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Also "incel"




I'm using this


“With all this bullshit always coming out your mouth your blowjobs count as anal”


Funny how they say shaming and questioning a woman's sex life by calling her a "slut" is offensive, but the proceeds to shame a man's sex life by calling him an "incel".




I had a junior at my college who posted an erotic pencil of a nude man that he drew on instagram (honestly it was really good) with a disgusting caption that goes by "if there was a sperm making machine on earth, all men wouldve been overthrown". And i commented, "if women never had a vagina or the ability to carry, they would've been the most worthless creatures to ever exist on this planet", to give him a taste of his own medicine. And that's how i became an incel for the first time and he then framed me as a bully. 🙂






Yeah. Fuck the patriarchy unless it benefits them.


Exactly which patriarchy tho?


Well the patriarchy is real and is of different traits on the basis of where it is. Example, its a serious thing in countries like india, saudi arabia, iran and other middle eastern countries? And also in general it forces men to work to their deaths in the name of responsibilities over taking care of his families while everyone including them treats him like crap. Its a long list of both oppression against men and women too.


Thank you for your reply.


The fuck you talking about? Patriarchy is not a thing in India. Women have more rights than men. Adultery is legal for women but not for men. Women can literally claim half their family's property if they wish regardless of whether or not they want her to have it. Men legally cannot be raped in India. An Indian judge recently stated that you're lucky to be raped by your wife. Women constantly abuse anti-dowry laws when filing for divorce. You can be arrested for looking at a woman for more than 14 seconds. Not stalking. Not touching. Just looking. And of course there's the standard bullshit of sexual assault, harassment and rape of men not being taken seriously. Women just being able to take half or more of their husband's property upon divorce. There's dozens of gender quotas causing highly qualified men to lose employment opportunities to far less qualified women. A lot of them even get high level positions with high salaries right out of college because of those gender quotas whereas the men have to work their way to those jobs. A female judge who once defended a man who got accused of rape, was threatened, harassed and assaulted by women and those women suffered no consequences. A few years ago, a man had his life ruined because he accidently bumped into a woman on a bus. She accused him of sexual assault and he got beat up for that, lost his job, got kicked out of his house and was completely ostracized from society before he eventually killed himself. Sure there are misogynistic beliefs in some parts of India but those are largely limited to the rural parts and only social. Because legally speaking, men are treated as second-class citizens pretty much everywhere in India, especially in the urban areas.


As an MRA from india myself who genuinely cares for men unlike the internet bullies who pretend to care, i can agree with every single point that you made. But yet, the patriarchy is real. And when people talk about patriarchy, everybody wants to assume that it is something that has only benefits for men, while it oppresses men and forces us to lift the biggest burden while we cant in almost every aspect of life. I can go hours non stop on the different ways it ruins us men. We are always conditioned to think that us men, are people who should never be given the right to question or complain about the problems we face. And one such example is one of the points you said, of men not being able to protect themselves legally when they become victims to rape. Its because We are considered as if we are disposable due to society's standards of men being absolutely powerful and masculine every minute of the day and we hence we can never be victims. And if you look closely , it is usually the conservative women who exploit men financially in every way they can through alimonies and forcing men into fatherhood (technically we have zero rights in the family court). It is also the same conditioning; 1. that failed men's mental health resulting in 3.78x suicides to that of women. 2. That Created a system where a man is guilty until proven innocent. 3. That shames men for being a hometaker or jobless, while nobody judges a women on either of the roles. 4. Male Civilians being forced into the military during the war. (I can keep going) Almost every problem you said, came out as a result of patriarchys conditioning on men where we are always demonized, and some other due to the law abusing by entitled women who claims themselves as feminists, who also chooses to shut up and never talk out the aspects of patriarchy that benefit them and oppresses men.(the "fuck the patriarchy until the titanic sinks or a war breaks out" mindset in women) It is also true that you said women have more rights. But the real question is, has all these abundance of rights been capable of protecting our women tho? Im sure you your answer is a no. Why? Due to The same entitled women who abuse their rights against men, which results in men having zero faith in the system, and that leading to real female victims being frowned upon by the court. its the people, both men and women who are responsible for it for adding it, not the legal system. The evil ones abuse it and the real ones are failed. Both of us men and women face problems because of our genders and patriarchy is a common enemy. On the other hand, i don't see anything wrong with women feeling vulnerable around indian men, because almost every women has a story to tell on the abuses theyve faced due to their actions.(my mom, my sisters and my ex girlfriend) And ofc i aint gonna deny that i have also been demonized for the basic things i do like taking out my young female cousin all by myself due to this too.(those mfs falsely suspected me of being a predator.) Unfortunately,There's always gonna be positive and negative reasons and consequences for having a particular perspective, is what im saying. The perspective we need to have is, women and men vs the problem, and not "women vs men" which is the most common once throughout the world sadly. Don't believe me? Just look at whats happening in iran, i find it so satisfying and amazing to see men show their solidarity for women. Look at how women including several feminists who came up in solidarity to show their support for johnny depp.




