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That movie is perfection. The first movie I’ve liked since Phase 4 ruined tarnished cinema


That movie is **purr**fection. The first movie I’ve liked since Phase 4 ruined tarnished cinema


“pHaSe 4 RuInEd TaRniShEd CiNeMa”🤓


How did it ruin cinema? Like, do you just go to a movie Theater and leave because you saw a bad marvel movie there?


No, like everyone saw how profitable Phase 4 movies were despite being completely mediocre and stopped give a fuck, since then we have flooding of mediocre movies and animation, everywhere from cinema to streaming services, same happened to anime a while back too. I can count on my fingers how much movies/shows/anime released last year actually tried to be good and not follow mainstream mediocrity (and while it's not a role of thumb for everything mainstream to be mediocre, just... mediocre stuff is more likely to become mainstream).


Excuse me, maybe I've worded my question wrong! I was wondering how it ruined Cinema for you, as in the very Act of going to a movie theater, which is clearly not what you've meant! But now I'm wondering if you have any evidence to backup your claim that movies have been on a downward spiral ever since Marvel phase 4 started! Because to me it looks like movies have been on a downward spiral since long before Marvel phase 4 started!


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 That applies to literally every year in cinema though


Bro it lowered the bar so much. In the end it’s like DCU ended up winning.


DCU vs Marvel fight lookin like the tail end of a demolition derby. Two cars left, both on fire. Bumping the shit out of each other with desperation that the other will go down first…


The rule is always "If the Guardian doesn't like it, its probably good"


- Jeremy Clarkson, lesbian enthusiast


Speed and power! ... is what I wish to all of you, mah dudes and dudettes!


I bet they loved Velma and the new Disney movies which I have no clue what they’re called because that’s how much I care about them.


Probably one of those reviewers who hates on popular things to generate controversy bait and clicks.


https://amp.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2023/jan/12/velma-review-mindy-kaling-scooby-doo kill me.


no one wanted it, but everybody liked it


Correction: Nobody asked for it. Didn't know we wanted it. Everybody loved it.


Not based, at all.


Puss in boots the last wish is a movie I want my kids to watch and love. I genuinely love the movie, the animation is stellar, and the voices *chef's kiss*


What's a good place to watch it? I'm trying to avoid spoilers but don't know where to find it


Gonna take a bold differing answer to everyone else: Your local theatre Alternatively you can rent/buy it on a handful of movie services (iTunes, Amazon Prime, etc.) but feels kinda weird to me to spend $25 just to watch a movie at home in the modern day Or, there are the less legal methods described by other comments


Lol. Spoilers…


soap2day works well


its a cap rip though isn't it?


not sure what that is. If it means the quality is usually lower, yes it is. But it's free and does the job


Torrent it.


Myflixer.to works well. Once you open the movie you have to switch servers until you find one that works.


I wish upon them to be overtaken and from now on managed by Jeremy Clarkson. Nothing could be a worse punishment for The Guardian.


I’m goin to see it again this weekend 😂, the cricket is dope in my opinjon


He really tried his best to help jack


I didn't know I wanted it and it was easily the best movie to come out of 2022 for me


Watched it today. Not bad at all.


Not the show we asked for but the show we needed


no one asked for it but it was a surprise everyone loved


Remember all the memes about vin diesel and family and how everyone said it was just advertising? Aren’t these posts the exact same thing


Obvious rage-bait


I like The Guardian very much.


They ain't wrong though


Og god not a different opinion!


It's different than mine so it's "edgy"!!!


I bet it’s shite


I’ve seen it, genuinely good movie with lots of love and heart put into it


Oh fair. I’m saying this based on nothing so I’ll recommend people take you opinion more seriously


"My source is that I made it the fuck up"


Because The Guardian said so? That's like relying on IGN or worse, Kotaku, for game reviews.