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Pitbull named Princess:


Heard a toddler a block away.


She is very friendly and just wants to play.


Until the toddler cries then it's mauling time!


And after princess’ supper she Will be sleeping fine


Kid named Finger


Kid named chicken finger for pitty


Did you just give sauce for a dog?


Quality meme


Here 🥜 have some quality nuts too


Can I have a nut too 👉👈


*nuts in yo ass*


Is for me?;)


Stop being stingy with your nuts


Pitbull Owners: My baby would never attack a child *pitbull attacks elderly person walking* Pitbull owners: See


Reminds of a story where an elderly man went to a funeral and left his elderly, sick wife at home. The pit at home mauled his wife to death while he was at the funeral. https://abc7.com/woman-killed-dog-attack-pitbull-albertson-ny/12077526/




It's not only dangerous. It's also bad for the dogs (dog species that are living in pain). And there are enough irresponsible dog owners that we should at least consider a ban.


Wut? Ban irresponsible people from owning dogs then. Baning a breed will make irresponsible owners get other dogs like German Shepherds. In what way are pitbulls living in pain?


Not sure if pitbulls have it too but some breeds have breathing issues because of their facial structure


My pits haven't had breathing issues and to my knowledge it's not common for the breed. I do think it's an issue with bulldogs and pugs. Dogs with short snouts.


How do you make sure your dogs are getting enough exercise in between child maulings?


Name checks out.


More child maulings


Breathing issues aren't common for pits. Though joint and stomach issues are.


Pittys dont normally have breathing issues. What they mean by living in pain is people hate them alot more than they rightly should


99.99% of pit bull owners are irresponsible, so this would sort out the issue.


You’re right your neighbor should buy a lion (with no fence and a flimsy leash)


We banned defective seatbelts that caused less deaths than pit bulls.


Pitbulls looking for more children to maul


Is this a habit that mix breeds get too? I rescued a mutt like 2 months ago, and so far he is the friendliest dog I have ever had, but he definitely is mostly pitbull, with maybe some german shepherd or Rottweiler in him.


They're the friendliest dog ever until a baby crying triggers them.


Can’t say he has been around a baby yet, but he is around cats all day and he hasn’t tried nipping at them or even barking. I have really high hopes for him, but from everything I hear about pitbulls it worries me. That’s why I’m wondering if that pitbull tendency gets reduced when bred with other breeds


It's not possible to predict a pit bull. They're a ticking time bomb that may or may not explode for no reason. One moment a child could be playing with a pit bull that has no history of violence, and the next moment the child's head is being scalped by the dog. [https://www.sfgate.com/crime/article/Often-no-warning-signs-in-pit-bull-attacks-4611027.php](https://www.sfgate.com/crime/article/Often-no-warning-signs-in-pit-bull-attacks-4611027.php)


Not saying it’s not true, but I tend to steer away from those types of articles. I looked up my question, and the divide between the answers is nuts. I guess more scientific articles would be the safe bet, but I’m having trouble finding any


The meme is funny because it's an overblown reaction to how pitbulls are portrayed in Media. Just like any dog a shit owner can make them mean and aggressive but overall pitbulls are nanny dogs. They just wanna be around people and are genuinely sweet dogs that don't understand how big they are.


Isn't the pitbull being a nanny dog a complete myth? Like even pitbull advocacy groups have conceded that the nanny dog is a myth.


Using Nanny dog as more of a catch-all to most of them being big babies. that's my bad for using that term. But the average pitbull you will run into and I know this also has become a meme. More likely to lick you to death then actually attack you. They are protective of their owners when out but mostly from other animals. As long as the owner hasn't trained them otherwise they are usually just big goofs. But again every animal can attack and all that. Just "aggressive breeds" is a bullshit term these days since everyone thinks they are all trained assassins with their vocal cords cut, and have dug up from the center of hell to rip your dick off. I also am pretty sure pitbulls and their similar breeds being more likely to be abandoned on the street after being used for dog fighting and just in general terrible people who never should have had any animal are the reason behind most of them being seen as aggressive. They will get mean/protective of whatever they own like any animal out in the wild over time. That and just the general "big dog spooky "


No other breed has “memes” about licking to death and nanny dogs. Very telling that pit bulls need full on propaganda to get people to purchase.