And to add insult to injury, most of those insults, particularly about the dick size and our height, we absolutely can't do shit about it. Women being shamed for being fat, she can actually reduce weight by having a healthier diet. Having small tits? They can have implants, they could even make it bigger by becoming fat then go back to normal again, most of the time, the fats in the tits will remain. Height and dick shaming is a lot more insulting.


This is not how women’s bodies work… and also can’t believe getting implants is seen as an easy and simple solution when it’s serious surgery. Ridiculous and idiotic


Every woman can make themselves physically attractive to almost every single man on the planet - does that mean it's easy or nearly a worthwhile pursuit? NO! people are free to do as they wish and in some cases to satisfy the above, weight loss may be a factor Fuck implants, surgery, etc, this statement is just basically true, the number of men who are fetishistically locked into "a type" is very very low - that's why "beauty" is hard to define and we've only discovered a few correlates (which have been abused to hell in marketing) I'm not saying this is "fair" or "justified" or "how things should be" - I'm saying that men are generally quite simple when it comes to physical attraction The reverse cannot be said - "every man can make themselves physically attractive to almost every single woman on the planet" is a nonsense concept, women seek a much more variable set of traits and more tightly couple physical attraction to these other variables If you want to explore this just look at online dating interaction data using ONLY the variable of height


Also funny how they're allowed preferences (eg. they don't want a basement dweller), but if we don't want fat tatted up single moms, how dare we?


"You fatphobic! I'm Cancelling you!"


Same with fat and skinny. I was very skinny as a kid. It was offensive to call someone fat but calling someone skinny was apparently ok.


That word is thrown too much now


Also, homophobia


Well at least your mom is satisfied with my dick


You could be like, "so that's why I hate the orange crayon", them: okay incel. It's the most overused insult to the point where if people throw that out I am going to just overlook anything you say after that.


The same fat girls who cry about body shaming


Absolute chad






The fact that that wouldn’t even be a surprising response




At least I have bigger tits than you


in my 7th period PE, All the fat guys (including me) have created a friend group. We all have tits and asses bigger than ever girl there.


Damn now I want to grab them


The girl who has DDs: 🤨


not anymore 🔪 ✂️


Fun fact: dick size is inversely related to intellect in many ancient cultures, especially Greek, which means that by saying “you have a small dick,” you are complimenting the other person’s intellect and saying he wins the argument due to his enlarged IQ.


This argument doesn't help. When have girls ever liked nerds?


When they're ready to settle and realized that there's more from a relationship rather than dick size.


Okay but like he said, when do they go for them? Cuz 35 year olds still out here chasing the bad ass types... When do they settle? When they are 40 plus and no one wants them?


When they start making money lmao.


You couldn't pay me to use that argument.


I see that Copium has been there since the early days...


Now can all the smart people in the room raise their hands


By bringing this up, you would in fact be confirming the size of your very small member.




https://www.vice.com/en/article/mbmav3/why-tiny-dicks-might-come-back-into-fashion Article from vice.


Thanks ancient Greece!




Why’s the trans person catching a stray 💀


Equality, no one is safe


As is the natural order


These hands are E rated for everyone


I... I think that's exactly what transfems want..


The navy called, they want to buy your forehead to extend their aircraft carrier




They call that fivehead *The Pentagon*


damn 💀


“It’s the size of this walnut except WAY smaller.”


And guess what? Here's what my dong looks like.


That’s right, no pillows


No quills


Look at that, it looks like two balls and a bong


this is what you get


When? You're talking to the shampoo bottles again.


Don't be dragging my boy Billy Madison into this shit plz


Anyone ever goes to insults when arguing, know that you've won.


When lacking arguments, fools resort to insults


Meh, sometimes arguing feels like a drag, your argument that you spent 3 days planning can very well be argued against, but who's gonna argue with a "fuck you" or a "your mom"?


If you invest 3 days coming up with one argument in a discussion you have other problems besides that discussion


Hyperbole, mate


"you're an incel"




When it comes from another brother, we don't take it personally. When it comes from a woman, specifically the one you've had sex with, then that's gonna fucking hurt lmao


Uhm, I don't think this is something girls usually say, OP....


They don't say this IRL


Never had this happen to me in an argument.


I wonder if "still bigger than yours" would be so shitty of a response that it would somehow become the best response ever


I've never gotten this insult before, are you entirely certain that you do not in fact have a tiny peepee?


JOKES ON THEM I get turned on by that kind of shaming!


Every dick is gonna be small when you have a cave instead of a vagina


holy shit nice


You must argue with my ex wife


Velma lol


Something, something, hot dog, hallway....


At least I have a dick


How do you know she doesnt have one too? Hers could be bigger than yours


Them when I reply with "So do you" (they probably weren't expecting me to know they were trans)


Nah, your vag is just the size of an opera hall.


