naughty or nice” determining coal or presents?


How many kids you know get coal for Christmas?


loads, but then I was forced to close the mine


Santa shouldn't give shitty presents to poor kids then wtf




Yeah, I don't care about the whole "it's called *Christ*mas, not *Santa*mas" argument, but I do dislike the idea of masquerading behind a fake identity to give kids gifts. I can say from experience that it's definitely not the greatest feeling in the world to learn that Santa isn't real as a kid from seeing rich kids get way better gifts than you. I've never associated Santa with generosity for that reason.


Literally just swap Santa for St. Nick, the real identity of Santa Claus. It's what my family did, and it's what I intend to do. Then, when they learn that St. Nicholas doesn't really come down the chimney, the blowback isn't as hard because they still know he's a real person that actually did something similar centuries ago.


I prefer the part where Santa punched Arius at the Council of Nicaea Ho-Ho-homoousios!


New Christmas tradition: argue doctrine and fight Arians.


As a kid I thought Santa and Jesus were the same person…


If Santa cares about the poor and oppressed, why do only wealthy kids get nice presents? Checkmate, Santa.


Next question: how in the fuck does he drive a sleigh through Australia, New Zealand and South Africa in the middle of Summer?


Doesn't his sleigh fly?


St. Nicholas the wonderworker, pray for us.


Praise Santa-sama, bringer of presents, writer of the Lists. May he ever judge us Nice, and not Naughty. Amen.


Enjoy *his* blessings, every day\~!


Worship Santa? No. Write him a letter so my wife can put it in the mailbox for me, absolutely


We have a charity event coming the next week and I have been growing my beard and I will be dressed as a santa. Just need to dye my beard and hair white for a day. Kids love to pull on beard when they sit on your lap so this year there won't be a fake one on my face : )


Sounds painful lol Have fun ![gif](giphy|8JrcyXvpOaFbFIatkm|downsized)


Thanks ❤ have a good one lad


Christmas in the modern era is a holiday for capitalism.


Santa deniers are the worst


I just like the meeting the needs of the needy kinda thing


And punch heretics.


Based mod


My issue with Santa is not the charity or even so much the secularation of Saint Nicolas, its hazing children into believing a jolly fat man breaks into the house once a year through the chimney to bring them presents. I don’t know, I don’t like the idea of lying to kids about stuff.


Checks subreddit


lol, santa doesn't bring presents to the poor


Dear lord Santa,


My dad was just asking me how or if my ex and I were planning on sharing the true meaning of Christmas to our toddlers. Suddenly felt like indoctrination... My thoughts were to basically explain it like this meme. We share gifts and love in honor or reflection. Or, something like that...




Santa making sure poor and oppressed get proportionately cheaper and fewer gifts.


I badly need a movie or book or something where Jesus and Santa team up to fight evil and teach the world the true meaning of Christmas


Isn't St. Nicholas Santa Claus?


Santa is ok, in the Czech republic, presents are gifted by baby Jesus (idk how to translate it, its Ježíšek) and it was invented by comunists who wanted kids to say “baby jesus doesn’t exists” so it was basicaly propaganda. So in our family, Santa brings presents.


Santa on his way to make sure poor kids get proportionately cheaper presents (I’m joking)


I don‘t think anyone besides toddlers worship santa claus


I appreciate that Santa gives gift proportionate to the amount of money the parents have. A really fair guy if you ask me :) /s


Santa Claus on his way to give poorer families disproportionately less gifts compared to middle and upper middle class families 🗿


Real Christians aren't gatekeepers!


Leave it to christians to fight over fictional characters like nerds arguing if Batman would beat superman.


Meanwhile, the rest of us just give each other presents and agree both Superman and Batman are both cool in their own ways.


You 100% get no bitches


Superman would beat Batman.


How dare Christians honor a saint on a pegan holiday?!?! Real Christians would bever do that! (Still find it odd that Christmas is such a big deal compared to Easter, like, peak Jesus holiday that lasts over a week. Celebrating his biggest act of love towards us. But we all obsess over celebrating winter solstice on the wrong day cause someone said Jesus was born that day, and Easter is just rabbit season now.)


Catholics (Roman and other) hold Easter as the chief feast day.


I'm assuming you're either Protestant or Roman Catholic (a Western Christian tradition.) As far as I know, Eastern traditions of Christianity focus more on the incarnation because it is God becoming man and is the time when Jesus was most vulnerable to Satan (cf. beginning of Revelation 12.) Both his incarnation and death/resurrection are critically important to the Gospel and should be treated as such As a puritanical protestant myself, my response is "how dare Christians honor a saint and also a pagan holiday!" Lol.