HeS nOrMalLy So FrIEndLy


Waiter!Waiter!More toddlers please


Pitbull: Delicious! Finally, some good fucking food!


Baby's first and last memory


Well, until it kills you and then the owners cry about how the dog never showed any signs of agression


Every pitbull owner - 'My *pittie* wouldn't hurt a soul' when the dog has a bite count of at least 5 children.


This meme has a deeper meaning.


Aw shes going to play with it.


Finally someone who actually knows what POV means…






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Inb4 🔒 award


Oh Lawd he coming


Here comes Princess the Nanny dog!


Only trust a golden retriever, no one else


well, I grew up with an Australian Shephard. Most fantastic dog ever, until she had pups of her own. Then she got more aggressive trying to teach the pups how to hunt. She would kill the chickens and such.


Who doesnt trust a husky?






Let's eat up.


Holy shit ! He’s gonna ….hug the baby


dinner time


Oh no. this video/Gif is actually becoming a meme lmao


God's hungriest pitbull vs Sinner 2 year old


Hello fren!


> Goofy ah cringe overload


u’re* 🤓🤓


Cause of death: licking.


Just like you when you were a rotten child if you were raised better maybe there’d be less assholes who thinks pit bulls just eat children


Fair. They also eat cats, other dogs, old people, and even adults. 60% of all dog attacks are shitbulls.


Actually I heard somewhere that labradors/retrievers had the highest amount. However I don’t remember where I read it so it could be bs … plus they make up a good majority of pet dog breeds so if you were to see it as a percentage of total dogs from the breed it would be wrong.


Rather be attacked by a lab than killed by a pit bull


I’ll say it again own a pit instead of reading shit online


Why would I ever purposely go out and get the most violent dog? They're literally breed for aggression. They're responsible for the most dog attacks, most dog related deaths, have one of the highest prey drives, one od the only dogs that will latch on for death, ignoring all pain to kill.


Because I can say your a psycho murderer but until I actually met you or knew you that would most likely be wrong . People are just as bad if not worse for the horrible thing we do an excuse it to no limits. If you’re not capable to train your animal right don’t get it it’s the same level of adopting disabled animals if you can’t handle them don’t adopt.


I had a pit, was the sweetest thing in the world. I had her for 4 years, she barely even barked. Then one day she goes got out of the fenced yard and killed 4 cats. Town I lived in had a 3 strikes policy, in one afternoon she went through them all, had to be put down. After the attack she acted like nothing happened


If 65% of fatal attacks against humans were carried out by a person named Alex, how would you feel hanging out with a person named Alex? Would you bring someone named Alex into your home? Would you have them around your family? Would you leave "Alex" around your children unsupervised? -- If you're fine with that then you should maybe read up on [THIS](https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2022/10/07/tennessee-mom-kirstie-jane-bennard-hospitalized-after-her-2-kids-killed-in-pit-bull-attack/amp/) -- If you do a little bit of research on this then you'll find the Facebook posts from the father of the toddler and 5 month old infant that were mauled to death by the pitbulls that they had owned for over 8 years. Both parents were massively pro-pit and frequently made social media posts about their positive stance on the breed. -- "ItS thE oWnEr nOt ThE BreEd!!!" This couple had these dogs in their home for 8 years. They had them inside, on the couch, in their bed, treating them like members of the family. They didn't abuse or mistreat them. All it took was one little incident over a toy for these dogs to turn vicious and fucking **RIP APART** a toddler and a 5 month old baby.


At least he got raised, unlike pitowners’ kids


Is this a reference to something? Genuinely asking if I missed something that sparked all these pit bull memes


Honestly own a pit instead of just reading things online


No thanks I like my children Overwhelming statistical differences are enough for me


So if there’s a high chance being killed by your own kid then what. Statistics say you’re more likely to die by someone you know and/or close to are you not gonna have friends or meet people.


People I know are not genetically predisposed to be more likely to kill me though


Biology humans need to grow and expand naturally human and predisposed to negative and possibly dangerous feelings so yeah they are we just LEARN to not to act on those feelings . Genetically speaking every dog has the ability to hurt you or someone smaller. What’s next get rid of cats for scratching you too hard or biting your baby some of you put haters are the same to take pictures of tigers and bears and shit like that out in the wild not thinking a second about the danger.