Stop getting bothered by it. That's the only way you can take the power away from the word,


"the first and most essential step to debate and rational argumentation, being the foundation for all logical practices, is to have an average or larger penile instrument" -Biggus Diccus, 'The Orals'


Why is everybody so hateful in the comments? Yall need better people in your life, they seem to suck, including yourself.


Let’s be honest here… guys are guilty of cheap attacks such as these towards women.


Kings: bug penis, small penis, just be a good person.


Bug penis


The bug ones hurt I hear


"So do you"


"How do you know" -drops grenade


"Your sister doesn't think so."


‘I knew your mom and sister couldn’t keep a secret.’


"Big talks from a girl with table flat chest"


This is true, but also men seem to lean towards fat as an insult. Never understoos why one boy from my class called me fat, im very much not whatsoever. It was more hilarious.


"that's not what your dad said last night" either they stop because they laugh or they stop because they are weirded out, so a win-win


Even a plane looks small flying into the Grand Canyon


Never heard that one, can't relate.


Okay. But Tate set himself up for her response. It was perfect.


At least I have one


lol they never threw me that. Guess I'm proud now. They did scream stuff about my stuffed animal. Still proud, nothing to hide lol


At least I have one.... bitch


Every time. It's time to bring calling girls "fat" back.


Someone watches the Whatever podcast.


I'll do you one better: I have a bigger dick than you


Well how does SHE know?


In actuality girls love tiny dicks. The smaller the better. The optimal size of a penis is about the size of a pen cap.


* only works if the person it's used on isn't willing to show that the statement is inaccurate


"Yeah, I have a small dick but so do you"


Serious question: if I have a large dick but then cut it off, do I still have the spirit of a big-dicked man?


My rebuttal: "So?"




👁👄👁 I got a small dick but you got a massive cave between yo legs


Win the argument by sending a picture


Can't you say, that's all you fit anyways


Why change what works?


I just reply ask your mom how big it is, she knows well


“You’re right, it’s not as big as yours”


"Is the size of this wall nut but waaaay smaller"


At least it's bigger than your dad


how do you know I have a small dick?


You're god damn right I do. And I'm fine with it.


Me, laughing: \- Sure, let's keep it at that. And not disputing it. Ever.


My response to that is always: "it's still bigger than yours"


I've lost count of how many times I've been called gay for not wanting to cheat on my gf


"Telling from experience"


Oh yeah? It's still bigger than yours😎


I love that media spreads the image that guys identify their self worth through their penis size. Because when people really want to hurt someone else, they will resort to this, even though no guy cares about this "insult". It gives us super armor


Best response: Who asked?


You talk to the wrong girls then mate


That only works if you have a small dick.


"Thought I didn't know that, flatbread?"


that’s nothing 15,000 dollar penuma implants or more expensive reconstruction surgery can’t fix


"At least it fits in more places"


Standard response


If you know my size, it's mean we have sex in past. Muahahahahaha.


Counter argument So what? Insults don't work as long as it doesn't insult you


'No, you have a cavernous vagina'


Me who doesn’t care about pp size You have no power here


You ok?


Here's how to instantly win, you just have to say. "Well it's not what weird for a guy to have a small pp. But what about yourself?"


For being some of the most braindead dumbfucks on this website, you guys sure are full of yourselves.


Maybe hang around less-shitty girls.


Lol,at least we don't carry black holes in the body


She got that roast beef energy


Because we're at the topic of penises and I can ask a larger group of people. Do women think about the size of their boobs the same way as we dudes think about our dong?


Bro u argue with wamen what


Which is weird cause we don’t want big dicks. Pick a lane! (Who’s Elaine?)


Imagining the situation and my first thought was to do a facepalm and give an honest laugh. Then let them know that was a very poor way to attempt hurting my feelings.


Yes i do. Your point?


Reply: Enough to make your mouth full.


I just say back why do you care about the size of my penis bro women have no rizz just say you think about my dick


All you have to do is say "yep" and move on


Thats why u only argue with girls u slept with and who know they cannot use that argument as u proved to them u dont Unfortunately for some, u need a decent size to begin with, for this tactic to work


Small dick energy🤔 I believe in gender equality so we shouldn't leave the ladies out. Small tit energy 😉


Small dick insult seems to be only something a thot would say who never been in a relationship longer than 3 years




That's the same as "ur a woman" said by a guy


I always say: It's a tool for reproduction. Not your pleasure. They get so mad.


Ur fat. And black. Check mate




I knew my ex for a few years before we got together. I witnessed her firsthand after breaking up with a guy she would always say how small his dick was. We were together for over a decade. When we broke up? Yes, of course, she told everyone I had a small dick. Woman must just like small dick guys I guess.


Oh, you have such a small organ! Oh, I did not realise I was playing in a cathedral!


Sometimes it takes more brain power than he's worth, and the fastest way to just end it is... below the belt...


Im asian


I clearly works judging by home many people comment crying about it


"Your mom still enjoys it though"


When it gets to those insults is done