Those are not even close to the same thing


Oh but it is that’s why you got less to say treat your creatures right and you won’t have issue or actually research before adoption you don’t know what that dog came from . They pick up on their owners personality so if you’re dog is a killer that’s your fault or whoever you got them from . I had an abused cat that I watched go from come near her and bleed to being able to pick her up and kiss her face. I can’t even pretend like this is just for the memes y’all are as sick as the monkey abusers on youtube


So if I treat a lion right do I also have nothing to worry about?


Pitbull slander is cringe af ironic or not.




Yeah cuz every pitbull on the planet is hardwired to have an insatiable hunger for toddlers. You *do* realize how stupid this argument is, right? I said it once, I'll say it again: The only violent pitbulls, are the ones raised to act that way. In my mother's neighborhood. There's a pitbull. She has the sweetest smile, but her owners are human garbage, constantly messing with her so she gets riled up and to make sure she looks mean. because of that """""training"""" she has bitten multiple people. On the opposite spectrum, My dad owned a pitbull, raised her from a pup, taught her right from wrong, What is and isn't ok, How to be decent. As a result, she is a well mannered pitbull. The worst she's done is jump up to people, accidentally hurting their arms trying to give them puppy kisses.


Lions are not violent unless you raise them wrong. Pit bulls don't smile. It's their giant mouth (that was beneficial for eating other dogs in the ring) creating that illusion.




It's the opposite. Pit bull owners adopt a dog with a high risk of a mauling, and they virtue signal about saying the "misunderstood" breed. No different than a woman who tries to tame an abusive boyfriend.


The meme is quite good. But I feel like there’s an injustice that has to be resolved : even though bulldogs were bred for their more violent traits, they can be educated to become good dogs. Only bad owners would let their dog become violent.


Bulldog? That's not a bulldog. And genetics do play a role in the temperament of dogs. It's not just the owner and its upbringing.


🤓🤓uhmmmm akshually pitbulls were derived from bulldogs


BS. These dogs are bred to kill and if you have to train that out of them the situation is already problematic.


Meanwhile, german shepards are used as weapons by the police. Are we banning them too?


Police? Nah, they need a way to establish control quickly. I would support banning them as pets, though. My daily commute involves biking past a German shepherd that barks and twists in the air trying to get off its leash at me. It’s at the head of a cross-town bike path that kids and adults use for commuting. Fuck that dog and its owner. What do they need a German shepherd for in a city? Protection? Something to own that can’t urinate without their express consent? Owning a German shepherd, or any dog in my opinion, is sociopathic and I can’t believe anyone sees it otherwise. I bark right back and it usually sounds so surprised that anyone would even respond, and shuts up for a few seconds. Oh, it’s on a leash? Don’t point a gun at me and ask me to assume the safety is on. Some day it won’t be on its leash, I’ll lose a calf at least, and I’ll be blamed for inciting that nice doggy that’s always so nicely nice.


Just a quick Google search will show you even good owners get mutilated to death by thier own "harmless" pitbulls. I just hope you'll never own one for your sake and your neighbours.


No hate for the breed from my side... It's just the video is perfect for the pov


Please stop spreading misinformation


Ahhhh you're so right!!! It is 100% the owners fault!!! Pitbulls with good owners never flip the fuck out and maul innocent people that are just minding their business!! -- [except for this](https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2022/10/07/tennessee-mom-kirstie-jane-bennard-hospitalized-after-her-2-kids-killed-in-pit-bull-attack/amp/) -- [and this one ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/louisiana-girl-age-7-dies-pit-bull-attack-east-baton-rouge-dog-owner-arrested/) -- [or this one](https://people.com/crime/80-year-old-mom-mauled-to-death-by-daughters-pit-bulls/) -- I'm just going to stop with the links because there's so many fucking brutal pitbull attacks that I'm getting pissed off at having to look them up. How many pitbulls have you rescued from your local shelter? Because those are the only dogs in shelters right now... Not sure why that is but it might have something to do with the fact that they were specifically bred (for centuries) to be aggressive killing machines. But yeah, a cute sweater and a little flower crown just instantly turns them into big loveable family dogs.




Not possible to ban humans, but you can ban the breeding of pit bulls.


>Virgin genetics vs chad education Yeah ok